A message to all DmC supporters

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Did you ever troll/flame someone who didn't support DmC?

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Robert wuz Here

Well-known Member
Jan 12, 2013
Before when I used think of a DmC supporter a child similar to my nephew (age 9) came to mind who has never heard anyone use profanity or aren't allowed to use it themselves. After coming on here I see not all of the Pro-DmC people are like that. I really wanted to stay out of this DMC vs DmC troll war. The main reason I was forced to pick a side early on (Pro-DMC) was because NT insulted the original fans. I didn't like where DmC was going with the first trailer so I decided not to buy it then and there and wished the game well.

Then you hear the old Dante was "outdated" and "uncool" from Taneem in an interview. My piece of advice is if you want people to buy your rebooted product then don't insult the original fanbase who got the franchise to become established. Then Alex compared the fans (Pro-DMC and Pro-DmC) to sheep in an interview who were "going to buy the game anyway" if memory serves me correctly. Once again insulting us, the fans.
*Above was mentioned on youtube by EventStatus in his Devil May Cry videos which I recommend to see how this whole "war" began between the fans*

Then pro-DmC's side has pretty much accused anyone who dislikes the game as "hating" in an attempt to silence any opposition. Any concern for the switch from 60 fps to 30fps, no lock-on, difficulty, 2 evade buttons, glitches, etc. are immediately placed under "the hair" category and dismissed.

The reviews are out (Don't delude yourself into believing they are not purchased. This can go for ANY game) giving 8/10, 9/10, 10/10 and even various awards hyping this game through the roof and to the moon for being "flawless" and insult the "haters" for being wrong in a "I told you so" manner. Once again old fans are insulted this time by reviewers who support the game. Metacritic.com shows this. The Critic reviews are all positive and do not mention problems. Some of the user reviews, which are overwhelmingly negative at the moment due to some trolls just bashing which I don't approve of, do their part and actually review the game bringing up legitimate concerns with the game:

"Judging the game by comparing it to the earlier installments I have to say is a lackluster experience, not because of the redesign, not because of the somewhat weird political commentary, but because the gameplay is way slower than even DMC2 which was the worst of the classic series in that regard, the lack of a dedicated lock on button and the unnecessary platform segments (for an action game) really makes this one lose points." 5/10 review

Pro-DmC fans suffer from people who blindly accept the game for perfection.

"LOL @ all these people hating on the game because it's different" 10/10 review

When are we going to grow up?

There is even a forum topic on here entitled " DmC Metacritic Reviews are getting absurd" worried about the game getting bad scores. NT's twitter spoke of not having any genuine reviews under 89% and, if I'm not mistaken, are boasting enough with their paid reviews. Once the hype dies down and everyone comes to their senses I hope you DmC supporters realize that DmC has problems and, if they are not addressed by you, they will not get fixed.

My question is why are you all worried so much about review scores? If you like the game then enjoy playing the game then play it instead of trying to convince/vindicate to others why you like it. In the end Capcom sold this game purely on a fan war along with arrogance. Capcom/NT essentially told the fans, "We know what you want so shut up and buy it when we release it." and will do it again.

If I were a DmC fan I would be worried. Why? You have seen how Capcom treated it's original DMC fans. Do you really think you will be treated any differently? Capcom doesn't care about us. We are purely numbers to them. Should they feel the need for a new "reboot" they will treat DmC fans just as poorly as DMC fans. You all will be the "whiners" and "haters." Capcom did it to the Megaman franchise so do you think the Devil May Cry franchise is safe? Who cares what scores DmC gets or how well this game sells? I'm worried about the franchise as a whole. This ladies and gents is taken from vg247.com

"You’ve lost it, “gamers”. I’m ashamed to be sharing an arbitrary demographic grouping with such raving imbeciles. Go outside. Get some fresh air. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Grow the **** up. And try DmC: Devil May Cry, because it’s a good video game. Remember how you used to like those?"

Go ahead and call me a "hater" because I refuse to kiss Capcom's a** for making the "Shakespearean masterpiece" otherwise known as DmC. I do not have a problem with you as a person because we have different opinions over a video game. My problem is with Capcom/NT because of how they treat their "fans". Seriously the whole white wig thing on that carnival mission poking fun at the old fans and the reaction to the hair. I'm confident you are probably "It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously." So you are telling me insulting your entire fanbase's reaction to a drastic change to the main protagonist of a beloved franchise they invested time/money is a joke? Starting this s**tstorm flame war between the original fans and new fans causing a controversy to keep the DmC buzzing is a joke? Creating the whole us "DmC" fans versus them "DMC" fans mentality was just hilarious wasn't it? That is why I cannot support this game. We are ALL under the same franchise. Why are we fighting each other again?

