A message to all DmC supporters

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Did you ever troll/flame someone who didn't support DmC?

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This guy is holding Capcom/NT responsible for using this flame/troll war to their advantage to sell a video game. IMO The same Capcom some of you are defending which "can do no wrong."
Capcom could be great if they had better dlc policies,and had more respect for their biggest characters, by you know, actually making games with those characters in it lol. I think the reason why Capcom really wanted Ninja Theory was not only because of it's storytelling, it also has some of the best art direction in the industry as of now, and they wanted a western appeal and were smart enough to know that they could not provide that themselves. Also NT is really good at motion capture, and level design and if Heavenly Sword is an example, has good knowledge of combat mechanics, which a lot of western developers REALLY lack. A lot of people throw platinum games as a better choice but forget that they have worked with Platinum before when it was Clover Studios and all three games released with them were flops commercially and the fact that Kamiya being a big part of that studio has a lot of bad blood with Capcom.
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I've been a subscriber of Event Status since his initial reaction to the 2010 trailer. I have watched this whole thing unfold hoping it would get better. I got tired of waiting for someone to fix it so...I came here and tried to take the first step to reunite the community.

Hard to tell if it's working or not but I feel better doing this than absolutely nothing!<=]
I agree with you. They did take a risk with DmC just as they did with DMC2. IMO they could have still made a new game all together because, from what it sounds like, you guys would like/be interested in the game regardless if it were a devil may cry game or not. I just don't believe slapping "Devil May Cry" on a game makes it a "Devil May Cry" game. I believe this is unique enough to be a stand alone title.
Not sure if that's entirely true because I am sure that a lot of design choices in this game were made because it was part of the DMC series and had they not had that in mind when developing the mechanics, i'm not sure it would have been the same at all. It's hard to say and sadly it has caused a fissure in the community that I think would be fixed if people on both sides just grew up a little(meaning all the people who just hate the game over silly reason like DONTE IS GAY!!!), not you who actually have real legit reasons to not care for the game
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I've been a subscriber of Event Status since his initial reaction to the 2010 trailer. I have watched this whole thing unfold hoping it would get better. I got tired of waiting for someone to fix it so...I came here and tried to take the first step to reunite the community.

Hard to tell if it's working or not but I feel better doing this than absolutely nothing!<=]
I know how you feel, I have loved dmc ever since I rented the first one, I hate to see what has become of the fan base
Something that isn't explained does not necessarily = plot hole, it is simply unexplained. All that is ever said to inform us in DMC1 is that Dante "lost a mother and a brother to evil 20 years ago". We both know that DMC3 was similar to this reboot in re-setting up the characters for the purposes of telling its story. In that sense it is no more a plot hole than Nero's origin, or Dante having an angel mother, or is a retcon. It's not a plot hole within the story of DMC3 itself, but an inconsistency within the series.

DMC3 did retcon the DMC1 novel events.

The novel is canon to Kamiya's DMC. I asked him about it.

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I really appreciate Robert wuz here for your efforts. Also, I feel like what alot of people who are new to the series don't understand, are your further reaching implications on how a game like this can affect the gaming community as a whole. Not only has Capcom benefitted from pitting the Devil May Cry community against one another to sell the new reboot, but it has divided its fanbase entirely. Capcom is the ultimate enemy that we should be directing all of our frustration and feedback to, not eachother. For newcomers it's hard to understand, considering DmC is their first taste, but for long term gamers and fans, Capcom's intentions are obvious and deplorable. How many Resident Evil 6's must we endure? How many Megmans?

This is why Jack White established Third Man Records, his own self made record label. Videogame developers are becoming like the big record labels back in the day who controlled all aspects of music. With the advent of more advanced and available technology, the power shifted back to the musicians to create as freely as they wanted, and without the narrow minded and negative influences of the labels. Perhaps the videogame industry is headed towards something similar, where the big wigs won't own art and media anymore, and the power will be shifted back to the players. After all, without us, there are no videogame developers and there is no Capcom. For now however, this DmC reboot is the first symptom in what I see may become a quickly developing virus as you have been citing in your argument. And I'm frightened at what it might take before a sickness like this can be cured. Take Resident Evil 6 as an example:

"Capcom announced that it has shipped 4.5 million copies worldwide, setting a new record for the company.In October
2012, the game sold 806,000 copies in the United States.According to Capcom, however, sales "weakened" following the strong start, with the publisher admitting that the game would not meet their goals, lowering financial projections for their fiscal year as a result."

