How strong is Nero?

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The devil in the dark
Feb 17, 2015
Here's a topic I feel there might be alot of contention on, considering Nero bitch slapped Dante at the end. (Is cursing ok if it's in the words of our Lord and savior?) I personally feel he's on DMC1 dante level, maybe a bit stronger than he was without sparda DT but weaker than he was with it as I don't think he's quite on sparda level yet. How about you guys? How strong do you think Nero is in DMC V?
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Well some think he is on the level of Vergil and Dante now which is dumb

He did what Arkham did in DMC3 ,which was besting the sons of sparda after they fought all out for almost 25 minutes straight and were stamina depleted and weakened , I mean Arkham made Dante and Vergil look like a joke , as in peak condition they would have stomped him without any effort

So I don't think a fresh Nero besting a weakened and exhausted Vergil is that huge a feat , having said that his regular Dt may be more powerful than theirs is , but he would need his base form to be a lot more powerful to match their current regular Dt or base forms in 5 in his base or dt

If I was to guage his strength now I'd say ya he is above Dante DMC1 pre sparda Dt

But below sparda Dt Dante

Him and anime Dante would be a hell of a fight

In or around that ball park or maybe just above

Behind Dante from DMC2 or 4 or 5 though

Just in my opinion
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Well some think he is on the level of Vergil and Dante now which is dumb

He did what Arkham did in DMC3 ,which was besting the sons of sparda after they fought all out for almost 25 minutes straight and were stamina depleted and weakened , I mean Arkham made Dante and Vergil look like a joke , as in peak condition they would have stomped him without any effort

So I don't think a fresh Nero besting a weakened and exhausted Vergil is that huge a feat , having said that his regular Dt may be more powerful than theirs is , but he would need his base form to be a lot more powerful to match their current regular Dt or base forms in 5 in his base or dt

If I was to guage his strength now I'd say ya he is above Dante DMC1 pre sparda Dt

But below sparda Dt Dante

Him and anime Dante would be a hell of a fight

In or around that ball park or maybe just above

Behind Dante from DMC2 or 4 or 5 though

Just in my opinion
This is actually something I hope more people reply to. it's hard for me to decide because you could make an argument for him being anime Dante level if you say that Dante's only as strong as sparda when he Devil triggers at this point
Well anime Dante beat Abigail who is on par with mundus without sparda Dt

So by then his own Dt was near that level

So I think anime Dante would still beat Nero , but it would be a grueling fight

I mean the bitchslap on Dante was done with a Dt arm on an exhausted base form dante who had no breather , he fought Cerberus and then urizen after the fruit and the griffon nightmare and shadow

And then had an intense battle against Vergil all out , plus Dante had his guard down

If Dante was in top condition and his guard wasn't down Nero wouldn't have even landed that punch
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Simply put, I have no idea. We've seen almost nothing of Nero after acquiring his DT and beating a weakened Vergil is not a good metric for judgment.

All I can base myself on is his previous feats. We know that pre-Sin Dante suffered a crushing defeat against Urizen. And we know that Devil Breaker-equipped Nero did better than Dante against an even stronger Urizen (he was sitting - literally - on a whole month of blood suckage from the Qliphoth which made him more powerful than he was when Dante lost), being able to at least land a slash on him when Dante couldn't even do that with his DT and the Sparda sword.
So we have to start from the basis that Nero, equipped with his Breakers, is most probably stronger than Dante had ever been (which at the start of DMC5 and for the rest of the game till he gains his Sin DT is at least as strong as he was in DMC4). Let that sink in for a sec by the way.

Now, we all know that gaining Devil Trigger also boosts one's base power level, which in turn gets massively amplified when entering the demon form. The problem here is that in the case of Nero we don't have any good way of getting an idea of just how much of a power increase he got. All we know for certain is that currently, forget DMC1 or the anime, Nero can absolutely wipe the floor with DMC4 Dante (which by the current timeline is logically the strongest incarnation of him before DMC5). That in itself is impressive as hell but it's only a starting point for measuring his true power in his current state. We'll have to wait for other games or future media to show us significant feats.
Except urizen in cutscene used the yamato crystal as a defence against Dante when Dante was attacking

Whereas he mocked Nero first cutscene and was unguarded no crystal shield when Nero cut his hand at the end of mission 8

That to me suggests he underestimated Nero due to being more human , and Nero landed a slash because of it

This doesn't prove in any way Nero did better than Dante , or that he is stronger than DMC4 Dante or start of 5 Dante either
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Except urizen in cutscene used the yamato crystal as a defence against Dante when Dante was attacking

He never used the crystal itself against either Nero or Dante. He always lets it float on his right in cutscenes. What he does is using the ethereal, invisible shield Yamato provides, condensing its energy onto the point of impact by raising his hand. He did that against Nero as well yet he still managed to land a blow on him (specifically, the hand he used as his usual defense), whereas Dante never got even close to touching the guy.

