DragonMaster2010 Jul 21, 2015 DMC1 isn't as fun as people hail it as, while DMC3 has gotten rather dated in my recent play of them. DMC2....yeeaaaah still not liknig it.
DMC1 isn't as fun as people hail it as, while DMC3 has gotten rather dated in my recent play of them. DMC2....yeeaaaah still not liknig it.
DragonMaster2010 Jul 20, 2015 Remember when I was DmC Dante trash, then Prototype trash, then John Constantine trash? Now I reside in the Dark Knight dumpster.
Remember when I was DmC Dante trash, then Prototype trash, then John Constantine trash? Now I reside in the Dark Knight dumpster.
DragonMaster2010 Jul 18, 2015 Tch, Maaaaan this is bullcrap. The [PROTOTYPE] remaster's pretty much the same. Well at least it looks a lot sleeker then before.
Tch, Maaaaan this is bullcrap. The [PROTOTYPE] remaster's pretty much the same. Well at least it looks a lot sleeker then before.
DragonMaster2010 Jul 18, 2015 Can someone remind me how Arkham Origins isn't canon with the rest of the series? I thought the story fit nicely.
Can someone remind me how Arkham Origins isn't canon with the rest of the series? I thought the story fit nicely.
DragonMaster2010 Jul 14, 2015 The dialog in the Batgirl DLC sounds so emotionless. Barbra sometimes sounds like a robot compared to Drake.
The dialog in the Batgirl DLC sounds so emotionless. Barbra sometimes sounds like a robot compared to Drake.
DragonMaster2010 Jul 12, 2015 Lil brother playing the Walking Dead. Having so much of fit towards it lol
DragonMaster2010 Jun 27, 2015 Really happy for the gay community today. May they all find love with their partners down the alter
DragonMaster2010 Jun 27, 2015 Well at least Batman had an actual good story while DMC4SE was just more the same shojo/shonen anime crap. Damsel and wanna be bad boy.
Well at least Batman had an actual good story while DMC4SE was just more the same shojo/shonen anime crap. Damsel and wanna be bad boy.
DragonMaster2010 Jun 18, 2015 Black people are dying left and right. Now CHURCHES aren't even safe smh
DragonMaster2010 Jun 18, 2015 I wonder if any Devil May Cry fans who watched the KH3 gameplay at E3 noticed the dual keygun rainstorm Sora did.
I wonder if any Devil May Cry fans who watched the KH3 gameplay at E3 noticed the dual keygun rainstorm Sora did.
DragonMaster2010 Jun 10, 2015 So Hellblade will be dealing with Psychosis in hallucinations, anxiety, schizophrenia, and of the like.
So Hellblade will be dealing with Psychosis in hallucinations, anxiety, schizophrenia, and of the like.
DragonMaster2010 Jun 10, 2015 https://41.media.tumblr.com/1a714cdea53dc20761f4906941e67c53/tumblr_npou35R4bc1qhb9cho1_540.png No...no...no...nononononononono........No.
https://41.media.tumblr.com/1a714cdea53dc20761f4906941e67c53/tumblr_npou35R4bc1qhb9cho1_540.png No...no...no...nononononononono........No.