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  • M
    yeah me to! thay just usein' us.
    Like we were nothin' Thats what i hate with some guys!
    ... me to
    *wakes up*
    Everything is controlled by the queen of blades. Or the hatcheries, who is controlled by the queen of blades.

    The larvae does nothing until it get it's order. The Zerg is like insects, they are a swarm controlled by a single mind.
    yeah that to.
    But i dislike more that i have to kiss my firend
    You have a desire of what it wants to be, and you order them to be one of the creatures. Two Zerglings (they hatch in pair, twins. :p) require 50 minerals, but a bigger creature, the Hydralisk requires 75 minerals and 25 gas.
    It is resources that costs to make them. They aren't "created" but it's energy used for their eggs to spawn to a certain creature. You have two kinds of resources, Minerals and Vespene Gas.

    A woman who is pregnant needs more energy for the child to grow in her womb. Simple biology, you know?

    The Protoss needs energy to warp in units and the Terrans... maybe need the minerals to make metal and the gas to serve as fuel? Seems logical.
    i... heheh don't know
    remember thet time we played Truth or Dare with the guys
    oh, soo not cool of them at all
    ... i don't get it
    Their costs for Zerglings, Roaches, Hydralisks, Banelings and even Ultralisk is acceptable. The Mutalisk is ok and the Corruptor would actually be useful if it costed 25 less gas.
    The Broodlord is spawned from the Corruptor and costs around 100 minerals and 150 gas, which I think is acceptable if they reduce the gas cost of the Corruptor.
    thats good ^_^
    can't we guys do somethin' everyone togheter?
    sure with me
    Yeah... Hydralisks would be a good way to kill them but they are even more exposable to enemy fire.

    Most of the units of the Zerg takes 2 supply and more now. The Zerg is starting to lose their swarming feel. D:
    world without friends is a world without life,
    If they are used right you need to spawn larva on every hatchery you have every 40 seconds. You need to multi control all your bases, you need to spawn creep, harass and so much at the same time.

    I found out another thing that bugs me. Zerg's unit that works against the Terran Viking (flying unit) is the Corruptor (flying unit). Both is only anti air, and the Viking can land and attack ground units as machines aswell.

    The Corruptor costs more than the Viking (the double I think) and one Corruptor is not enough to kill one Viking. So you need to have more Corruptors than there is Vikings to even survive a battle, and it costs more.
    Yeah... remember when we was really werid onetime
    you mean when we walked around and tell all the guys that thay were hot and flirt with almost everyone and-..
    No not that time
    yeah maybe.
    what did you do with the guys after a went home
    you mean when you went angry cuz we was and drinkin' and yo didn't want to?
    *walks to Aaron* hes soo cute how is the father?
    Oh... hes my sisters and the father... she never tell
    here is my family: DT, Miaka, Dragus, Angelus, Beaty, Lance and my little baby Aaron
    Nice to meet ya'
    Is it okay if we are in here?
    its cold out
    The whole thing is awesome.

    Almost everytime I've played Zerg this week I've used Mutalisks, Broodlords and Corruptors.
    Most of the time I pwn them all! And Zerg requires more skill to be on par with someone else. xP
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