Anyone remember Devil's Lair?

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Nov 3, 2015
So.. hey.

I used to go to Devil's Lair as 'Frezza' around 2009-2010ish. I was thinking about it the other day and decided to check if the site was still active, but got 404. Did any of you go there? It would be cool to find peeps who used to go there as well.

I seriously just made this account to ask about this lmao.
I've been there few times to get various things, but never joined. The webmaster went inactive soon enough anyway, so the main site is still up, but forum has been 404 for a while now.
People in fandoms and forums come and go, you'll have a better result by reaching out to us all.
Never been a member there but it looked pretty much the paradise of any DMC fan. Exclusive DMC information and material, tournaments...

I mailed Cat the webmaster a while ago, asking her why the site became a barren land, and predictably, she told me she lost interest in the franchise following the whole "DmC crisis" so she lost interest in managing the site as well.

Truly a damn shame.
I remember that site, but I don't think I ever created a handle there. I was mostly lurking and reading discussions among the other members. Sure wish I saved them, though, lol. IIRC, Reuben Langdon actually did a Q and A there under the handle 'lungbin'. I still wonder if that was really him.
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I remember it. I visited it back there but never joined. But yeah another thing that faded into nothingness thanks to 2010 crisis.
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Yeah, I knew about that place. Never made an account there.

I think that's a pretty stupid reason to leave behind something you're a fan/supporter of, simply because they made a game that was a different take on what you were acquainted with. That's just taking things too far, in my personal opinion. We've had lots of DmC related scuffles here in the past, and still have the odd one here and there, but that's nothing to throw up your hands and say "I'm done" over.

Not to mention that news for DMC didn't stop/end after DmC's release. There's been a few good news related pieces since then: DMC 4: Special Edition, DMC art book, and this here - DMC Lives!
@LordOfDarkness sorry I think you missed a point. DmC didn't only brought new fans, it also made some old ones to drop franchise completely as you see it on example of it's webmaster. And honestly as fan of original franchise only, few sparks in-between DmC announcement and present day didn't really ignited any hope in me as to franchise's future. Im still here waiting for DMC5 for 8th year already and probably will be waiting for it for another 3 years at best.
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@Innsmouth: No, I understand all of that. But I stand by what I said. It seems like a step too far in my opinion. I'll leave it at that though :)
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I can't blame her, it happened the same to me, after 2010 I dropped interest completely till a friend let me play DmC on his Xbox.

I guess the disappointment on her part was to big (not everyone reacts the same - the community here resisted the crisis, she didn't) and when your interest has been pretty much 0 for about 4 years it's hard to get interested again. I guess she's just moved on to other things and she's now indifferent to DMC to the point that not even the good news you mentioned are enough to revive the fire.
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Guys. I never said I had a problem with her, or her choices. I said in my personal opinion it seems like a step too far. Y'know, I'm speaking for myself here. And as I said, DMC has had more news since DmC. Things might seem to take a turn for the worst, but there's no saying they won't turn back around again. Her choices are hers alone, not mine. I never said otherwise, so I honestly don't understand the backlash at what I did say.
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Yeah, I used to post regularly under the same name.

It wasn't just DmC. The issue came from the members and the way they made things difficult. I remember at least one member who was a total tw**, this a'hole took every single thing literary, as in he refused to acknowledge metaphors and figures of speach as that. Constant behavior like that broke her interests more than the game did, it's how it was for a lot of people, it's what has made us one of the most apprehensible fanbases on line.
@VampireWicked: Oh no, I completely agree with that sentiment. Don't get me wrong =) I meant it from another aspect - like, don't give up on what you enjoy because something else tries to get in the way. And don't give up hope that things won't go back to being how they were.
Get off of Lord of Darkness' back, guys.

What he's saying makes sense. Plus, he's not saying anything offensive at all, so he's entitled to his opinion.
Can't please everyone all the time, if people keep making the same thing over and over people get bored however if you stray too far off the beaten track you also annoy old time fans (see CoD). Franchises have to adapt whether people like it or not, franchises will get new fans and lose old fans it's just the way it goes. For example even franchises as well regarded as The Starcraft series lost fans with Statcraft II yet it's VERY highly regarded by most still.

Doesn't stop you doing a job simply because you lose interest in another part of a franchise as it hasn't stopped old ones existing or prevented the same ones you enjoyed returning at some point. I mean I manage to help run a site perfectly fine and I have little to no interest in Devil May Cry from either fanbases side. Not too bothered about most Capcom franchises but I don't dislike them or have anything against them, simply not really my kind of thing. Helps me be pretty impartial when both sets of fans end up arguing when you should be embracing the franchise as a whole. Of course it helps having a passion for something but it doesn't stop you doing your job, I mean how many of us actually enjoy the actual jobs we have?

Of course it doesn't mean you can't prefer one side but shouldn't hate the other sides fans just because you yourself aren't a fan. Free to dislike a new direction (see Metallica Saint Anger) but can still be a fan of other albums and converse with other fans who did enjoy what you didn't. It's entirely possible to voice an opinion on something without being a condescending asshole about it & putting down others opinions because they don't fall in line with the "uniform" way of thinking.
Thanks, Drakan.

You're right. You can't please everyone. You're also spot on about how here's no point in quitting a job simply because you don't like a few new aspects of it. It's all part of the deal when you decide to help run a site.
I manage to help run a site perfectly fine and I have little to no interest in Devil May Cry from either fanbases side.

Exactly. You're detached, cause you don't care. Your situation is not the same of her.

As I said, not everyone reacts the same. Evidently Cat was more fragile in her temper than most of us, so she took it worse. Although, I imagine she could have asked someone else to run the site in her stead. I asked her that too in the mail, but got no answer. Guess she just doesn't wanna talk about it.

Either way, I can see where she comes from.
Exactly. You're detached, cause you don't care. Your situation is not the same of her.

As I said, not everyone reacts the same. Evidently Cat was more fragile in her temper than most of us, so she took it worse. Although, I imagine she could have asked someone else to run the site in her stead. I asked her that too in the mail, but got no answer. Guess she just doesn't wanna talk about it.

Either way, I can see where she comes from.

I can see it from her point too with me being "detached" as we have all had a moment with a franchise at some point where developers have gone in a direction we don't like or some form of politics/publisher issues have tainted the franchise in our own opinions.

I didn't particularly like the direction Fable series went after Fable II but forums are still there and we are still open and there daily for fans who do enjoy it.

Still it's not a reason to argue with fans over that opinion or drop a forum where fans who do enjoy the new games/direction can come to talk and still have enjoyment out of it. As fan forums we should cater to ALL fans of the franchises old and new and not just shut up shop when we don't like it and leave other fans to have to go elsewhere.
There is difference between multimillion franchise like CoD and niche games like DMC. CoD devs wont even notice if somebody hates any changes they make to the franchise, because couple of fans left, thousands of kids will still be there. Niche is different story. As much as somebody wants to believe otherwise niche games exists thanks to loyalty of the fan bases. Complete change in direction will lead to fan base split, and since niche games can't boast 30 mil sales it jeopardises whole franchise. We all know what happens to niche games without much fan-support, like we saw with Lords of Shadows, PoP reboot and Darksiders.
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