Is this really what it takes? I'm glad that gamers didn't buy into this phony of a game, but the cost here is damage to reputable franchises, the disinfranchisement and disillusionment of their fanbases, and money circling down the drain. People will not buy crap. And until such a day comes where the power resides in us to create, the only power we have is to say no to games like Resident Evil 6, and in my opinion DmC, and bear through the withdrawls until the DMC community and the videogame community as a whole can be healed.
Thanks for trying to help both sides of the fandom out Robert wuz here. I really do appreciate the efforts of people like you. If I could give you a fistbump right now, I would.

Either way, there's a huge amount of finger-pointing and conspiracy-sparking over what is actually a good, fun game. Game of the year? Hell no, Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream can fight over that trophy. But DmC is a fun game nonetheless.

Along with being a fun game, DmC is a perfect example of what TVtropes calls a "Base Breaker". It completely splits a fandom in half. What we see is BOTH sides participating in petty name calling and a serious "Us-versus-them" mentality. The thing I hate the most is that whether or not the next Devil May Cry game takes place in the DmC universe, it's going to incite another flame war by merely existing. It's a real shame too, because at the end of the day, all DmC was meant to be was a new take on the existing franchise.

Both sides, please be civil.
Jokes and references in DmC are only jokes and references. Pretty funny ones too, if you don't take them personally.
So that white wig that flew onto Dante's head near the beginning? Just a jab at how his hair is different from DMC3 Dante's. Developers at Ninja Theory are fans of the series, not cartoon villains who hate the Anti-DmC base and want to see the classic series die.
DmC supporters, not everyone who dislikes DmC is there to troll you or attack your gaming preferences. The game isn't perfect, and criticism on the gameplay should be more than welcome, ESPECIALLY if you want a DmC2.

Sadly nothing Capcom does about Devil May Cry from now on will please everybody.
Sorry if I rambled. Insomnia is a fickle bastard. We should all get along and hug, that would fix literally everything. Goodnight.
Because Tameem was right.
The old DMCs were good when the year was 2000's

Its just not anymore.
- Even the most stupid scary movie of 90's were really scary when the year was 1990. Same goes with actions, dramas..
- Metallica albums were good on 90's but right now the same Metallica is not doing good albums anymore.

The time is changed, everything is changed. Gothic stages were good in DMC while it was 00's but i get ******* bored of it...I get bored of DragonballZ-ish anime Dante cutscenes.

I loved the new mature DmC. (when i say mature im talking about the realism)
You can love it all you want but I call BS on the 'If it's old it no longer has the same effect' crap.

Not everything looses it's draw with time. 10 years isn't really that long, people still study Pulp Fiction in film school, the Exorcist is still the scariest movie of all time, the Ninth Symphony is still the pinnacle of human achievement, Miles Davis is still cool, and Cowboy Bebop is still all that an a bag of chips.

Age has done little to degrade what a lot of things have to offer so I don't subscribe to that as an excuse to reboot. The reasons are obvious and not quite so elegant. It might be the philosophy behind the design but it certainly isn't the reason behind the direction they took.

Every DmC lover also loves other DMC games. Its impossible not to love.
I don't know about that. I read a review on that reviews site where the guy gave DmC a 10 and at it's glory he tossed DMCs 1-4 to the trash... which I think is a waste since he could've provably gotten some trade in credit at his local store but it's his crap.
Jin Kazama is the fighter I’m most comfortable with. I see what you tried to do by saying he is generic but last I checked there are over 50 characters in Tekken so you are not “forced” to choose Jin to play with. You have an option. In DMC you usually have 1 character to play with.
That's not my point and you missed it completely! It's the character designs we're talking about it and what peoples opinion is of them. You said, "it was an insult to the fanbase what Tameem said" when no, it wasn't because that's what he thinks of the old Dante. He didn't insult the fanbase at all but said the old Dante looks dumb. That's not insulting the fan base. I made the comparison that if I said I didn't like Jin then I guess that means I'm insulting you, when no it doesn't. We're not talking about who you're forced to play with...??????

So I guess saying “So this is the new dante take it or leave it.” is not an insult by your definition?
Sounds like an insult but source?

So now PC guys get 60 fps? What about the consoles? You know that are still at 30 fps? My point is still valid. From you avatar thing you have an xbox. DmC will still be 30 fps for you on your xbox!:)
Now that's just ignoring a fact. Yes it runs at 30FPS on console. But can you deny that DmC isn't running at 60FPS on some platform? So no, we're both right. But for those who say that DmC isn't running at 60FPS is wrong because the PC crowd have that available to them. See?

