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She's got all this stuff out - paint, art aprons, splash mats, pompoms and bottle cleaners, stickers and I don't know what else.
And I'm sitting here thinking, I've just taped a road on my coffee table and put a box of blocks and cars on it so the kids can play while I get some writing in.
I want to write.
Gosh darn it, child.
Why you make me work???
Ssssssoooo... I guess I'm overthinking things. Or maybe I'm not.
Maybe I should have been more specific, but then there's no more specific than asking 'when is the release date for it then?'
I think everyone I know in person who is involved in the gaming industry, in one area or another, die a little bit on the inside when there's a whisper of DMC, because my peep said 'I was wondering when you were going to pop in', so they were clearly expecting me to pitch up and interrogate them.
That aside, I also know this fanbase and this forum are dedicated to this franchise and will have all the latest info up and posted before the OP even pressed 'publish'.
So I'm just gonna sit here twiddling my thumbs and curling my toes and whistling and going absolutely mental on the inside until somebody answers my question in the DMC5 info thread. Because if that correlates with what my peeps told me, I think I may have a slight heart attack. If it contradicts the info I've got, I'm probably going to go cry in a corner for a bit before heading back for another more thorough interrogation.:D

What did I come here to say originally.
Oh, oh yes.


Hell yeah!:cool::devil::rolleyes::inlove:
This is probably gonna sound ridiculous, but sometimes it's nice, when I'm really angry about something, to think about all the ways I could be petty and horrible about something and then just...not do them. I could go ruin someone's day...or I could just daydream about it til I feel better and get over my ego trip without getting into trouble.

+ HATS. <3
This is going better than expected; only a few days in, and already up to 17 entrants. I was worried I wouldn't get more than three, but this should at least make it more interesting--and give me more incentive for future giveaways. I'm already trying to plan out the next one, and what types of goodies to include to keep things from getting stagnant. Gods, please let the posters arrive before the end. It would be pretty awkward if they didn't.

+I wonder if I'll ever stop being irritated about that? :unsure:
That bloodstained demo..wow..it needs some serious polish.I'm getting the feeling the game wont be released till 2019.
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Further proof that summer is evil: I've got a horrible ear nose and throat virus, hayfever and middle ear infections.

Ate too much crap last week, got to step up my game this week if I don't want to gain instead of lose on Monday.

Fans with metal blades are far superior to plastic ones

Football tonight so once again the streets will look like something out of 28 days later...
Further proof that summer is evil: I've got a horrible ear nose and throat virus, hayfever and middle ear infections.
It's not Summer. It's you. And this...
Ate too much crap last week, got to step up my game this week if I don't want to gain instead of lose on Monday.
You need to eat in moderation. Drink in moderation. The ear blood thing is because the ear is dry. Get a qtips and get the blood out of there. Clean it very well. Blood in nose is for the same reason; dry. Get a piece of napkin and plug up your nose with water. Water helps closing up gaps. Throat? Well, drink something. Water, Alcohol, something. I'd rather drink alcohol to push adrenaline into the throat area. Your bloodstream needs stimulation. I keep telling people this stuff, nobody listens.

Ear and nose infections are because there's skin tear in your nose/ear.

Oh, and one more thing: Keep yourself hydrated. I don't just mean drink water, but stay in cold areas for a little bit. Take a bath or take a shower, sit in an area that has air conditioning... For a little while until you feel 80% to 100% ready. Dehydration is when you're sweaty, tired, bored, or something in the lines of you don't feel like doing anything.
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Someone just said we need to support Forces blindly, otherwise there won't be another good 3D Sonic game for another 7 years, original comment is quoted down below.

Does anyone realize that this was Sonic Team's last effort since Generations, in 7 years; since Sonic came back from the dead, after Lost World and Boom. Mediocre or not, if you don't support Forces... We're not getting another good 3D Sonic game for another 7 years! Like what happened after Gens! Do people not get that?

This, was my response.

@Chelline R. No, this is not how this works. this is not how any of this works, people shouldn't support a mediocre to terrible game just because it's "better than nothing" (I know you didn't say that, I'm paraphrasing here). the only real way to get Sonic Team and SEGA to make another good 3D Sonic game is to give them real constructive criticism, not create an echo chamber of yes men who only butter up to them.
Someone just said we need to support Forces blindly, otherwise there won't be another good 3D Sonic game for another 7 years, original comment is quoted down below.
This, was my response.
That's not how this works, either. The C.E.O. is the one who greenlights a project. If he doesn't see that Sonic Forces performed well, then THEY [Sonic Team] has to go back to the drawing board to see how to revitalize the series. It's a constant struggle to keep that franchise in modern day technology.

