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WHY do you want a DMC5 for?

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Praise the Sun!
The basic outline they could use for 5 is that Dante is in hell. They could add on from there. But honestly 5 could be the best in the series all the things they could do with the premise. The only way Capcom could honestly mess that up is that they cut dev time like they did with 4 and have it where dante already got out of hell


Well-known Member
after what happened with DMC4 and how Capcom is with stuff nowadays with SFxT or Resident Evil 6.

DmC is not a grand success compared to how DMC 4 fared. In fact capcom themself have declared that games like DMC 4 have given them increased sales figures.

Capcom games with increased sales and profit

We have threads that discuss poor sales of DmC.

DmC Poor sales

If you are comparing games jus by sales, Then DmC cannot be considered a success or worth having a sequel.
Can't DMC5 be a stand alone game about Dante or whoever?

I just want stylish gameplay. I don't really want a deep story that connects all the games together I just want a "Dante's Adventure!' sorta thing. Give Dante a big bad to fight with awesome levels to fight his or her lesser demons in.

or....How about a Sparda prequel?
Is Sparda crazy like Dante?
Or is he modest and honorable like Vergil?
Or is possibly arrogant and aggressive like Nero?

Who knows?

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Can't DMC5 be a stand alone game about Dante or whoever?

I just want stylish gameplay. I don't really want a deep story that connects all the games together I just want a "Dante's Adventure!' sorta thing. Give Dante a big bad to fight with awesome levels to fight his or her lesser demons in.

or....How about a Sparda prequel?
Is Sparda crazy like Dante?
Or is he modest and honorable like Vergil?
Or is possibly arrogant and aggressive like Nero?

Who knows?

I too have wanted a Sparda game, but I'd first rather have a game that ties up all the loose ends before Capcom move onto solo projects such as Dante doing his own thing in Hell...


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I want the original Dante to return with Reuben Langdon as the VA to deliver more laughs, no more wasting time with "believable" crap and "character development", I just want him to be the cool and stylish badass he knows he is and give me lots of laughs and awesome moments, I want full focus on the fast paced awesome gameplay with innovation added in there, awesome and challenging boss battles and a soundtrack that nails every moment right like MGRs soundtrack, I also want DMC5 for the return of the sexy and badass Trish and Lady, add some more character to them, but keep them sexy with their rockin bodies, nice tits and keep them badass with Trish donning Luce & Ombra and her lightening powers and Lady with her having more guns on her than clothes, riding a badass motorcycle with that Big F**king Gun on her back.
Also plenty of unlockables and secrets to add more replay value.

As for the plot, I don't really care, as long as those things I mentioned above are there, the game already has my money and the story can be what ever the hell it wants to be.
Customizable style switcher would be nice.

Controls just like it did in Devil May Cry 4 you use the directional buttons to switch between styles. But from the options menu you can swap out styles for other styles or even items, you can have a vital star mapped to the up button or a devil star mapped to the down button.

Makes me think of Kingdom Hearts II. You could map magic and items to a button combination like L1+Triangle for Potions. L1+Square for Reflect, etc etc.


Well-known Member
DmC is not a grand success compared to how DMC 4 fared. In fact capcom themself have declared that games like DMC 4 have given them increased sales figures.

Capcom games with increased sales and profit

We have threads that discuss poor sales of DmC.

DmC Poor sales

If you are comparing games jus by sales, Then DmC cannot be considered a success or worth having a sequel.

I wasn't talking about the sales, but now that you brought that up, sales don't mean sh*t! DMC4 wasn't recieved well from many reviewers and fans, including myself. I know some games that didn't sell that well had a sequel.


I wasn't talking about the sales, but now that you brought that up, sales don't mean sh*t! DMC4 wasn't recieved well from many reviewers and fans, including myself. I know some games that didn't sell that well had a sequel.

DMC4 is a great game, it could be much more if Capcom don't rushed down the team working on it, But yeah, at first glance i hated the fact that i needed to play with Nero, i were playing the game on a already cleared profile on an X360 and just took the Dante missions haha. But after i loan my friend's X360 i've rushed down through the game and finished him with both Nero and Dante, i'm looking to buy it now for my PS3 and enjoy the mechanics of the game which are really cool, and really a step foward to what DMC3 was in terms of gameplay.


