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Did you ever troll/flame someone who didn't support DmC?

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Have you always been a fan of DMC, or just since this DmC game? Because it's always been this 'lacking in substance' and stereotypical and over the top.
I've always been a fan. I just kind of lost interest when 4 came in.

Broken how? Vergil can still get to the top.

But it involes just more effort, that can get annoying if not timed right. If they gave him a double jump it would be more nicer.

Oh? Please compare.

DMC1 to me felt a bit more darker and gothic in the sense that it seemed to carry itself in a mystic way, but also carry some action with it. Plus with gameplay, it's more tactical from what I've seen. With DMC3 I can just jump out of the way of things or trickster myself out of situations. This isn't bad, but just saying.

How so?

DMC1 just seemed to be deep in the thought of how it was to be born. What was Dante's new name gonna be, how were the enimies to come about, the mythology of the series and how it would be planed out with each scenario and story in general. Since it started it all it had to be deeply thought out.

This is an issue for you? LOL.

Well personal issue.

What other concerns should she have, given the dire circumstances?

Not saying it was a bad thing, but it seemed like the only thing. She sometimes reminds me of Kasumi in DOA5, and how she would always want to find Alpha and it seemed she was only interested in that. Characters who just focus on vengeance all the time doesn't really interest me.

This is supposed to be the story of how he becomes less of an asshole. Therefore, he must be more of an asshole to begin with at some point in the story, yes?

Yes, but at the end, I didn't feel him transition out of that assholeness as well. When I first played, I didn't realize when he did. I had to play it again, and when I did, I just didn't see it as a "great" transition. Just a "meh" one.

Which are...?

Most dealing with Vergil's existence even though in DMC1, Vergil was "apparently" taken by Mundus right after their mother died. Unless that was non canon.
I've always been a fan. I just kind of lost interest when 4 came in.

So I take it you will no longer play the older games, as they hold no interest?

But it involes just more effort, that can get annoying if not timed right. If they gave him a double jump it would be more nicer.

'More effort' does not equal broken. He does have a double jump, by the way.

DMC1 to me felt a bit more darker and gothic in the sense that it seemed to carry itself in a mystic way, but also carry some action with it. Plus with gameplay, it's more tactical from what I've seen. With DMC3 I can just jump out of the way of things or trickster myself out of situations. This isn't bad, but just saying.

So the 'gothic aspect' sounds like a personal preference for the scenery in the first game rather than a true 'flaw' with DMC3; especially since as many (if not more) people complained of the difficulty of DMC3 when it was first released. If DMC3 was as easy as you say, why did so many feel the need to point out its difficulty? DMC3 does offer a greater variety of tactical approach given the choice of styles, which DMC1 does not have.

DMC1 just seemed to be deep in the thought of how it was to be born. What was Dante's new name gonna be, how were the enimies to come about, the mythology of the series and how it would be planed out with each scenario and story in general. Since it started it all it had to be deeply thought out.

The same can be said for the first game of any series, because the bulk of design comes in initial conception, which later games build on. Again, I wouldn't say DMC3 was flawed for this reason, just because it came after, nor would I say the first game of any series is automatically superior because of it.

Well personal issue.
It is just a strap that keeps his coat on. They also gave you a choice of several other outfits if you really abhorred the 'nipple strap'.

Not saying it was a bad thing, but it seemed like the only thing. She sometimes reminds me of Kasumi in DOA5, and how she would always want to find Alpha and it seemed she was only interested in that. Characters who just focus on vengeance all the time doesn't really interest me.

Well again that is your personal preference, not something that can be said to be an actual flaw with this game in comparison to the others in the context of a flaw-comparison discussion.

Yes, but at the end, I didn't feel him transition out of that assholeness as well. When I first played, I didn't realize when he did. I had to play it again, and when I did, I just didn't see it as a "great" transition. Just a "meh" one.

Personal taste, innit.

Most dealing with Vergil's existence even though in DMC1, Vergil was "apparently" taken by Mundus right after their mother died. Unless that was non canon.

