Dante got cheated

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The devil in the dark
Feb 17, 2015
Dante really drew the short straw on swords didn't he? He gets rebellion that's pretty much a regular demon sword, no different than alastor but Vergil gets the key to the hell Gates, the demon world, the sword can cut anything thing and it has a legend saying it can wipe out and divide the darkness, and rebellions.....just a sword
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Maybe it has a purpose and another name but Dante doesn't know it (he named it rebellion himself...Sparda named it something else)

headcanon/wishful thinking aside Rebellion wasn't in the first game so I'm guessing it was the brainchild of the writer of DMC3. It started out as a normal sword like the Vendatta from DMC2 but I'm guessing the writer for 3 liked the design and reused it in 3.
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Dante really drew the short straw on swords didn't he? He gets rebellion that's pretty much a regular demon sword, no different than alastor but Vergil gets the key to the hell Gates, the demon world, the sword can cut anything thing and it has a legend saying it can wipe out and divide the darkness, and rebellions.....just a sword
Rebellion is not just a sword when it's in Dante's hands, I'd take Dante's skill with Rebellion over any powerful sword any day of the week. Doesn't matter how powerful or magical a sword is if it can't touch Dante.
Oh, it's an 'extension' alright -- but of what, I'd rather not say.

@WolfOD64 I thought Alastor looked too corny and overly goth.
I thought Alastor looked too corny and overly goth.
It's hilarious you say that, because I felt the exact same way about Rebellion.

Something about Alastor's open dragon-mouth and winged hilt strikes me more as something from a swords-and-sorcery affair like Conan the Barbarian or Record of Lodoss War than anything Goth. In contrast, Rebellion's full-on skull, crossbones and full set of ribs look so relentlessly-Goth that I can practically see it as a 90's Hot Topic Item...you know, something you'd tote around while fighting the establishment with your Teen Werewolf friends.

It's all up to personal preference, of course. In all honesty, it was probably the least edgy thing I found about OG Dante back in the day in his long list of try-hard characteristics.
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@WolfOD64 I thought Alastor looked too corny and overly goth.

Yeah well, I always thought that too. I liked the blade coming out of the open dragon mouth, but I dislike the wings and the blade shape.

I think Rebellion has more going on for it with its skeleton design and the fact that it forms a nice contrast with Dante's carefree and joking personality. A weapon so grim looking wielded by someone so lighthearted, but at the same time extremely skilled and deadly in battle. It's kinda like if the sword design symbolizes death, often portrayed as a skeleton, which is the fate those who go up against that blade meet. I like that.

As for the topic at hand, I think Sparda gave Vergil Yamato just because of his personality. I mean, what will you give to someone samurai-vibed like him? A katana or a big broadsword?

That said, I liked how DMC3 kinda touched on this matter during the Arkham fight, making them swap their swords. I liked what that scene represented, although that's another topic.
It isn't hard to guess which son Sparda loved more.
As much is because Vergil was his first born, DmC Dante is too the first born .First borns usually take the best heirloom since they are the main "heir".
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Well, didn't Dante and Vergil fight when they were children? Who's to say that they didn't pick their sword preference for themselves if that is true.

Anyway, I thought Rebellion had more of a connection with Dante anyway, if I heard correctly. I can't remember all of the details, I just know that Dante unlocked the sword's true power. And if the sword does change from game to game, there's nothing stopping it from being just as powerful as Yamato - at least if not as powerful, then as "useful" as Yamato - speaking about Yamato's ability to open and close Hell-gates. For all we know, there could be a much greater hidden use for Rebellion.
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so in the original sparda died/gone after he has the twins? was this mentioned in the game?
so in the original sparda died/gone after he has the twins? was this mentioned in the game?
It depends:
  • DMC1 booklet says Sparda sired his sons and soon, after that, he died
  • DMC1 novel seems to hint Dante never knew his father personally. What he knew was what his mother told him.
  • DMC1 has something similar: Dante goes on how his mother told him about his dad being a good person and all.
  • DMC3 files gives Sparda not as dead, but only as disappeared.
  • Anime hints Dante may have known his father in person and lived with him for unknown time.
So, this is a" Your Mile may Vary". Canon is not consistent in this either.
I guess it's also possible that Sparda stayed with the children until they were, say three years old and neither Dante nor Vergil can remember it anymore.

Someone should write a fan fic about what would've happened if Sparda hadn't died and raised the twins. Would be very interesting to see how things might have turned out.
Well, didn't Dante and Vergil fight when they were children? Who's to say that they didn't pick their sword preference for themselves if that is true.
Actually, this might be closer to the truth than anything else. If you take the manga as canon the in the fight the brothers have Vergil sees Dante's arsenal and mentions how Rebellion and the two pistols suited him and Dante tells him that Yamato was just like him to have, or something to that effect, which implies that they chose their mementos rather than actually having their father or mother bestow them upon two.