Well-known Member
DMC4 is a great game, it could be much more if Capcom don't rushed down the team working on it, But yeah, at first glance i hated the fact that i needed to play with Nero, i were playing the game on a already cleared profile on an X360 and just took the Dante missions haha. But after i loan my friend's X360 i've rushed down through the game and finished him with both Nero and Dante, i'm looking to buy it now for my PS3 and enjoy the mechanics of the game which are really cool, and really a step foward to what DMC3 was in terms of gameplay.

And that's the problem. DMC4 was only about the gameplay and not as a whole game and that's why many people didn't like it much. That's why Capcom didn't want to do a DMC5 in the first place and some of us sense that a DMC5 would be the same as DMC4, rehashed bullshit. I know the gameplay is really important, but don't focus a lot on that feature when you have other things to work on to make a complete game too like the story and the content.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
i love the original series, i love the new DmC. i like its gameplay story and characters and like the potential it has to become a series that even eclipses the original (potential mind you). i still love the original series more (even DMC2 has a place in my heart).

that said im all for a DMC5 as long as it doesnt mean we dont get a DmC2. why? i hear you ask when you just said you love DMC more than NTs DmC? the reason is simple i like the idea of progress, the idea that from game from game we get some development in our characters and that in the end we look back at how we started and are glad we went on the journey that was the franchise to its natural conclusion.
DMC doesnt do this, the game timeline is more messed up than the idea of EA buying nintendo. weve gotten no real development of dante as every game we get the same format :
1. cocky white haired protagonist
2. grave injury from a boss (normally impaled)
3. devil trigger aquired
4. go back and beat boss
now in the first and 3rd game it was ok as they are (presumably) the first time this happens to him. and i accept he doesnt sit back in horror as he is transformed into an inhuman abomination (hes too busy for that crap). but he NEVER addresses the fact that with a wink he becomes something that could scare trained soldiers ****less.

i want my DMC5 to be what i thought DMC4 was going to be. the conclusion, the passing of the torch to a younger generation to fight the good fight. i had ASUMED that it was about a half demon kid who meets dante (now in his mid 40s). he is much wiser, stronger and his witt is far more clever but less sporatic. the two band together to defeat some insane apocalyptic demon and in the end Dante gives him Rebellion and the keys to Devil May Cry (the store) saying hes going to spend more time with his kids and in unison the fan base dies of awesomeness over dose.
i want some closure with Dante. they can leave it open but i want Dante to have his story arc and happy ending. the devil hunter who fought the king of hell and was forced to slay his own brother to save humanity DESERVES that much.

the DmC series has the potential for such a dynamic. we cut in Dantes development i recon how dante was before DMC3. he doesnt have an inhuman devil trigger because that moment when you become an abomination of all three realms deserves a little more respect than. meh . so i want to see that story progress also.

in an ideal world id have both but id have to choose DmC2 as it has more promise than the mysterious DMC5


And that's the problem. DMC4 was only about the gameplay and not as a whole game and that's why many people didn't like it much. That's why Capcom didn't want to do a DMC5 in the first place and some of us sense that a DMC5 would be the same as DMC4, rehashed bullshit. I know the gameplay is really important, but don't focus a lot on that feature when you have other things to work on to make a complete game too like the story and the content.

Capcom tried to make more money out of a already sucessful franchise, it's really naive to believe that Capcom wanted to do a reboot to "correct" the problems of the old series in a fresh new one, if it was the case, they would make more money out of remakes, artbooks rather than playing with their luck and starting a new series... their greed talked loudly than their care for his fans and the respect to the old series, and ended up as we see now. It's not a complete failure in terms of selling, but it's worse than the old series.