Something that isn't explained does not necessarily = plot hole, it is simply unexplained. All that is ever said to inform us in DMC1 is that Dante "lost a mother and a brother to evil 20 years ago". We both know that DMC3 was similar to this reboot in re-setting up the characters for the purposes of telling its story. In that sense it is no more a plot hole than Nero's origin, or Dante having an angel mother, or is a retcon. It's not a plot hole within the story of DMC3 itself, but an inconsistency within the series.
So I take it you will no longer play the older games, as they hold no interest?
If DMC5 is good, then I will.

'More effort' does not equal broken. He does have a double jump, by the way.
Yeah. The trickster like jump.

So the 'gothic aspect' sounds like a personal preference for the scenery in the first game rather than a true 'flaw' with DMC3; especially since as many (if not more) people complained of the difficulty of DMC3 when it was first released. If DMC3 was as easy as you say, why did so many feel the need to point out its difficulty? DMC3 does offer a greater variety of tactical approach given the choice of styles, which DMC1 does not have.

But DMC1 to me showed more tactical on the fact that you didn't have all the styles available to you, and it involved more quickness in getting out of the way, and a play by play plan in defeating bosses.

The same can be said for the first game of any series, because the bulk of design comes in initial conception, which later games build on. Again, I wouldn't say DMC3 was flawed for this reason, just because it came after, nor would I say the first game of any series is automatically superior because of it.

Just seemed that way to me. I felt there was more time in making DMC1 compared to DMC3.

It is just a strap that keeps his coat on. They also gave you a choice of several other outfits if you really abhorred the 'nipple strap'.

A shirtless costume wasn't really better. DMC1 outfits were good, and the Sparda one was fine.

Well again that is your personal preference, not something that can be said to be an actual flaw with this game in comparison to the others in the context of a flaw-comparison discussion.

More a flaw in character.

Personal taste, innit.

Sort of but not really since he really didn't do that much growing except for when the story called for it.

Something that isn't explained does not necessarily = plot hole, it is simply unexplained. All that is ever said to inform us in DMC1 is that Dante "lost a mother and a brother to evil 20 years ago". We both know that DMC3 was similar to this reboot in re-setting up the characters for the purposes of telling its story. In that sense it is no more a plot hole than Nero's origin, or Dante having an angel mother, or is a retcon. It's not a plot hole within the story of DMC3 itself, but an inconsistency within the series.

Alright, I'll agree with you there.
Seems to me a lot of what you think are 'flaws' of DMC3 are quite subjective, things other people could easily disagree on because they are your personal preference rather than indisputable facts. Take the tactical stuff in DMC1. You could argue it was more tactical to you because you had less options and were forced to make better use of the limited moves and weapons you had, while I would argue DMC3 offers a greater tactical approach because there literally are more moves available and more ways to use said moves. Both valid ways of looking at it.

But to state your personal dislike of a character or their behavior is a matter of taste rather than something that can be called a 'flaw with this game'.
Lots of things

I'm not going to get into anything here, just lay out the things you're saying that are wrong, and then I'm out.

Firstly - Tameem never insulted the fans. Talking of things being "uncool" and "outdated" were extremely valid points. DMC1 debuted when what was cool and the popular interests were dark, gothic fantasy action with heavy rock. "What was cool back then (over ten years ago), isn't cool now," and ain't that the truth. By today's standards, Dante is too outlandish and flamboyant, and does not fit well in the new contemporary game NT was tasked with making.

Secondly - It wasn't Alex Jones who called people "sheep," it was a Community Manager or some such from Capcom's UK site. The bigger point to make is that no one was calling anyone "sheep." The sentence used was "There are a lot of opinions, and people passing off rumours as ‘fact’ on what was a 90 second trailer… Just wait and see. Some of the vitriol is incredible. I guarantee there will be a few sheepish people changing their mind when more information is released." Link here.

