Dante Reacts to New Dante [VIDEO]

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I am not sure what that implies.

That he did? That you didn't? That 99.9999% of the people in the world don't and that makes them look better than whoever did...? (That's kind of obvious, isn't it...?) Really not sure how that is a worthwhile point at this point. Is it an inside joke or something that I am not understanding?

What I see here is a bunch of DevilMayCry.org members calling this guy a:

a "sad, sad, man"
"just another hater"
"someone who thinks everything he says is true"

This makes some of you people look bad or ignorant, because:

a) I don't actually see him slinging mud at anyone here in particular, like a prick would. You know, mentioning things about specific people unless they themselves are actually calling him out on something. Sort of like, calling someone a prick when they are brought up on the internet, for example, for no apparent reason. He directs criticism and sarcasm at Tameem, yes, for example, (because Tameem has invited this criticism with his behaviour/somewhat unprofessional interaction with certain fans), and by that rationale, Tameem is also a 'prick' because he has been seen to do the same, hasn't he?

b) I am not sure how he is sad. He doesn't look especially 'sad' or pathetic to me simply because he is voicing opinions on Youtube just like millions of other people.

c) I can't see how he is ignorant, Dragonmaster2010. He certainly has a good grasp of consumerism, marketing, PR and how that all works. I myself also understand it because the topic of PR is pertinent to me, and it goes all the way back to the days when American tobacco companies literally devised ways of getting people to smoke cigarettes by coercing them into associating cigarettes with personal empowerment and the patriotic principle of 'Freedom'. Even the man who invented PR, or 'public relations', has admitted on camera that people "are stupid", "will believe anything" and that PR is a reliable means of manipulating them into consuming products. The rise of consumerism and PR itself globally is more than enough proof for you that it works. So yes, I know that he knows what he is talking about because I have researched PR in depth, not to mention I run a business myself that is concerned with selling things to people, and I do utilize PR tactics, and he is correct.

It is certainly unprofessional to tell your consumers to 'shut up' and accept what you give them, as mentioned in his video there. He is correct in that video on many, many points. The banning of those who disagree with Capcom or NT is true, or raise points they do not like, for example, because I've seen it myself. And in that video— if you watched it all before declaring him ignorant— he actually states, if he doesn't have proof of something, he will not assert it as a fact, a happening. His assertions of how to be an 'informed consumer' are correct in practicality. His explanation of the interplay between media and hype and PR are correct, and his assertion that a highly-hyped game will score highly because — and you might have missed this in real life— that the PR and gaming sites often work together. Advertisements, hype, and PR in the modern world are often telling you something is far better than it really is simply to get you to buy a product. In other words, ADVERTISING CAN BE DISHONEST. If this isn't obvious to any rational person, I should say they are not looking properly or that they are extremely ignorant. It's a very basic fact we are all taught by our mothers and fathers in life— not to trust what people say just because they say it, because people can lie to get what they want. His assertion that the vast majority of the information you receive and how you receive it about any given game in production is correct— that is why NDAs (non disclosure agreements) exist. So a company can control— for its own purposes and advantage— when and how any information on their product is released, in order to maximise the positive reception and appeal of their products, and they do it in conjunction with many gaming sites. Fact. Companies pay for good reviews? Some of them do. Fact. Companies like CAPCOM try to control what you see about an impending game by hyping up or retweeting the good and deleting the bad or negative comments from users— well you can go and look at this in action if you wish. Capcom have done this and it is a fact that they are still doing it.

Then he goes on to respond to people who have called him out. Nothing wrong with that since he is only representing himself. If someone called *me* a terrorist for stating my views or making harmless opinion videos I too would probably want to respond to their idiocy. And he stated that he gives information, some of which is other people's opinion, or other people's statements, not his own, to back up what he says, and that what he does say is his opinion IS his personal opinion— that also is not ignorance in my dictionary.

