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WHY do you want a DMC5 for?

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Well-known Member
And what do you mean by Dragon Ball keeping up with modern (today's) flavor? That doesn't make any sense. A series from the 80s does not know about our time, nor does it keep up with it. A lot of people think Dragon Ball is ancient and simply laughable. You might not, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't either.

HUH?! Well not from what I'm seeing. The hell outta here. Matter in fact, aren't all the anime are laughable everywhere but Japan? Think so since I don't hear many people talk about anime.

Anyway, The DB series is still popular around the world, I know a lot and I mean A LOT of people who still love them, even people who hardly watch anime (like me, I only watch that and Naruto) love the series. Take a look at the new DBZ movie, THAT'S what I'm talking about, new animation, a fresh story, all that. It doesn't have the old animation, that's one of thing's that I'm talking about with modern flavor.

It's called AN OPINION. I don't think DMC is outdated, therefore it isn't. It may be in some people's eyes, but again, opinion. Some people think Dante and Vergil wearing trenchcoats is hilarious. I don't. Some people don't like long coats. I do. I won't listen to people who just want to impose their sense of clothing on me.

But would you go to a store with a white wig and a bunch of cowboy clothing or a trenchcoat that exposes your chest and stomach? Think about that! That's what Tameem was talking about.

I also like how you just ignored all my examples in my previous post.

Yeah cuz NOBODY listens to that guy in today's age. I kinda do, but not everyone else. I'm glad we both agree on the Drake and Nicki Minaj.


It was the mechanics available through the combination of switching styles that made it an advancement (among other things) things like Guard Cancelling were made much more viable with the other options available and things such as Inertia were emphasized and given more opportunity to control with a stronger moveset.

another few examples of what was added in DMC4 are

Distortion (which can actually be used for stylish play as it makes a move hit twice, this can actually increase juggle time and allow for links now usually possible)

Reverse attacks.

Guard flying (an offset of inertia if you will)

and probably some more that escape me, I chose not to include the Lucifer glitch as it's a glitch (kinda similar to Distortion but hey ho) but opens up a lot of options. That's not even mentioning Nero's advanced mechanics and things like Exceed which many agree change the gameplay style enough while still keeping it recognizable (similar to the contrast with Vergil and Dante only more so)

DMC4 also features a much more refined moveset that work of eachover better than DMC3, in DMC3 the weapons were very unique however didn't offer a lot of flexability with each other at times. This is not the case in DMC4, I'll use the example of Yamatos Air Rave and Rebellions. Both look very similar though have different properties that can have different effects and with proper use of them many more options can be opened up.
There's nothing wrong with either gameplay style, they are just different. At a casual level (no disrespect to anyone) the two do look very similar and I can understand how people feel it's more of a copy/paste however when you start to look at any level of play above casual the differences become more and more apparent.
DMC3 focuses on things such as buffering inputs and holding buttons where as DMC4 is more focused on the unique mechanics gained through switching styles and weapons/guns.

EDT: Sorry Lionheart for my diabolical use of spelling/grammar.

Expecting someone say that it is only your opinion, like if just you can see this in the game, as if it is not a real thing on the mechanics itself.

Or they will come and say that "i don't see this way...". Which is understandable but no reasonable.


Well-known Member
Expecting someone say that it is only your opinion, like if just you can see this in the game, as if it is not a real thing on the mechanics itself.

Or they will come and say that "i don't see this way...". Which is understandable but no reasonable.
Nah I think they only do that when they state something they think/know isn't true and they just don't want to argue. :D


Well-known Member
So how do we explain DmC being a failure on the market compared to its predecessors? What are you saying doesn't sum up to reality at all, even if you got a point there reality is not confirming it. It's like saying that TES is outdated because the characters are wearing armors instead of cool t-shirts, or saying that Ryu must use jeans and t-shirt on SF to be in the "standards of today". There's really no point in this in the gaming world, characters are intended do be the way it's developers imagine them even if it use a banana in a necklace. Plus, how the characters look are only the presentation of a game, a game is much more than a character who wears laughable clothes.
Oh, but isn't that what the fans were complaining about before the gameplay was shown? "WHERE'S MA DANTEEEY!! Why is he wearing real chlothes?" Yeah, I think you should remember.