Language Arts lesson, kiddies! "Sheepish" in the context with which it was used, means embarrassed, as in "some fans will embarrassingly change their mind once they know more" than what a 90 second trailer showed. It has nothing to do with calling people blind sheep who will buy anything given to them, and everything to do with people getting their panties in a wad over 90 seconds of footage for a game still three years out from release.

This is the kind of **** I talk about when I mention bullshit contrivances - people twisting words and taking them out of context.

Lastly - don't really listen to EventStatus, I suspect he's the one who got people to think the above things I addressed above that are completely wrong.

Awright, I'm out. PEACE.
Seems to me a lot of what you think are 'flaws' of DMC3 are quite subjective, things other people could easily disagree on because they are your personal preference rather than indisputable facts. Take the tactical stuff in DMC1. You could argue it was more tactical to you because you had less options and were forced to make better use of the limited moves and weapons you had, while I would argue DMC3 offers a greater tactical approach because there literally are more moves available and more ways to use said moves. Both valid ways of looking at it.

But to state your personal dislike of a character or their behavior is a matter of taste rather than something that can be called a 'flaw with this game'.

Oh. I guess they were. Oh well.
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Once again distracted by the character. I respect you opinion of the character (any everyone else's as well even if I don't agree with them) but it sounds as though you Pro-DmC fans have a problem with the character NOT the combat system.

Surely we all can let this petty squabble aside and admit the gameplay has taken a hit. The DLC stuff is also something I believe the Devil May Cry franchise does NOT need. I believe we as a community can change those 2 aspects to ensure the quality of the franchise.
The gameplay is obviously not a defining factor in not liking the old series Dante, I think the vast majority can agree that DMC4 Dante was the pinnacle of the series and for me, as much I dislike the story and characters and truly Hate with a deep passion the level design, the action parts with Nero and Dante were amazing. But I also understand that as a long time fan I was able to pick up and play DMC4 with great ease and never actually found the game hard at all except for DMD difficulty. However, I do also know a lot of people who jumped on to play the game at DMC4 never got into it or finished because it was just too complex with all you could do.

Mind you this was not the case for me and probably a lot of people on this forum but we alone cannot support the franchise otherwise it will never grow. As much as it sucks for long time fans who are addicted to the awesomeness of DMC4's combat, making it more accessible is just good business. I do realize perfectly well that the new DmC is not as amazing in the combat department as DMC3 or DMC4, it's 30fps and it uses the unreal engine and there is no getting around that. But I can see why NT made that design decision. A great game needs a lot more than just one amazing aspect to be, well, great. While DMC4 still has the best combat in the series, that in my opinion was it's only saving grace.

You also have to realize that not everyone cares about infinitely deep combat, not everyone plays for that. This is Capcom trying to do what they do. Make money and reach a wider audience. I think that this DmC combat wise is a stellar start and once DmC2 which will probably be next gen if it gets a sequel will have combat closer to what older fans want while still having the technological power to do what NT wanted to do in terms of art direction and level design. As for the DLC issue, well in all honesty there is nothing you can really do except not buy it. Capcom has said it's not on disc which people will discover if they are lying or not but this is just the gaming world we live in and it's not going away and it's also not something new with Capcom, they have been doing it since Street Fighter 2 and will continue to do so until people start talking with their money and not just internet rants about it.
Have you played the game and completed it yet?

Have you played the game and completed it yet?

I see you like Jin Kazama and I personally find him to be powerful yet the exact definition of generic animoo writing. Nothing redeemable about that character, but should you get insulted by it or explain why I'm wrong?
Jin Kazama is the fighter I’m most comfortable with. I see what you tried to do by saying he is generic but last I checked there are over 50 characters in Tekken so you are not “forced” to choose Jin to play with. You have an option. In DMC you usually have 1 character to play with.

To insult the fanbase would be say "Eff you guys, we're driving this now so STFU or GTFO".
So I guess saying “So this is the new dante take it or leave it.” is not an insult by your definition?

