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I'm avoiding it like the plague - last year it was so packed I missed 3 trains home and had to detour all the way around near the NIA to get back to New Street.

CT: I now have to call my own son Mr. Jakey or he won't listen to me. Right...
I'm avoiding it like the plague - last year it was so packed I missed 3 trains home and had to detour all the way around near the NIA to get back to New Street.
Wasn't too bad today, busy, but I have seen worse in previous years. However, I did get dumped in Snow Hill because the train suddenly decided to terminate there.:facepalm: Getting back home was fine though. I'm probably going to go again next week with some different friends so that I can buy hot chocolate with a special mug. I think I'm becoming a Christmas Market junkie.:laugh: I just love the atmosphere and lights and food.

Thinking: I should not have eaten 2 helpings of mochi. They were too sweet this time. :vomit:
Just realized there's been six people in my immediate family who have been in the military. :S And a few have been in law enforcement as well. No pressure, right?

+ D'aww, these are so cute. I really need to buy a display....
so my sisters are scared of the G-man's voice... So I just happen to wake them up playing a video with the G-man's monologues saying "rise and shine Mr. Freeman, rise and shine." at that exact moment.
Well...it was a dog I named Nero. >_> *might have to get a pet named Crumpet sometime in the future* Is it bad that I now have the desire to try food crumpets now? ._.
Yay for hibernating all winter! Ugh, yeah, January is tough. :S That said, not too fussed about February, either; first I turn 21, then mum's divorce court starts....

The nendoroids have arrived! =D *wants to open them**squeeful since they arrived on the perfect day for it* Also...is it just me or does nendoroid sound like a dirty word? ._.

+ Just finished NaNo! =D And a whole ten days early! *dances*

Urgh Crumpets (sorry, I just don't like their texture), but no, it's not a bad thing :D
Sorry to hear that, I hope it goes as smoothly as possible for her (and you too).
Ah yesh, I remembered when I turned 21... *sighs*...Sorry. It wasn't much, but our last cat was alive then :3

Nendoroids... never heard of them *goes to Google* (sounds like a cross between Nintendo and haemorrhoids...piles lol... sorry)
Ah, they do Death Note versions :3 (Dante and Vergil would make really cute Nendoroids *_* )

Congratulations :3

CT: That Vergil cosplay got Daily Deviation!
Hmm, Vergil pillowcase? I'd love one of those :3
Cried earlier *feels a lot better now* :)
TV still hasn't shown up...
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Urgh Crumpets (sorry, I just don't like their texture), but no, it's not a bad thing :D
Sorry to hear that, I hope it goes as smoothly as possible for her (and you too).
Ah yesh, I remembered when I turned 21... *sighs*...Sorry. It wasn't much, but our last cat was alive then :3

Nendoroids... never heard of them *goes to Google* (sounds like a cross between Nintendo and haemorrhoids...piles lol... sorry)
Ah, they do Death Note versions :3 (Dante and Vergil would make really cute Nendoroids *_* )

Congratulations :3

o_o What's their texture like? *curious*
Thank you. =) It's alright. Tbh, we're trying to settle the divorce before it can get to court, but...yeah. XP Stuff involving money never goes smoothly, me thinks.
Aww. :3 *not fussed about turning 21 herself, except that she can possibly go to Comic Con finally, but is glad you got to spend your b-day with your cat*
XD It does, doesn't it? They're so cute, yesh?! ^^ *got a DN set but has nowhere to put them* :O I thought they made DMC nendoroids.... *gonna have to look, now*
Thankies. ^^

Finally working on one of my art requests. XP Two hours has achieved me a sky, semi-realistic clouds, and...a big brown blob for the ground that I really need to add detail to before even consider sleeping tonight. I wish I was faster at art. >_< *not looking forward to drawing the people/monsters in*
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Okay, so we have a really bad windstorm here with HIGH pressure (80MPH)
I have a feeling my order will be delayed...power is out, our windows are broken..bleh..
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CT: you really have a problem with me, don't you? Well that's ok - I'm not especially fond of students at the best of times so we shall agree to disagree. You shall say you are educated, thoughtful, wise and mature and I shall laugh.
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o_o What's their texture like? *curious*
Thank you. =) It's alright. Tbh, we're trying to settle the divorce before it can get to court, but...yeah. XP Stuff involving money never goes smoothly, me thinks.
Aww. :3 *not fussed about turning 21 herself, except that she can possibly go to Comic Con finally, but is glad you got to spend your b-day with your cat*
XD It does, doesn't it? They're so cute, yesh?! ^^ *got a DN set but has nowhere to put them* :O I thought they made DMC nendoroids.... *gonna have to look, now*
Thankies. ^^

Finally working on one of my art requests. XP Two hours has achieved me a sky, semi-realistic clouds, and...a big brown blob for the ground that I really need to add detail to before even consider sleeping tonight. I wish I was faster at art. >_< *not looking forward to drawing the people/monsters in*

Umm, well, they've always reminded me of a sponge (something that someone would use in the bath... not that I've ever eaten one lol) But I've got odd senses anyway. Mum says they go well with Tea.
Urgh, tell me about it. When my other Grandparents died there was a massive legal fight over the will (My Uncle was contesting it for months).
Now that's a great way to celebrate turning 21 ^^
Really? I didn't see any on any search engines or on Amazon UK :/

Don't worry about the whole art thing... the more practise you have, the faster you'll get.