EDIT: I agree with Marsi at some degree, and i WANT to see Capcom show some respect for the fans of this new franchise concluding what they've started at least, even if it is one more game that i will play but not buy instead of renting or playing on my friend's PCs like i did to DmC. But i want this franchise to be a failure too, to show Capcom that as company she needs to show some respect to their consumers. They're creating new standards on "how to disrespect your consumers" with all their games and puting it into different forms, i'm a competitor in SSFIV but i'll probably not buy SFV because all the money i had to put on SSFIV to be able to play it. This game had three versions, one of them you cannot even had it upgraded, you needed to buy another disk (tranisition from Vanilla to Super) and them they release the Arcade Edition with was an upgrade to Super that i payed nearly 15$ (30 R$ here in Brazil) to get.


Solid Ocelot
I'm not really in love with the old DMCs, but from what I've seen, DmC just isn't any fun for me. It strips away the old and replaces it with something that doesn't really look anything like it. You have this character in DmC that's a demon slayer and is called Dante, but is he really Dante? I've heard the argument that he is Dante because ''he still has the same combos'' and ''he still slays demons''. So... what, you remake a character, give him a different appearance and personality as well as a slightly different background story, and still call him Dante? That may be his name, but he's not Dante the character.
Sort of the same with Vergil and Mundus. I wouldn't even care if it were 'better than the old characters' etc. After all, an improvement over the older games by changing things up is not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a game that stays true to its identity while improving things, and its identity is more than just ''well, you can still do the same combos. Herp... herp... deeeeeerp!'' The same goes for the game's universe. None of the old locales exist anymore, we've got Limbo, we've got a colorful yet horrendously rendered environment, and so on.

And why this need for a reboot all of a sudden? The series hasn't had a story since the very beginning. DMC4 didn't expand upon DMC1 or DMC3, really. All the games were separate stories, and Capcom didn't mind. So why suddenly this sense that there has to be a cogent story? Besides, most, if not all of the plotholes, can be fixed. If Capcom doesn't know how to do that, they should hire more creative staff. Heck, hire some of the people on this forum. Do something.

I would understand if DmC were a spin-off, but it's a reboot, meaning the series has been restarted. And I see the point, which is: ''It's been restarted, so it doesn't matter if it's not similar to DMC''. Then why is it called Devil May Cry in the first place? Come up with a name that doesn't aggravate people. If DmC had an incredibly good plot, incredible characters, gameplay and such, maybe people would actually take it over DMC. But I doubt it. I mean, the series hasn't even ended yet, really. It stopped right in the middle of introducing Nero. So... they'll just pretend Nero doesn't exist? They should've thought about what they were doing before they did it. And saying people should just accept DmC is unbelievable. If you like it, that's great, but there's a lot of people who just lost Devil May Cry and got nothing in return (except for new Dante and Tameem mocking the old series). Consequently, Capcom lost a lot of customers and fans. So they gained fans, but also lost fans. What's the point in that? To gain a small number of fans in order to make more money (as if they need more money)? They just went back to the drawing board without a decent reason other than ''it's the easy way out and could net us more money''. That, and this new game is called Devil May Cry, which is sort of like a bitch slap to fans of the original, too.

I want a DMC5 to see more awesome demonic forms. To see what happens to Nero and Dante. Also to know where Nero came from; whether or not he is Vergil's son or the son of one of Sparda's relatives. To know if the demons are eventually permanently defeated or whatever. To see if Sparda will communicate with Dante and Nero in some way (I'd say that's possible in a world containing demons) Or make a game that revolves around the story of Sparda. Just end the series with a decent final plotline, and I can be happy. And don't milk it.

Why are we supposed to simply accept DmC? This series has become part of people's lives. To change it just because ''what was cool then isn't cool now'' (which is an opinion, not a fact) is unacceptable to me. So is changing it to appeal to a more casual, western crowd. DmC isn't even better than DMC overall; pretty much its equal. Once you've established your series' identity and have made no less than FOUR iterations, I'd say you've lost the right to leave it unfinished and reboot it, ****ing off thousands or even millions of people.


Yes, lionheart! I totally agree with it, i've already explained to people here how easy it is to correct a messed up story and storyline, they have all the power and money (which is not much, of course) to do this, and they could even get a hell of a profit with this. I can't even imagine how much hype would been if they announce canon remakes of previous DMCs, even young people who started playing videogames yesterday would be hyped with something like this.

