PG rating

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This probably means increased gore, violence and more foul language.
I dunno what to think of this.
The staple enemies have always been something other than flesh-and-blood creatures, such as oversized puppets, demons materialized with sand or scarecrows stuffed with bugs.
And even if you come across flesh-and-blood creatures like Assault, it's not that gory when you kill them.

Maybe they wanna go for the "Western hack-and-slash" feel as seen in Dante's Inferno or God Of War, with actual blood and guts.
That's impressive considering how there seems to be copious amount of gore in the game. I don't have any issues with it honestly, the only real M rated game in the series is DMC1.
I don't really care much. Gore and extreme violence have never been a selling point for DMC, but that doesn't mean I'm contrary to it. Whatever floats their boat.

As for vulgarity, as long as it's got some decent context and it's not delivered in a juvenile way I'm fine with it. Nero's "son of a bitch" line in the trailer didn't bother me. It had context and it wasn't ridiculous not did it feel there for the sake of having naughty words on the game. If that's how they'll handle it, fine.
I have a rule that the higher the maturity rating the more immature the content in a game tends to be. Yes, there are exceptions but for the most part it tends to ring true.

Capcom has had a long standing policy of no nudity, damn near no cussing, and most definitely no sex or nudity. I think Shinji Mikami was the only one who broke those rules. Anyway, I remember that there was an interview with some staffers from NT and they said that Capcom very specifically said 'no nipples.'

On the other hand DMC4 had no blood. Everything was green and... boring. DMC1 had real blood but the rest were so tame. Sand, green liquid and I think neither DmC nor DMC2 had blood, either. There was that scene with baby executioner, but that game did have a mature rating, but still, not a whole lot of blood during combat. I hope they man up a little on that.
I have a rule that the higher the maturity rating the more immature the content in a game tends to be. Yes, there are exceptions but for the most part it tends to ring true.

Capcom has had a long standing policy of no nudity, damn near no cussing, and most definitely no sex or nudity. I think Shinji Mikami was the only one who broke those rules. Anyway, I remember that there was an interview with some staffers from NT and they said that Capcom very specifically said 'no nipples.'

On the other hand DMC4 had no blood. Everything was green and... boring. DMC1 had real blood but the rest were so tame. Sand, green liquid and I think neither DmC nor DMC2 had blood, either. There was that scene with baby executioner, but that game did have a mature rating, but still, not a whole lot of blood during combat. I hope they man up a little on that.

and heck, they can always make blood optional as well, if they're hesitant for whatever reason.
Capcom very specifically said 'no nipples.'
but don't most of Devil May Cry's divinity statues have nipples?
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but don't most of Devil May Cry's divinity statues have nipples?
Well, I guess Mikami broke every rule.

Actually, I don't think the breast are clear enough to show nipples and they might not even have them. They've had breasts but they're always featureless. The frogs' little sirens, the Despair embodied, and who ever else I'm forgetting. They got their racks bare but they have nothing besides the shapes.
Fun fact: Lords of Shadow had naked breasts but was still rated 16 here in germany
Well there was a leaked image that had the ESRB rating and it had stuff like

Strong Language
Intense Violence
Blood and Gore
And some other stuff

Looking at the ESRB for the other DMC games DmC met the same criteria. Then the article also says its the first in the series to reach the Pg 18+ and claims its the fifth in the franchise (although its technically the 6th if you count DmC) yet ignores if DmC had a PG 18+ (which it probably did). Which means DMC5 will probably be more like DmC in tone when it comes to those elements (except more graphic and violent as seen in the trailers) and honestly DmC wasn't really that bad or excessive.

Since it has people being slaughtered in a demon invasion its not unbelievable to hear random people drop f bombs. Nero was already pretty vulgar in DMC4 and he grew up in a highly religious society. Plus all of PG's M rated games are pretty vulgar like Bayonetta and Anarchy Reigns (especially that one) and I let them pass.

As for everything else as long as it doesn't turn into Devilman Crybaby levels of excessive gore, violence, and sex/nudity I'll be fine.
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Blood and Gore? Now that's something new. I don't remember it ever be excessive in DMC franchise before.
Blood and Gore? Now that's something new. I don't remember it ever be excessive in DMC franchise before.

I would call DMC1 excessive, at least, whenever it actually used it. Blood gushing like fountains in both Dante and in Blades.
I'm not a fan of this game going extra bloody/gory. I've never enjoyed that stuff, though it usually doesn't ruin the experience for me either. As for profanity, if it has good context then that's fine. Really not okay with nudity as I don't need to see that. Granted I'm gonna play the game regardless of what's in it, but one of the things I like about DMC is it doesn't go really hardcore on the "mature" themes. (Minus Gloria. I mean what the hell Capcom.)
I'm not a fan of this game going extra bloody/gory. I've never enjoyed that stuff, though it usually doesn't ruin the experience for me either. As for profanity, if it has good context then that's fine. Really not okay with nudity as I don't need to see that. Granted I'm gonna play the game regardless of what's in it, but one of the things I like about DMC is it doesn't go really hardcore on the "mature" themes. (Minus Gloria. I mean what the hell Capcom.)
maybe it'll be like @DarkSlayer54 said, similiar to DMC1 with blood splatter effects.
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I'm not a fan of this game going extra bloody/gory.

Didn't seem excessive in the trailer. Just the right amount, the amount you'd expect from demons being shot in the face point blank and a guy getting his arm cut off. Didn't look Mortal Kombat level of dismemberment and blood showering galore or anything like that.
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Devil May Cry was M rated.
Devil May Cry 2 was M rated.
Devil May Cry 3 was M rated.
Devil May Cry 4 was M rated.
DmC: Devil May Cry was M rated.

Devil May Cry 5 will not likely change, and follow that model.
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