Honestly, not a single person on this planet has the right to NOW complain about 60FPS since DmC on the PC is running at true 60FPS (even 200). So that point is wrong.
So now PC guys get 60 fps? What about the consoles? You know that are still at 30 fps? My point is still valid. From you avatar thing you have an xbox. DmC will still be 30 fps for you on your xbox!:)

I would pre-fer lock on but I've never really been bothered about not using lock-on yet (and I've been the game). Not only that but a lot of combos in DMC4 don't use lock-on.
2 evade buttons. Now I know you haven't even played the demo and are just regurgitating what others are saying. Please dude, just go to the control options and remove one.
Your right I didn’t play the demo. Well except for the part that I actually did play the demo. 4 times or so because I wanted to try son of sparda mode to see if the enemies would try to kill me. I acted as if it were not Devil May Cry and still IMO did not enjoy it. Boss lady glitched on me as well. R1 usually allows me to perform “stinger” but I kept evading. Old habits die hard I suppose!=P
Since you took a jab at me not playing the demo and saying what others do I wanna take a jab at you. How about I remove one of the evade buttons and put a lock on button…oh yea I can’t lol

Glitches, why is DmC singled out with glitches yet games like Fallout, Dragon Age, Zelda, GTA never have that used against them?
DmC is singled out for glitches because I’m holding NT/Capcom responsible for NOT DOING THEIR JOB! When you are presenting a game to potential buyers I’m sure it’s not impossible to have the bugs worked out.

At least make your point with evidence. Point out a single review that has actually made a positive review to insult the fans. YOU MUST at least show evidence of this.
The way you taking my words out of context saying that the reviewers made positive reviews JUST to insult the fans seems a little fishy but I can point out a revire that does insult the fans for not liking DmC. One IGN video review on youtube. Didn’t make it a minute into it, “If you are one of those gamers that wanted to dismiss DmC, because it wassn’t a real devil may cry game, then don’t be a baby.” The reviewer says “just kidding lol” afterwards soI guess it means it wasn’t an insult right?

Any negativity towards the game could be shrugged off as haters. But this also works vice-versa. Any positive feedback the game gets is labelled "to attack fans" or "fanboyism". Anyone who genuinely enjoyed the game is paid to enjoy it
If you mean a reviewer than yes they are paid to enjoy it or are you telling me that gaming companies don’t pay reviewers at all. Case in point one IGN gave Tekken Tag 2 a 7.5 because it was “Fight lab was hard and had too much content all at once” while same IGN gave Marvel vs Capcom 3 an 8.5 for “great combat but no mode variety” (This is the same game where your little cards battle each other instead of spectating) Reviews are TOTALLY not bought lol
As far as actually people I believe that enjoy the game and I am happy for them. I will get back to positive feedback for the game later okay?

No offence, but I laugh HARD at Metacritic. For me to even talk about how pathetic Metacritic is would be an essay in it's own. This falls under your following sentences. User reviews...geez. When are they ever good?
Geez…user reviews? You mean user reviews like word of mouth? I prefer a “user review” to a game reviewing site any day. Why? The user reviews are usually fans of the series and can easily communicate with other fans. Now not all user reviews are useful (which you were getting at) but some of them are actually well written. I should know. I check amazon reviews before I buy a game (and I beat I ain’t the one who does that!=P) because they give an honest opinion and don’t care if I buy the game or not. I’ve written a couple of reviews on there as well (like with Street Fighter x Tekken) because not everyone has $65 to gamble on a video game.

I'm not too sure if you read that topic or are judging it based on the title. But the ENTIRE thread is the forum laughing their butts off at how stupid Metacritic is.
Umm the thread you were in right? I’m not here to start fights, In fact I said I didn’t approve of game bashing “or review bombing.” I tried to look at the actually reviews of the game to see what the fans thought of the game. Not every “user review” is super biased as you want to make them seem!:)

I may be a fan of DmC and someone who actually bought AND completed it AND is currently exploring the combat but that doesn't mean I can't find problems with it. I'm sure a few people on this forum has seen the stuff I've found and even want a few of them patched. But the game has far more pros than cons.
Not sure but…this sounds like one of those “user review” that are apparently not “ever good” lol

A lot of this forum has posted reviews from publications because they are glad to see it doing well. What's wrong with that? It's the same as the Diablo 3 forum posting good reviews. They're happy to see the game do well despite the backlash. There's nothing wrong that getting excited for a game and seeing it do well. As for that quote, source?

