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  • I thought so too. But in game it looks like an armored shrimp with bat wings. xP
    Can't we agree it's a combination of both? :unsure:

    It does look like an insect, but that belly has shrimp written all over it.
    oh... did it work?
    *walks to DT with sad eyes*
    I don't see it? Manta ray wings?:

    Maybe the Broodlord has manta ray wings but the Mutalisk?:
    Its hardly behind their backs when its on VMs :p And SpardaTM was never like that with me. :unsure: Oh well. I don't know about Vampi since I never really got into a debate with her (its a girl right?), but she doesn't really bother me. Moses does have some good ideas, though. I gotta give him credit. He sent me his theory on the whole "does DMC have heaven, angels, or god" thing. Very well thought out and interesting.
    I disagree. SpardaTM, yeah he got like that sometimes (ok more than sometimes) but he was someone you could talk to without wanting to bash him in the face with something. :lol:
    i don't think no one whats to come here, when hes here *pets Aaron*
    Many likes the Queen's design the most.

    I think the Hydralisk, Corruptor, Mutalisk, Broodlord, Drone, Queen, Nydus worms (I know it's a structure but it's awesome nonetheless), Zergling, Roach, Infestor, Hive (building), Greater Spire (building), Overlord, Overseer, Baneling Nest (building) and Banelings are awesome.

    Wait... That's almost all units... T_T
    I'm thinking no reason is good enough for moses. With anything. His way is right apparently. Or at least that's how he comes off.
    shes a girl that wants to have fun, soo yeah
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