Got lectured on getting published again.
I know they mean well, I do.
But you can't argue your point if you don't understand how publishing works (or writing, for that matter).
I'm fairly clued up about how it works. You can't preach to the preacher.
You know three people who have gotten published? (Me, too! Shall I list down all the authors I've got on my bookshelf?) Great. I don't really want to go the self-publishing route, which sets me apart from the people you know. They published their books and have it available on Amazon and to download. E-books. (Might be the future, might not, personally I LOVE reading by candle-light, the smell of print on paper and the satisfaction of turning the page over using my lit Kindle. So if I publish, I want it in physical form, not electronic. )That's great, good on them, I'm published too, would you like to see all my work in electronic format all over the writing sites? No, I don't get paid for those, but money is not my motivator.
Plus, the third person being my second cousin actually isn't published, they just had her manuscript printed by a professional print press. Not the same thing.
I don't want to talk numbers. I don't want to change anything about my work to make it more marketable. Yes, of course I'd love the extra $$$, but I can get more money faster by doing a babysitting gig than waiting on royalties. You'll give me $1k to get published? I'd rather go on friggin holiday with that cash, thanks. I don't pay anyone to publish me. They pay me.
I don't like strangers.
I don't like talking to strangers.
I will also be putting my foot in my mouth when interviewed about my work. I'm notorious for NOT giving well-thought out answers on the spot. I'll pass.
Unless I can do what the Gorillaz done and have a cartoon or digitized chibi me medium to show face, it's not going to happen.