dreadnought_dante Nov 20, 2015 my country banned social media. to stop criminal activity on an event.
dreadnought_dante Aug 30, 2015 my cousins and me made a harlem shake today. had a lot of fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuFv3V2ajjU
my cousins and me made a harlem shake today. had a lot of fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuFv3V2ajjU
dreadnought_dante Aug 27, 2015 It held that any great power, unchecked, threatened the very fabric of the universe
dreadnought_dante Aug 22, 2015 can this get any scary, after wearing shoe i realized their was a cockroach in MY SHOE. A ****** COCKROACH IN MY ******* SHOEE!!
can this get any scary, after wearing shoe i realized their was a cockroach in MY SHOE. A ****** COCKROACH IN MY ******* SHOEE!!
dreadnought_dante Aug 12, 2015 some people just be like "we don't play games for fun, we play for judge its mistakes"
dreadnought_dante Aug 7, 2015 Video game argument ended with gunshot.(wow) i bet they were CoD players and the topic was DMC reboot
Video game argument ended with gunshot.(wow) i bet they were CoD players and the topic was DMC reboot
dreadnought_dante Jul 22, 2015 what is the name of the soundtrack in the opening of S2 ep 3 of tokyo ghoul. when a man was screaming im burning
what is the name of the soundtrack in the opening of S2 ep 3 of tokyo ghoul. when a man was screaming im burning