His example cited of how gamers interact and the power of word of mouth and how important it is to the 'sink' or 'swim' status of a game is definitely pertinent, because every business (like me) knows this is the most preferable and profitable kind of positive press there is, and gamers use the internet and interact with each other, by and large, a great deal. So the illustration of how 1 fan might influence others is certainly worth bearing in mind. Whether the numbers are spot on or not isn't too important because it is a test example of the potential impact of one fan voice. The fact so much back and forthing has come from NT and CAPCOM with the fanbase, and the deletion of unfavourable comments, the retweeting of favourable comments by them, the specific language and wording used when plugging the game and the nebulousness of certain official answers to fan concerns, and other tactics certainly suggests that THEY feel fan opinion is rather important to their sales as well, doesn't it...? Much they have done I recognize as tactical in the business of selling, in order to maximise good press and therefore sales or smother and outvoice the bad.

Giving examples of what others have said against him, when they have insulted him and/or others is not ignorance either. It's retort.

So... how is he ignorant again, Dragonmaster2010? Can you tell me how he has been 'ignorant' in this video you quoted?

d) "fanboy" and "hater". Let's get something straight here. A 'hater' in the commonly-encountered Internet sense and incarnation doesn't need to justify their opinion, because they simply hate something. They don't need to tell you why they hate it and they often don't. They just drop in and rail on something because they think it is crap, the same goes for a decent chunk of 'fanboys', as you call them. This is a guy who has spent several videos and several hours justifying in depth— with many examples of proof of his various assertions— why he does not like this new game (or if you missed the whole point of his videos, why he finds the PR handling and the attitude of CAPCOM and NT to be insulting to fans and consumers). That is not a 'hater', that is a skeptic, or a critic. Neither of which are insults.

e) "Someone who thinks everything he says is true". I couldn't make THIS assertion myself because I have no idea what he really thinks, and what comes out of a person's mouth and what is in his mind are two very potentially different things, so I'm not sure how you can either. However, again, he usually does not come out and make claims without telling you WHY he wants to make them, or the reasons FOR, and states where applicable that it is his personal opinion. The point of all of his videos on DmC has been quite clear from his first one. Some of it is personal speculation, opinion— to which everyone is entitled of course— some of it is criticism, and some of it is fact. Never at any point was I in great doubt when watching about which ones were which, but then, *I* am aware of what is likely to be an opinion in this world and when to all intents and purposes that "goes without saying", and when one is stating a fact, or belief, with evidence. It seems some others get the difference between a fact or a belief or a preference rather easily confused with actual factual information that you can go and check if you want.

f) Rants. Yes, these videos could be classed— in part— as rants, or personal vagary. But as Internet rants go, they're well-constructed, researched and justified rants. So really I don't see how that's something that could be used as an insult against him, especially since several people here appear to be doing the same thing, only without construction, research or justification.

A lot of name-calling and slagging off the guy in this thread, and yet no justification among members of this forum for WHY he deserves these labels. WHY he is ignorant. I'm afraid this kind of behaviour makes US look bad here. If you have decent reasons/evidence as to why this guy sucks, why this guy is sad, then I would state them so that you don't look like some 'ignorant' 'hater' yourself. Because that is what this thread reads like. Tut tut.

That is my entire point in the above post. There were not good enough 'reasons' given in this thread to dismiss him in this manner. Bandying the words "hater", "prick", "sad", "fanboy" and "ignorant" around without justification are not good enough reasons.
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I watched this video of his and man, did I facepalm hard. Where in the article that he linked did NT state that DMC fans are to blame for enslaved's low sales? Twisting words to one's advantage is pretty sad and pathetic. I didn't watch his other videos so I can't comment on them.

I don't really care much about what he says about the game nor do I care much about him in general. I have nothing against him as he's just some random guy on youtube voicing out his own opinions. People really need to stop referring to this guy. Form your own god damned opinions. It's fine if you agree/disagree with him but don't use him as a front in your battles. That goes for both sides.
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I watched this video of his and man, did I facepalm hard. Where in the article that he linked did NT state that DMC fans are to blame for enslaved's low sales? Twisting words into something else is pretty 'sad'. I highly doubt his English skills are so bad that he can misinterpret the article to such a degree. I didn't watch his other videos so I can't comment on them.