DmC exists because of a thing i've already said here multiple times: they decided to try their luck by changing the franchise to more "western" standards, and they've failed in attracting new people to the franchise while still supporting the fans of the old series.

Yeah, they gained more fans from the WEST and failed to atract some from the EAST cuz it wasn't their style.
they've just attracted new people and secluded others.

Again: people are not getting tired or the fanbase would not be splited in two, even three different groups with their opinions. SSFIV did to SF2T the exact same thing DMC3 did in relation to DMC2 and DMC4 in relation to 3. Reworked things. added new stuff, expanded the possibilities and worked on better graphics, if you say that about SF it's roughly the same thing for DMC.

Maybe it is that way, but now I think that the SF games are the only ones that can get away with that stuff, the others ain't off the hook, including the DMC games. DMC4 Dante feels 85% the same as DMC3 Dante. In today's gaming, people expect a lot from sequels and if a DMC5 cam out instead of DmC, half of the fanbase would've lost interest by now just like how it is with DmC, people gave up on this franchise because of that game. I think you should know that most of the fans like DMC3 over 4 and half of the reason could be that 4 is a bunch of rehashed bullshit, looking back at it. Graphics won't change a thing, and most people despise Nero.

I mean if Capcom is flip-flopping with both universes, I rather for them to make a game about Sparda instead of continuing the DMC story which would leave more plotholes then ever.


Solid Ocelot
HUH?! Well not from what I'm seeing. The hell outta here. Matter in fact, aren't all the anime are laughable everywhere but Japan? Think so since I don't hear many people talk about anime.

Anyway, The DB series is still popular around the world, I know a lot and I mean A LOT of people who still love them, even people who hardly watch anime (like me, I only watch that and Naruto) love the series. Take a look at the new DBZ movie, THAT'S what I'm talking about, new animation, a fresh story, all that. It doesn't have the old animation, that's one of thing's that I'm talking about with modern flavor.

I still prefer the old animation over the new. Does that mean I'm wrong because I'm not keeping with the times? Of course not. It's just an opinion. About anime, well, it depends. I think the original Naruto series is really good. That's probably because it does a lot of things right, not because it's an old show. I doubt it'll be considered stupid in ten years. But then, there's people who already think it's stupid. Just another opinion.

But would you go to a store with a white wig and a bunch of cowboy clothing or a trenchcoat that exposes your chest and stomach? Think about that! That's what Tameem was talking about.

Again, nobody should care about that in video games. Dante is a character, not a real person. Of course I wouldn't want to play as a character that only dresses in high heels and a wig, the rest being naked, but Dante's not even remotely like that. I do feel bad for the people who actually cosplay as him, as they're often considered no-life morons. But even they (usually) know they look ridiculous. That's why it's called cosplay, not dress-up. They know they're playing characters, and they wouldn't go dress like that in daily life.

If we can't separate reality from fiction, there's something wrong. I think games are definitely allowed to be as creative as possible. I don't give a f*** if people don't like a certain character. It's just a character, and that's the point, of course. In a fictional, incredible world like DMC's, I don't see why you'd want to play as someone who just wears some jeans and an ordinary coat with a white t-shirt. Just gray and dull. No, not for me. Of course, I'd accept it, but it wouldn't blow my mind.


Oh, but isn't that what the fans were complaining about before the gameplay was shown? "WHERE'S MA DANTEEEY!! Why is he wearing real chlothes?" Yeah, I think you should remember.

This pointed out to a major changing in the game overall with a retarded and traumatized protagonist. This first Donte looked nothing like a demon slayer or a warrior (not saying that this actual character looks like), seriously. I find the new Donte much less worse than the first one that of NT, it's up to opinion which we like most, but it would be a radical change if they continued with the first Donte. It scared a lot of people, people who don't wanted to see the original Dante dies and this brings many doubts to what the game could become as well.

