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WHY do you want a DMC5 for?

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So I'm just suppose to accept DMC5 just because you and people are all mad?

Why's that gotta be how it is? Why should I have to suffer corny lines and a Dante that will never be like DMC1 again or a horrid story that a fanfic writer can do better in?

If anything, if they were to go back to DMC5, the first thing they really need to work on is their writing abilities because in this day in gaming age, games focus on story and gameplay. DMC was falling behind because they couldn't produce a decent story or keep up with the times of now. DMC has that issue in its fasion, style, and actual gameplay. I think one of the reasons Capcom couldn't change DMC up a bit for modern times is because that would mean changing a lot of things and stripping Dante of his flashy outfits to be able to fit into the gaming world we have now. That would also mean that they'd have try and add something new to the gameplay, which means changing up everything and making it too different from the older DMC games. It wouldn't fit with the series because Capcom had tried something to new from the old. And in terms of story, Capcom knew they sucked at it and they knew that if they tried to make another crappy story for DMC, then it wouldn't meet the expectations or even hold a candle to some of the more greater stories like Assassin's Creed, Bioshock Infinite, and even Kingdom Hearts which actually does a good job in keeping it's fantasy theme fresh with every game unlike DMC can. If Capcom actually came together and focused on doing DMC right, then I'd love to see a DMC5. But I've grown too fond of how DmC is doing with its story and how it actually presents a story I can take seriously without thinking its a reject saturday morning anime dubbed by 4 kids. (DMC4)

And gameplay has to have something new added. I didn't enjoy DMC4's gameplay because it was just DMC3 all over again. If I wanted DMC3 like combat I'd go play DMC3. And Nero was just a sloppier version of Dante who had no actual powerful weapons besides his machete motorcycle sword, a P-shooter, and an infected arm that makes it a ghost hand to grab things. I want something different for DMC, I want gameplay that isn't going to keep being nothing more but a copy and paste of DMC3. For once Capcom need to stop getting insight from DMC3 and move on. It may be the best game, but for God sake at least try and expand more. And what's worse is that most crossover games like MVC3, and Project X zone have his same dame sword animations. The same old three hit swing that he seems to only be able to do. Switch it up a bit. Stop taking the easy way out and actually think for once Capcom.

I also want Capcom to stop bull ****ting the fanbase. I mean yeah DMC is a less then perfect game, and yeah it's not as big or popular as those other better and more creative games, but its still a game series with a large fan base so at least have the common curtousy to say "we don't want to do another DMC. get use to it" instead of keeping us in the dark.

But back to my thoughts;

I want a DMC5 so that Capcom can actually try better this time and actually put effort into DMC, instead of bullsh!t it like they did DMC4 and give the series closure on a high note.
However want a DmC2 because I want to see more of the unique environments, the interesting story, the DIFFERENT gameplay, and more of the Dante that I actually like whole heartedly for the first time in ten years since DMC1.

But that's just me.

Now where's my applause?

"If anything, if they were to go back to DMC5, the first thing they really need to work on is their writing abilities because in this day in gaming age, games focus on story and gameplay. DMC was falling behind because they couldn't produce a decent story or keep up with the times of now. "

Nope.avi, games do not need to focus on story. Mario sells out even these days without having stories. How do we explain DMC4 selling out more than DmC? It's clearly that you assume that DmC has a good story, your logic is kinda backfiring on you on this point if you think games just have to be story-oriented these days. And DmC doesn't have a good story at all, c'mon, it's a social commentary mixed up with a fantasy world trying to be appealing to young western people.

I don't know how you even can be a fan of the franchise with this gaming mindset, i mean, you talk a lot about Dante on DMC1 but he barely has conversations on that game. They focused much more on the storytelling on DMC3 than on the original one.

And gameplay has to have something new added. I didn't enjoy DMC4's gameplay because it was just DMC3 all over again. If I wanted DMC3 like combat I'd go play DMC3. "
DMC4 added a lot to the franchise, man. Just the possibilities added by the instant swap of styles made the mechanics more deeper than as they are in DMC3. And i say that even being a hardcore fan of DMC3, it's my favorite game on the franchise. You don't need to believe me, see for yourself:

"And what's worse is that most crossover games like MVC3, and Project X zone have his same dame sword animations. The same old three hit swing that he seems to only be able to do. Switch it up a bit. Stop taking the easy way out and actually think for once Capcom."
Ryu actually throws hadokens since the early 90's and people still loves him (important to note that Street Fighter is a franchise that Capcom does not try to aply any of her "revolutionary" concepts), there's no need to change something that is good. This praise for change that people have nowadays are just bullshit, there's absolutely no need to change what is good or what works, only if it's not a change at all but an upgrade. Or do you would stop to eat cheeseburgers because they don't reinvented the cheeseburger formula? It's just non-sense, this not makes a point to change something just for the sake of change. Plus, the fanbase never asked for changes, and it's the fanbase that a company that makes entertainment must care at least a bit when thinking about changing what they like.