Okay, let's look at this:

The article linked directly is an "opinion piece" by a writer from The Silent Chief, a PS3 site, which is merely opinion, speculation or assumption, often coined to rile people. It cannot be taken as fact. A little research into the hits for this particular (and rather lacking) article show it appears all over the place being coined as having been a statement by NT, and that appears to be incorrect— a miscommunication and re-communication of that misunderstanding that NT initially said it, when in fact "Sakina Samara" did, (perhaps partly because of this link from Event, I cannot tell if that is why). Unless Sakina Samara is somehow linked directly to CAPCOM or NT, but I can't find evidence for that.

The link within that linked page however, links to another piece by someone called "Aaron Thomas" that ruminates on the idea that fan displeasure is hurting developers sales due to them deliberately boycotting NT. It is mentioned fifth paragraph down as thus: "an initial teaser trailer and a few meagre screenshots are all that have been released, but already there's the smell of boycott in the air." It's subtle, but since the article is specifically skewed in the direction of DmC, this can imply that fanbases— such as, and likely to be implied, Devil May Cry's fanbase— are boycotting NT. And that they are boycotting 'impulsively'. However, this too, is speculation on Aaron's part, not Ninja Theory's.

Bear in mind however, that the PR people, and the media's hype machine, etc. do often work together to imply things to a readership. The fact that this was even printed shows it was given the go-ahead by someone, someone who did not mind that implication— that DMC fans are mustering up a boycott ('it's in the air', according to this Aaron guy, remember?) and are doing so on impulse or on some other emotion. That article is not so much "news", as it is the implication that fans are petty or tribal or butthurt or impulsive, etc. We aren't given any actual proof that a boycott is in progress, by Aaron. He just states it. Like it's a fact. Someone gave him the go-ahead to write that, and I'd wager NT doesn't mind he did either, because it reflects favourably on them as the innocent developers whom impusive fans are simply thumbing their noses at to spite.

This is called "spin". It's a subtle form of propaganda, if you will. When people read things, they initially assume what they are reading is true, until they step back mentally to analyze it. Sometimes that process of analysis does not take place and they simply accept something 'because it had been said', as though it is already an accepted fact. Without evidence, how can any of Aaron's statements in that article about fan boycott actually be considered true? It can't, because a) it's opinion and b) there is no direct evidence of a boycott being organized that he has provided, but many people will read this article anyway, and take away the simplified message of: "DMC fans are hating on/boycotting NT".

Having watched the rest of Event's video, he states in the info bar not that NT said it, but appears to slip up when speaking in implying that they did near the beginning; I don't think he would make that mistake so easily either, given that he is usually succinct about information, or perhaps I am missing something here. Directly they apparently did not, but of course, NT/Tameem has interacted with the writer of the second article, and that article has been approved, so the implication could be cautiously drawn that this is a PR/spin article implicating fans for poor sales. I will NOT agree to say that NT said this themselves, because it did not come from their mouths apparently— and there is too much leeway here for someone to insert something and the other person not know about it when it publishes, but what we have here is an article stating that fans are raring to boycott NT. I can see how this has been misconstrued, because technically I can't find a succinct statement in the evidence cited that Ninja Theory literally said "Enslaved sold badly because of DMC fans", but many people have passed on this information without looking for evidence as thought NT said it.

In that sense, he's linked to opinion pieces there that do not specifically state that. It too, must be something of an implication, then, unless someone can direct us to where it was said. So:

We don't have:
A link to a direct statement from NT that "Enslaved sold poorly because of DMC fans".

We do have:
An article on an 'independent' PS3 news website directly asking and implying if DMC fans are to blame for poor Enslaved sales (remember you cannot always rely on the 'independence' of gaming websites at all)
An article that implies DMC fans are preparing to boycott NT
A tendency of CAPCOM to come out and blame fans for their poor sales, or poor reception, or close-mindedness, evidence for which you can find yourself if you search it.

