So, certain genres or certain games are more inclined to have players want to play them multiple times. Whether it be for various challenges (speedrunning, 100%'ing, etc), wanting to try new builds in an RPG, or wanting to try different story paths. Or just wanting to get "the most" out of a game. Even genres that aren't partial to this type of behavior can still have players want to play it again for whatever reason (a missed achievement, a different ending, etc).
I'm 38 years old. And only when I was in middle school or younger, did I play games more than once. This was simply due to the fact that there weren't a lot of games to play. So I'd play the same ones over and over again. For the next 20+ years, I'd play a game once and be done w/ it. On to the next piece of art or experience. So few games were tempting to me to play again, I actually know them by memory - Mark of the Ninja for the other ending and Sekiro for the addiction of boss battles. Just those 2.
Blasphemous I played a 2nd playthrough, but only for all of the DLC that came out after I beat it pre-DLC, so I won't quite count that. The Nier games, also, just to get the "true" endings, but I also don't count that, as it's actual progress of the full story.
But anyway, yes, I have played Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, all the major WRPG's that ppl tend to play multiple times and yes, I've been asked by multiple ppl "You've only played Skyrim once?" like I was some sort of freak! lol
However, this mindset of mine has almost changed recently. This year, I played RE2make and Dark Souls 3 for the first time. After clearing Leon 1st Run and Claire 2nd Run in RE2make, I actually wanted to do the vice versa and get ALL angles of the game. Dark Souls 3 I wanted to replay right away as another build. Elden Ring, the same. Only Elden Ring did I play again, but it was a quick NG+ run, so I also don't quite count that.
Now the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC has been revealed and I'm tempted again to start a new playthrough for a new build, different sex V, different Lifepath, some different choices here and there, etc. I'm also still tempted to start a new playthrough of DS3 and even DS1, just for new builds. I know I can just reload my original CP77 save file to play the DLC...but part of me wants to just reroll, as I feel my original V's story was complete.
The issue w/ me is I simply like to keep my experiences of a game as a single unique experience. Or at least I used to w/o question. Now, if it's an RPG or a DLC-heavy single-player game, I may make exceptions for different builds, different story choices, experiencing new DLC, etc.
Plus, it seems like repetitive sunk time. But again, that's where different builds and storylines come in - to make things feel "new" or different. But still, why play CP77 or DS3 again for another 30-50 hours, when I can just put that 30-50 hrs in another game or multiple games I haven't played yet? Variety is the spice of life, after all. However, I also do respect the idea of getting more out of game.
Anyway, what are all of your thoughts on this? Not my own psychoanalysis, but just the idea of new playthroughs for games? Particularly new save files and not NG+ (unless the NG+ is pretty restrictive on what carries over)? Apologies for the wall of text and props to anyone who read the whole thing!
I'm 38 years old. And only when I was in middle school or younger, did I play games more than once. This was simply due to the fact that there weren't a lot of games to play. So I'd play the same ones over and over again. For the next 20+ years, I'd play a game once and be done w/ it. On to the next piece of art or experience. So few games were tempting to me to play again, I actually know them by memory - Mark of the Ninja for the other ending and Sekiro for the addiction of boss battles. Just those 2.
Blasphemous I played a 2nd playthrough, but only for all of the DLC that came out after I beat it pre-DLC, so I won't quite count that. The Nier games, also, just to get the "true" endings, but I also don't count that, as it's actual progress of the full story.
But anyway, yes, I have played Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, all the major WRPG's that ppl tend to play multiple times and yes, I've been asked by multiple ppl "You've only played Skyrim once?" like I was some sort of freak! lol
However, this mindset of mine has almost changed recently. This year, I played RE2make and Dark Souls 3 for the first time. After clearing Leon 1st Run and Claire 2nd Run in RE2make, I actually wanted to do the vice versa and get ALL angles of the game. Dark Souls 3 I wanted to replay right away as another build. Elden Ring, the same. Only Elden Ring did I play again, but it was a quick NG+ run, so I also don't quite count that.
Now the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC has been revealed and I'm tempted again to start a new playthrough for a new build, different sex V, different Lifepath, some different choices here and there, etc. I'm also still tempted to start a new playthrough of DS3 and even DS1, just for new builds. I know I can just reload my original CP77 save file to play the DLC...but part of me wants to just reroll, as I feel my original V's story was complete.
The issue w/ me is I simply like to keep my experiences of a game as a single unique experience. Or at least I used to w/o question. Now, if it's an RPG or a DLC-heavy single-player game, I may make exceptions for different builds, different story choices, experiencing new DLC, etc.
Plus, it seems like repetitive sunk time. But again, that's where different builds and storylines come in - to make things feel "new" or different. But still, why play CP77 or DS3 again for another 30-50 hours, when I can just put that 30-50 hrs in another game or multiple games I haven't played yet? Variety is the spice of life, after all. However, I also do respect the idea of getting more out of game.
Anyway, what are all of your thoughts on this? Not my own psychoanalysis, but just the idea of new playthroughs for games? Particularly new save files and not NG+ (unless the NG+ is pretty restrictive on what carries over)? Apologies for the wall of text and props to anyone who read the whole thing!