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  • If she says no, you know what that means? It means she didn't feel the same. As much as it will hurt for a while, it will go. You can't force somebody to like you.

    Okay, here goes. Over nine months ago, I was waiting for a bus. As I was waiting I noticed an old school friend of mine that I hadn't seen in a while. His name was Luke, and we got to chatting. Me and Luke exchanged our phone numbers, quickly getting in touch again. I met some of Luke's friends, things were going well. One day at College a kid arrives, another friend of Luke's. His name was Ben. I became friends with him, and trusted him. We all hung out, and had fun. I knew Ben for about three weeks. I recall Luke was upset one time, so I dressed as Santa in March to cheer him up. I walked around Town like that for the whole day, even ate in McDonald's dressed like that. Everyone thought it was hilarious.
    What will it mean to you if she says no?

    I never knew how my girlfriend felt about me, until I asked her out.

    Should I tell you the story now?
    Yes, because it will work if you want it to. You can make anything work if you want it to. Yeah, me and my girlfriend have argued. But I love her, she loves me. We wouldn't give each other up for anyone or anything. We are solid. And three days? That's only four days less then the time it took me to ask my girlfriend out, and we've been together for over 9 months now. One week, to over 9 months. You could be looking at four days, to all eternity, if you ask her tomorrow. Oh, quick question. Where do you see her? Do you hang around her outside at places?
    Honestly, I don't know entirely if she did. But she was single, so like I said, everyone is game. Even me at the time, when I only met her first day, she may not of been the one. I could of seen anyone else around. But I didn't, I saw her :) And the point is, you saw her. And you want her, right? Usually in this case, she will be aware that you want her. If she likes you as a friend, chances are, even if she does like anyone else at the time. What she probably does want is something more serious. And your her hero at the time of need. So you should rescue her, really!
    Would you like me to tell you how I asked my girlfriend out? I only knew her for a week. Let me tell you, I had the same feelings as you. And when you have them, ask right away. I mean it!
    You want to hear the story?
    What do I mean by that? When your single, you have a selection of choice. It's like a dating supermarket, you get the woman off the shelf, take her to be scanned, and keep her for always. Nah, I'm just being silly there. But seriously, if your not committed, you can have fun. Being single is the time where you are honest and yourself, and you talk to the opposite sex until one of them falls into your arms and holds you. And when they hold you, you know they will never let go. If you feel for someone, you show them.
    Tired? Not at all tired. Does LoD get tired when giving advice? Oh no he does not.

    For one thing my friend, women love positivity. What do I mean by that? Do you think it would please women to see a man walk around, with a face like he has been slapped? Nope, they do not like that. I'll tell you what most women like. Women like honesty from a guy. They like a gentlemen, with a soft touch, a hard touch, the right touch. Every single human being holds these different things in their bodies and minds. With some women, you hug them the right way, they won't let you go. Some, you say hi to, they spit in your face. Now we move onto looks here. Your partner will love you for however you are. So don't try and find some super hot model, if you think you have no chance. Just stick to your level, and play the field.
    Hello GamblingGambitCloud. It has been a long time. I have returned, weary, but nonetheless. I am here, and I say, hello :)
    I don't see all my exes as a positive thing...my first bf ever shot me down after I attempted to be friends with him. (and asked all the popular girls..they all dissed him) my second cheated on me. my third never listened to me (everything I said to him went in one ear and out the other) my fourth broke up with me after week via text telling me he was gay. (He wasn't he wanted to get with my best friend. she totally dissed him though.) my current one....no problems yet.
    haven't heard that one before. and don't be such a pessimist, i mean seriously. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
    no ur not. take a look at me ....i used to only make friends with guys. and now I have a boyfriend. don't worry...you are still very young...you will find her.
    but she seems to see you as a friend. so something good may come out of it, you never know.

    Oh well, at first, you became looking moronic, but then you grasped my style and saw the good side... ;)
    What made it truly ridiculous was the fact that he put logic into it. Hey, I got some logic for ya, its called common sense.
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