In my conclusion here from what I can see: Event is technically incorrect that NT blamed fans directly for crap Enslaved figures. But he is correct in that DMC fans ARE being blamed by gaming websites, or that the implication and idea is being planted on gaming websites/media outlets that they are responsible or partially responsible. And CAPCOM have blamed fans in the past.

NT not guilty in this particular rant
But CAPCOM, and the other links sure are, because, yes, they went there.

***Technicality aside, the main point Event is making is that developers are blaming fans, or implying that fans are to blame for the poor receptions of their products, such as Enslaved. Incorrect about who made the statement, apparently, but quite correct about the history of CAPCOM and about things popping up on gaming sites suggesting fans are to blame for the things developers do. ***

In response to confusion over this on Internalworks forum called Omni explains: "Actually, the only one blaming DMC fans for that is the writer from the second link. And the guy from the video is commenting on that.
So it is one guy speculating on another guy's wild mass guessing."

Basically sums up what is happening here.
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If he had corrected his mistakes in other videos then sure, I'll take back what I said about it being sad and pathetic but that 'I'm always right' attitude of his is annoying nonetheless. I'll give you the benefit of doubt this time but you should cite your sources next time when you're trying to prove a point. I can't find some of the articles you have mentioned.

BTW, I never said anything about disagreeing with the rest of the video other than the 'NT blaming the fans' part so I'm not really sure why you went out of your way to explain all that.
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Can we say both Event Status, and Nt are both a bunch of C*nts and let this ****ty thread die?

Are we really gonna put up large ass youtube comments styled paragraphs for some fat ass who hates DmC?

And are really really letting this poorly scened video about some ****ed off fanboy dressing as the lame Dante of DMC4 get us to still be in this?

Well I'm out then.

Also, Event Status isn't as logical as you say. He constantly makes himself out as right with everything, and when I once commented that I liked DmC more then DMC3, he calls me a "Capcom sheep" and trolls me on it.

He may have the right info, but in my eyes, he's still a troll.
If he had corrected his mistakes in other videos then sure, I'll take back what I said about it being sad and pathetic. I'll give you the benefit of doubt this time but you should cite your sources next time when you're trying to prove a point. I can't find some of the articles you have mentioned.

Are you referring to me in those last three sentences? To my non-citing of articles? If so, which articles? If so, the article I cited is stated as being in the link within the article you yourself drew my attention to.

BTW, I never said anything about disagreeing with the rest of the video other than the 'NT blaming the fans' part so I'm not really sure why you went out of your way to explain all that.

I quite understand that. I bothered to explain IN DETAIL for the benefit of all who will read it, that this is how you should deduce the truth of a statement rather than engaging in a mud-slinging or finger-pointing contest against a video-blogger.

Certainly, if you agree with the rest of his video, I am not sure why you would use this one apparent example (or perhaps genuine mistake on his part?) to call a man you do not know 'sad and pathetic'. It seems like a rather large jump to a rather unfair conclusion to me. "Incorrect" would be a better, and less impulsive thing to say.
Are you referring to me in those last three sentences? To my non-citing of articles? If so, which articles? If so, the article I cited is stated as being in the link within the article you yourself drew my attention to.

I quite understand that. I bothered to explain IN DETAIL for the benefit of all who will read it, that this is how you should deduce the truth of a statement rather than engaging in a mud-slinging or finger-pointing contest against a video-blogger.

Certainly, if you agree with the rest of his video, I am not sure why you would use this one apparent example (or perhaps genuine mistake on his part?) to call a man you do not know 'sad and pathetic'. It seems like a rather large jump to a rather unfair conclusion to me.
I tried searching for the link within the first link but I couldn't find it.