But i'm not trying to justify people who complained that the game would be **** just by seeing a ****ty Donte.

Yeah, they gained more fans from the WEST and failed to atract some from the EAST cuz it wasn't their style.
I really doubt that, here we are most western people and a good portion of the people on this forum were already fans of the franchise before DmC was out or even being planned.

I mean, most of the DMC fanbase are composed by western people. In the PS2 era people loved DMC3 here in Brazil.


This partys getting crazy
But i'm not trying to justify people who complained that the game would be **** just by seeing a ****ty Donte.

Having a debatable awful character doesn't mean a game is bad, it can just prevent the story being enjoyable to some. The game play speaks for itself and so do the cosmetic elements, story and sound. All of these elements are what can contribute to either a bad game or a good game.

Though I will add, that with the "anime" style of DMC3/4 the fans of the series have certain things they like and don't like which made them a fan in the first place. The presentation of the two series is so contrasted I can't believe they felt anyone would accept the cosmetic differences as it simply isn't their preference. It would be akin to rebooting Frank Sinatra as a Rap artist, sure some people would say it's better and more with the times but they are just being close minded and don't understand preferences are personal, not what society tells us is "relevant" which is idiotic, it's a damn game. Who cares if it's relevant or not, it's not like it's a political party or something that will affect society.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!

I only skimmed through the comments and for the most part am seeing rather petty and pathetic arguments FROM BOTH SIDES....well not when it came to gameplay (but I get into that later).

There is this BS argument about making DMC all modern, western, and sh*t....what not....the reason why the pro-DMC side is wrong on this is because of the fact that they're arguing on this worthless topic in the first place.

DMC and DmC are both GAMES....and GAMES are a totally different genre of entertainment from music, anime, movies, fashion, and comics.

GAMES don't actually have or NEED to try to conform to modern principles or be modernized. What makes GAMES great are GAMEPLAY & ENTERTAINMENT....not if it can keep up with a new trend in modern times especially in style.

Girl #1: Ohh did you see that new stylish FPS game it looks so FABBUULOOUUSSS!!!
Girl #2: Yeah its more modern and styling to meet my simple minded twat shaped air head means.


Final Fantasy...FINAL F*CKING FANTASY...sells millions and is as Japanese and ludicrous, androgynous, and Otakuish as they come....well now is....but guess what...FANS DON'T CARE as long as they get a HIGH QUALITY, FUN, AND ENJOYABLE GAME TO SERVICE THEM. The fans, the consumers, the people who liked your games before.

Bayonetta and MGR which are like DMC4 on every world's possible drug sold better than DmC.

Anarchy Reigns and Vanquish (God bless them) which are more western focused and modernish than Bayo and MGR underperformed compared to them.

Modern day gamers don't play games because they're modern its because their either fun or fun because they're very popular (Mario, CoD, GoW, DMC...used to that is).

Capcom's problem was that they tried to reach out to an audience THAT DOESN'T CARE.

Granted DMC1 was a cheesy action move, DMC2 was a less cheesy but more boring action movie, and DMC3 & DMC4 were standard Shonen but GUESS WHAT.....that didn't matter back then...tons of people bought it, enjoyed it as it was FUN GAMES (except for 2 most people didn't like 2).

Its like complaining that MvC3 didn't have enough story.

The only things GAMES need to MODERNIZE are their technology(DMC4 runs on a better engine than DmC), graphics (DMC4 has better graphics than DmC), gameplay, ENJOYABILITY, and other technical stuff for that is what most people nowadays look at not if its all modern and westernish. For as an example, one of the staff at my high school he is a pretty modern run of the mill guy, African American, works out a lot, loves his job, a grown mature adult, buff as ****, cool, smart, collected individual, your everyday American, loves playing video games, he even helps aspiring to be rappers compose rap songs, he even makes his own rap songs and likes modern day rap, movies, and etc. One day I drew a picture of Nero from the DMC4 cover and shown it to some other person and he saw it and thought it was Dante (not Nu Dante)...old Dante (it wasn't in color so I can't blame him). TONS of people are familiar with DMC and they usually never say crap like "Oh its not modern or western enough".