Well it was my understanding that you guys wanted to enjoy the game despite what the “haterz” thought so forgive me if I thought you all would be playing the game. I’m sorry. Also backlash Capcom created. As for that quote, I will go get it for you!:)

Since when is an opinion a fact. I agree, Capcom are MASSIVE A**holes. I got conned with SFxT. Since then I didn't buy any of their DLCs/Asuras Wrath/Dragons Dogma and spoke out against their BS. But I bought DmC because I want to support NT. I personally think they did an amazing job consider the amount of pointless pressure they were under from "fans". DmC is a good game.
The pressure came from Capcom buddy. What can I say Controversies sell right? Do you believe this game would have gotten as much hype without all that “pointless pressure” from fans?

I honestly believe that comments like this isn't real. I cannot actually believe that there are people taking it seriously. I don't honestly don't believe it. I don't. You cannot tell me you're taking that as an insult. You will not be able to convince me you're purposefully insulted by that. As the cutscene says "No in a million years"
Golly gee. First Capcom/NT practically beg old fans to just give the game a shot. Any DMC fans give DmC a shot and are welcomed with a hair joke. Totally not an insult of the character they liked from the old games or nothing. Just coincidence.

Because people such as yourself who haven't played the game have already come to the conclusion of not buying it based on random tweets/a low level of knowledge on the series/a demo/ and some incredibly awkward points that're "bad" about the game
We as fans of the Devil May Cry franchise has NO reason whatsoever to be fighting each other over the INTERNET about someone’s opposing opinion about a VIDEO GAME! This goes for Pro or Anti. Respectful debates explaining opinions? Yes? Flaming/trolling? No. There is NO excuse. We are on the same side in wanting a great game for the franchise.
You don’t know why I haven’t played the game. You don’t have to assume because I will tell you. I seen the trailer in 2010 and wasn’t impressed. I seen the combat trailer/gameplay and it didn’t appeal to me. I’ve even played the demo of the game and did not enjoy it. IMO it’s a mediocre mix between Devil May Cry and heavenly sword that isn’t worth $65. I didn’t enjoy the demo so what WHY would I purchase it? Demos are released to let players try a game to decide if they want to buy it or not. It’s a part of marketing if I am not mistaken.
It makes no damn sense that you condone the fans fighting because I(or “people such as myself”) don’t have the same opinion as you.
I don’t buy a game and you troll me for having a different opinion and criticize me for holding Capcom/NT to their initial promises?

I point you to the fact that other games have glitches and do you get bothered about them? I purposefully find glitches in games. If you're so hung up on glitches then feel free to bash TTT2. I recently went glitch hunting in that game. Not only is Kunimitsu unable to be hit in crouching (due to broken hitbox), Ogre has an infinite and look....
You just said you “purposely find glitches” did you not? Some people playing the demo just WANTED TO PLAY THE GAME AND FOUND GLITCHES. There was a guy who failed a secret mission that was a race. He did that helm-break attack as he fell to his death then THE SCREEN WENT WHITE. HE COULDN’T PLAY THE DEMO UNTIL HE QUIT. THAT IS A PROBLEM! A problem that should be fixed by the company who made the game. I hold them accountable while you defend them for NOT DOING THEIR JOB. They are paid to NOT have glitches. What sense does it make to have glitches in a demo that is supposed to get people to want to buy the game?

No but I checked the files within the game and it's not on there. I HATE the pre-order bonuses but they are in the game. Vergils Downfall was most definitely created AFTER the game came out! Fact.

