Was anyone else disappointed with how the story went for DMC5?

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Praise the Sun!
Nov 2, 2012
In regards to how it affects past DMC games and the future of the series. When I was playing I went from pretty stocked to feeling pretty unsatisfied by the end with how overly fanservice the game was and how it played on what a lot of fans wanted a little to hard. I know a lot of people love the game and its overall definitely worth the 10yr wait for a lot of us fans, but idk something about it just didn't gel like the other games do for me.
Honestly its the second or third best DMC story behind 3 and sometimes the reboot. This is the best written Dante in the post DMC1 era.

I'm more mixed than dissapointed but thats more about the big reveal of V being Vergil's humanity and the resolution of the game. The more i thought about it, the more i thought sparing Vergil and the sentiment behind the act was unearned.

I would have preferred a more straightforward Vergil story. V is wasted as Vergil's humanity and better off as his own man with his spinoff.

Everything else i didn't mind. Im not fond of nero but he's more tolerable and likable in the later half of the game. I dont give a darn about Vergil being Nero's dad but that scene was well acted.

Lady/Trish didn't do anything but i had a feeling that would happen. Granted Trish's scene was my favorite Trish moment ever. I wish Trish and V had a stage together.

I think i lost interest in the classic cast and rather see them start fresh with a new one.
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My expectations were lowered when the final trailer spoiled Vergil, so I was not disappointed by the time I played the game.

That's not to say Vergil was the only problem, but it triggered my Spidey Senses that me and the writers weren't seeing eye to eye on how the story should be handled.
Honestly its the second or third best DMC story behind 3 and sometimes the reboot. This is the best written Dante in the post DMC1 era.

I'm more mixed than dissapointed but thats more about the big reveal of V being Vergil's humanity and the resolution of the game. The more i thought about it, the more i thought sparing Vergil and the sentiment behind the act was unearned.

I would have preferred a more straightforward Vergil story. V is wasted as Vergil's humanity and better off as his own man with his spinoff.

Everything else i didn't mind. Im not fond of nero but he's more tolerable and likable in the later half of the game. I dont give a darn about Vergil being Nero's dad but that scene was well acted.

Lady/Trish didn't do anything but i had a feeling that would happen. Granted Trish's scene was my favorite Trish moment ever. I wish Trish and V had a stage together.

I think i lost interest in the classic cast and rather see them start fresh with a new one.
I agree with a lot of what you said, though 5's Dante is probably my least favorite since they go less towards DMC1 Dante and more exaggarated DMC3 Dante in a grown mans body though most seem to enjoy it. I actually really liked Nero throughout this game besides towards the end when everone is telling him to spare Vergil for some reason. 5's story is just DMC3 over again but not as impactful I guess.

My expectations were lowered when the final trailer spoiled Vergil, so I was not disappointed by the time I played the game.

That's not to say Vergil was the only problem, but it triggered my Spidey Senses that me and the writers weren't seeing eye to eye on how the story should be handled.

I tried my best not to see the final trailer because I knew it was gonna be spoiler-y as all get out, but everyone was freaking out about Vergil coming back atleast certain other things weren't spoiled I guess, honestly it was the 3124 trailer that lowered my expectations because I knew right then any interesting new story was not going to happen and I was probably one of the few that were excited to see Dante's adventures after 2.
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I'm pretty excited for the Adi shankar produced adaption of DMC for Netflix more than a potential DMC6


I liked Castlevania on Netflix and I'm a fan of Warren Ellis whose is a big presence in the American comic book scene.

I'm curious to see what his take on DMC could be.

With DMC6 I'm just bored with Bingo's take on the series.

He seems only good at themes of family/Dante vs vergil stories.

I didn't like Nero in 4 and 5 didn't change my mind.

That being said I get why he spared Vergil. He's projecting his own regret over Credo's death onto Dante and Vergil. Which is fine but i wish they did more with it.

The gamingbritshow on YouTube described the game's theme of not giving up on family but i don't think it earned that sentiment.

Maybe if Vergil was there from the start and actively trying to redeem himself it would have worked better. Even if he failed it would still feel earned.

V is too convincing as his own person to be Vergil. It would have been better if they just did Vergil from the get go or just have his human half look and act Vergil with a different hair color. There's even concept art with Vergil as a summoner.

I honestly never liked DMC's story post DMC1. I would have preferred if they spent more time with DMC3 Dante over what we got in 4/anime.

DMC5 has its problems but Dante is portrayed better than those two.
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That being said I get why he spared Vergil. He's projecting his own regret over Credo's death onto Dante and Vergil. Which is fine but i wish they did more with it.

The gamingbritshow on YouTube described the game's theme of not giving up on family but i don't think it earned that sentiment.

Maybe if Vergil was there from the start and actively trying to redeem himself it would have worked better. Even if he failed it would still feel earned.

V is too convincing as his own person to be Vergil. It would have been better if they just did Vergil from the get go or just have his human half look and act Vergil with a different hair color. There's even concept art with Vergil as a summoner.

I honestly never liked DMC's story post DMC1. I would have preferred if they spent more time with DMC3 Dante over what we got in 4/anime.