"I mean yeah DMC is a less then perfect game, and yeah it's not as big or popular as those other better and more creative games, but its still a game series with a large fan base so at least have the common curtousy to say "we don't want to do another DMC. get use to it" instead of keeping us in the dark."

Indeed DMC is less than a perfect franchise, does not even comes close to perfection. But when it comes to gameplay, DMC was a standard of top quality hack'n'slash game, just look how Bayonetta is similar to DMC and people are crazy about this game, it's basically the same formula with some differences.



Smile it confuses people
So I'm just suppose to accept DMC5 just because you and people are all mad?

Why's that gotta be how it is? Why should I have to suffer corny lines and a Dante that will never be like DMC1 again or a horrid story that a fanfic writer can do better in?

If anything, if they were to go back to DMC5, the first thing they really need to work on is their writing abilities because in this day in gaming age, games focus on story and gameplay. DMC was falling behind because they couldn't produce a decent story or keep up with the times of now. DMC has that issue in its fasion, style, and actual gameplay. I think one of the reasons Capcom couldn't change DMC up a bit for modern times is because that would mean changing a lot of things and stripping Dante of his flashy outfits to be able to fit into the gaming world we have now. That would also mean that they'd have try and add something new to the gameplay, which means changing up everything and making it too different from the older DMC games. It wouldn't fit with the series because Capcom had tried something to new from the old. And in terms of story, Capcom knew they sucked at it and they knew that if they tried to make another crappy story for DMC, then it wouldn't meet the expectations or even hold a candle to some of the more greater stories like Assassin's Creed, Bioshock Infinite, and even Kingdom Hearts which actually does a good job in keeping it's fantasy theme fresh with every game unlike DMC can. If Capcom actually came together and focused on doing DMC right, then I'd love to see a DMC5. But I've grown too fond of how DmC is doing with its story and how it actually presents a story I can take seriously without thinking its a reject saturday morning anime dubbed by 4 kids. (DMC4)

And gameplay has to have something new added. I didn't enjoy DMC4's gameplay because it was just DMC3 all over again. If I wanted DMC3 like combat I'd go play DMC3. And Nero was just a sloppier version of Dante who had no actual powerful weapons besides his machete motorcycle sword, a P-shooter, and an infected arm that makes it a ghost hand to grab things. I want something different for DMC, I want gameplay that isn't going to keep being nothing more but a copy and paste of DMC3. For once Capcom need to stop getting insight from DMC3 and move on. It may be the best game, but for God sake at least try and expand more. And what's worse is that most crossover games like MVC3, and Project X zone have his same dame sword animations. The same old three hit swing that he seems to only be able to do. Switch it up a bit. Stop taking the easy way out and actually think for once Capcom.

I also want Capcom to stop bull ****ting the fanbase. I mean yeah DMC is a less then perfect game, and yeah it's not as big or popular as those other better and more creative games, but its still a game series with a large fan base so at least have the common curtousy to say "we don't want to do another DMC. get use to it" instead of keeping us in the dark.

But back to my thoughts;

I want a DMC5 so that Capcom can actually try better this time and actually put effort into DMC, instead of bullsh!t it like they did DMC4 and give the series closure on a high note.
However want a DmC2 because I want to see more of the unique environments, the interesting story, the DIFFERENT gameplay, and more of the Dante that I actually like whole heartedly for the first time in ten years since DMC1.

But that's just me.

Now where's my applause?
I'll applaud you.

Pony style.

And agreeing with everything you said.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
God Hand is a great game. And there's pretty much no story other than a tiny background.

Just throwing it out there.

Yet where's God hand now?