Totally fact because the idea that Capcom could purposely leave portions of a game unfinished to sell later is blasphemy right? *Cough* *cough* Asura’s wrath ending *cough*

I agree, it's bullshi- but that Sony thing isn't true just yet. It's a rumour. But everything else is true. It's all BS. But what you're saying is that you don't want DmC to sell because it's not good to you. What you're rallying against is a game YOU DON'T LIKE. There is no online pass, this is no disc lock content, there is no anti-pirate DRM, there is no online only connection there is day 1 DLC, so what it comes down to, is you not wanting games to come out because YOU don't like them
Rumor? You mean like on disc DLC was a RUMOR and online passes were a RUMOR back then but now they are the “norm” for gaming. Wasn’t there an offline pass for Rage? Where have I said I do not want this game to come out? Please point it out. I don’t care if the game comes out. I’m 21 years old and if a game comes out I don’t like I just…don’t buy it and go on with my life. I don’t troll people for liking the game I don’t like. I wanted it to come out so this stupid fighting amongst fans, of the same franchise, could stop. I don’t care if the game gets a 8/10, 9/10 or 10/10 if the game has truly EARNED it. IMO it’s mediocre. I watched Adam sessler’s review and it told the truth. It was a fair review. Not because it was a 3/5 but because he reviewed the game. He told good things about the game while addressing the game had some gameplay issues. The result of “high review” scores is developers getting extremely arrogant and belittling customers while not making the best game they can (which we as customers deserve because we give them a job by buying their products) they will push out an unfinished game and fill their pockets with YOUR money for what you believe to be a finished product. Capcom is notorious for this behavior.

Dude pelase, did you not see the INSANE amount of arse kicking that came at Capcom after SFxT. I mean, they really took a massive punch to the jaw. A HUGE one
Where was the kick in the bum when UMvC3 came out? This game added “online spectating” and “new characters” for $39.99. It was 10 years between MvC2 and MvC3. Then 8 months between MvC3 and UMvC3? Why did it take SFxT to stand up and say, “HEY! That’s enough Capcom. We don’t like that mess.” The companies will back down if we unite our concerns. Everyone called those who were disappointed with ME3’s ending “whiners” then they united and GOT STUFF DONE! The company made a better ending. We pay their salaries dude. Without the customers the company can’t exist. However with people like you (who bash others for having different opinions and accept anything pushed out by companies as “good” ) People who will blindly support/defend these companies, prevent positive change from being done. How do you expect DmC (or any game) to improve if they are already perfect according to reviews? Boy did Capcom/NT prove the haters like me wrong because DmC is a step forward in the series. The combat/story is better than any past DMC game. It has no flaws whatsoever.
This is exactly what I am talking about! We need to grow up and set aside this petty fighting and look at what is best for the community. Voicing your concerns with DmC gameplay (or any other issues you have) will improve the next game in the franchise opposed to *excuse the crude reference, just trying to get a point across, not trying to insult anyone* “Herp Derp DmC is perfeeeeect”
Gosh why do you people realize that?
Only those who don't like the game. I won because I got a game I liked that had no shady practices but came with a fanbase rallying against a game they don't like. Instead of leaving people alone to enjoy something they bitch and moan.

See once again. “I won because I got a game I liked” Why are you even apart of these forums if you are that selfish? Don’t you get it? I though forums like this was for fans of the same games to talk about what they like/dislike about a game and try to improve the future games. You keep throwing in "Have you bought and completed the game like me? No because your a hater who just played the demo and didn't buy it" I may not care for this DmC game but I care about the Devil May Cry franchise. Apparently as long as "you win" and "get the game you like" nothing else matters. It's the people like yourself why the gaming industry has gotten as bad as it has. Don't get me wrong the gaming community has always had problems but they were not this extreme. Gamers of the past respected each other enough to look for the wellbeing of their fellow gamer. You don't care for anyone but yourself. So long as you get the game you want you don't care for the consequences of your actions. That is why people call people immature "fanboys." The Devil May Cry community consists of more than yourself. The gaming community consists of more than yourself. This is bigger than you getting a game. This is bigger than me not getting a game. The entire Devil May Cry franchise (for or against this game) has taken a step backwards (be it in actually gameplay or just basic respect for one another). How do we, as the Devil May Cry community, get past this and get the gameplay issue across to Capcom/NT to prevent it happening again in future games?