Your right I didn’t play the demo. Well except for the part that I actually did play the demo. 4 times or so because I wanted to try son of sparda mode to see if the enemies would try to kill me. I acted as if it were not Devil May Cry and still IMO did not enjoy it. Boss lady glitched on me as well. R1 usually allows me to perform “stinger” but I kept evading. Old habits die hard I suppose!=P
Since you took a jab at me not playing the demo and saying what others do I wanna take a jab at you. How about I remove one of the evade buttons and put a lock on button…oh yea I can’t lol
I didn't take a jab at you. You can remove the evade button but going to the controls. I also find it pointless about still asking for lock-on when you clearly know it doesn't have one. You could easily make the point "How do I remove evade and add an anti-air button, oh yeah I can't" You clearly know that this game doesn't have lock-on so I have no idea what point you're trying to make. I already said that your point about having two evade buttons is wrong because you can remove one.

DmC is singled out for glitches because I’m holding NT/Capcom responsible for NOT DOING THEIR JOB! When you are presenting a game to potential buyers I’m sure it’s not impossible to have the bugs worked out.
After you said "DmC is singled out for glitches because" I stopped caring. A perfect example of someone who is singling out a game. I already said, why don't you acknowledge the games that have glitches. But no, you stated you're singling out DmC. Nintendo didn't do their job to fixes Zelda glitches. So go rant about them. Namco didn't do their job to fix the Ogre infinite glitch. So go rant to them. See?

The way you taking my words out of context saying that the reviewers made positive reviews JUST to insult the fans seems a little fishy but I can point out a revire that does insult the fans for not liking DmC. One IGN video review on youtube. Didn’t make it a minute into it, “If you are one of those gamers that wanted to dismiss DmC, because it wassn’t a real devil may cry game, then don’t be a baby.” The reviewer says “just kidding lol” afterwards soI guess it means it wasn’t an insult right?
No because it was a joke. Also IGN...who cares.

If you mean a reviewer than yes they are paid to enjoy it or are you telling me that gaming companies don’t pay reviewers at all. Case in point one IGN gave Tekken Tag 2 a 7.5 because it was “Fight lab was hard and had too much content all at once” while same IGN gave Marvel vs Capcom 3 an 8.5 for “great combat but no mode variety” (This is the same game where your little cards battle each other instead of spectating) Reviews are TOTALLY not bought lol
As far as actually people I believe that enjoy the game and I am happy for them. I will get back to positive feedback for the game later okay?
Ah yeah I because I said that right? I know companies like Activision and EA have paid companies in the past for reviews. You're completely dismissing any game that gets a high score as 'paid reviews'. Show how you know this.

Geez…user reviews? You mean user reviews like word of mouth? I prefer a “user review” to a game reviewing site any day. Why? The user reviews are usually fans of the series and can easily communicate with other fans. Now not all user reviews are useful (which you were getting at) but some of them are actually well written. I should know. I check amazon reviews before I buy a game (and I beat I ain’t the one who does that!=P) because they give an honest opinion and don’t care if I buy the game or not. I’ve written a couple of reviews on there as well (like with Street Fighter x Tekken) because not everyone has $65 to gamble on a video game.
Dude you can't compare Metacritic to Amazon. Metacritic user reviews is something you actually use? I fear the worst for future gamers then. Seriously user reviews on Metacritic? I'd understand if you were talking about Yahoo, eBay or Amazon but you use Metacritic sser reviews? *Sigh*

Umm the thread you were in right? I’m not here to start fights, In fact I said I didn’t approve of game bashing “or review bombing.” I tried to look at the actually reviews of the game to see what the fans thought of the game. Not every “user review” is super biased as you want to make them seem!:)
Please stop using Metacritic. Just...don't.

Not sure but…this sounds like one of those “user review” that are apparently not “ever good” lol

Well it was my understanding that you guys wanted to enjoy the game despite what the “haterz” thought so forgive me if I thought you all would be playing the game. I’m sorry. Also backlash Capcom created. As for that quote, I will go get it for you!:)
Cool cool.

The pressure came from Capcom buddy. What can I say Controversies sell right? Do you believe this game would have gotten as much hype without all that “pointless pressure” from fans?
Yes because the title they are working is call DmC. Hearing that name means you already have pressure to live up to the previous titles, regardless of pointless pressure from "fans" (See how put fans in quotation marks).