We all are on the same side in wanting an entertaining game to play. DmC distracted many of you Pro-DmC guys/gals from it's gameplay issues by bringing up "them original DMC fans don't like the game because of the hair. What haterz right?" You all said "How can you judge a game you have not played yet?" and "give the game a chance." Then the demo came out and glitches galore. I played the demo and it glitched on the boss. I attacked and she didn't move nor lose health from my attacks. When we "gave the game a chance" and found glitches we were apparently "searching for glitches." I find it ironic this game's story talks about the "media" controlling people and you DmC supporters are essentially falling for the same thing you are fighting against in DmC lol

This is bigger than this mediocre game to me. We, as the Devil May Cry community, have proved to everyone else just how immature we are...over a video game. That is truly pathetic. This effects me. This effects you (Yes you reading this if you made it this far) This effects gaming as a whole. If we DMC and DmC fans don't put aside petty differences aside and continue to troll/flame each other for difference of opinion...then we ALL lose the Devil May Cry franchise.Lost at how much we have lost this gaming generation. I've watched as companies purposely lock portions of a finished game (Street Fighter x Tekken anyone?) and make users buy DLC to complete their game. Can you justify DLC being announced before a game is even released? I've watched as companies issue online passes (some of which can apparently expire.) to "stop" pirating of games. I've watched as single player games get DRM requiring an internet connection to play your game OFFLINE (Final Fight DRM from EventStatus video) Now Sony patents anti-used games software in the next generation? Are we still going to continue fighting about this game while stuff like this becomes the new "norm"?

I have seen DmC/DMC fans fight and fight over this game but where are you all when we, as gamers, are blamed for shooting and violence? These big time review sites didn't say anything when we were being blamed for that shooting in Connecticut but they are quick to belittle a fellow gamer because of a difference of opinion over Devil May Cry. I don't recall Capcom backing us gamers during that time. Did you back us up or where you too busy calling a DMC fan a "hater"? The quality of gaming, our beloved hobby, is at risk because we as gamers will fight each other to the death (if their opinion if different than ours) but will do NOTHING against the company who insults/exploits them. DMC fans have lost. DmC fans have lost. We ALL have lost.

Due to ignorance we have lost this generation in gaming. Let's not lose the next one too
Nope, no point int trolling people. If they don't like/ like something, what is there to gain from trying to upset them on purpose?
I'm neutral. I like the game, I bought it, but I don't think it's the best game ever made, or something extreme like that. I'm having fun with it, and that's the point of gaming. :)
There's enough bad stuff going on in real life for people. Don't want the internet becoming the same
If you hate it so much, why get worked up over it?

It's called an opinion, and Tameen gave his. Besides it seems everyone remembers his "Insult" when really it wasn't an insult at all. Old Dante was getting stale in a few ways, and I noticed that in DMC4. He changed. He has to try extra hard just to look cool, and that gets annoying after awhile.

I like the reboot and would love to have it (No money), but if you're gonna write paragraphs on why you don't like it or it's fan base, then I implore you.

I'm against the notion of trolling or hating someone for not liking what I like. If they ask me I will give them my opinion but I will avoid to feel offended if they don't agree with me. It's their movie, game or music. Emotional triggers (what they find fun or what they hate) are different for each person and there is no need for logical reasoning or explanations.

I have math and software development for that.
Its to long of a read so I took the time. I dislike the game, am gonna rent it to give my full judgement. But honestly you don't need to write a half a page thing, I can understand your dislike and I can understand that neither side is innocent in this "war".

And for those reading this, don't think your innocent in this either. Both sides are at fault for this little war over the reboot.
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Well written, and I liked the way you voiced your opinion on the topics listed. I'm looking forward to playing the game myself :) is it perfect? (were any of them?) no, but I think it's still going to kick ass, and for the people just getting into the genre, I think they'll have the same experience we all had with the original DMC :)
If you hate it so much, why get worked up over it?

It's called an opinion, and Tameen gave his. Besides it seems everyone remembers his "Insult" when really it wasn't an insult at all. Old Dante was getting stale in a few ways, and I noticed that in DMC4. He changed. He has to try extra hard just to look cool, and that gets annoying after awhile.

I like the reboot and would love to have it (No money), but if you're gonna write paragraphs on why you don't like it or it's fan base, then I implore you.


You complained about Dante becoming stale. What are your complaints about DMC 4's gameplay though? Do you not like style switching it introduced?