DMC5 has its problems but Dante is portrayed better than those two.

I'm definitely excited for the Netflix series since I adored Castlevania's anime. I think the Vergil "redemption" was totally unearned tbh like pretty much everything he's ever done besides sparing Dante in 3 and his time as Nelo has been framed as a tragic villian at best pyschopath at worst depending on what text your looking at. The van scene where Nero says he's gonna kill Vergil and everyone's like "noooo "is such an ass pull especially given Nico's backstory with her father. Hell the whole Vergil is Nero's father was so flat, I couldn't believe this is how we got it.

V as being Vergil's humanity is paper thin but V's such a good character and brings so much emotion to it that it works and I do like the V manga as well but at the end of the day I absolutely hate that Vergil was redeemed this way and the fact that he got what he wanted and doesn't regret anything he's probably done and everyone's suddenly chill with the guy thats killed millions.
I'm definitely excited for the Netflix series since I adored Castlevania's anime. I think the Vergil "redemption" was totally unearned tbh like pretty much everything he's ever done besides sparing Dante in 3 and his time as Nelo has been framed as a tragic villian at best pyschopath at worst depending on what text your looking at. The van scene where Nero says he's gonna kill Vergil and everyone's like "noooo "is such an ass pull especially given Nico's backstory with her father. Hell the whole Vergil is Nero's father was so flat, I couldn't believe this is how we got it.

V as being Vergil's humanity is paper thin but V's such a good character and brings so much emotion to it that it works and I do like the V manga as well but at the end of the day I absolutely hate that Vergil was redeemed this way and the fact that he got what he wanted and doesn't regret anything he's probably done and everyone's suddenly chill with the guy thats killed millions.

They didn't want Nero to kill his own dad because of the scars it could leave mentally. Its not that they don't want Vergil to be stopped, they just want someone else to do it.

Lady killed her dad and it was the right thing to do. It still left scars on her that she grappled with. The series didn't do a good job exploring it but its there. Her performance hinted at it to me.

V being Vergil felt too much like a cheat to me. Vergil making the effort to redeem would have made the game better. Hell even if he failed atleast the end would have felt more earned.

V being Vergil just feels like a better version of TGS10 Dante to me.

A bigger thing is V just felt like a better version of Nero to me. V is more what i want from a new lead character. He feels like his own man while Nero just feels like he's riding Dante/Vergil's coattails. His original concept art was more interesting. Heck Kyrie was more interesting than what we got.
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No. Matched my expectations. I thought the story was good overall. Looking forward to DMC6.
Ok ok, let's not descend into heresy now.
we are talking about a series where you play as a demon-esque person who takes on the Church (a fascimile but still). Heresy is the name of the game, good sir. :wink:

Honestly even thought I hated 4 and the anime, i felt like they still could have been good with a few tweaks/changes etc. DmC is similar but a lot more work because its hard to figure out what they wanted to what we got.

Sorry I thought about writing DMC as a spec script so i spend a lot of time thinking about it and the various paths it could have taken. Plus there were other stories/games that did similar elements so it's not like they didn't have a shot.

With DMCV its a different kind of dissapointment than 4 or the anime. I enjoyed it more than those and thought it was an improvement in some aspects. But afterwards the more I thought the more I found myself mixed about. I'm just not that invested in DMC's future as much anymore- irather they retire the old cast and create a new one from scratch.
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I liked dmc 5 story overall, but I find the last part disappointing, I expected the battle between dante and vergil to be epic like dmc 3 but it wasn't
They didn't want Nero to kill his own dad because of the scars it could leave mentally. Its not that they don't want Vergil to be stopped, they just want someone else to do it.

Lady killed her dad and it was the right thing to do. It still left scars on her that she grappled with. The series didn't do a good job exploring it but its there. Her performance hinted at it to me.

V being Vergil felt too much like a cheat to me. Vergil making the effort to redeem would have made the game better. Hell even if he failed atleast the end would have felt more earned.

V being Vergil just feels like a better version of TGS10 Dante to me.

A bigger thing is V just felt like a better version of Nero to me. V is more what i want from a new lead character. He feels like his own man while Nero just feels like he's riding Dante/Vergil's coattails. His original concept art was more interesting. Heck Kyrie was more interesting than what we got.

See Lady not wanting Nero to have to carry the burdon of killing his own father would be impactful if anything Vergil said or did implicated that he felt anything towards Nero and vice versa hell just counting 5 alone Vergil cut off his own sons arm and then was surprised he even had a son, for Nero this is a man who threatened his family and almost killed his psuedo father figure. At least with Arkham theres the implication that he played the loving husband/father act for the long con and that really ****ed up Lady because in the span of a year her mother's killed by her father and then finds out all this evil **** about her dad then murders him proceding to have breakdown about it.

Trish wouldn't give a ****, and Nico's entire sub plot about being glad her dads dead and that even though you can have a crappy parent thats not what defines you gets thrown to the wayside when all of a sudden 2 people who have seen what Vergils done and is capable of are all of a sudden acting like killing Vergil is a crazy idea.

