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  • M
    1-1 heheh
    it's not over, Mi-..
    *look at Lance* but we just sayin' that.
    But i have the cuter eyes
    Really? Dragus?
    oh right
    I'm stronger that you
    *make Cute eyes*
    no silly ^_^ i talked to Elli
    Thats soo meaan Zavanna :lol:
    ... i don't get it
    hehe i hope i don't bother you then ^_^
    stop act stupid
    They don't blindly rush them. They trapped you in the ALL IN mission, you had to defend yourself constantly while the majority rushed you and Nydus Worms tried to spawn in your base.
    And when they do invade, they use strategy dude, ALOT of strategy.
    Just read about how Kerrigan did in the original Starcraft. Now that is an evil mastermind! XD

    Brb, I gotta sleep. XD
    is it okay with all of you then?

    ooc: okay^_^
    That's in the story, and people usually don't dare attacking them. It has happened like, four times in both games or something like that. XD
    And during both of those times you utilize devices to kill off all Zergs immediatly.

    One time the Protoss killed the Cerebrates, another they killed the Overmind (after it had invaded their homeworld), and another time they killed the Zerg from their dark planet of Shakuras using a sacred temple. The Terrans barely survived due to the artifact when they attacked the Zerg homeworld of Char in Starcraft 2.
    *eats it all and lays down*
    when do you guys wants to get rid of me?
    *walks to Lance*
    yeah and i fogot qutie ^_^
    They usually overwhelm. I can't say any Scenario when the Zerg has invaded a planet that they've failed, never. When they do you only play an evacuation mission and have to defend against the swarm in your cluster you call base. xP

    The only times they've lost is when you invade them. :p
    *bites easy*
    D'awww hes soo cute
    *walks to Dragus* Miaaw
    Yeah... they do not. The ants are already programmed to be under her rule, the same as the Zerg. But the Zerg, unlike the ants is an invading force who takes over and infests everywhere. They automatically do stuff they need to survive, they automatically attack. The Queen of Blades controls them, telling who they are to attack and not.
    if you let him bite easy in somethin' he can wait longer
    No, but they follow her rule. She doesn't control them but she is their mastermind, their source of birth aswell.
    Everything is controlled by the queen of blades. Or the hatcheries, who is controlled by the queen of blades.

    The larvae does nothing until it get it's order. The Zerg is like insects, they are a swarm controlled by a single mind.
    That is soo nice to say.
    *runs to DT with sad eyes again*
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