Bye, Animatronio!Glad you see it my way...!
Well, time to skidaddle!
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Bye, Animatronio!Glad you see it my way...!
Well, time to skidaddle!
*Like I said to Chancey, that's not my point. I just think it's lazy and lame to put one word into the game five or six times, to make the game 'cooler'. Dante writing 'f*ck you' on a guest list is not clever or funny, but NT seems to think it is. Anything would've been better. I would probably enjoy seeing Dante take a magic marker and write his name on the bouncer's face after he punched him. Or if he could find out the bouncer's name, to cross off the bouncer's name. That would sort of be funny - almost like he went Jigglypuff on him. Would be fun if he parodied what Jigglypuff did, too.
*Well, I think they could've made Dante not only cool in what he does, his views and what he has gone through, but also cool in how he speaks and moves and so forth. So I'd say your argument is invalid. I can see past how annoying he is, but that doesn't mean I should like him for how he acts. To me, NT Dante is a stupid-sounding ass who thinks he's awesome. Even if he had all the best intentions in the world (or a horrible past), it would not make me like his crappy personality. That's not short-sighted, that's just me wanting a likable character in personality as well as standpoints and actions.
they probably would have gone too far with it(but not in the hilarious way like Bullet Storm, but the "*sigh* Really? your really going to go there?") and have dante draw a Hitler mustache on the guys face, or draw just draw a **** on his face.
Probably. It was just a suggestion, and TBH, I don't think it would work with DmC. However, I still think they could've done something more original - something that could more easily be seen as funny instead of repetitive. Heck, make him cross out the bouncer's face, as in draw a huge X on it. Even that would seem better to me.
Probably. It was just a suggestion, and TBH, I don't think it would work with DmC. However, I still think they could've done something more original - something that could more easily be seen as funny instead of repetitive. Heck, make him cross out the bouncer's face, as in draw a huge X on it. Even that would seem better to me.
Yeah, cause screaming "party" every five seconds like some college kid was way more cooler.:bored:
I hope you didn't do that :tongue:
No. That's all I hear in college now. Now I'm replaying DMC3, and Dante starting to sound really annoying for some reason.
Ironic people yell "f*ck" or "f*ck you" everywhere I go its starting to get annoying. Its not generally out of anger or sudden outburst people nowadays love spamming"f*ck" as if its number 1 word to use. One guy I know got mad at a teacher and started cursing her out and all I got was.
"God f*ck her you f*cking bitch butt f*ck f*ckity whore f*ck slut.....I hope you get f*cked rape you.." Yeah I don't want to keep going...not to her face mind you.
Its like mankind's dictionary is de-evolving into one word. People just casually throw the word in there for no reason. I only curse (let alone say f*ck) when I'm mad, upset, or annoyed or is trying to be funny. People use curse words as if they're not curse words anymore.
I find it hilarious that all of a sudden the word "F*ck" is considered an immature word simply because new Dante started saying it and yet no one bats an eye when GTA5, No More Heroes, Bayonetta, Saint's Row, The Last of Us, Lollipop Chainsaw, and a whole lot of M rated games have said it more times then DmC has.
The fact that you MAKE it a big deal proves the point of f*cksuddenly being considered immature here. I bet if any of the classic Dantes had said f*ck before (and classic Dante has), then no one would bat an eye. The fact that you play No More Heroes, GTA 5, and all those other games also proves that you're only saying f*ck is an immature word now with a strong feeling stems from your already built up discontent for DmC and it's version of Dante.It's not suddenly being considered an immature word, it's Ninja Theory who are being considered stupid for not being able to think of any other dialog. If Dante writes 'f*ck you' on a guest list, NT must think it's funny or something. It's not. It's just a curse word, and tbh, they stopped being funny after the age of six. The fact of the matter is, it's poor writing, and Dante thinks he's cool by saying/writing 'f*ck you' like four times.
Then there's a stripper in that club in DmC who says 'f*ck you, Dante!' - again, why that same phrase? Is it supposed to be 'edgy' or something?
I could argue that it is an edge thing. Society ask of people to act as if they're slaves and say the words that they expect us busy bee workers to say, however we all can't be a bunch of cooperate jockeys with everything we do, so saying f*ck is more so against the natural normality that society has painted for the world.
Thus,why I like DmC; It doesn't do everything that the previous series tells it to do.
Man, I'd rather take DMC3's writing over DmC's - I mean, it doesn't even have to be original, as long as it's not so damn repetitive. I'd take cheesy over moronic any day.
The fact that you MAKE it a big deal proves the point of f*cksuddenly being considered immature here. I bet if any of the classic Dantes had said f*ck before (and classic Dante has), then no one would bat an eye. The fact that you play No More Heroes, GTA 5, and all those other games also proves that you're only saying f*ck is an immature word now with a strong feeling stems from your already built up discontent for DmC and it's version of Dante.
Really can't compare DmC and GTA 5. There is A LOT of more dialogue in GTA. They say f*ck in a pretty casual manner as if it just slips off the tongue naturally and so it isn't as imposing. Where as in DmC it seems like NT tries pretty hard to make sure you know Dante swears a lot. They are rrally in your face when ever Dante goes off swearing. They are pushing the whole he is edgy and rebellious think a bit too hard at some times.
It's not suddenly being considered an immature word, it's Ninja Theory who are being considered stupid for not being able to think of any other dialog. If Dante writes 'f*ck you' on a guest list, NT must think it's funny or something.
Can you please stop insinuating things were done for shallow reasons simply to criticize them...?
Exactly. I think it's lazy writing. Seriously, they could've thought of something original instead of making multiple characters in the game say 'f*ck you' like there's some profound gravitas to it. I mean, what is the point of Dante writing 'f*ck you' on a guest list? Is it supposed to be funny? No. Edgy? No. Then, what?
It lacks interaction too. Whereas what Dante and Nero said were often retorts or ripostes, what DmC Dante says is basically meaningless. The only thing he says is 'I vehemently agree with that' by saying ''f*ck you''. That's all it means. And I really don't see what's funny about repeating it five or six times at emphasised points in the game. Why put so much emphasis on such ordinary curse words? Boring.