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  • L
    Thank youu! And Cloud is awesome <3
    Oh crap D: I know how that feels .__. Well, seeing as I don't want to get into nothing too personal; Good luck man XD lol. Other than that, you been ok?
    True. I don't know the particulars and the details of your circumstance, so you'll know better what to do and what not to do. Good luck with whatever route you go, all the best :)
    If she has any grain of empathy in her and she genuinely cares about you (either as a friend or more as a friend, it doesn't matter) she won't make a huge dramatic hoo-haa about this and she won't end your friendship either. If anything it should strengthen the friendship you do have.
    Not at all. Overstepping the boundary would be if you have solid expectations that she'll leave *edit* HER bf for you on the spot. If your scared she might think your trying to sabotage her new relationship, put it clearly in your letter that your intention is not to break them up (because you do want to see her happy) but only to let her know how you feel, which is that you really really like her and you feel you've waited too long to tell her this.
    Yeah, give it to her in person. It'd be weird if you sent it to her house cos that just screams out 'stalker!' But yeah, just give it to her when you catch her alone, and ask her to read it when she's got some time to herself. Tell her you'd be waiting and ready to talk to her about it as soon as she's ready to discuss it.
    A year? o_O I wouldn't wait that long if I were you. Go play the field if it takes that long, you're not going to meet another potential girl if you keep yourself exclusive to this one. If you do have really really really strong feelings for her, you should tell her. If she's a good friend to you, she's bound to understand. Something good might come of it and she might actually go 'wow, I really like you too' and you'll hook up. The worst that can happen is that she'll say she doesn't like you in that way, which will be a good thing in the end because 1. you finally got it off your chest to tell her how you feel, and 2. you'll know where you stand with her so no more 'does she like me, does she not' issues will burden you.
    Ah, because if it's not..I don't know. I could always do some severe searching or ask a friend of mine who is tech savvy; and hopefully he can get something XD
    Dang it D: Hmmm...I would say your router thingy is incompatible, but you got it to work a few times o_o....Does the router have a red light when the xbox is on?
    Gah, that must have been a little awkward for you. Do you know if she likes you at all? Maybe she was missing the signs you were sending her way. Keep your chin up, though. If it doesn't work out with her and the bf, she's gonna need a shoulder to cry on - just make sure you're there ;) Girls tend to become fond of guys who are there to play their white knight when they most need someone.
    Tell me about it. I've given up trying to plan my life, its too frustrating and it's killer when things don't go your way and your hopes and dreams kinda get turned into mashed potato. Now I just go with the flow. It's sad, but it works better.
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