Golly gee. First Capcom/NT practically beg old fans to just give the game a shot. Any DMC fans give DmC a shot and are welcomed with a hair joke. Totally not an insult of the character they liked from the old games or nothing. Just coincidence.
Ah haha nope. Nope. I'm not falling for it. Nobody said it was a coincidence (what are you on about here)? I'm not falling for it though, I still refuse to believe that people took that scene as an genuine insult. No-one would be that dumb to say they're insulted by this. Again, I refuse to believe anyone is being serious.

We as fans of the Devil May Cry franchise has NO reason whatsoever to be fighting each other over the INTERNET about someone’s opposing opinion about a VIDEO GAME! This goes for Pro or Anti. Respectful debates explaining opinions? Yes? Flaming/trolling? No. There is NO excuse. We are on the same side in wanting a great game for the franchise.
You don’t know why I haven’t played the game. You don’t have to assume because I will tell you. I seen the trailer in 2010 and wasn’t impressed. I seen the combat trailer/gameplay and it didn’t appeal to me. I’ve even played the demo of the game and did not enjoy it. IMO it’s a mediocre mix between Devil May Cry and heavenly sword that isn’t worth $65. I didn’t enjoy the demo so what WHY would I purchase it? Demos are released to let players try a game to decide if they want to buy it or not. It’s a part of marketing if I am not mistaken.
It makes no damn sense that you condone the fans fighting because I(or “people such as myself”) don’t have the same opinion as you.
I don’t buy a game and you troll me for having a different opinion and criticize me for holding Capcom/NT to their initial promises?
The point about discussing over the Internet is just as valid. It's the remark people give when they can't back their points up. Discussing the exact same topic in real life would have the same results and responses so talking about it over Internet makes zero difference to each others credibility and standing.
I've already pointed out (in another thread) that the demo was old and the full game actually has improved on those areas.
Also if you consider someone like me to be trolling you, then you should stay off the Internet. Because I could easily say that you having a different opinion to me means you're trolling me. Stay on point at least.

You just said you “purposely find glitches” did you not? Some people playing the demo just WANTED TO PLAY THE GAME AND FOUND GLITCHES. There was a guy who failed a secret mission that was a race. He did that helm-break attack as he fell to his death then THE SCREEN WENT WHITE. HE COULDN’T PLAY THE DEMO UNTIL HE QUIT. THAT IS A PROBLEM! A problem that should be fixed by the company who made the game. I hold them accountable while you defend them for NOT DOING THEIR JOB. They are paid to NOT have glitches. What sense does it make to have glitches in a demo that is supposed to get people to want to buy the game?
You completely ignored the fact I found glitches in Tekken, maybe because you don't want to admit games like Tekken, SF, GTA, Fallout, Zelda have glitches...

Totally fact because the idea that Capcom could purposely leave portions of a game unfinished to sell later is blasphemy right? *Cough* *cough* Asura’s wrath ending *cough*
But we're not talking about Asuras Wrath. Also I AW had a great ending and I had no idea why they made an additional ending. Not only that but that ending was true DLC that wasn't removed from the game nor was is locked. The same is with Vergils DLC. You said it's a fact despite someone like me actually look at the games ISO. So er....you're again, coming up with facts from zero knowledge/assumptions.

Rumor? You mean like on disc DLC was a RUMOR and online passes were a RUMOR back then but now they are the “norm” for gaming. Wasn’t there an offline pass for Rage?Dude, I was talking about the latest Sony Patent. It's a rumour. Where have I said I do not want this game to come out? Please point it out. I don’t care if the game comes out. I’m 21 years old and if a game comes out I don’t like I just…don’t buy it and go on with my life.Cool I was wrong on that point then.I don’t troll people for liking the game I don’t like. I wanted it to come out so this stupid fighting amongst fans, of the same franchise, could stop. I don’t care if the game gets a 8/10, 9/10 or 10/10 if the game has truly EARNED it. IMO it’s mediocre. I watched Adam sessler’s review and it told the truth.You consider his review to be the truth. I disagree as I thought the game had more going for it. So therefore, it's not the full truth. Again, reviews are NOT FACT but opinion and yes it was a fair review. It was a fair review. Not because it was a 3/5 but because he reviewed the game. He told good things about the game while addressing the game had some gameplay issues. The result of “high review” scores is developers getting extremely arrogant and belittling customers while not making the best game they can (which we as customers deserve because we give them a job by buying their products) they will push out an unfinished game and fill their pockets with YOUR money for what you believe to be a finished product. Capcom is notorious for this behavior.But this game is finished. What are you on about? This is game complete. It's or not rushed or unfinished. There's a few tweaks they could've done but it's still a pretty much fully completely game.