Nope.avi, games do not need to focus on story. Mario sells out even these days without having stories. How do we explain DMC4 selling out more than DmC? It's clearly that you assume that DmC has a good story, your logic is kinda backfiring on you on this point if you think games just have to be story-oriented these days. And DmC doesn't have a good story at all, c'mon, it's a social commentary mixed up with a fantasy world trying to be appealing to young western people.

I don't know how you even can be a fan of the franchise with this gaming mindset, i mean, you talk a lot about Dante on DMC1 but he barely has conversations on that game. They focused much more on the storytelling on DMC3 than on the original one.

So you can say DmC has a bad story, but when i rip on DMC4's story or any of the old DMC stories, you expect me to shut my mouth on that. In your opinion it could be bad and I respect that, but in my opinion it was a definite step up from the hum drum anime styled story of DMC3 and DMC4 which a fanfic writer can (and has) written better.

Also, Mario is a party game, not one of the bigger hack n' slash or FPS games. And Mario has a story too. Mario must save the princess from bouser and his kids along with the minions as well. Even the Luigi game has a story to it.

DMC4 added a lot to the franchise, man. Just the possibilities added by the instant swap of styles made the mechanics more deeper than as they are in DMC3. And i say that even being a hardcore fan of DMC3, it's my favorite game on the franchise. You don't need to believe me, see for yourself:

All I see is DMC4 piggy backing off of DMC3 with the only difference being that I get more then just two weapons and more then just one style. What's your point?

Ryu actually throws hadokens since the early 90's and people still loves him (important to note that Street Fighter is a franchise that Capcom does not try to aply any of her "revolutionary" concepts), there's no need to change something that is good. This praise for change that people have nowadays are just bullshit, there's absolutely no need to change what is good or what works, only if it's not a change at all but an upgrade. Or do you would stop to eat cheeseburgers because they don't reinvented the cheeseburger formula? It's just non-sense, this not makes a point to change something just for the sake of change. Plus, the fanbase never asked for changes, and it's the fanbase that a company that makes entertainment must care at least a bit when thinking about changing what they like.

Too bad Dante's not Ryu. Ryu is iconic for Hadoken. Dante's been pulling the same sword animation since DMC3, and franclly it gets rather annoying. When I play games with swords I expect to see some kind of difference and not the same old thing.

Indeed DMC is less than a perfect franchise, does not even comes close to perfection. But when it comes to gameplay, DMC was a standard of top quality hack'n'slash game, just look how Bayonetta is similar to DMC and people are crazy about this game, it's basically the same formula with some differences.
DMC3 was piggy backing of DMC2, DMC2 was piggy backing of DMC.
In fact Piggy backing isn't even the right word to use. Devil May Cry was evolving with each game.

I love this image

What does DmC bring to the table? Nothing. As far as I'm concerened All of XxDonte_Teh420DemunKillAHS!xX moves come from DMC4 Dante and there's a bit of Nero in there too.

What's your point?
I am pretty sure DmC2 will just be piggybacking off DmC


"So you can say DmC has a bad story, but when i rip on DMC4's story or any of the old DMC stories, you expect me to shut my mouth on that. In your opinion it could be bad and I respect that, but in my opinion it was a definite step up from the hum drum anime styled story of DMC3 and DMC4 which a fanfic writer can (and has) written better.

Also, Mario is a party game, not one of the bigger hack n' slash or FPS games. And Mario has a story too. Mario must save the princess from bouser and his kids along with the minions as well. Even the Luigi game has a story to it."
Still, games doesn't need to be story-oriented and that was my point to begin with. Oh wow, Mario have to save Peach, and he has to save Peach all the time. They doesn't change anything and it's still a sucessful and great game, great story isn't it? Mario is one of the most sucessful franchise in all videogame history, it's not just one of the biggest games on his own genre.

"All I see is DMC4 piggy backing off of DMC3 with the only difference being that I get more then just two weapons and more then just one style. What's your point?"
If you refuse to see a truth that is in your face, this not make it less true. DMC4 mechanics brought up a bunch of new techniques and boosted up a already fast-paced and diverse combat.

"Too bad Dante's not Ryu. Ryu is iconic for Hadoken. Dante's been pulling the same sword animation since DMC3, and franclly it gets rather annoying. When I play games with swords I expect to see some kind of difference and not the same old thing."

And Dante is iconic for things like Stinger, Helm Breaker, Round Trip, and his 3-hit-combo slashes too, what's your point? DMC is already a classic to the gaming history, you liking it or not. Great argument you have here, i'll give you that, i think i will write it here on my wall.

