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WTF?!!! Religious bogus!


Wesker's #1 fan!
Ok I live with my aunt now right, and her family is Jahova's witness and that's all good in dandy aside from the strictness of the religion in all and I usually just ignore it instead of debating pointlessly. Now my aunt is into the religion but like any other type of thing there's always some people more into it then others.

My aunt's husband is into it ALOT...my aunt not that much.

Ok, now to the point. My good friend kindly allowed me to borrow RE Zero and REmake. I was so happy. I put them in a bag and when I got home I left the bag on a shelf in the livingroom. Something told me to put it in my room and I left it there overnight anyway. I woke up and saw that it wasn't in the livingroom anymore, so I asked my aunt where it was. She said it was in the garage. Then she told me she wanted to talk to me about something when she got it out of the garage. She told me her husband found it and put it in the garage becuase he beleaves that things like that attract evil spirits, demons, and bad luck into the home and doesn't want those kind of things in the house...

Respecting my aunt, I kindly told her that id return it to my friend and I did right away. As for her husbands beliefs, I have never heard anything more retarded in my life.

I try to respect people's beliefs but sometimes it's just seems so hilariously rediculous. Some people get so into religion so much they forget about common sense. You're telling me that the millions and millions of people possessing Resident Evil and games like Resident Evil are having demons and blah blah blah come into their home because of it? I grew up on Resident Evil, I don't think so.

Im so glad im a free agnostic...Phew, I just hope they don't find out about the crapload of Resident Evil books, Resident Evil games, Onimusha game, Devil May Cry books, Devil May Cry games, and bloody God of War games I own still sitting in my suitcase. Lol! Annnnnnnnd all the Resident Evil and Devil May Cry stuff I got cramed into my computer.

I mean it would have made way more sense if it was because they didn't want violent stuff like that around my 11 year old cousin. I thought that was the problem at first. But nope, I get a joke I get to share with my friends. We were laughin are asses off in the car about it. And now everytime something bad happens we're like..."Hmm, must be a Resident Evil game nearby." XD

*Sigh* I guess I won't be playing any Resident Evil games anytime soon. >_>


The devoted
wow, thats really dumb, i do respect other peoples views, but sometimes i have to say something about how dumb it is, and that is dumb. if you wana play re, go over to your friends house, also ask them to look after your stuff to save u getting told off again. Gl coping with ur aunt and uncle, you'll need it


New Member
Hide yourselves from the demons of Resident Evil!!:lol:

That's just ridiculous! Play the game, enjoy It! ;)


Wesker's #1 fan!
Taking it and playing it over my friends house was the plan actually. I can't bear to go so long without my fixes. XD

As for them finding the other stuff, thankfully they do not go threw my suitcase (At least not yet.) So as long as I lay them low, they won't be found and banished to the garage...as if the garage isn't also a part of the house.


New Member
Not being able to play for your own comfort, at your own place just because of some ridiculous opinion...------------>

Well, at least you can play It over at your friend's. It could have been worse...:p


Wesker's #1 fan!
I guess it could have been worst, but that's just...the pure definition of nonsense. Im very glad my aunt was nice about it though. I didn't have to hear her husband preach it to me and tell me the whole bible. My aunt was straitfoward and brief with it. I bought her candy later on. ^^

My aunt that I live with is pretty cool. I guess you could say she's my second mom.

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Believe me, I know EXACTLY what you're going through.

I was brought up as one, but I shunned it and went my own way. Sod the ridiculous, logically flawed and damn well idiotic arguments such religions make, eh?

(no offense to them):D


Wesker's #1 fan!
^ I agree. I was raised by my parents, and they were never really into religion, so I never caught onto it. And as I got older and was able to think for myself becoming more agnostic.

To DA: Yeah, I like doing random kindness when I have the money. It was her favorate gormet candy.