They've could make profit and make this series appealing to people who play games for other reasos than gameplay too, but as you've state: they took the easy and (in their heads) most potential way to make profit.


Solid Ocelot
True. I mean, technically, we've already thought of a way to explain Nero in the thread Nero's Origins. It doesn't matter if those ideas are a bit unrealistic, as the whole DMC series is about demons, for Sparda's sake. I'd call that pretty unrealistic. Now for some other stuff, and that's it, series restored. A new DMC can even have a totally new plot, just like DMC4 wasn't really related to DMC3 or DMC1. Unless Capcom's just sick of DMC as a whole. In that case, they should let DMC die, or create a new franchise (that's NOT called DmC). No need to keep milking Devil May Cry.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
or....How about a Sparda prequel?
Is Sparda crazy like Dante?
Or is he modest and honorable like Vergil?
Or is possibly arrogant and aggressive like Nero?

Who knows?
Nooooo, no no no no no no no!!
That's ONE thing I can definitely credit NT for and that is not defining WHO Sparda is as a character.
I like the mystery around him. I like that we don't know all that much about him. That's something I always liked about Vergil as well - the mystery, the unanswered questions, the endless speculation.
I love Sparda and I love his legend, and it's for this reason that I really don't want to see a Sparda game. I wouldn't buy it, or play it, or youtube it, or even look at it in the game store. Sparda needs to be left untouched.
Especially if they're going to revert back to the old series (which they are).

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Nooooo, no no no no no no no!!
That's ONE thing I can definitely credit NT for and that is not defining WHO Sparda is as a character.

Wait they did define Sparda's character in DmC.

He's the guy who betrays his own race because he wanted some angel ass because he was tired off getting demon ass and ran away like a PUSSY and then was hunted down and became Mundus's prison b!tch.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Wait they did define Sparda's character in DmC.

He's the guy who betrays his own race because he wanted some angel ass because he was tired off getting demon ass and ran away like a PUSSY and then was hunted down and became Mundus's prison b!tch.
This is no different from the original series except that we know what happened to him. Just thought I'd point that out.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I'm not really in love with the old DMCs, but from what I've seen, DmC just isn't any fun for me. It strips away the old and replaces it with something that doesn't really look anything like it. You have this character in DmC that's a demon slayer and is called Dante, but is he really Dante? I've heard the argument that he is Dante because ''he still has the same combos'' and ''he still slays demons''. So... what, you remake a character, give him a different appearance and personality as well as a slightly different background story, and still call him Dante? That may be his name, but he's not Dante the character.
Sort of the same with Vergil and Mundus. I wouldn't even care if it were 'better than the old characters' etc. After all, an improvement over the older games by changing things up is not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a game that stays true to its identity while improving things, and its identity is more than just ''well, you can still do the same combos. Herp... herp... deeeeeerp!'' The same goes for the game's universe. None of the old locales exist anymore, we've got Limbo, we've got a colorful yet horrendously rendered environment, and so on.

And why this need for a reboot all of a sudden? The series hasn't had a story since the very beginning. DMC4 didn't expand upon DMC1 or DMC3, really. All the games were separate stories, and Capcom didn't mind. So why suddenly this sense that there has to be a cogent story? Besides, most, if not all of the plotholes, can be fixed. If Capcom doesn't know how to do that, they should hire more creative staff. Heck, hire some of the people on this forum. Do something.

I would understand if DmC were a spin-off, but it's a reboot, meaning the series has been restarted. And I see the point, which is: ''It's been restarted, so it doesn't matter if it's not similar to DMC''. Then why is it called Devil May Cry in the first place? Come up with a name that doesn't aggravate people. If DmC had an incredibly good plot, incredible characters, gameplay and such, maybe people would actually take it over DMC. But I doubt it. I mean, the series hasn't even ended yet, really. It stopped right in the middle of introducing Nero. So... they'll just pretend Nero doesn't exist? They should've thought about what they were doing before they did it. And saying people should just accept DmC is unbelievable. If you like it, that's great, but there's a lot of people who just lost Devil May Cry and got nothing in return (except for new Dante and Tameem mocking the old series). Consequently, Capcom lost a lot of costumers and fans. So they gained fans, but also lost fans. What's the point in that? To gain a small number of fans in order to make more money (as if they need more money)? They just went back to the drawing board without a decent reason other than ''it's the easy way out and could net us more money''. That, and this new game is called Devil May Cry, which is sort of like a bitch slap to fans of the original, too.