Where was the kick in the bum when UMvC3 came out?The kick in the bum. You mean the fact the game failed to even break the million sales mark? This game added “online spectating” and “new characters” for $39.99. It was 10 years between MvC2 and MvC3. Then 8 months between MvC3 and UMvC3? Why did it take SFxT to stand up and say, “HEY! That’s enough Capcom. We don’t like that mess.” The companies will back down if we unite our concerns. Everyone called those who were disappointed with ME3’s ending “whiners” then they united and GOT STUFF DONE! The company made a better ending. We pay their salaries dude. Without the customers the company can’t exist. However with people like you (who bash others for having different opinions and accept anything pushed out by companies as “good” ) People who will blindly support/defend these companies, prevent positive change from being done. How do you expect DmC (or any game) to improve if they are already perfect according to reviews? Boy did Capcom/NT prove the haters like me wrong because DmC is a step forward in the series. The combat/story is better than any past DMC game. It has no flaws whatsoever. <-Who said that?
This is exactly what I am talking about! We need to grow up and set aside this petty fighting and look at what is best for the community. Voicing your concerns with DmC gameplay (or any other issues you have) will improve the next game in the franchise opposed to *excuse the crude reference, just trying to get a point across, not trying to insult anyone* “Herp Derp DmC is perfeeeeect”
Gosh why do you people realize that?
So then why are you here? Not a single person (since I've been on this forum) has blindly fanboyed/hated on this game. Not a single person! This forum is extremely respectable. Why? Because the majority are a fan who learned the in-depth combat. There are some people on here who are extremely knowledgeable

See once again. “I won because I got a game I liked” Why are you even apart of these forums if you are that selfish? Because you said we lost when we really didn't. I won because I got a game I liked. I didn't have Day1 DLC, or locked content or online passes. I found the story to be amazing and had me invested in the story. I'm currently exploring the combat and showing what game is capable of(see my YouTube). I won because I gave this game a shot and was rewarded in return. YOU haven't even played the game are coming to the conclusion that we lost. Don’t you get it? I though forums like this was for fans of the same games to talk about what they like/dislike about a game and try to improve the future games. You keep throwing in "Have you bought and completed the game like me? No because your a hater who just played the demo and didn't buy it" I may not care for this DmC game but I care about the Devil May Cry franchise. Apparently as long as "you win" and "get the game you like" nothing else matters.Exactly, exactly what I said. Completely 100% It's the people like yourself why the gaming industry has gotten as bad as it has. Actually no people like you are. People who don't read comments. Make up facts with no evidence. Come to conclusions without having to experience it for themselves. You're telling me(!) how I'm wrong for knowing about the game than you. Right. Don't get me wrong the gaming community has always had problems but they were not this extreme. Gamers of the past respected each other enough to look for the wellbeing of their fellow gamer. You don't care for anyone but yourself. So long as you get the game you want you don't care for the consequences of your actions. That is why people call people immature "fanboys." The Devil May Cry community consists of more than yourself.Really did not know that, thanks. The gaming community consists of more than yourself. This is bigger than you getting a game. This is bigger than me not getting a game. The entire Devil May Cry franchise (for or against this game) has taken a step backwards (be it in actually gameplay or just basic respect for one another). How do we, as the Devil May Cry community, get past this and get the gameplay issue across to Capcom/NT to prevent it happening again in future games?

...I know we have to stop fighting each other over a video game...
You thrive so much on reviews it's actually am embarrassment to gaming. It's not even funny how much you don't have of your own opinion but are instead regurgitating what reviews say, what user scores say, what other people say and make facts with zero evidence. You're talking to me, I've played, beaten and completed the game. I see the problems but I also see a lot of potential. You also don't read a single word of what I say/understand it. I'm telling you MY opinion based on MY knowledge. You're telling me YOUR opinion based on OTHER PEOPLES knowledge PLUS you haven't played the game at all.

I'm actually FAR more level headed and rational thinking than you. Far more. I've said before that this game has a lot of redeemable qualities. You wanna know I'm right? Because I've got the game. I've beaten the game. I gave it chance. I've drawn comparisons about other glitches in games that you even didn't respond to. I tell you about glitches from other games and you IGNORE those. Instead you carrying ranting about DmC. Seriously, do you care to explain how Namco gets away with a broken Kunimitsu hurtbox? Or in Zelda and using the BiT glitch(Back in Time). I know what I'm talking about, you don't.

