Well, no one knows anything about anyone cept your PSN profile, which they can view. It only shows your ID and trophies. Anywho, all avatars are adults (you can make them old tho), no child-like avatars, so everyone on HOME assumes that everyone is 17 and up. Behavior isnt heavily monitored like this forum (had to slip that joke in :lol

but you can report them to Sony very easily on HOME (w/o emailing or PSN mailing them, u can do it on HOME), like when this dude callin' ppl níggas and monkeys (in a certain context, this is offensive to us black people), so I reported them. But aside from racial, threatining, sexual (most ppl only report this for EXTREME sexual remarks since many flirt in sexual ways on HOME), overly offensive, etc. remarks...its fair game on HOME. Dont get me wrong tho, HOME isnt sum 4chan forums-like game. People are very nice and welcoming on HOME BUT there are assholes on HOME as well as ppl who think HOME is sum damn dating game.