I want a DMC5 to see more awesome demonic forms. To see what happens to Nero and Dante. Also to know where Nero came from; whether or not he is Vergil's son or the son of one of Sparda's relatives. To know if the demons are eventually permanently defeated or whatever. To see if Sparda will communicate with Dante and Nero in some way (I'd say that's possible in a world containing demons) Or make a game that revolves around the story of Sparda. Just end the series with a decent final plotline, and I can be happy. And don't milk it.

Why are we supposed to simply accept DmC? This series has become part of people's lives. To change it just because ''what was cool then isn't cool now'' (which is an opinion, not a fact) is unacceptable to me. So is changing it to appeal to a more casual, western crowd. DmC isn't even better than DMC overall; pretty much its equal. Once you've established your series' identity and have made no less than FOUR iterations, I'd say you've lost the right to leave it unfinished and reboot it, ******* off thousands or even millions of people.
So I'm just suppose to accept DMC5 just because you and people are all mad?

Why's that gotta be how it is? Why should I have to suffer corny lines and a Dante that will never be like DMC1 again or a horrid story that a fanfic writer can do better in?

If anything, if they were to go back to DMC5, the first thing they really need to work on is their writing abilities because in this day in gaming age, games focus on story and gameplay. DMC was falling behind because they couldn't produce a decent story or keep up with the times of now. DMC has that issue in its fasion, style, and actual gameplay. I think one of the reasons Capcom couldn't change DMC up a bit for modern times is because that would mean changing a lot of things and stripping Dante of his flashy outfits to be able to fit into the gaming world we have now. That would also mean that they'd have try and add something new to the gameplay, which means changing up everything and making it too different from the older DMC games. It wouldn't fit with the series because Capcom had tried something to new from the old. And in terms of story, Capcom knew they sucked at it and they knew that if they tried to make another crappy story for DMC, then it wouldn't meet the expectations or even hold a candle to some of the more greater stories like Assassin's Creed, Bioshock Infinite, and even Kingdom Hearts which actually does a good job in keeping it's fantasy theme fresh with every game unlike DMC can. If Capcom actually came together and focused on doing DMC right, then I'd love to see a DMC5. But I've grown too fond of how DmC is doing with its story and how it actually presents a story I can take seriously without thinking its a reject saturday morning anime dubbed by 4 kids. (DMC4)

And gameplay has to have something new added. I didn't enjoy DMC4's gameplay because it was just DMC3 all over again. If I wanted DMC3 like combat I'd go play DMC3. And Nero was just a sloppier version of Dante who had no actual powerful weapons besides his machete motorcycle sword, a P-shooter, and an infected arm that makes it a ghost hand to grab things. I want something different for DMC, I want gameplay that isn't going to keep being nothing more but a copy and paste of DMC3. For once Capcom need to stop getting insight from DMC3 and move on. It may be the best game, but for God sake at least try and expand more. And what's worse is that most crossover games like MVC3, and Project X zone have his same dame sword animations. The same old three hit swing that he seems to only be able to do. Switch it up a bit. Stop taking the easy way out and actually think for once Capcom.

I also want Capcom to stop bull ****ting the fanbase. I mean yeah DMC is a less then perfect game, and yeah it's not as big or popular as those other better and more creative games, but its still a game series with a large fan base so at least have the common curtousy to say "we don't want to do another DMC. get use to it" instead of keeping us in the dark.

But back to my thoughts;

I want a DMC5 so that Capcom can actually try better this time and actually put effort into DMC, instead of bullsh!t it like they did DMC4 and give the series closure on a high note.
However want a DmC2 because I want to see more of the unique environments, the interesting story, the DIFFERENT gameplay, and more of the Dante that I actually like whole heartedly for the first time in ten years since DMC1.

But that's just me.

Now where's my applause?
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