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  • i mean... there are other ppl that feel like you do... I know what rejection is like... i know that you feel like you're crazy and there is stuff missing (be it brain or body)...
    when i finish talking to you when it's time for me to go, i shut down the computer and go back to feeling alone...
    only you know how you feel... i feel like that... but i feel like there are several bits of me missing... i think it could be natural... in some things GGC, you have to know that u aren't alone...
    again I understand. You want to be with them, but you don't dare use the word Love yet.
    Lol. Fair enough then my friend :) Please, ask her tomorrow. I hope my help has enlightened you! Goodnight my good friend ^_^
    I was just being nice to the people I liked. I can have my dark moments, believe me.

    You're not screwed. Just ask her, trust me!
    It was me, her and my friend Leon. We went to the park and sat on a bench. Sad thing is, that bench got taken away :( However, I was alone with her after he left. He could tell that I was going to ask her the question. I asked her slowly, if I told her that I liked her, would she say the same back to me. She said yeah. I told her that if I was to say something like, I loved her. If she felt the same way. She said maybe, in a nice way, in a yes way. I asked her if she would go out with me. She laughed in a happy way, and said yes, and we then kissed.
    Anyhow, that day she gave me two hugs instead of one. And I wondered what that meant. She only gave everyone else one friendly hug, and I got two. Perhaps it was a sign? Three days, too early to tell. I asked her the next day to buy me something with my money, because I was having a lazy moment and couldn't be bothered to chose myself. She chose something that I liked, she didn't know I liked it. I gave her one half of the chocolate bar, and she told me she would 'Think of me later' when she ate it. I think I said I would do the same. Anyhow, the next few days came along and I was making more drastic moves to be with her. We even began holding hands, and I was always by her to keep her safe. One of our friends said we looked good together, that we should go out with each other. Later that day I asked her out.
    She wanted someone to wait at the bus stop with her, so I decided that I would. We spoke of different things, I told her she was funny, we smiled and joked. She gave me a hug, and left. The next day we all hung out again, everything was friendly. I offered her food and money for the bus. We hugged, and she went home again. Around the third day, she was cold, and I gave her money so she could buy herself a coat. I am generous to all my friends. I brought one of them a 360 because they made puppy dog eyes. How could I resist that?
    Then, I got ready to go and see them all at the College one morning. I remember when I arrived, everyone was outside. Except Ben, he was in the College, near the front doors. With him were two girls. He came outside, introducing him as friends from his College, they were called Jodie and Stacey. I made note of their names, and took everyone to Mcdonald's to treat them. I asked her if she would like anything, got her food, was kind and generous to her. I respected her like all my other friends. Because she was now a friend to me also.
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