If you do respond and completely take what I say out of context or ignore the obvious points then I won't bother responding because it was some of the brain numbing stuff I've ever read on this forum.
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If people weren't expecting DMC5 they would love the game.

For DMC4, Capcom sh*t their pants and decided to make Dante exactly the same as he was in DMC3 because they knew that they would get a ton of backlash if they gave people Nero 20 Missions of chasing down Dante with no playable Dante.

People fear change, straight up.
You thrive so much on reviews it's actually am embarrassment to gaming. It's not even funny how much you don't have of your own opinion but are instead regurgitating what reviews say, what user scores say, what other people say and make facts with zero evidence. You're talking to me, I've played, beaten and completed the game. I see the problems but I also see a lot of potential. You also don't read a single word of what I say/understand it. I'm telling you MY opinion based on MY knowledge. You're telling me YOUR opinion based on OTHER PEOPLES knowledge PLUS you haven't played the game at all.

I'm actually FAR more level headed and rational thinking than you. Far more. I've said before that this game has a lot of redeemable qualities. You wanna know I'm right? Because I've got the game. I've beaten the game. I gave it chance. I've drawn comparisons about other glitches in games that you even didn't respond to. I tell you about glitches from other games and you IGNORE those. Instead you carrying ranting about DmC. Seriously, do you care to explain how Namco gets away with a broken Kunimitsu hurtbox? Or in Zelda and using the BiT glitch(Back in Time). I know what I'm talking about, you don't.

If you do respond and completely take what I say out of context or ignore the obvious points then I won't bother responding because it was some of the brain numbing stuff I've ever read on this forum.

So me trying to reunite the Devil May Cry community is considered ranting? I let everyone know I was Anti-DmC upfront to show that I was willing to put our differences aside for better of the community. I want to stop this pointless fighting/flaming/trolling that has been going on between DMC and DmC fans who are under the same franchise. It's pitiful. It's gives Devil May Cry fans a bad reputation. It's makes every fan look immature. So in the end we, as the Devil May Cry community, ALL lose.

I don't care if you have played the game, beat the game, sold the game, bought the game or left it on the shelves. I don't care about metacritic. I don't care about game glitches. I don't care about DmC however I am willing to put ALL that aside to try to reunite the divide between people like you and me because it hurts the franchise when we fight each other over opinions. I have repected your opinion since you posted on this thread. You have done nothing but try to pick my post down paragraph by paragraph. You have tried to discredit me.This is not a question of fandom. Stop making this about yourself. You are stuck on DmC the game and not the big picture. Who cares if you've "won"? I'm glad you did if that is what you really want.

Let's get to the real shall we? Either you 8BitHero are with me, and everyone in this community who is sick of the fighting, to stop the unnecessary trolling/flaming within the Devil May Cry franchise over DmC putting our differences aside for the sake of the franchise or you are against me, and everyone in the community, and want this petty fighting over DmC to continue.
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You thrive so much on reviews it's actually am embarrassment to gaming. It's not even funny how much you don't have of your own opinion but are instead regurgitating what reviews say, what user scores say, what other people say and make facts with zero evidence. You're talking to me, I've played, beaten and completed the game. I see the problems but I also see a lot of potential. You also don't read a single word of what I say/understand it. I'm telling you MY opinion based on MY knowledge. You're telling me YOUR opinion based on OTHER PEOPLES knowledge PLUS you haven't played the game at all.

I'm actually FAR more level headed and rational thinking than you. Far more. I've said before that this game has a lot of redeemable qualities. You wanna know I'm right? Because I've got the game. I've beaten the game. I gave it chance. I've drawn comparisons about other glitches in games that you even didn't respond to. I tell you about glitches from other games and you IGNORE those. Instead you carrying ranting about DmC. Seriously, do you care to explain how Namco gets away with a broken Kunimitsu hurtbox? Or in Zelda and using the BiT glitch(Back in Time). I know what I'm talking about, you don't.

If you do respond and completely take what I say out of context or ignore the obvious points then I won't bother responding because it was some of the brain numbing stuff I've ever read on this forum.