You've not given any answer to the most crucial points that i had given on that post.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
DMC3 was piggy backing of DMC2, DMC2 was piggy backing of DMC.
In fact Piggy backing isn't even the right word to use. Devil May Cry was evolving with each game.

I love this image

What does DmC bring to the table? Nothing. As far as I'm concerened All of XxDonte_Teh420DemunKillAHS!xX moves come from DMC4 Dante and there's a bit of Nero in there too.

What's your point?
I am pretty sure DmC2 will just be piggybacking off DmC

If you paid attention to DmC, it actually brought things.

A more vivid and actually fun environment
an interesting artistic flare to the world
Using actual maneuverability with both environment and distance instead of spamming square and X.
Actual care for its story
actual characters added to characters
better motion capturing
Unique level design
better camera

Whether you chose to see it or not isn't my decisions, but either way DmC may have borrowed things from the past series, bu tat least it didn't copy and past like DMC4 did.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Still, games doesn't need to be story-oriented and that was my point to begin with. Oh wow, Mario have to save Peach, and he has to save Peach all the time. They doesn't change anything and it's still a sucessful and great game, great story isn't it? Mario is one of the most sucessful franchise in all videogame history, it's not just one of the biggest games on his own genre.

But at least it has a good story. again, unlike DMC4.

If you refuse to see a truth that is in your face, this not make it less true. DMC4 mechanics brought up a bunch of new techniques and boosted up a already fast-paced and diverse combat.

It was just DMC3 with more moves. That's all I see. No "refusing" about it.

And Dante is iconic for things like Stinger, Helm Breaker, Round Trip, and his 3-hit-combo slashes too, what's your point? DMC is already a classic to the gaming history, you liking it or not. Great argument you have here, i'll give you that, i think i will write it here on my wall.

Then write a paragraph because I don't want the same old things to be passed on to me with no literal change to it. Thus why I said I wanted a DMC5 that wasn't like DMC4 in "piggy backing" off its predecessors to such a high extent.

You've not given any answer to the most crucial points that i had given on that post.

I am but you're being insufferable to see them.


"But at least it has a good story. again, unlike DMC4."
You cannot be serious on that haha.

"It was just DMC3 with more moves. That's all I see. No "refusing" about it."
Got that, kido.

"I am but you're being insufferable to see them."

Your answers are all self-centred, they begin and ends with what you like, or what you dislike. We can discuss nothing if you limit yourself that way and don't throw a real argument to the table.

And the rest is... that DmC doesn't have a good story silence.


Solid Ocelot
So I'm just suppose to accept DMC5 just because you and people are all mad?

No, of course not. If you want to play DmC, you can do that. I'm saying DMC and DmC do not have to be mutually exclusive. If you want a DmC series, that's fine with me. Don't want to play DMC5, then don't.

Why's that gotta be how it is? Why should I have to suffer corny lines and a Dante that will never be like DMC1 again or a horrid story that a fanfic writer can do better in?

And you're saying new Dante is exactly like DMC1 Dante? Please. You can have DmC Dante, as again, I never said ''you can only have DMC5 and no DmC2''. I will say, though, that DmC should never have existed in the first place. If DMC had continued, you wouldn't be so angry at the fans of DMC. And I and other people wouldn't be ****ed off at the series being rebooted. There would be no problem.

If anything, if they were to go back to DMC5, the first thing they really need to work on is their writing abilities because in this day in gaming age, games focus on story and gameplay. DMC was falling behind because they couldn't produce a decent story or keep up with the times of now. DMC has that issue in its fasion, style, and actual gameplay. I think one of the reasons Capcom couldn't change DMC up a bit for modern times is because that would mean changing a lot of things and stripping Dante of his flashy outfits to be able to fit into the gaming world we have now.

That's your opinion, not a fact. Don't give me the same **** as repeated over and over again, like ''DMC has to move with the times''. Who said it doesn't? And who are you to decide what ''the times'' are? Who are you to decide what's in vogue and what's not? Let the developer create games they want to create. Don't force them to comply with 'modern fashion'. Have you ever heard of Raphael Saadiq? He writes classic R&B music, and I and many people happen to prefer that over 'Snoop Lion (Snoop Dogg)', Usher and so on. He's been doing well since the late 1980s, so don't pretend people have to keep up with the 'modern standard'. There's nothing outdated about DMC, anyway. Or is this about DMC's anime style again? I hope you understand that what you like isn't the same as what the rest of the world likes.