...I know we have to stop fighting each other over a video game...
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Guys, we can sit here all day and argue the logistics on whether this was a good game/idea and whatnot, but it all boils down to the simple fact of: it happened. Was this a bad thing? I dont know. I dont think anyone knows. Normally, im sure you all know that im not very serious about what I say, but this time Im going to step up. We still have DMC fans, but now we have more DmC fans. theres a balance. Balance is a good thing. Has anyone noticed the increase in DmC Avatars and Sigs? It just shows that peopel are adjusting.

Can we please just stop with all of this flamming? Yes, The DMC fans dont like it, but the new game has lots of promise. Yes, the DmC fans think its great, but that doesn't mean the old games suck just because of the new graphics and gameplay.

Heres an example. If this conflict happened in the Gundam forums, there would be 20-30 diffrent sides, rather than just two. There are 13 official installments (or "reboots" if you must), and hundreds more side stories. It would tear the community into pieces immediatly. The same is happening here, but just slower.

Stop the trolling. Stop the flamming.

THANK YOU!!! I think that you understand the fighting amongst ourselves is hurting the franchise as a whole.
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still waiting for that DMC3 flaws talk that everyone seemed to ignore right off the bat.

I will have that talk with you. The gameplay was amazing but the prequel made it difficult for the original Devil May Cry's story to continue. That is a flaw. The original Dante (who looked awesome at the end of the game in his shop) was never seen or heard from again IMO
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THANK YOU!!! I think that you understand the fighting amongst ourselves is hurting the franchise as a whole.
This whole DmC vs DMC has probably already hurt the series and showed just how stupid and petty "gamers" can be. It's almost become more of a joke now and it's really sad that the thing that ends up damaging the DMC series as a whole is not 30fps "emo" Dante, or over the top anime Dante but annoying fans who act like a video game is the end all be all.
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This whole DmC vs DMC has probably already hurt the series and showed just how stupid and petty "gamers" can be. It's almost become more of a joke now and it's really sad that the thing that ends up damaging the DMC series as a whole is not 30fps "emo" Dante, or over the top anime Dante but annoying fans who act like a video game is the end all be all.

Yes it hurt the series but I want to believe we all can recover from this.

Nostalgia makes the old games greater than what they really are. I can admit that is probably why old fans acted the way they did. I can understand wanting to appeal to a broader audience but IMO a company shouldn't sacrifice guaranteed buyers for potential buyers. I do not mind change but companies appear to forget without the fans they aren't as important
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Yes it hurt the series but I want to believe we all can recover from this.

Nostalgia makes the old games greater than what they really are. I can admit that is probably why old fans acted the way they did. I can understand wanting to appeal to a broader audience but IMO a company shouldn't sacrifice guaranteed buyers for potential buyers. I do not mind change but companies appear to forget without the fans they aren't as important
I hope the series does recover from this debacle, I frankly just dont trust Capcom knowing it's track record for killing beloved series so I could actually see the DMC series going away for quite a while if the sales are lackluster on this or not what Capcom wanted. You are right, too often big developers forget that the fans matter, and for them it is a tight rope especially in this current market because the folks that are guaranteed buyers might have been enough to keep a franchise afloat five or six years ago, but in a world where Call of Duty and Halo sell 800,000,0000,000, copies each it's hard to compete and stay viable.

Capcom probably did not expect this much backlash and it really had no reason to since it's way over the top. But despite my love hate relationship with Capcom I do applaud it for at least taking this risk with DmC, especially as a Japanese developer. I can barely stomach a lot of japanese made games these days thanks to the many developers there flat out refusing to take any risk or try new ideas with their stuff. Instead we get either the same game or Japanese developers attempting to appeal to the west by making their games clones of Call of duty or taking a dump on the spirit of a beloved series like what Capcom did with Resident Evil 6. This in my opinion is the exact opposite thing that NT did with the DMC series imo.
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Its kinda like Capcom just dumped the old fans the moment complants came out about the new look. I really wish Capcom and NT would have stepped up to stop all this fighting before it even began, instead of using it as buzz to sell the game.
I'm not going to get into anything here, just lay out the things you're saying that are wrong, and then I'm out.

