You know you're addicted to DMC when:
- You don't play any games aside from DMC
- Most of all your favourite videos on YT are DMC amv's
- You habitually go look for the anime at the video store and leave in a huff of disgust when they don't have it
- You go straight to the DMC cover at the game store and drool over it before putting it back and going to find whatever game you went in there for in the first place
- Your fanart collection on facebook outweighs your family photos by miles >.<
- You want to have twins and name them Dante and Vergil
- When you can't have your DMC fix, you crave pizza/strawberry sundaes
- When you step into the lounge and your kids automatically point at the TV and go 'Dante! Mommy, Dante!' and you go 'Oh alright, how could I say no?'
- When you think you've found a secret room in DMC4 where Vergil is hiding and you keep trying to break through the solid wall with Nero
...Guilty of all of the above. ^_^