Hey if you want to westernize and modernize DMC lets westernize and modernize Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Mario, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, Ace Attorney, MegaMan, Onimusha, f*ck it why stop there lets westernize and modernize every Japanese game in existence. Lets make them all cool and modern like CoD and GTA.

P.S. DmC's story is pretty god f*cking awful and I'll explain why in a thread sooner or later.


Solid Ocelot
Exactly my point too. Very nice post. it's just sad that developers actually think like that. Capcom literally said they were looking to make the new game appealing to western crowds. I wouldn't be surprised if Ninja Gaiden or whatever becomes less extravagant and more 'suitable to western good taste'. I also feel that games don't need to go with the times. Nobody cares about that in the case of video games. The whole point of games is that they allow you to be someone you're not, or simply to play a game, no matter which backdrop that game has.

If you like the game less because of its character, too bad. I get the same feeling with people from my class. That doesn't mean I go bash them all the time for who they are. Though in the case of DmC, I get that people get aggravated, as DMC has been replaced. It's still a product - one that the developers should be faithful to.

Anyway, I've already explained everything in previous posts, I guess, so that's it for me.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Exactly my point too. Very nice post. it's just sad that developers actually think like that. Capcom literally said they were looking to make the new game appealing to western crowds. I wouldn't be surprised if Ninja Gaiden or whatever becomes less extravagant and more 'suitable to western good taste'. I also feel that games don't need to go with the times. Nobody cares about that in the case of video games. The whole point of games is that they allow you to be someone you're not, or simply to play a game, no matter which backdrop that game has.

Anyway, I've already explained everything in previous posts, I guess, so that's it for me.

Ninja Gaiden already did do that.


And Yahtzee tells you why.



Well-known Member
I want a DMC5 because Ive been playing DMC since it first came out. I am a fan, and capcom would be stupid if they dont make a Devil May Cry 5. Dante in DMC4 couldnt go anywhere but up from there.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
No, of course not. If you want to play DmC, you can do that. I'm saying DMC and DmC do not have to be mutually exclusive. If you want a DmC series, that's fine with me. Don't want to play DMC5, then don't.

Glad that's solved.

And you're saying new Dante is exactly like DMC1 Dante? Please. You can have DmC Dante, as again, I never said ''you can only have DMC5 and no DmC2''. I will say, though, that DmC should never have existed in the first place. If DMC had continued, you wouldn't be so angry at the fans of DMC. And I and other people wouldn't be ****ed off at the series being rebooted. There would be no problem.

I probably wouldn't have if DMC4 didn't have such bad results in how it was made, rushed, and presented. If DMC4 was better at being a DMC game then yeah, I'd be fine with DMC5 and I would've been angry with the reboot right now. Come to think of it; if DMC4 was good, then the reboot wouldn't be here.

That's your opinion, not a fact. Don't give me the same **** as repeated over and over again, like ''DMC has to move with the times''. Who said it doesn't? And who are you to decide what ''the times'' are? Who are you to decide what's in vogue and what's not? Let the developer create games they want to create. Don't force them to comply with 'modern fashion'. Have you ever heard of Raphael Saadiq? He writes classic R&B music, and I and many people happen to prefer that over 'Snoop Lion (Snoop Dogg)', Usher and so on. He's been doing well since the late 1980s, so don't pretend people have to keep up with the 'modern standard'. There's nothing outdated about DMC, anyway. Or is this about DMC's anime style again? I hope you understand that what you like isn't the same as what the rest of the world likes.

Well the **** I'm repeating is the same **** that DMC3 had to do and DmC just does it to another level. DMC3 had to go with modern times and couldn't keep up with the gothic castles anymore (which I think is dumb because castles are always good) and Dante's style had to change from the suwave trench coat, to a J-rock styl trench coat. But yeah, it maybe what I like, but that doesn't mean I'm the only one. Also if you say "let the developers create what they want to" then why are you mad with DmC when developers were "creating what they wanted to"?