Firstly - Tameem never insulted the fans. Talking of things being "uncool" and "outdated" were extremely valid points. DMC1 debuted when what was cool and the popular interests were dark, gothic fantasy action with heavy rock. "What was cool back then (over ten years ago), isn't cool now," and ain't that the truth. By today's standards, Dante is too outlandish and flamboyant, and does not fit well in the new contemporary game NT was tasked with making.

Secondly - It wasn't Alex Jones who called people "sheep," it was a Community Manager or some such from Capcom's UK site. The bigger point to make is that no one was calling anyone "sheep." The sentence used was "There are a lot of opinions, and people passing off rumours as ‘fact’ on what was a 90 second trailer… Just wait and see. Some of the vitriol is incredible. I guarantee there will be a few sheepish people changing their mind when more information is released." Link here.

Language Arts lesson, kiddies! "Sheepish" in the context with which it was used, means embarrassed, as in "some fans will embarrassingly change their mind once they know more" than what a 90 second trailer showed. It has nothing to do with calling people blind sheep who will buy anything given to them, and everything to do with people getting their panties in a wad over 90 seconds of footage for a game still three years out from release.

This is the kind of **** I talk about when I mention bullshit contrivances - people twisting words and taking them out of context.

Lastly - don't really listen to EventStatus, I suspect he's the one who got people to think the above things I addressed above that are completely wrong.

Awright, I'm out. PEACE.

Even if the above is true and I did take the interview out of context, it does not mean Capcom/NT had the fans best interest in mind. If I recall correctly Capcom sought out NT for it's story telling from it's prior games (which were written by outside writers if I'm not mistaken.) so IMO Capcom choose the wrong company for this reboot from square one.

I do not mind accepting if I was wrong. However I put nothing past Capcom. Especially after the "megaman" in Street Fighter x Tekken
Its kinda like Capcom just dumped the old fans the moment complants came out about the new look. I really wish Capcom and NT would have stepped up to stop all this fighting before it even began, instead of using it as buzz to sell the game.

This guy is holding Capcom/NT responsible for using this flame/troll war to their advantage to sell a video game. IMO The same Capcom some of you are defending which "can do no wrong."
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I hope the series does recover from this debacle, I frankly just dont trust Capcom knowing it's track record for killing beloved series so I could actually see the DMC series going away for quite a while if the sales are lackluster on this or not what Capcom wanted. You are right, too often big developers forget that the fans matter, and for them it is a tight rope especially in this current market because the folks that are guaranteed buyers might have been enough to keep a franchise afloat five or six years ago, but in a world where Call of Duty and Halo sell 800,000,0000,000, copies each it's hard to compete and stay viable.

Capcom probably did not expect this much backlash and it really had no reason to since it's way over the top. But despite my love hate relationship with Capcom I do applaud it for at least taking this risk with DmC, especially as a Japanese developer. I can barely stomach a lot of japanese made games these days thanks to the many developers there flat out refusing to take any risk or try new ideas with their stuff. Instead we get either the same game or Japanese developers attempting to appeal to the west by making their games clones of Call of duty or taking a dump on the spirit of a beloved series like what Capcom did with Resident Evil 6. This in my opinion is the exact opposite thing that NT did with the DMC series imo.

I agree with you. They did take a risk with DmC just as they did with DMC2. IMO they could have still made a new game all together because, from what it sounds like, you guys would like/be interested in the game regardless if it were a devil may cry game or not. I just don't believe slapping "Devil May Cry" on a game makes it a "Devil May Cry" game. I believe this is unique enough to be a stand alone title.