And in terms of story, Capcom knew they sucked at it and they knew that if they tried to make another crappy story for DMC, then it wouldn't meet the expectations or even hold a candle to some of the more greater stories like Assassin's Creed, Bioshock Infinite, and even Kingdom Hearts which actually does a good job in keeping it's fantasy theme fresh with every game unlike DMC can.

Of course they know that. But what makes today different from, say, 2008? There have always been games that had a better story than the DMC series. Just look at Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, and 4 and there you have it. Capcom didn't appear to care. Nor should they. If anything, games have gotten more focused on gameplay and less on cohesive and deep storytelling (Halo 4, CoD). It's not like the first Assassin's Creed was some sort of masterpiece either.

If Capcom actually came together and focused on doing DMC right, then I'd love to see a DMC5. But I've grown too fond of how DmC is doing with its story and how it actually presents a story I can take seriously without thinking its a reject saturday morning anime dubbed by 4 kids. (DMC4)

The problem many people seem to have with DMC is that it allows for some parts of the story to remain a mystery, whereas most games nowadays chew out everything for you. I personally like that mystery, if done right. I have no problem with anime style games.

And gameplay has to have something new added.

I don't know why you think that. DMC4 had pretty much the same gameplay as DMC3, only with the ability to switch between styles and weapons on the fly. It did very well, commercially, and I thought it was a very nice game. There have been many games that didn't revolutionize anything. Rather, they improved upon original concepts. Even games like Wing Commander. Those games still did very well.

I didn't enjoy DMC4's gameplay because it was just DMC3 all over again. If I wanted DMC3 like combat I'd go play DMC3.

Alright, that's your opinion. But I think you're going to have a hard time accepting many games, as a lot of games' sequels/prequels whatever, have similar gameplay. I could say Assassin's Creed would be pretty much lost on you, since the gameplay appears to be roughly the same each time.

And Nero was just a sloppier version of Dante who had no actual powerful weapons besides his machete motorcycle sword, a P-shooter, and an infected arm that makes it a ghost hand to grab things.

You mean a pea shooter. I'll admit that Nero was supposed to be very similar to Dante, while being a new protagonist, so that people unfamiliar with DMC had something fresh to start with. Someone without a pre-established background story.

I want something different for DMC, I want gameplay that isn't going to keep being nothing more but a copy and paste of DMC3. *nothing more than/nothing but

You could argue that it wouldn't be DMC anymore if the gameplay kept changing. If we eventually got to drive a spaceship instead of controlling Dante, I definitely wouldn't call that Devil May Cry.

For once Capcom need to stop getting insight from DMC3 and move on. It may be the best game, but for God sake at least try and expand more.

What if there's nothing to expand to in terms of gameplay? Abandon the series? That sounds a bit unnecessary.

And what's worse is that most crossover games like MVC3, and Project X zone have his same dame *damn sword animations. The same old three hit swing that he seems to only be able to do. Switch it up a bit. Stop taking the easy way out and actually think for once *comma, Capcom.

He can only do a three hit swing? That's news to me. I think you might be playing the game wrong, or not very well. Trolol.

I also want Capcom to stop bullshitting the fanbase. I mean yeah DMC is a less then *than (alright, I'll stop now) perfect game, and yeah it's not as big or popular as those other better and more creative games, but its still a game series with a large fan base so at least have the common curtousy to say "we don't want to do another DMC. get use to it" instead of keeping us in the dark.

Yeah, I agree. I'd say let them end the series if they're sick of it. Or let Ninja Theory take over and give DmC a different name.

But back to my thoughts;

I want a DMC5 so that Capcom can actually try better this time and actually put effort into DMC, instead of bullsh!t it like they did DMC4 and give the series closure on a high note.

Heck yeah.

However want a DmC2 because I want to see more of the unique environments, the interesting story, the DIFFERENT gameplay, and more of the Dante that I actually like whole heartedly for the first time in ten years since DMC1.

I wouldn't say DmC's gameplay is that different from DMC4's (it's mostly DMC4 Dante and Nero combined) but the rest I can agree with. Nobody said you couldn't have DmC2. Get it, play it, love it.