Of course they know that. But what makes today different from, say, 2008? There have always been games that had a better story than the DMC series. Just look at Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, and 4 and there you have it. Capcom didn't appear to care. Nor should they. If anything, games have gotten more focused on gameplay and less on cohesive and deep storytelling (Halo 4, CoD). It's not like the first Assassin's Creed was some sort of masterpiece either.

Asassin's Creed has a lot going for itself in terms of story. Its just hard to follow sometimes and pay attention to details without feeling like your reading a History textbook. But in terms of a story, AC has DMC pretty much beat.

The problem many people seem to have with DMC is that it allows for some parts of the story to remain a mystery, whereas most games nowadays chew out everything for you. I personally like that mystery, if done right. I have no problem with anime style games.

Nither do I, but only if those anime games are actually done right and are natural. case in point; No More Heroes. It did a great job in having that anime feel to it and had an interesting set of characters and situations come up. And it was funny unlike DMC4 is when they try to be funny. I have no problem with mystery, but DMC lacks the actual skill to have them, what with Nero's origin being explained in an art book instead of an actual game.

I don't know why you think that. DMC4 had pretty much the same gameplay as DMC3, only with the ability to switch between styles and weapons on the fly. It did very well, commercially, and I thought it was a very nice game. There have been many games that didn't revolutionize anything. Rather, they improved upon original concepts. Even games like Wing Commander. Those games still did very well.

But that's the thing. Maybe it's just me, but I've been playing DMC3 non stop and after a year of doing so, I got bored with its gameplay. That's obviously just me though, but my point is I just don't want to see the same old same old for a DMC5. Something different would be nice. One of the reasons I took a shine to DmC. It was different and had different feels to its gameplay which I liked. Though not perfect, felt nice.

Alright, that's your opinion. But I think you're going to have a hard time accepting many games, as a lot of games' sequels/prequels whatever, have similar gameplay. I could say Assassin's Creed would be pretty much lost on you, since the gameplay appears to be roughly the same each time.

Nope. Not true. AC1 is very different then AC2. And AC3 is even more different from the others with its gameplay and transversing. AC4 will most likely have something familiar to AC3 but hopefully will keep something from AC2.

You mean a pea shooter. I'll admit that Nero was supposed to be very similar to Dante, while being a new protagonist, so that people unfamiliar with DMC had something fresh to start with. Someone without a pre-established background story.

But that story wasn't properly explained and Nero was just a random person who came from know where as far as some people were concerned.

*nothing more than/nothing but

So sorry for my skills. I'm getting lessons for Christmas.^_^

You could argue that it wouldn't be DMC anymore if the gameplay kept changing. If we eventually got to drive a spaceship instead of controlling Dante, I definitely wouldn't call that Devil May Cry.

That's irrelevant as playing as a spaceship and playing as a character aren't the same thing.

What if there's nothing to expand to in terms of gameplay? Abandon the series? That sounds a bit unnecessary.

Then either end it, try to squeeze onne last game out (DMC4) or reboot it.

He can only do a three hit swing? That's news to me. I think you might be playing the game wrong, or not very well. Trolol.

The same old three hit slashes he does, the same old over head swing, same old high time, same old aerial rave. I just wanted different animations for that since I'm a bit of a sword style nip nicker.

Yeah, I agree. I'd say let them end the series if they're sick of it. Or let Ninja Theory take over and give DmC a different name.

"Devil's Never Cry"?

Heck yeah.

Cause Lord knows we've seen Capcom at its worst.

I wouldn't say DmC's gameplay is that different from DMC4's (it's mostly DMC4 Dante and Nero combined) but the rest I can agree with. Nobody said you couldn't have DmC2. Get it, play it, love it.

But I'm worried for sales. I feel that there won't be a DmC2, and that if Capcom goes back to DMC, they'll just rush through it with no care.
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