Then you hear the old Dante was "outdated" and "uncool" from Taneem in an interview. My piece of advice is if you want people to buy your rebooted product then don't insult the original fanbase who got the franchise to become established.
He never insulted the fanbase but the character. Dante WAS infact, extremely cheesy. He only became mature and likeable in DMC. He grew into an adult that had more responsibilities. He was now second in the game after Nero. Taking an opinion as fact is pathetic. I see you like Jin Kazama and I personally find him to be powerful yet the exact definition of generic animoo writing. Nothing redeemable about that character, but should you get insulted by it or explain why I'm wrong? It's not an insult because it's an opinion not a fact. To insult the fanbase would be say "Eff you guys, we're driving this now so STFU or GTFO". Then Alex compared the fans (Pro-DMC and Pro-DmC) to sheep in an interview who were "going to buy the game anyway" if memory serves me correctly. Once again insulting us, the fans.
I haven't seen that interview but it is pretty stupid to say. But if there's one thing I've learned is that there are those sheeple who will buy it even if they hate it.
Then pro-DmC's side has pretty much accused anyone who dislikes the game as "hating" in an attempt to silence any opposition. Any concern for the switch from 60 fps to 30fps, no lock-on, difficulty, 2 evade buttons, glitches, etc. are immediately placed under "the hair" category and dismissed.
That's because those points you made can easily be dismissed. Honestly, not a single person on this planet has the right to NOW complain about 60FPS since DmC on the PC is running at true 60FPS (even 200). So that point is wrong.
I would pre-fer lock on but I've never really been bothered about not using lock-on yet (and I've been the game). Not only that but a lot of combos in DMC4 don't use lock-on.
2 evade buttons. Now I know you haven't even played the demo and are just regurgitating what others are saying. Please dude, just go to the control options and remove one. Damn.
Glitches, why is DmC singled out with glitches yet games like Fallout, Dragon Age, Zelda, GTA never have that used against them?
The reviews are out (Don't delude yourself into believing they are not purchased. This can go for ANY game) giving 8/10, 9/10, 10/10 and even various awards hyping this game through the roof and to the moon for being "flawless" and insult the "haters" for being wrong in a "I told you so" manner.
At least make your point with evidence. Point out a single review that has actually made a positive review to insult the fans. YOU MUST at least show evidence of this. Also, you're just as bad as your previous statement. ANy negativity towards the game could be shrugged off as haters. But this also works vice-versa. Any positive feedback the game gets is labelled "to attack fans" or "fanboyism". Anyone who genuinely enjoyed the game is paid to enjoy it. Once again old fans are insulted this time by reviewers who support the game. shows this. The Critic reviews are all positive and do not mention problems. Some of the user reviews, which are overwhelmingly negative at the moment due to some trolls just bashing which I don't approve of, do their part and actually review the game bringing up legitimate concerns with the game:
No offence, but I laugh HARD at Metacritic. For me to even talk about how pathetic Metacritic is would be an essay in it's own. This falls under your following sentences. User reviews...geez. When are they ever good?
When are we going to grow up?
There is even a forum topic on here entitled " DmC Metacritic Reviews are getting absurd" worried about the game getting bad scores. NT's twitter spoke of not having any genuine reviews under 89% and, if I'm not mistaken, are boasting enough with their paid reviews. Once the hype dies down and everyone comes to their senses I hope you DmC supporters realize that DmC has problems and, if they are not addressed by you, they will not get fixed.
I'm not too sure if you read that topic or are judging it based on the title. But the ENTIRE thread is the forum laughing their butts off at how stupid Metacritic is. I may be a fan of DmC and someone who actually bought AND completed it AND is currently exploring the combat but that doesn't mean I can't find problems with it. I'm sure a few people on this forum has seen the stuff I've found and even want a few of them patched. But the game has far more pros than cons.
My question is why are you all worried so much about review scores? If you like the game then enjoy playing the game then play it instead of trying to convince/vindicate to others why you like it. In the end Capcom sold this game purely on a fan war along with arrogance. Capcom/NT essentially told the fans, "We know what you want so shut up and buy it when we release it." and will do it again.
A lot of this forum has posted reviews from publications because they are glad to see it doing well. What's wrong with that? It's the same as the Diablo 3 forum posting good reviews. They're happy to see the game do well despite the backlash. There's nothing wrong that getting excited for a game and seeing it do well. As for that quote, source?
If I were a DmC fan I would be worried. Why? You have seen how Capcom treated it's original DMC fans. Do you really think you will be treated any differently? Capcom doesn't care about us. We are purely numbers to them. Should they feel the need for a new "reboot" they will treat DmC fans just as poorly as DMC fans. You all will be the "whiners" and "haters." Capcom did it to the Megaman franchise so do you think the Devil May Cry franchise is safe? Who cares what scores DmC gets or how well this game sells? I'm worried about the franchise as a whole. This ladies and gents is taken from
Since when is an opinion a fact. I agree, Capcom are MASSIVE A**holes. I got conned with SFxT. Since then I didn't buy any of their DLCs/Asuras Wrath/Dragons Dogma and spoke out against their BS. But I bought DmC because I want to support NT. I personally think they did an amazing job consider the amount of pointless pressure they were under from "fans". DmC is a good game.
