CoolDemon...this entire post is opinionated. Do you understand that? Some people don't like the Japanese influences of the original series. Some people don't like the outlandishness of Dante. Some people would even HATE it.Let me explain something:
Tameem and many others said Dante needed a update. And Tameem said Dante is no longer cool because things from 12 years ago no longer is cool. He goes then and makes a new character (not a updated Dante from DMC), and the inspiration comes from around 40 years old Punk movement.
He disrespected DMC Dante.
They never said in beginning which Dante they were talking off. Everyone's perception of who the man named Dante is the same guy as DMC. And Even Tameem and Alex Jones talked about "Dante" and agreed to that he needed a update as in THE SAME GUY FROM DMC.
Tameem did not interupt the interviewer or "game reporter" and say "No, this is not the same Dante. It's a new Dante." Because how can you update DMC Dante when DmC Dante is not DMC Dante? And there is many things that are old and still cool, but why is it that Punk movement is cool but the things DMC Dante was made of is not?
Tameem disrespected DMC Dante.
I am not saying it's wrong to make a Dante that's inspired by Punk movement. I am saying that he said crap about DMC Dante when it is not true. The only thing that's not cool is cheesey lines or a character trying to be cool which is why DMC 4 Dante wasn't a great DAnte.
But DMC 1 Dante is very cool. And a disrespectful piece of garbage isn't the person to decide if he's cool or not. We decide.
But the Punk movement may be cool to the same people who don't like the Japanese influences. It's all opinions, CoolDemon. Everytime you bring up this subject, it's just opinions, opinions, opinions.
You're not going to get anywhere with these types of posts.