Also, I'm calling the ACTION of twisting words sad and pathetic. Killing is bad but does that mean a soldier who kills terrorists is a bad person?
The link was in the info bar, as he said:
And the other one:

If he genuinely is just trying to twist words, it was torn apart by me in fifteen minutes just by looking. I'd assume he can do better than that if he wanted to. Now if he is just trolling— and I do not know his real intentions, as you do not— then sure, he could certainly spend his time better, as it would be quite sad to do this for nothing. But I rather don't think he is, because his videos make far too many valid points about the industry for that. I think he made a careless mistake there in citing, and, ironically, the ongoing rant is about how CAPCOM and gaming sites/PR/the media twist words also.
Event's a real decent guy that does a lot for people, charity and the gaming community in general. He's helped me out a few times and helped promote event's I was doing and his help really showed with the turn out and success of those events, without him I don't think we would have done so well.

I'm curious why people feel the need to insult and call him out him? or is it literally because he doesn't worship DmC?
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I cannot find any sensible reasons here that the man deserves to be called a 'prick', etc.

Unless someone can show proof in image or link form that he goes out of his way to insult or upset people, which is the definition of a troll.
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Event's a real decent guy that does a lot for people, charity and the gaming community in general. He's helped me out a few times and helped promote event's I was doing and his help really showed with the turn out and success of those events, without him I don't think we would have done so well.

I'm curious why people feel the need to insult and call him out him? or is it literally because he doesn't worship DmC?

From what I've seen, it seems like he's using his clout in the wrong way to a lot of people. I keep seeing this bitch-fest in some DmC video comments about how some of Event's fans/followers/whatevers have become a bit too aggressive, ****ting on anyone who show any interest in the game,and even stalking them apparently. It's sort of those extremists on the one end and they're using Event's videos as some sort of battle cry for justification of their actions. They've been called Event's "cronies," which I don't entirely believe, but Event would have a certain amount of responsibility for the things he says, and if he doesn't correct his own mistakes, people will latch onto them, good or bad, for their side.

When you've created a platform, you open yourself up to undue hatred, but also for people to latch onto your words, correct or not, and use them for their own means.

I will say I've only watched maybe one or two of his videos on DmC, and I couldn't stand to listen to him, because he clearly did not speak from a neutral position, and that bugs the **** out of me. I find it difficult to listen to people who talk from a state of displeasure of their topic, because often times it all leads to one goal; devaluing the element in question.

Event doesn't like the game, and that's fine, but he shouldn't be making hour-long videos then, constantly bringing it up, and apparently calling interested parties "sheeple" in MrRandom's case. For me, it's a very extreme end of not liking something without having all the information, and instantly seeing anything about the game as bad no matter what. I don't like that, as much as I don't like the extremists on the other side who keep calling them out :/
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From what I've seen, it seems like he's using his clout in the wrong way to a lot of people. I keep seeing this bitch-fest in some DmC video comments about how some of Event's fans/followers/whatevers have become a bit too aggressive, ****ting on anyone who show any interest in the game,and even stalking them apparently. It's sort of those extremists on the one end and they're using Event's videos as some sort of battle cry for justification of their actions. They've been called Event's "cronies," which I don't entirely believe, but Event would have a certain amount of responsibility for the things he says, and if he doesn't correct his own mistakes, people will latch onto them, good or bad, for their side.

Still I haven't seen any negativity bought here from his fans, quite the opposite actually. The only negativity around him when he's bought up is from people who don't like him, his videos tend to get posted, he gets flamed for a few pages, someone says it's a bit unfair and the thread get's closed.

Tbh I've not seen any instances of his fans doing what you've said (well once but that was kind of different) anywhere but if you know of any I would appreciate a link.
Plus a bit unfair to flame a guy because of people who watch his videos don't you think? he never tells anyone to do those things or even hints to.

Also his DmC videos are just a small handful of the content he produces, his "real" fans are not just watching his videos for DmC news, like I said he talks of gaming in general, sports, charities, fundraisers among other things.

