What's with all the Kyrie hate?

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Well-known Member
Apr 14, 2012
So i've been browsing through devil may cry things, tributes,fanfics,polls, and i noticed that people are saying how much they hate Kyrie, even though she never gave me a reason to hate her as much as you all do. In fact I kind of liked her, i mean out of all the girls in the series she was my fav, because she actually looked like a proper and innocent person, unlike the others.
She was bland and boring. I can't even remember anything she said in the game other than the singing during the intro. She gave us no reason to like her, and that's why we don't like her. What I don't understand is the Nero hate.
Personaly I have nothing against Kyrie, the only thing I don't like about her is that lack of development she got throug the entire game. But there was also one other thing....I think they wee trying to pull somehting due to Nero's and Kyrie's voice actor/actress.

The person who plays Nero in this game also voices the english Dub of Ichigo from Bleach. Same thing with Kyrie, she has the same voice actor as Orihime from Bleach too. So they tried to base the characters off the characters from Bleach. Hell they even had Kyrie kidnapped like Orihime was in Bleach. But they did nearly suck all the persoanlity out of Kyrie if you compared her to Orihime (atleast Orihime had a nice personality and background, Kyrie has neither).

That really got to me because...if I wasn't paying attention I could have thought that I was watching Bleach's anime instead of playing DMC4
What i hate is his personality.I will avoid this nero conversation because i got nothing but disdain on the guy.
Well i like her more than trish.

I guess it comes down to her not really having anything to do outside of nero trying to save her, plus not doing anything interesting besides singing a song.

So you can call her and the rest of four just poorly used ideas.
Kyrie is the most boring female character of the series. She is the stereotypical damsel in distress, the helpless whiny and screaming girl who can't do anything for herself. She's brave, I give her that, proven by how she runs to help that child when the demons started attacking, but also a fool, because there is no way she could do anything to actually help. She just puts herself in danger too, because she is so freaking helpless!

Instead of being saved by Nero it would have been awesome if she died! Then maybe Nero would stop being a whiny b!tch too, though I doubt it.
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It would also add more depth to the story and to Nero as a character. Instead of becoming a classic hero of love, he would be a force of vengeance and possibly be so consumed by it that it corrupts him, turning him against Dante. Voila, new plot for Devil May Cry 5!
Instead of being saved by Nero it would have been awesome if she died! Then maybe Nero would stop being a whiny b!tch too, though I doubt it.

That's actually a good character development.It might open us into DMC 5 where nero being a straight heroine or become a guy like kratos.
If she didn't exist, maybe we would get more information about Nero's whereabouts. That's the main reason I dislike her. Other than that, there are other damsels in distress I dislike far more than her. She was pretty quiet. It was Nero screaming "I'll save you" and all that every few minutes.
I think she is selfish because in the end she was like "I am still alive" and never once asked about Credo so I hate her for that.
1. Kyrie was asking if she was still alive because after everything that had happened to her she was having trouble believing that she survived
2. She had no way of knowing Credo was dead and and no reason to immediately ask if he is alive every time she couldn't see him. Credo was the Supreme General of the Holy Knights. The idea that he could be killed wouldn't register in her mind and the game ended a few minutes after everything was over she didn't have time to notice that he wasn't anywhere. Credo was a very important person he wouldn't be near Kyrie every second of every day and he would definitely have a lot to do during a crisis. There is absolutely no reason to think that she didn't ask where he is after the game ended.

Do you realize how absurd it is to hate Kyrie because her brother died over the course of the worst day of her life and she did not magically know.(and how absurd it is to call someone who risked her life to protect some random kid she didn't even know selfish. Apparenly being willing to die to give someone a slight chance of survival is something selfish people do now)
:cool: Everyone in this thread knows that I LOVE Kyrie. She's just so cute and innocent:D Sure she had the personality of scotch in a cup (Half empty half full) but that didn't stop me from liking her. She was one of my more "slice of normal" favorite DMC chicks. (Patty is my comic relief favorite DMC girl...She the only comic relief DMC girl.:|) Sooo... yeah I'm gonna leave this here:

The ones who prefer the cute and innocent women are mostly the men who are the creepiest. Not that I say there's anything wrong with that. ;P
That explains it then. XD

I think another reason I like Kyrie is because she looks TOO much like Orihime from Bleach. I loved Orihime and she was really cute. Kyrie looks too much like her and therefore, I've grown to love Kyrie...hmmm...Maybe I don't like Kyrie the way I thought I did...:| Oh no! :blink: I'm losing it!>_< I'M LOSING MY LOVE FOR KYRIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!...


Nope. Got it back.^_^