Also since you keep trying to discredit Namco Bandai according to Tekkenpedia:

"The game was released on 11th September, 2012, in America. It was released in Japan on the 13th September and in Europe on the 14th. Nearly a month later, Miharu, Slim Bob and Sebastian and all locked stages were unlocked through a system update (1.02) on October 9th, 2012. [4] It also fixes Kunimitsu's hitbox issues and Ancient Ogre's infinite, while also adding decals to the customizations options and granting access to World Arena and a direct link to the Playstation Store. "

What you brought up has already been fixed if I'm not mistaken. You must have put Tekken Tag 2 down for awhile lol

Say what you will about Namco Bandai when it comes to the Tekken franchise but they have consistantly been developing quality fighting games since the Playstation 1 in 1994 with Tekken and has only gotten better over the last 19 or so years. The Tekken games are not perfect but they do fix problems the game has. Tekken 5 was revamped with Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection. Tekken 6 was revamped with Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion. Tekken Tag 2 is a game for the fans as it pretty much brought back EVERYONE in the Tekken franchise. I remember when Namco Bandai had polls asking fans who they wanted to be in the game and ACTUALLY put them in the game. Jun was dead since 1999 and they brought her back for Tekken Tag 2 13 years later as the boss. Even made her unknown after the fans concluded that she was unknown. (Unlike Marvel vs Capcom 3 were fan favorites don't exist. Both prior games were 10 years old)

My only grip with Namco Bandai was the online pass they issued with Tekken Tag 2. I almost didn't buy the game just for that reason alone because I don't support such nonsense.

I guess in short you can say Namco BAndai got away with it because they:
1. Fixed the glitch
2. Gave free DLC characters
3. Catered to/Made a game for it's fans (Something Capcom isn't too strong at lol)

IMO Tekken Tag 2 will probably one of the best (If not the best) fighting game of this generation like it's predecessor before it.
Not sure if that's entirely true because I am sure that a lot of design choices in this game were made because it was part of the DMC series and had they not had that in mind when developing the mechanics, i'm not sure it would have been the same at all. It's hard to say and sadly it has caused a fissure in the community that I think would be fixed if people on both sides just grew up a little(meaning all the people who just hate the game over silly reason like DONTE IS GAY!!!), not you who actually have real legit reasons to not care for the game

I understand where you are coming from. The original DMC was going to be a Resident Evil game. Eventually I guess developers seen they had something unique and they made a new title. I mean...couldn't that have happened for DmC?

IMO this game wouldn't have gotten the backlash/hype if it weren't a "Devil May Cry" game. DmC may not appeal to me personally but I do respect it as art and what the story is trying to do. DMC never took it's story TOO seriously but had awesome gameplay in return. If DmC were it's own game that was compared to "Devil May Cry" for it's gameplay but with unique story then everything would be fine. The flame war would have never begun thus the fanbase would have never divided.

Let's be honest. If you went to Pizza Hut (or it's equivalent) on a Friday night expecting pizza and then the cashier tells you "We don't sell pizza anymore. To compete with the likes of Mcdonalds and Burger King we only sell burgers now. We know our customers really want these new hamburgers more than our pizzas so you should give it a shot." You would probably be disappointed and leave without buying anything. You would likely be upset if others customers Trolled/flamed you for wanting a pizza ...from Pizza Hut lol

That's what it was like for many of us Anti-DmC people. We don't mind change but within reason. DmC changed cosmetically and mechanic wise to the point of it being completely unrecognizable. That's not bad for Capcom/NT for wanting to take a risk but they could have taken the same risk under a different name. That is...if the game is as good as the reviews say it is. From what I heard from reviewers/Pro-DmC fans is that the game is fun. Could it not sell under it's own merits instead using Devil May Cry's name?

As far a the original DMC story they could have further developed Nero, had a game with Virgil or make a game about that Sparda fellow who we never get to see but hear is bada**. I believe they still had/have potential with the old story. Once again just my opinion please don't flame me!!!XD
I really appreciate Robert wuz here for your efforts. Also, I feel like what alot of people who are new to the series don't understand, are your further reaching implications on how a game like this can affect the gaming community as a whole. Not only has Capcom benefitted from pitting the Devil May Cry community against one another to sell the new reboot, but it has divided its fanbase entirely. Capcom is the ultimate enemy that we should be directing all of our frustration and feedback to, not eachother. For newcomers it's hard to understand, considering DmC is their first taste, but for long term gamers and fans, Capcom's intentions are obvious and deplorable. How many Resident Evil 6's must we endure? How many Megmans?

This is why Jack White established Third Man Records, his own self made record label. Videogame developers are becoming like the big record labels back in the day who controlled all aspects of music. With the advent of more advanced and available technology, the power shifted back to the musicians to create as freely as they wanted, and without the narrow minded and negative influences of the labels. Perhaps the videogame industry is headed towards something similar, where the big wigs won't own art and media anymore, and the power will be shifted back to the players. After all, without us, there are no videogame developers and there is no Capcom. For now however, this DmC reboot is the first symptom in what I see may become a quickly developing virus as you have been citing in your argument. And I'm frightened at what it might take before a sickness like this can be cured. Take Resident Evil 6 as an example:

"Capcom announced that it has shipped 4.5 million copies worldwide, setting a new record for the company.In October
2012, the game sold 806,000 copies in the United States.According to Capcom, however, sales "weakened" following the strong start, with the publisher admitting that the game would not meet their goals, lowering financial projections for their fiscal year as a result."