Well-known Member
That's your opinion, not a fact. Don't give me the same **** as repeated over and over again, like ''DMC has to move with the times''. Who said it doesn't? And who are you to decide what ''the times'' are? Who are you to decide what's in vogue and what's not? Let the developer create games they want to create. Don't force them to comply with 'modern fashion'. Have you ever heard of Raphael Saadiq? He writes classic R&B music, and I and many people happen to prefer that over 'Snoop Lion (Snoop Dogg)', Usher and so on. He's been doing well since the late 1980s, so don't pretend people have to keep up with the 'modern standard'. There's nothing outdated about DMC, anyway. Or is this about DMC's anime style again? I hope you understand thatwhat you likeisn't the same aswhat the rest of the world likes.

It IS a fact, no matter how bad you want to deny it. People do have to keep up with today's standards. Maybe if the original games had modern style here and there, DmC would've never existed, but too bad. Think about most of the anime from the 80s and 90s that are irrelavent in today's standards and the music too. The only anime that has been keeping up with modern flavor from the 80s are the Dragon ball series, they don't have the same old stuff like they did back then, that's why it's still going strong.

Same goes for the fashion. I'll take Tameem's words; "if you go into a bar in Dante's attire, you'd be laughed at". I remember one time I was watching a VH1 documentary about the 80s and found out that people was wearing these kind of pants to go out.


In today's world, you either get laughed at or people are gonna make bad comments about you. Think about if you went on a date with some girl and she sees you wearing these pants, she would definitely shut the door RIGHT at you face. You may prefer older stuff but that's only you.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like some of today's stuff either and prefer some of the old stuff(COD, and I can't STAND Drake and Nicki Minaj, Bon Jovi FTW...and I'm black lol), but if it time for the company to move on to something else, then that's what they gotta do. And that's why Tameem made that statement "What was cool then, isn't cool now".

Ryu actually throws hadokens since the early 90's and people still loves him (important to note that Street Fighter is a franchise that Capcom does not try to aply any of her "revolutionary" concepts), there's no need to change something that is good. This praise for change that people have nowadays are just bullshit, there's absolutely no need to change what is good or what works, only if it's not a change at all but an upgrade. Or do you would stop to eat cheeseburgers because they don't reinvented the cheeseburger formula? It's just non-sense, this not makes a point to change something just for the sake of change. Plus, the fanbase never asked for changes, and it's the fanbase that a company that makes entertainment must care at least a bit when thinking about changing what they like.

Well Dante isn't Ryu. And like I said to the other guy, they do have to keep up with today's standards. Street Fighter 4 did a good job with that by adding a lot more stuff to the system, including the graphics, that way it shows what a true sequel is. It's the fact that they keep on releasing the same game a couple time but with upgrades. The reason why people praise change cuz they are getting tired of the previous stuff.


Solid Ocelot
It IS a fact, no matter how bad you want to deny it. People do have to keep up with today's standards. Maybe if the original games had modern style here and there, DmC would've never existed, but too bad. Think about most of the anime from the 80s and 90s that are irrelavent in today's standards and the music too. The only anime that has been keeping up with modern flavor from the 80s are the Dragon ball series, they don't have the same old stuff like they did back then, that's why it's still going strong.

Irrelevant in your opinion. Irrelevant in your world of experience.
And what do you mean by Dragon Ball keeping up with modern (today's) flavor? That doesn't make any sense. A series from the 80s does not know about our time, nor does it keep up with it. A lot of people think Dragon Ball is ancient and simply laughable. You might not, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't either. It's called AN OPINION. I don't think DMC is outdated, therefore it isn't. It may be in some people's eyes, but again, opinion. Some people think Dante and Vergil wearing trenchcoats is hilarious. I don't. Some people don't like long coats. I do. I won't listen to people who just want to impose their sense of clothing on me. I also like how you just ignored all my examples in my previous post.

People saying new Dante keeps with the times because ''he's got short hair'' is just ridiculous. I have fairly long hair - does that mean I'm not keeping with the times? And why would that be a bad thing? I know someone who keeps wearing hippie-like clothing. I think it doesn't look good, but I'm not going to tell him to 'shape up'.

Same goes for the fashion. I'll take Tameem's words; "if you go into a bar in Dante's attire, you'd be laughed at".

