Lucia's Angelic looking Devil Trigger is likely the result of her being an artificial demon, she was created, along with Arius's Secretary's, with a combination of science and dark magic. Nothing about her is natural in any sense of the word. though despite the fact she is an artificial demon, she is presumably a full blooded demon since we don't know if human DNA was used in her creation. One interesting thing about her though is she was raised among human culture. Now, let that sink in for a moment: Lucia is a demon who was raised around other human beings, with their familial systems, fully free to express her emotions, and not tied down to the demons belief that humans are an inferior race, and all should bow before them. So its a good chance that her demon forms appearance was influenced by her up bringing.I have no problem with Lucia, i am one of the few that liked DMC2, not as much as i loved DMC1 but there are things i really like about it. from what i understand i thought DMC4 was suppose to tell why Dante was the way he was in DMC2, but it became more focused on Nero. i do find that rather odd through her Demon form looks like that of an angel..but she is a demon so that dose tie into DMC4 in that regard, since most of the order are demons that look like angels. the order might have been connected to arius in someway.
it would be cool to see her back after all this time, again i just feel this was a slip of the tongue on there part, if she dose make it in then it might be in the form of DLC. it was posted on here that SE had a small budget so what we are getting now might even be pushing it, if it sales well we might see more content and maybe even a physical copy here in the states. i just really want freaking alastor and cerberus back...
Also she wouldn't be the first 'holy' themed demon, after all the demon Beowolf, from DMC3, was Light Elemental despite being a traditional demon from hell. Not to mention DMC3's The Fallen enemy types were also Light elemental.
And yes, I think it would be awesome if the older weapons from the franchise appeared in DMC4SE as DLC, The Alastor, Cerberus, Agni & Rudra; it would be so cool having them all back.