V should have been what he originally was and not connected to Vergil at all because as much as Capcom tries to make V more interesting the ending of DMC5 will always make it fall apart.

I'm moving this to the DMC5 section. Not sure why it's here but, ok.
Sorry, I swear I though I put it in the DMC5 section :facepalm:

I liked dmc 5 story overall, but I find the last part disappointing, I expected the battle between dante and vergil to be epic like dmc 3 but it wasn't
I feel like that who final act when Urizen gets the apple causes the whole story to fall apart tbh

With DMCV its a different kind of dissapointment than 4 or the anime. I enjoyed it more than those and thought it was an improvement in some aspects. But afterwards the more I thought the more I found myself mixed about. I'm just not that invested in DMC's future as much anymore- irather they retire the old cast and create a new one from scratch.

Idk when I first beat DMC5 I felt empty tbh at first I thought it was because I was upset with the fact that yet again DMC2 gets no love especially since every other game gets huge shoutouts, but the more I thought about it the more I realized realistically speaking in terms of past DMC games nothing makes sense and the only thing that holds the story together is blatant fanservice that makes most fans happy. The gameplay is fun, the designs and music are fun, but this is probably the first DMC game I actually dislike on a story level. Especially since 5 was apparently an attempt at deeper story telling, but atleast for 3 will always be the best at it.

This dude is pretty much the most disappointed person I've seen so far. However, I respect him for putting it in fic form.

Funny thing this reminds me of RE6 where Jake had some beef with Chris over killing his dad, who he never met nor did he even really like him. I enjoyed Jake and that scene but it's a weird one to consider. It looks like a theme Capcom or more accurately Hiroyuki Kobayashi (producer of both DMC4/Re6) had but didn't really use well.

There was concept art of V that was more Vergil-like so it may have been better if they played up that connection more sooner. V and Dante dance around that V is Vergil and only address it in mission 18 and on.

Or just have a regular Vergil-less case that goes out of hand and V is the new character bouncing off Dante like Lady in 3, Nero in 4, Lucia in 2.

Or just have it be a Nero spinoff where he and V are forced to work together buddy cop style.

Or a spinoff with V separate from the others (a pipe dream but just maybe....)

Trust me, man, there are worse put together series than DMC.

I read a lot of Marvel/DC comics and if you can't handle DMC's shifts you can't handle them. One thing I learned is that a new writer could make or break a writer so that's what I'm hoping for with DMC. Someone new comes in and freshens it up.

Bingo's alright but he's got a limited range from what we've seen.
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To answer the question at hand, I am. It's a bit of a long winded thing so I'll start on it later. Pretty sure I've mentioned quite a bit of it already.
I feel like that who final act when Urizen gets the apple causes the whole story to fall apart tbh

Idk when I first beat DMC5 I felt empty tbh at first I thought it was because I was upset with the fact that yet again DMC2 gets no love especially since every other game gets huge shoutouts, but the more I thought about it the more I realized realistically speaking in terms of past DMC games nothing makes sense and the only thing that holds the story together is blatant fanservice that makes most fans happy. The gameplay is fun, the designs and music are fun, but this is probably the first DMC game I actually dislike on a story level. Especially since 5 was apparently an attempt at deeper story telling, but atleast for 3 will always be the best at it.
After urizen eat the fruit they should made a Longer third act in my opinion, whit more interaction between dante and vergil especially emotionally and they should have ventured more in their past especially vergil one

Actually devil may cry 2 is mentioned in the devil may cry 5 novel, Lucia is there whit matier and dante get back to vie de Marly, they explain how dante escape hell and this novel make good justice to dmc 2 connecting it to the rest of the francise, after all we cannot blame them if they didn't want to put any connection whit dmc 2, i mean the story is pointless and the game is ****, at least the novel connect it, also the devil arm Balrog that dante had from the start was take after defeating argosax right hand man in vie de marli
My biggest problem is actually that a lot of the links to the past and the whole Vergil stuff (or rather V's story) seems to happen in supplementary material that isn't even officially available in english.
Like we got the Novel, that seems to flesh out DMC2, the weapons, Nico and Nero meeting and stuff like that.
And we got the V manga which delves deeper into Vergil as a character and shows a bunch of stuff from his past.

Don't get me wrong, I was satisfied with the game overall and to me it's a good jumping off point for the Devs to actually innovate a bunch in next installments or do spin offs and such.

But there were a lot of missed opportunities storywise.
Honestly is there anything from the light novel or manga that should have been in the game?

Most of it was fine but unessential.

The DMC2 callback should have been DLC.
To me it's just simply the fact that they have the whole thing fleshed out, yet it's kinda missing ingame.
All in all it's little things, but the manga alone makes me see Vergil as less of a total looser then I though he was after finishing the game.
V makes it look like he actually knows that he totally screwed up, he knows he did go the wrong path and he needs to fix it somehow.
The manga hasn't ended, so it kinda depends on how the whole thing plays out and if we get to see him merge back at the end and maybe get a bit more insight into Vergil himself afterwards.
I was never a fan of those kind of details missing in a game, sure they aren't necessary, sure they would've been hard to implement into the product we got but it would have been nice if they had been there.
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