So what? Devil May Cry is not a realistic game. You don't play a realistic character. You don't need to look like how you would in real life. How can you not understand that? It's a game, and Dante is a character, which also implies that he can play a certain role. If that role is the one of ''the cool guy wearing the trenchcoat'', all the better. If you want to play as a character that looks like the guy next door, then I'm sorry for your loss.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like some of today's stuff too and prefer some of the old stuff(COD, and I can't STAND Drake and Nicki Minaj, Bon Jovi FTW...and I'm black lol), but if it time for the company to move on to something else, then that's what they gotta do. And that's why Tameem made that statement "What was cool then, isn't cool now".

I don't like Drake or Nicki Minaj either, but that has nothing to do with them being ''modern''. Muse, The Killers, Poets of the Fall and such are modern too, and I love them. Nicki Minaj and Drake just pretend to be awesome, and do it in a very conspicuous way. Nicki has to wear vibrant clothing and vibrant... everything, just to stand out, which is sad. She also acts retarded. Drake seems to try too hard to be the stereotypical rapper, trying to be cool and appealing to the masses.


"It IS a fact, no matter how bad you want to deny it. People do have to keep up with today's standards. Maybe if the original games had modern style here and there, DmC would've never existed, but too bad."
So how do we explain DmC being a failure on the market compared to its predecessors? What are you saying doesn't sum up to reality at all, even if you got a point there reality is not confirming it. It's like saying that TES is outdated because the characters are wearing armors instead of cool t-shirts, or saying that Ryu must use jeans and t-shirt on SF to be in the "standards of today". There's really no point in this in the gaming world, characters are intended do be the way it's developers imagine them even if it use a banana in a necklace. Plus, how the characters look are only the presentation of a game, a game is much more than a character who wears laughable clothes. DmC exists because of a thing i've already said here multiple times: they decided to try their luck by changing the franchise to more "western" standards, and they've failed in attracting new people to the franchise while still supporting the fans of the old series, they've just attracted new people and secluded others.

"Well Dante isn;t Ryu. And like I said to the other guy, they do have to keep up with today's standards. The reason why people praise change cuz they are getting tired of the previous stuff. Street Fighter 4 did a good job with that by adding more stuff to the system, including the graphics, that way it shows what a true sequel is. It's the fact that they keep on releasing the same game a couple time but with upgrades."

Again: people are not getting tired or the fanbase would not be splited in two, even three different groups with their opinions. SSFIV did to SF2T the exact same thing DMC3 did in relation to DMC2 and DMC4 in relation to 3. Reworked things. added new stuff, expanded the possibilities and worked on better graphics, if you say that about SF it's roughly the same thing for DMC.


This partys getting crazy
It was just DMC3 with more moves. That's all I see. No "refusing" about it.

It was the mechanics available through the combination of switching styles that made it an advancement (among other things) things like Guard Cancelling were made much more viable with the other options available and things such as Inertia were emphasized and given more opportunity to control with a stronger moveset.

another few examples of what was added in DMC4 are

Distortion (which can actually be used for stylish play as it makes a move hit twice, this can actually increase juggle time and allow for links now usually possible)

Reverse attacks.

Guard flying (an offset of inertia if you will)

and probably some more that escape me, I chose not to include the Lucifer glitch as it's a glitch (kinda similar to Distortion but hey ho) but opens up a lot of options. That's not even mentioning Nero's advanced mechanics and things like Exceed which many agree change the gameplay style enough while still keeping it recognizable (similar to the contrast with Vergil and Dante only more so)

DMC4 also features a much more refined moveset that work of eachover better than DMC3, in DMC3 the weapons were very unique however didn't offer a lot of flexability with each other at times. This is not the case in DMC4, I'll use the example of Yamatos Air Rave and Rebellions. Both look very similar though have different properties that can have different effects and with proper use of them many more options can be opened up.
There's nothing wrong with either gameplay style, they are just different. At a casual level (no disrespect to anyone) the two do look very similar and I can understand how people feel it's more of a copy/paste however when you start to look at any level of play above casual the differences become more and more apparent.
DMC3 focuses on things such as buffering inputs and holding buttons where as DMC4 is more focused on the unique mechanics gained through switching styles and weapons/guns.

EDT: Sorry Lionheart for my diabolical use of spelling/grammar.


Solid Ocelot
I totally agree, and it's so idiotic. You have to keep in mind that these are characters. They're not supposed to conform to what you want to see. Some people thought DMC1 Dante looked ridiculous back in 2001. It's no different today. It's not like people had no sense of style in 2001.
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