Sonic fans has to tell SEGA exactly what they want to see in a Sonic game. I didn't want these dumbass customization options. It does nothing for me. I wanted a Sonic game with open world ideas. Sonic Adventure was sort-of going there. It was a little open world, but with Sonic gameplay. However, they need to go crazier than Adventure to get fans hyped. From what I saw in Forces, we weren't going to get that idea.

(Oh, and it doesn't help that Sonic Forces looks like another cartoon with no graphical enhancements that make people take notice and go like "HOLY ****!" Like, Toy Story "holy ****!" Here's an idea, SEGA: Make the next Sonic game look as close to Toy Story as possible in the graphics department. Then you can market THAT [NEW] Sonic game as the "holy grail of graphics." Same way people are talking about Kingdom Hearts 3. KH3 is ALL over Twitter.)

Let me put it another way so you understand what I meant: Team Sonic Racing was announced, my first thought was "Who thought this was a ****ing good idea!?" And then, "Don't they realize that Sonic and Tails can run fast?"

*Points at trailer and laughs his ass off while falling off his chair* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

What a ****ing joke.
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just remembered that sleeping dogs will never be more successful than GTA despite being a million times better and made myself sad
why do people associate joss whedon with the MCU so much when all he did was an okay movie followed by a bad movie
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Well thank flip that's all over - can't be doing with this football crap.

Only sad things is, during football seasons like this, domestic violence skyrockets because utter penis-brains cannot cope with the fact that it is JUST A GAME and smashing her face in because England lost is not going to "bring football home".
It's not Summer. It's you. And this...

You need to eat in moderation. Drink in moderation. The ear blood thing is because the ear is dry. Get a qtips and get the blood out of there.
This is actually the worst thing you can do because essentially all you're doing is spreading the infection around the ear canal.

Throat? Well, drink something. Water, Alcohol, something. I'd rather drink alcohol to push adrenaline into the throat area. Your bloodstream needs stimulation. I keep telling people this stuff, nobody listens.
Considering it's summer, alcohol is a bad idea because it dehydrates you. Water is always better, (and the anesthetic lozenges are a godsend) and more than that, a visit to the doctor is best. Alcohol is not prescribed as a remedy for this.

Ear and nose infections are because there's skin tear in your nose/ear.

Not necessarily. Ear infections are more often than not caused by the eustachian tube getting blocked by excess phlegm in the nose/throat area, which means the liquid behind the eardrum that would normally drain by itself, gets trapped. This liquid then gets gunky which makes a nice home for certain bacteria. This may or may not eventually lead to a perforated eardrum caused by the pressure. That's why some ear infections are dry and others are runny/gunky. Also, alcohol doesn't help relief the thickness of the phlegm, only warm drinks and gurgling with salt water can help that.

I'm just talking from experience here, though. You learn these things when you've got good doctors.

i didnt see one game ,who won the goalie whose skin was all colored with bruises the american heroes who are always hiding in the helicopters wont need to do that ever
This is actually the worst thing you can do because essentially all you're doing is spreading the infection around the ear canal.
I was more talking about base-level kind of infections. THAT kind of infection is quite dangerous, and I wouldn't even use the qtips. But most infections are inherently skin-based. I just had that one recently, where I bled out for a little while until it stopped. It was not because I did anything, it was because it was dry.
Considering it's summer, alcohol is a bad idea because it dehydrates you.
Eh. It does, but that's not what I was talking about...
Water is always better, (and the anesthetic lozenges are a godsend) and more than that, a visit to the doctor is best. Alcohol is not prescribed as a remedy for this.
I was talking about the itching, the pain, and whatnot. Water works, yes. But not nearly enough if your throat feels like it's scratching the skin, but it's not, it's actually your brain thinking "something is scratching there." Your job: Tell the brain to shut up.
Ear infections are more often than not caused by the eustachian tube getting blocked by excess phlegm in the nose/throat area, which means the liquid behind the eardrum that would normally drain by itself, gets trapped. This liquid then gets gunky which makes a nice home for certain bacteria. This may or may not eventually lead to a perforated eardrum caused by the pressure. That's why some ear infections are dry and others are runny/gunky. Also, alcohol doesn't help relief the thickness of the phlegm, only warm drinks and gurgling with salt water can help that.

I'm just talking from experience here, though. You learn these things when you've got good doctors.
That's why you use qtips!

I am deaf, and I get ear wax all the time, so naturally, I need to clean it out. All that gunk? Same. Bacteria, same. When I say Bacteria, I meant the bad ones, not the "good ones" as you said. Those yellow waxes are dangerous if you keep it in there for too long. You lose hearing if you do. I did, and I lost a little bit of hearing, and I had to get Cochlear Implants. That's why I suggested qtips.

You misunderstand what I meant, and that's why I am going to stop right here.
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