CT: Stupid flamin' cold *sniffles*
Well, that's another load of BS from the delivery company... apparently they need a local driver to pick up the television to deliver it... basically, they can't be bothered to set up a delivery company in the 'ar$e end of nowhere'. Typical.
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CT: Having a car is awesome. Also, seriously do not like one of my daughter's friends - if anyone here watches Corrie with the Grace and Faye storyline, you'll know what I mean...
CT: Having a car is awesome. Also, seriously do not like one of my daughter's friends - if anyone here watches Corrie with the Grace and Faye storyline, you'll know what I mean...

Yeah, I've been watching it... Thing is, that type of friend walked all over me in the end (my mum had the same opinion about my 'friends')... I just... I know girls want to fit in at that age, but now I've realised that if I had my time over again, I would've rather been in the library studying than hanging around with people like that.
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CT: you really have a problem with me, don't you? Well that's ok - I'm not especially fond of students at the best of times so we shall agree to disagree. You shall say you are educated, thoughtful, wise and mature and I shall laugh.
Why aren't you fond of students? Did you have a bad experience with some at university, or is it just this particular mystery student you're mentioning?
I find that it depends which students you talk to. The majority I know are educated, thoughtful, wise and mature. They've dealt with things in their lives that would make some people crack. But there are always exceptions... student freshers month spings to mind.:tongue: They do some pretty dumb stuff then. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th years on the other hand have grown up and aren't like that in the majority of cases. We've got dissertations, masters degrees, PGCES or PHDS to worry about. Pretty big deal if you've spent your whole life in education. No time for partying then.:tongue: Some even have new babies and spouses to look after while they're finishing their masters.

Highschool and sixth form students on the other hand are a mixed bag. Some are very mature they have life experience, they don't walk around like they're entitled to everything and know everything. The ones that do though, they're kids and that's what kids do, especially teens. It's part of growing up.
I remember being like that myself. I was a vain, entitled little sh!t who took eveything for granted, and was stuck up my butt because I considered grades to be a true measure of intelligence, and looks, clothes and wealth to be important. I wasn't the only one like that either, so it doesn't help when you're surrounded by people like that. It just reinforced my myopic world view and made me worse.
I look back on those times with real embarrassment. I just don't know how anyone let me get away with being like that :laugh:
I grew up though and grew out of that way of thinking. I met people who were older, who maybe didn't have the same educational opportunities as me, and realised how lucky I was to have those opportunities, and that life education is just as important. These days, you need both to get anywhere.

Whoever you're on about maybe just doesn't realise how they're coming across when they say all these things about themselves. Sure, they might be educated and all that, but if their attitude stinks, then the education is wasted. I do find though that sometimes academics do lack life experience in some areas that maybe people who dropped out of school do have because they were forced into that position for whatever reason.
Reminds me of one girl at school who got pregnant by accident and was expelled. Sure, she didn't get to be a teenager for very long, and missed out on a lot of things teenagers do, and she'd never be allowed into university right now because she never completed her education, but it doesn't mean she's uneducated and stupid. She's biding her time until she can take her GCSES, and then an access course into university. She's just doing things at her pace and has life education that people who went to universty maybe don't have yet...sure, there are a few my age with husbands and new babies, and the mature students who juggle older children, a job and a degree, but not many.
I still don't know how they do it, but I'm amazed by their dedication and perseverance. They're also great to talk to when you have a problem because they've probably been there before, or have an older child in a similar situation, so they can point you in the right direction. Mature students are pretty cool with that kind of thing, and they're not up their own butts like some freshers and high school students can be.:wink:

Okay, so we have a really bad windstorm here with HIGH pressure (80MPH)
I have a feeling my order will be delayed...power is out, our windows are broken..bleh..
Wow, hope you're okay over there if windows are being broken and power is out.

Thinking: I wish people would stop lying about how much they love their life and the choices they made, then have a breakdown in private and say how much they regret it, hate it and want to just vanish. I just don't understand why people feel the need to lie about how happy they are, especially if their lie influences others to make the same choice. It's like a case of misery loves company. :hungover: I just wish people would be more honest with their feelings instead of saving face, and maybe seek some professional help if it's so bad. Bottling up all that resentment can't be good for anyone; plus I don't like being the person who gets the misery of others unloaded onto them. It's hard when I'm worrying about others, but I guess that's what having friends is about. I know they'd be there for me if something really bad happened.

Other thought: Can't wait for the Doctor Who special!:laugh: It'll be great to see Tennant reprise his role again, and I can't wait to see what Hurt's take on The Doctor is like.:happy:

And another thought: Why are kettle chips so addictlive and tasty? I'm just munching my way through a party sharing bag. :blush:
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Won't like me then, I've been a student three times. Five, if you count the night schools. ;P
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Lived in a town populated largely by students for 24 years and they were by far the rudest, most ignorant and selfish people I have ever come across. I personally do not give a monkeys whether academically they were superstars - as human beings they were crappy people.

There have been a small select group I have enjoyed the company of and I call them friends. They worked hard, earned their place at uni and have done something useful with their lives that benefits others or fills the world with somethig beautiful and thought-provoking. I have no problem with that and why would I? But this particular person is so full of themselves, their social status and their "degree" and spends much of their time waxing lyrical about subjects they have no real knowledge of...it irritates. I have little time for those who think that because they went to uni, they are somehow smarter or more acceptable in life than others. Just because this person can waffle on about a subject for hours on end, does not necessarily mean there is any substance to it. Intensity is not the same as depth.

CT: no I am not getting an xbox one. I already had a betamax years ago, thank you.
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