Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Well respectfully, Hideki Kamiya was the one who created Dante and Devil May Cry. Not CAPCOM. I do agree though, CAPCOM is as responsible as Ninja Theory for giving the project to them. I'm mad at CAPCOM, but I'm more angry at NT for creating the actual changes as apposed to CAPCOM who left them off the chain. But as far as you thinking that Ninja Theory hasn't been dissing old fans and the old series ...
---“But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago – I think that was when the first game came out [It actually came out nine years ago for PS2 - JC] – isn’t cool any more.
---“If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out."
Tameem and his development team at NT obviously have no respect for the old series, or the people who like it. He didn't even know when the first game came out. And even after that, unprovoked, he started bashing Hideki Kamiya's latest game "Bayonetta," for no reason other than to arrogantly profess himself as greater than the genius who actually created the Devil May Cry series:
---“But in terms of, ‘Do I think it’s cool?’ No, not at all. I think it’s caricatured and over-the-top and very ‘Japanesey,’ and for that absurd style it does that really well, but that’s not what I want.”
I'm sorry I didn't want to start an argument, but when you say something like:
"CAPCOM wants the change and if NT said something not nice capcom would have said something....i mean they are the one who made DMC in the first place"
it just doesn't seem like you understand what I'm saying or why I'm angry. As far as my thoughts on the way the new Vergil looks compared to the old version, I think you have my answer.
I hope you don't mind me doing this, and if I offend you, I apologize whole heartedly.
NT had no choice but to change Dante and the DMC world, because that's what Capcom actually wanted for the franchise. NT were just the workers who were told to remake DMC and make it more modern. NT itself isn't to blame, Tammen is actually the sole person people vent their hate to.
now about what he said about this;
“But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago – I think that was when the first game came out isn’t cool any more.
---“If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out."
I don't find that offensive because as long as it doesn't have anything to do with my race, beliefs, or standards, I can never find it offensive as a DMC fan. Plus this is just Tammen's opinion of DMC, just like so many others have an opinion over. I do in a sense agree with Tammen, DMC was cool back when it first came out, stylish and all, but DMC2 set it back and with it Capcom lost many fans because of it. DMC3 brought some back but not all their fans, and DMC4 didn't bring many back either. Personally I miss DMC1 and DMC3 as they were the key DMC games story wise and gameplay wise. DMC2 was a set back because of a new team and DMC4 was cheap in my mind because it had nothing to do with Dante, which told me that Dante's story was done with. So yeah, in a way, he's not right, but he's also not wrong. Tammen's intitled to his own opinion just as Kamiya was intitled to his opinion when he ripped on PlayStation All stars. Or Kamiya saying Bayonetta could beat DMC Dante easily.
---“But in terms of, ‘Do I think it’s cool?’ No, not at all. I think it’s caricatured and over-the-top and very ‘Japanesey,’ and for that absurd style it does that really well, but that’s not what I want.”
This, I thought was unfair. Bayonetta's suppose to be this style and over the top. However, again it's Tammen's opinion and he doesn't want it for himself or DmC since he's making DmC more modern. Bayonetta's too over the top to be modern and that wouldn't fit in his "Dark Knight: batman" styled DmC. I'm not a big fan of Bayonetta cause it's a bit stereotypical for me, an otaku, to get into in terms of anime style; One liners, over the top action, lines seem rehearsed, no realness.
Again, If I offended you, I analogize.