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Why Not Make Both Universes?


Well-known Member
I understand the arguing going through members of the site regarding the reboot and Dante and whatever. I support the original to the fullest extent while giving those who like the reboot support because well, they like it. Now I'm understanding that Capcom hasn't had the best in the last few years and if this game fails it might be the end to the original and the reboot's story. Now my question is why not just do both universes rather than leaving out details? If Capcom would confirm that a DMC 5 is in the making for the original, along with the newer fans of the series, don't you think this would help out? The more money means better game! DMC 2 failed but sold enough to make a DMC 3 which was even better, because they had the money to do so. So if the reboot is a success they might have the time to do both universes rather than just one.

Thing is it was never stated anywhere that the original was out of the picture but then again I guess a reboot means alot. I just want to confirm if the reboot is replacing the original and if it isn't then don't you think we should wait or buy this reboot (even though we don't want to) to help improve the chances of it happening? I just thought I would throw this out because even though I don't like the direction the series as went and if DmC will improve the sells for a possible DMC 5 then I would consider buying it (even though I don't want to) but if not then it's a no that I won't be buying it.


Solid Ocelot
It would cost much more time and resources, (they'd have to hire more employees, I think) but I think they should create a DMC5 after DmC, just to show fans that their views matter to them. That's what Kojima Productions does, so I don't see why Capcom can't. I'm assuming they do have a public relations department. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is in development, and so is Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. All the better, I'd say.

Capcom said they might make DMC5 if DmC doesn't sell as well as they hope. That tells me DMC might never return. Again, just what I see in that statement - I'm not portraying this as a fact. I'm not interested in buying DmC anyway, so that's a bonus.


Devil hunter in training
but I think they should create a DMC5 after DmC, just to show fans that their views matter to them.
It would be great if they could make DMC right after, but I think some fans feel so betrayed by Capcom that they would not buy it just to teach the company a lesson.
Also, would fans be happy with Dante's look, and would they still want Reuben Langdon as Dante? I have a feeling if they recast Dante, fans wouldn't be happy.


Solid Ocelot
It would be great if they could make DMC right after, but I think some fans feel so betrayed by Capcom that they would not buy it just to teach the company a lesson.
Also, would fans be happy with Dante's look, and would they still want Reuben Langdon as Dante? I have a feeling if they recast Dante, fans wouldn't be happy.

That would be kind of weird, then. I mean, first the fans would ask for a new DMC, and once it would've arrived they'd go: ''Well, this sucks''? That's contradictory.
I would be happy with a new DMC in any case. Especially if it went into Nero's background story more, and his development, or possibly something related to Sparda.

I still feel there's no need to reboot the series and let NT work on it.


Devil hunter in training
That would be kind of weird, then. I mean, first the fans would ask for a new DMC, and once it would've arrived they'd go: ''Well, this sucks''? That's contradictory.
It is a weird mentality, but one that people are capable of. Kinda like the extreme of killing someone you love so that no one else can have them.
Some fans have already said they would rather DMC brand died than continue because of their perceived betrayal by Capcom. :(
It's sad, but true. Some people do get in that kind of extreme mindset even about videogames.
I guess maybe I'm focusing on one particular subset of fans too much though.
But any other fan of DMC would welcome a 5th game. I would be. :D And I agree that Nero should be explained. He did kinda come from nowhere.


Fake Geek Girl.
First of all, trust me when I say not many Metal Gear fans are looking forward to Rising. It hardly is a Metal Gear game in the slightest and looks like the mediocre title. Personal hatred for the character of Raiden aside, MGR doesn't exist. I'll take my Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain.

As for a DMC 5, if DmC doesn't preform to fair expectations then you I really think you won't get a DMC 5. The decision for a reboot wasn't one that was made overnight. Do you have any idea what Capcom's current state of affairs are? They aren't doing so hot and DMC 4 did NOT sell as well as it should have considering how big of an IP it is for Capcom. If it wasn't multiplatform it would have been considered quite the bomb. If someone ever tells you that gaming has moved west, it's because it's true. When we're talking about the market the western market is doing alot better. Capcom trying their hand to appeal to more than the typical DMC crowd is a smart move on their part. You have to understand something, if DMC was not doing as well as it should have in sales then people did not buy or like DMC for one reason or another.