Go ahead and call me a "hater" because I refuse to kiss Capcom's a** for making the "Shakespearean masterpiece" otherwise known as DmC.
We've been through this before. Stop the Shakrespeare BS (click me) I do not have a problem with you as a person because we have different opinions over a video game. My problem is with Capcom/NT because of how they treat their "fans".
NT give us a game that shows us creativity and it's bad or or you still dwelling on random tweet? Seriously the whole white wig thing on that carnival mission poking fun at the old fans and the reaction to the hair.
So? I'm confident you are probably "It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously."
Yes" So you are telling me insulting your entire fanbase's reaction to a drastic change to the main protagonist of a beloved franchise they invested time/money is a joke?
I honestly believe that comments like this isn't real. I cannot actually believe that there are people taking it seriously. I don't honestly don't believe it. I don't. You cannot tell me you're taking that as an insult. You will not be able to convince me you're purposefully insulted by that. As the cutscene says "No in a million years"Starting this s**tstorm flame war between the original fans and new fans causing a controversy to keep the DmC buzzing is a joke? Creating the whole us "DmC" fans versus them "DMC" fans mentality was just hilarious wasn't it? That is why I cannot support this game. We are ALL under the same franchise. Why are we fighting each other again?
Because people such as yourself who haven't played the game have already come to the conclusion of not buying it based on random tweets/a low level of knowledge on the series/a demo/ and some incredibly awkward points that're "bad" about the game
We all are on the same side in wanting an entertaining game to play. DmC distracted many of you Pro-DmC guys/gals from it's gameplay issues by bringing up "them original DMC fans don't like the game because of the hair. What haterz right?" You all said "How can you judge a game you have not played yet?" and "give the game a chance." Then the demo came out and glitches galore. I played the demo and it glitched on the boss. I attacked and she didn't move nor lose health from my attacks. When we "gave the game a chance" and found glitches we were apparently "searching for glitches." I find it ironic this game's story talks about the "media" controlling people and you DmC supporters are essentially falling for the same thing you are fighting against in DmC lol
I point you to the fact that other games have glitches and do you get bothered about them? I purposefully find glitches in games. If you're so hung up on glitches then feel free to bash TTT2. I recently went glitch hunting in that game. Not only is Kunimitsu unable to be hit in crouching (due to broken hitbox), Ogre has an infinite and look....
I managed to glitch floating cake. I'm now saying that TTT2 is a broken glitchy mess whether people like it or not.
This is bigger than this mediocre game to me. We, as the Devil May Cry community, have proved to everyone else just how immature we are...over a video game. That is truly pathetic. This effects me. This effects you (Yes you reading this if you made it this far) This effects gaming as a whole. If we DMC and DmC fans don't put aside petty differences aside and continue to troll/flame each other for difference of opinion...then we ALL lose the Devil May Cry franchise.Lost at how much we have lost this gaming generation. I've watched as companies purposely lock portions of a finished game (Street Fighter x Tekken anyone?) and make users buy DLC to complete their game. Can you justify DLC being announced before a game is even released?
No but I checked the files within the game and it's not on there. I HATE the pre-order bonuses but they are in the game. Vergils Downfall was most definitely created AFTER the game came out! Fact. I've watched as companies issue online passes (some of which can apparently expire.) to "stop" pirating of games. I've watched as single player games get DRM requiring an internet connection to play your game OFFLINE (Final Fight DRM from EventStatus video) Now Sony patents anti-used games software in the next generation? Are we still going to continue fighting about this game while stuff like this becomes the new "norm"?
I agree, it's bullshi- but that Sony thing isn't true just yet. It's a rumour. But everything else is true. It's all BS. But what you're saying is that you don't want DmC to sell because it's not good to you. What you're rallying against is a game YOU DON'T LIKE. There is no online pass, this is no disc lock content, there is no anti-pirate DRM, there is no online only connection there is day 1 DLC, so what it comes down to, is you not wanting games to come out because YOU don't like them.
I have seen DmC/DMC fans fight and fight over this game but where are you all when we, as gamers, are blamed for shooting and violence?
On YouTube pointing out how stupid it is. These big time review sites didn't say anything when we were being blamed for that shooting in Connecticut but they are quick to belittle a fellow gamer because of a difference of opinion over Devil May Cry.
Maybe you should read a few articles because there most definitely IS a lot from review sites/people talking about this. Not only that but it step into politics territory. I don't recall Capcom backing us gamers during that time. Did you back us up or where you too busy calling a DMC fan a "hater"? The quality of gaming, our beloved hobby, is at risk because we as gamers will fight each other to the death (if their opinion if different than ours) but will do NOTHING against the company who insults/exploits them.
Dude pelase, did you not see the INSANE amount of arse kicking that came at Capcom after SFxT. I mean, they really took a massive punch to the jaw. A HUGE one. . DMC fans have lost. DmC fans have lost. We ALL have lost.
Only those who don't like the game. I won because I got a game I liked that had no shady practices but came with a fanbase rallying against a game they don't like. Instead of leaving people alone to enjoy something they bitch and moan.
Due to ignorance we have lost this generation in gaming. Let's not lose the next one too