We all know the attention DmC gets have you guys thought maybe than his fans acting this way, it's just negative people who overact and stumble across his videos?
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Unless Event actually explicitly tells people to act out, he cannot sensibly be blamed for the actions of other fans or his 'supporters', or of other 'rational adults' (unless of course they are not, but that would hardly be his fault either). That would not stand up in a court, I'm afraid. I have not seen him anywhere telling people to deliberately act up with fans of the DmC game, or to deliberately annoy or wind them up. In fact I have seen him constantly claiming that the in-fighting is making us all look pathetic and that we should not do it.

I still do not understand this extreme dislike here of this man.

He makes videos of his thoughts and opinions which he does not force any of you to watch, nor does he force you to interact with him, email him, etc. If you do, you are choosing to do so. Now if any of you can show an instance where you approached Event neutrally and civilly and he responded with little more than an insult, then I am more likely to agree that he is at fault.
Still I haven't seen any negativity bought here from his fans, quite the opposite actually. The only negativity around him when he's bought up is from people who don't like him, his videos tend to get posted, he gets flamed for a few pages, someone says it's a bit unfair and the thread get's closed.

Tbh I've not seen any instances of his fans doing what you've said (well once but that was kind of different) anywhere but if you know of any I would appreciate a link.
Plus a bit unfair to flame a guy because of people who watch his videos don't you think? he never tells anyone to do those things or even hints to.

Also his DmC videos are just a small handful of the content he produces, his "real" fans are not just watching his videos for DmC news, like I said he talks of gaming in general, sports, charities, fundraisers among other things.

We all know the attention DmC gets have you guys thought maybe than his fans acting this way, it's just negative people who overact and stumble across his videos?

I'm just telling you what I've seen. I'd find you links to those bitchfests on YouTube, but they're buried by now, and I don't feel like wasting my day off doing something like that. You really have to be (un)lucky enough to see the arguments amidst the comments, but the same names keep coming up, which I can't remember now... :x Like I said though, I never said it was explicitly his fans or anything, just that people were saying the guys who keep following people to different videos and being relative jackasses were his fans. It could be some actual, extremist fans of his, or it could be like you said, some extremists who found his videos and latched onto the things he's said. Either way, Event's got some bad juju linked to him, and that's got some people's jimmies rustled.

And hell, just because Event may not have ever explicitly told someone to do something, doesn't mean some off-kilter weirdo with the crazy eyes won't construe his words as such. Especially with the negative connotation Event has had in those DmC videos, and especially when he himself gets some facts mixed up, or makes some broad assumptions :/

Again, that's just what I've seen - I've stayed out of that bullshit because it's all stupid and trivial, and I don't feel like listening to a guy bitch about a game for an hour.
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But you have to remember by simply bringing him up in this way you kinda are getting involved, if people act the way you say it's hardly something you want to advertise and on the flip side of things it is still unfair to talk like people have been here unless they've done something to you and even then you should bring it up with them personally like an adult.

I'm not saying you're not entitled to your opinion on the guy but it's a bit unfair to keep bringing him up if you all share the same opinion anyway and are trying to avoid him like you said, try and keep it to PMs.

Anyway I'm sure we can all agree this has been discussed too much, shall we all agree to drop it.
Event's a real decent guy that does a lot for people, charity and the gaming community in general. He's helped me out a few times and helped promote event's I was doing and his help really showed with the turn out and success of those events, without him I don't think we would have done so well.

I'm curious why people feel the need to insult and call him out him? or is it literally because he doesn't worship DmC?
His attitude is the only problem I have with him. He seems to talk with this 'as a matter of fact' tone which absolutely grinds my gears. His opinions almost always seems to comes off as facts and his smugness ****es me off. He seems to says stuff with the utmost confidence as if he believes he's always right. The video I posted above has him saying something along the lines of "I told you so!" and I absolutely hate people who predict something and when they find out that they are right, they rub it in people's faces. He says he hates to say it but he does it anyway and it was in no way necessary. His opinions of DmC are the least of my concerns.
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