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  • oh,haha.Glad that you like it.Where do you live in England?

    Two Persona 3 Images.Spoilers at your risk.

    Helel (In Persona 3,he is named Lucifer.)

    Lucifer (Falen form)


    The hero in SMT: Lucifer's Call,where Dante appears as guest.


    Dante;s artwork in SMT Lucifer's Call.


    Serph,in Digital Devil Saga series.


    Hero in Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES.


    Hero in Persona 4.

    oh,why don;t you try Harvard,Oxford,or Cambridge? great universities they are.:)

    I see that you are a fan of Ichigo,so here some images that you may like.Since I sucks at render,I think you can put them to good use.



    I am kinda okay,just tired.Just played Persona 4 in half way,and I keep dying and dying.haha
    *bows* Thanks for the crumpet, Sir :lol: May I interest you in a scone?

    Sounds like the K-Man has a plan (So sorry :p) I'm sure the best cause of action would be to apply to as much as possible, just to insure you may at least get something good :) And you always have those as backups, which is a good and a lucky thing ;)

    Oh no, that's okay thanks :) I appreciate it, but I'll be fine man :)
    Any time man, I'm always around for a little chat *Sips tea*

    Yeah, everything is fine my friend. Right now I am a little tired, and confused about some things... But nothing too serious :)
    That is the question ;) Well, I hope you have some insight soon my friend :) it must be quite a confusing time for you right now :)

    Things are going well my friend, they're going well :) It's nice to catch up with you, and I hope you're all well; health wise and everything :)
    Aw....4 years? Congrats :D :D

    Uni, eh? Never went meself but if they've got something you want to study then go for it. OU is good if you can afford it and if you have the time - my sister has three jobs and is doing a degree via the OU so it's manageable (but she is a tad work-crazy, so maybe that helps :lol:)

    What do you want to study or are you still in the thinking stages?
    A bit blah, to be honest...been feeling rough for a while now with no end in sight (cue the violins :lol:). But otherwise I'm not too bad, thanking you kindly. How's you?
    Well, I dunno - he was never particularly bright to begin with...kids, eh? Never learn...:lol:
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