Is this really what it takes? I'm glad that gamers didn't buy into this phony of a game, but the cost here is damage to reputable franchises, the disinfranchisement and disillusionment of their fanbases, and money circling down the drain. People will not buy crap. And until such a day comes where the power resides in us to create, the only power we have is to say no to games like Resident Evil 6, and in my opinion DmC, and bear through the withdrawls until the DMC community and the videogame community as a whole can be healed.

So I can't by DmC just because some people think capcom is bad? if that's one of the things your saying, it's no different then Capcom telling people to by their games.

I get your point, but...I just wanna have fun with games, not have a complete debacle on why getting it would mean evil.:/
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So I can't by DmC just because some people think capcom is bad? if that's one of the things your saying, it's no different then Capcom telling people to by their games.

I get your point, but...I just wanna have fun with games, not have a complete debacle on why getting it would mean evil.:/
If a game is good, a game is good. A game is bad, a game is bad. That's mostly about all I care about, and ultimately all that matters. People have made buying or not buying this game into a goddamn holy war. Even when the ME3 debacle was going about, I don't remember people telling others not to buy the games, buy this instead, and if you don't you're a problem (and if they did, screw them.)
So I can't by DmC just because some people think capcom is bad? if that's one of the things your saying, it's no different then Capcom telling people to by their games.

I get your point, but...I just wanna have fun with games, not have a complete debacle on why getting it would mean evil.:/

By all means, it's your right to buy the game. You're no less good or evil for doing so. Though you may be contributing to validating Capcom's decision to reboot Devil May Cry, it's not your fault. It's Capcom's for willingly dividing its fanbase to promote a game which does not match its predecessors, which I also find deplorable. The unfortunate thing is that at the end of the day, what I've seen is that DmC is honestly not that bad of a game. The problem with the "hardcore" fans is that the series demands a level of quality in story, acting, writing, and most importantly, gameplay and platforming which keep this iteration from being a great game, or deserving of the "Devil May Cry" title.
Considering that everything that makes DmC good to players, has been taken directly from the old games only proves how strong the source material is. There are some great ideas in DmC, don't get me wrong. And without Devil May Cry to lean on, there's probably enough for the game to stand on its own. But it's not enough to warrent the title of Devil May Cry, and it just doesn't excuse Capcom giving the series and its fans the Resident Evil 6 treatment. So please, buy the game. "I just wanna have fun with games" too, but for longterm fans, this is a major step backwards from a series we love. I'll just have to have fun playing the old games.
By all means, it's your right to buy the game. You're no less good or evil for doing so. Though you may be contributing to validating Capcom's decision to reboot Devil May Cry, it's not your fault. It's Capcom's for willingly dividing its fanbase to promote a game which does not match its predecessors, which I also find deplorable. The unfortunate thing is that at the end of the day, what I've seen is that DmC is honestly not that bad of a game. The problem with the "hardcore" fans is that the series demands a level of quality in story, acting, writing, and most importantly, gameplay and platforming which keep this iteration from being a great game, or deserving of the "Devil May Cry" title.
Considering that everything that makes DmC good to players, has been taken directly from the old games only proves how strong the source material is. There are some great ideas in DmC, don't get me wrong. And without Devil May Cry to lean on, there's probably enough for the game to stand on its own. But it's not enough to warrent the title of Devil May Cry, and it just doesn't excuse Capcom giving the series and its fans the Resident Evil 6 treatment. So please, buy the game. "I just wanna have fun with games" too, but for longterm fans, this is a major step backwards from a series we love. I'll just have to have fun playing the old games.

See, this is why I love talking with you.^_^
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I hate Capcom... I hate THEIR DLC politic but don't mind other ones, even day one DLC of AAA title... So I only have

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom3
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Marvel vs Capcom Origins
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade edition
Street Fighter 3rd Strike: Online Edition
Street Fighter 2 HD Remix
Street Figther x Tekken
Tatsunoko vs Street Fighter
Devil May Cry HD version
Devil May Cry 4
DmC: Devil May Cry
Resident Evil 5
Resident 6 (fail game)