Now yes, you can make the argument that Urizen was underestimating Nero so he wasn't fighting seriously but 1) he wasn't fighting seriously against Dante either and 2) even if we assume that, it is still counterbalanced by the fact that he gained a crap ton of power during that month anyway, so even a held back Urizen at that point in time can be considered at about the same level he displayed when casually fighting Dante when he was weaker, one month prior.
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I can see what you are saying but he took Dante as a far more credible threat than Nero judging by his dialogue and demeanor

And who is to say Dante couldn't have landed more than a slash had the shield not been holdin him in place til urizen punched him

Stronger or not urizen saw Nero as a weakling without demon blood running through his veins

It's like the way Nero was underestimated by Dante at the start of 4 all over again

Also his raw strength has always been above Dante's but his overall power , skill and experience were way behind

I still believe pre Dt Nero with breakers would still lose in a fight against a serious Dante from DMC4

And all version of Nero including Dt Nero are below sparda Dt Dante from the mundus fight

Also you can see the ethereal shield in the Dante cutscene , there is no shield in the Nero one
And all version of Nero including Dt Nero are below sparda Dt Dante from the mundus fight

What is your metric behind this statement? As I said, we know nothing about DT Nero's actual strength. All we can do is speculate about it (and in fact, I'd wager that DT Nero could very well beat the hell out of DMC1 Sparda DT Dante, IMO), but I wouldn't go as far as to pass it off as a fact.
I didn't say anything was fact I said I believe as in that's my opinion

And the metric I have is of what is shown of sparda Dt Dante

I watched both cutscenes and in the one where Nero cuts him there is no ethereal shield to be seen , so that to me suggests urizen didn't see Nero as a threat in anyway , so he just sat there like he was bored and Nero was an insect human

You believe Nero could beat sparda Dt Dante that's fair enough, I don't though so take that as u will

This is just what I think

I'm not disputing his raw strength is higher than DMC1 Dante or anime Dante , but strength is only one aspect of overall power

Lots of demons are physically stronger than Dante and vergil but they still get annihilated by them

I am not going to get heated about it with you so if you feel I am wrong then so be it , I am just saying what I feel on the subject
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I think that he is powerful as dmc 1 dante start or less... He could never beat mundus or argosax for now
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It's difficult to gauge, I don't think he's on Dante and Vergil's current level.
But he's no lightweight (or deadweight lol). Imo, I think he's probably on DMC1 Dante's level right now. He only just did a real Devil Trigger for the first time, he's still only beginning to really tap into his power. He could very well be stronger then his uncle and father one day. But it aint today.
I agree with

I don't think he's anywhere near Dante's level of ability but from what i have seen he can hold his own in most situations.
Now that I think about it, Whitout his devil breaker he was probably pretty weak not even comparable do dmc 3 dante start and he just discovered his first real devil trigger in dmc 5 ending so he is probably not even near dante dmc 3 ending level now...
He was stated to be end game DMC3 Dante level at the end of 4

So even without the physical bringer he is above DMC3 Dante level already

And with the spectral bringer is above DMC3 Dante also
Urizen is stronger than Sparda DT Dante.
Sparda DT Dante is comparable to DMC1 Mundus.
Fruit Urizen is stronger than base Urizen.
Sin Dante is stronger than Fruit Urizen.
Sin Vergil is stronger than Fruit Urizen.

DT Nero can fight on par with a nerfed Sin Vergil.

Yeah DT Nero is at least stronger than DMC1 Mundus.
Urizen is stronger than Sparda DT Dante.
Sparda DT Dante is comparable to DMC1 Mundus.
Fruit Urizen is stronger than base Urizen.
Sin Dante is stronger than Fruit Urizen.
Sin Vergil is stronger than Fruit Urizen.

DT Nero can fight on par with a nerfed Sin Vergil.

Yeah DT Nero is at least stronger than DMC1 Mundus.
Dmc 5 dante is stronger than sparda dante dt in dmc 1, Infact he is so strong that he use his own devil trigger in dmc 5 while using the sparda sword, he no longer need sparda dt...
So urizen is more powerful than dmc 5 dante at the beginning of the game...
Dmc 5 dante is stronger than sparda dante dt in dmc 1, Infact he is so strong that he use his own devil trigger in dmc 5 while using the sparda sword, he no longer need sparda dt...
So urizen is more powerful than dmc 5 dante at the beginning of the game...
A lot of these powerscaling is wonky. Dante should be stronger than Sparda . . for three games.
Was Sparda as powerful as Mundus?
Was Mundus at full power during DMC1?
Did Sparda lose power as he seperated his soul into Force Edge and the amulet?
Then there is the retcon that he also split his power into Rebellion and Yamato.
There is a lot of sliding goalposts with the powerlevels of some of the characters.
A lot of these powerscaling is wonky. Dante should be stronger than Sparda . . for three games.
Was Sparda as powerful as Mundus?
Was Mundus at full power during DMC1?
Did Sparda lose power as he seperated his soul into Force Edge and the amulet?
Then there is the retcon that he also split his power into Rebellion and Yamato.
There is a lot of sliding goalposts with the powerlevels of some of the characters.

Yeah, it's almost like the writer changed a few times. But with a series with such incredibly powerful characters, power creep is inevitable.
A lot of these powerscaling is wonky. Dante should be stronger than Sparda . . for three games.
Was Sparda as powerful as Mundus?
Was Mundus at full power during DMC1?
Did Sparda lose power as he seperated his soul into Force Edge and the amulet?
Then there is the retcon that he also split his power into Rebellion and Yamato.
There is a lot of sliding goalposts with the powerlevels of some of the characters.
Mundus was using is full power in dmc 1 since I don't se why he should have not used his full, he WAs in death treath...
Sparda was more powerful than mundus...
Dante used only the sparda sword dt in dmc 1, since dmc 5 established that sparda separate his power in 3 sword, the Yamato the rebellion and the sparda, it's most likely that sparda is at least 3 times more powerful than mundus, maybe more... Also some character say that dante is more powerful than his father sparda but they probably never faced or saw the dark knight power at its full...
Sparda is probably the strongest...
Dante is in second place whit vergil....
Nero Is probably powerful as dmc 3 dante in the end, since nero only got dt in dmc 5, and vergil say that he was holding back during his fight with nero