The devoted
I was like phant, i was brought up as a christian, not basptised though, and i managed to break away from it when i was about 8, and my mom knows i dont like church so i go once of twice a year, when i know my dad is going lol

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
ok then, i, all of u am very much for respecting everyone's religion but...if games like all that are bringing evil spirits and demons into our lives then......can i blame my anger issues on the fact that i grew up on mortal kombat?...lol, i mean come on ppl...a disc, with nothing more then simple coding and programing on it bringing evil spirits into ur home?...can u spell dumb?


Is not rat, is hamster
As much as it may be "retarded", you are a guest in their home and as such you will have to respect their wishes. Your aunt handled it well but she will also have to respect her husband's feelings and may not even have been too bothered to find the game herself had her husband not felt so strongly about it.

Like some have already mentioned - there is nothing wrong with going to a friend's place and playing your games so that is one way of respecting your uncle's wishes.

To him it is probably very important that he lays these rules down and as it is his home, he has every right to do so. Neither Steve nor I allow pirate/illegal media in the house - not coz of evil spirits or the like but because it is illegal and we don't want illegal goods in the home as Christians and the fact that we don't want to encourage illegal activity.

I know some people who shun the contents of my bookshelf as ungodly and satanic, which makes me chuckle, but I let them say their piece and ignore it - play the deferential niece but by all means play your games elsewhere. And don't let your uncle find that suitcase!


Lost Soul
Most people believe in one thing or enouther how things work. Sure most are kinda crap but still it is what people believe. I just let people have there own opinion on things unless they try to take there opinions too far in my house. Then I jusk kick there asses out the damn door. I hate people who try to make others like them that's just stupid and really insulting for the person they try and do that too.


Wesker's #1 fan!
Angel;89974 said:
As much as it may be "retarded", you are a guest in their home and as such you will have to respect their wishes. Your aunt handled it well but she will also have to respect her husband's feelings and may not even have been too bothered to find the game herself had her husband not felt so strongly about it.

Like some have already mentioned - there is nothing wrong with going to a friend's place and playing your games so that is one way of respecting your uncle's wishes.

To him it is probably very important that he lays these rules down and as it is his home, he has every right to do so. Neither Steve nor I allow pirate/illegal media in the house - not coz of evil spirits or the like but because it is illegal and we don't want illegal goods in the home as Christians and the fact that we don't want to encourage illegal activity.

I know some people who shun the contents of my bookshelf as ungodly and satanic, which makes me chuckle, but I let them say their piece and ignore it - play the deferential niece but by all means play your games elsewhere. And don't let your uncle find that suitcase!

I know all that, that's why I returned the games immediately. I just think it's way too bogus. Especially after growing up in a household where bloody horror films and stuff like that were favored over happy crap. XD

It's not easy being in a house with a bunch of Jahovah's witnesses when you're agnostic. That's pretty much the whole point of the topic. And yes, knowing my aunt she most likely wouldn't have cared. She's cool like that. But there's always that one person that always overtrips. And when they like Terminator where the world ends, it's like, what the heck?! >_>

BTW he's not my uncle, he's just married to my aunt. XD


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I feel for you there pal. Religion can take things too far sometimes. Just because there are bad games out there, it doesn't mean they are the cause for bad things .lol. that'd be dumb if they were... hope you can get to playin' some RE soon :)


Is not rat, is hamster
I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you ;) - and it brings nothing of any use to the discussion saying stuff like that.

And Vergilssexy, good that you got some game time in with your friend :) - sorry about the uncle thing, I just figured as he's married to your aunt he becomes your uncle by default - or step uncle or whatever...no offence intended either way.

I was in the car with this woman from Canada once and my friend who was driving was playing some metal music. This lady insisted we turn it off as it was clearly the work of Satan - it was P.O.D! :lol:. I find this sort of thing so hilarious as we are of the same religion - but again, different people see things differently I guess - what some people get worked up about others are a bit more lenient and vice versa...


Wesker's #1 fan!
^ Oh I wasn't offended hun. Just makin it clear that I don't consider him my uncle. ^^ And yeah, I always have alot a game time with my new friends. ^^
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