A perfect example of someone who is distracted by what "haters" opinions are instead of the issues we as a community need to face. I will answer your question though.

Why get worked up over it? You look at the gaming community as a whole and tell me why I shouldn't be "worked up." Say what you will about me "writing paragraphs" but here are the cold hard facts. DMC, DMC 2 and DMC3 , assuming they were the same price as other PS2 games, were $49.99 each. DMC 4 was $59.99.

Before DmC was announced Capcom had DLC (which is already on the disc most likely) Please correct me if I am wrong but Virgil's Downfall is free DLC if you preorder from gamestop right? So I am assuming you have to pay for if you don't preorder right? You just claimed to not having money to buy DmC right? I'm assuming you want the most out of your game correct? You will pay the full price of $65 for an incomplete product. You, as a DmC supporter, are effected. If you want to play as virgil you will probably have to spend out an extra $9.99 to buy the DLC already on the disc. You will have to wait for the blood palace DLC that you have already paid for. Waiting to play or having to pay extra for something that you have already paid for is wrong if I like the new Dante or not. Need I go on?

So I guess you are telling me that this reboot will fix the character design so you don't mind if DmC takes a step back in the gameplay department and don't mind that you to pay extra for a "complete product" because the old Dante was becoming stale and annoyed you in DMC 4?
Because Tameem was right.
The old DMCs were good when the year was 2000's

Its just not anymore.
- Even the most stupid scary movie of 90's were really scary when the year was 1990. Same goes with actions, dramas..
- Metallica albums were good on 90's but right now the same Metallica is not doing good albums anymore.

The time is changed, everything is changed. Gothic stages were good in DMC while it was 00's but i get ****ing bored of it...I get bored of DragonballZ-ish anime Dante cutscenes.

I loved the new mature DmC. (when i say mature im talking about the realism)
Its to long of a read so I took the time. I dislike the game, am gonna rent it to give my full judgement. But honestly you don't need to write a half a page thing, I can understand your dislike and I can understand that neither side is innocent in this "war".

And for those reading this, don't think your innocent in this either. Both sides are at fault for this little war over the reboot.

This is not limited to just a "dislike" of a product. The real question is what steps should do we, as a community, have to take to continue to move the Devil May Cry franchise forward? I

I'm sure one of the first steps should be to stop the fighting about this video game and unite to ensure the quality of gameplay (Not the "hair" or the "character" as many of you make it seem to be about) the Devil May Cry franchise. I feel as though unless we as a community don't unite our to voice our concerns that the Devil May Cry franchise will plateau and will get similar "innovations" to the Call of Duty franchise.
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You complained about Dante becoming stale. What are your complaints about DMC 4's gameplay though? Do you not like style switching it introduced?

I didn't say anything about gameplay. I said Dante in general.

A perfect example of someone who is distracted by what "haters" opinions are instead of the issues we as a community need to face.

Yet, you replyed to me instead of not being distracted by my opinion.

Also I didn't call you a hater.

I will answer your question though.

Why get worked up over it? You look at the gaming community as a whole and tell me why I shouldn't be "worked up." Say what you will about me "writing paragraphs" but here are the cold hard facts. DMC, DMC 2 and DMC3 , assuming they were the same price as other PS2 games, were $49.99 each. DMC 4 was $59.99.

Before DmC was announced Capcom had DLC (which is already on the disc most likely) Please correct me if I am wrong but Virgil's Downfall is free DLC if you preorder from gamestop right?

Nope. it's 9 dollars I think.

So I am assuming you have to pay for if you don't preorder right? You just claimed to not having money to buy DmC right? I'm assuming you want the most out of your game correct? You will pay the full price of $65 for an incomplete product. You, as a DmC supporter, are effected. If you want to play as virgil you will probably have to spend out an extra $9.99 to buy the DLC already on the disc. You will have to wait for the blood palace DLC that you have already paid for. Waiting to play or having to pay extra for something that you have already paid for is wrong if I like the new Dante or not. Need I go on?

I don't see that as a big deal since, like I said, I don't have the money for the game. Sure, I'd like to have a full experience, but again, I won't go off the handle for DLC. Cause it's just a game, not a pay check.

So I guess you are telling me that this reboot will fix the character design so you don't mind if DmC takes a step back in the gameplay department and don't mind that you to pay extra for a "complete product" because the old Dante was becoming stale and annoyed you in DMC 4?

Yep. Pretty much. When you hate DMC4 like I do, it makes a lot of sense. I will miss DMC4's gameplay though, but not enough to waste my money on that it.
Because Tameem was right.
The old DMCs were good when the year was 2000's

Its just not anymore.
- Even the most stupid scary movie of 90's were really scary when the year was 1990. Same goes with actions, dramas..
- Metallica albums were good on 90's but right now the same Metallica is not doing good albums anymore.

The time is changed, everything is changed. Gothic stages were good in DMC while it was 00's but i get ******* bored of it...I get bored of DragonballZ-ish anime Dante cutscenes.

I loved the new mature DmC. (when i say mature im talking about the realism)

Once again distracted by the character. I respect you opinion of the character (any everyone else's as well even if I don't agree with them) but it sounds as though you Pro-DmC fans have a problem with the character NOT the combat system.

Surely we all can let this petty squabble aside and admit the gameplay has taken a hit. The DLC stuff is also something I believe the Devil May Cry franchise does NOT need. I believe we as a community can change those 2 aspects to ensure the quality of the franchise.
If the demo is anything to go by - and it should be - the gameplay has taken a big step back IMO. Gameplay has now become the main issue for me about this game when originally it was screwing with the canon or the characters, or the world... now I appreciate just how important gameplay (or imperfections with) really is in a Devil May Cry game.
Once again distracted by the character. I respect you opinion of the character (any everyone else's as well even if I don't agree with them) but it sounds as though you Pro-DmC fans have a problem with the character NOT the combat system.

Surely we all can let this petty squabble aside and admit the gameplay has taken a hit. The DLC stuff is also something I believe the Devil May Cry franchise does NOT need. I believe we as a community can change those 2 aspects to ensure the quality of the franchise.

Gameplay to me is a big deal, but not enough to make me become some derelict who outright sh*ts on anything involving DmC's gameplay. It may have taken a step back, but from what I've seen and played, it's really one small step.
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If the demo is anything to go by - and it should be - the gameplay has taken a big step back IMO. Gameplay has now become the main issue for me about this game when originally it was screwing with the canon or the characters, or the world... now I appreciate just how important gameplay (or imperfections with) really is in a Devil May Cry game.

Same here. IMO weapon specific enemies interrupt the flow of combat and reduce your freedom to be stylish and force you to play a certain way at times. For me Devil May Cry has always been about freedom during combat. I'm sure some of you can agree?
Now, Dante design aside, do you feel as though DmC improved DMC4's gameplay? Honestly?

No. In my opinion it took a step back. But does that stop me--as a person who enjoys a good dose of gaming and is a fan of the DMC series and DmC, from enjoying myself? No. I love DMC and DmC, so obviously I have the freedom to play both as a whole. I don't need to be an anti-DmC and only play DMC, and I don't need to be a pro-DmC and play only DmC. I'm a gamer and as such can have both.
...but it sounds as though you Pro-DmC fans have a problem with the character NOT the combat system.
The problem is this.
I was a fan of DMC
I was a fan of Deftones
I was a fan of Crow movies
I was a fan of KOF98
I was a fan of SFalpha

But now..We grow up. We are not fanboy of anything.
We just like good movies, good music, good games.Being a fanboy of ANYTHING is very childish especially for today. Things getting out of control.
If i had a child, the first thing that im gonna teach him would be ''NOT BECOMING FAN OF ANYTHING''
Same here. IMO weapon specific enemies interrupt the flow of combat and reduce your freedom to be stylish and force you to play a certain way at times. For me Devil May Cry has always been about freedom during combat. I'm sure some of you can agree?

It's in the nature of a hack'n'slash to be repetitive, which is why you need the freedom to be creative in combat to avoid a truly boring game. Here it's like the freedom has been curtailed by people who think what they have done with it is quirky and interesting, but only resulting in noticeable repetitiveness, forced weapon use and events, encouragement to spam certain weapons/moves, a slow 'feel', and slow mo to screw up the flow. A step back, for sure.
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And why am i not angry/dissapointed about the gameplay?
Because i dont wanna waste my life over a game.
Old DMC games was too complicated and to make incredible combos i had to practice it everyday. (I was doing them btw)
But now, i just wanna do every combo in a easy way (not with mashing) and not lost in styles

I'm a good UMVC3 player. (4th lord, you can say mid-level player)
And i love the way game welcomes everyone. I had no idea how to play, but i began and did it very quickly.
Now i prefer it over SSF4. Cause its funny. SSF4 is stressful right now for me, cause everyone takes it deadly serious.
But in Marvel, i f**king enjoy it.

Making the games' control and gameplay more simple and accesable is not a bad thing anymore.
Yeah but i would still wanted more weapons or movements but if there is none, i wouldnt blow my ass on every youtube videos or every forum sites.

All we need is life,bro.
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