When 4 came out it really just was submitted to the anime fanbase and that's arguably what makes up a portion of it. It's why Dante is usually such a regular at conventions. 4 was still a crap game that was very lazy. A prime example of a series pushed through the ringer after being shaken down for sequels. It proved to me Capcom was all out of ideas with the franchise. After Capcom saw the poor sales they had to do something to expand on DMC. DmC is, in a matter of fact, doing just that. I know people who are now interested in Devil May Cry because they like what the new one is doing. Now I have no problem with people hopping on board because who am I to say only certain people should be able to enjoy DMC. As a veteran fan of the series I'm not even just settling because I was losing interest in DMC myself and I see where DmC makes the tribute to the original games. While it is a more modern take on this aging franchise I don't feel betrayed as a fan because they have really conserved what matters with the DMC experience and I can play DmC, have fun, and say yep it's a Devil May Cry alright. Resident Evil 6 was a betrayal.

You need to understand something. It cost MONEY to make games. It's not easy to just dish them out like that. You need to look at everything on a broader horizon here. Your personal fanfictions isn't something that would keep a company afloat. DMC 4's numbers proved that even the DMC crowd was losing interest. It could be for a number of reasons and it's the uncomfortable facts you need to learn to accept. It could be that it was growing stale in their eyes. The audience has now gotten older and can't invest as much time into video games. The newer generation has no clue what it is. The world grows up and the world changes with or without you. Sure the reboot is different but that's the concept of a reboot. You fans turn a blind eye to the truth and just want it your way. DmC still feels like a Devil May Cry game and is a worthy title to add to the DMC library. Notice alot of people who gave DmC the fighting chance came out pleasantly surprised and the fans who have been against since day 1 have been so stubborn they never will. They went into everything DmC with already a bias hatred so do you expect them to give any kind of judgement that's valid. DmC is shaping up to be one hell of of a game and I think it will be one of the more stronger titles of 2013. I'd hate to see all the effort put into this just be dismissed by a bunch of stubborn fans who don't seem appreciate anything. There's a reason why people are saying positive things about DmC and the reviews it has gotten so far have been actually very good, it's because it's not bad at all. Even your precious Reuben Langdon loves DmC. Now I usually don't pay attention to reviews because I make up my own opinions but I can safely say, DmC is another good Devil May Cry game and I can't wait for another go with Dante.


Oldschool DMC fan
It makes sense if they turn something that was once DMC into something that is not, not to care about it in future, if there's no chance of it ever being reverted back to its 'original' state.

If something becomes something else, and will not return, why should you be loyal to it? I feel that way. If DMC eventually becomes some unrecognizable mess as a result of this divergence, then I couldn't care less about it.


Devil hunter in training
It makes sense if they turn something that was once DMC into something that is not, not to care about it in future, if there's no chance of it ever being reverted back to its 'original' state.
While I like DmC, I want all elements of that game to stay the hell away from DMC. They are two different things and I don't want the two mashing up. DMC is special because of the style it has and should be kept that way.

But I have a feeling Capcom might want to use bits from DmC for doing potential DMC5. Capcom did state that they wanted to learn how to do stories and that kind of style in exchange for teaching NT about making combat.


Well-known Member
Well if doesn't sell and Capcom might create DMC 5 then I guess that's telling everyone that it won't happen. Asking the fans of the new and old on what they would like to see in a DMC game would help see what fans would like to experience whenever playing. Capcom pushed the fans away from what I remember (could be wrong) and never took the fans ideas to heart rather just throwing something out hoping it sells. If a game is getting stale and you need improvement then you really need to put alot of blood, sweat, tears, time and patience in it even if you don't have anymore ideas. Make it as best as you can. DMC 4 provided since it was lazy that Capcom didn't care and just threw something together, I can see where the fans are upset.


Well-known Member
While I like DmC, I want all elements of that game to stay the hell away from DMC. They are two different things and I don't want the two mashing up. DMC is special because of the style it has and should be kept that way.

But I have a feeling Capcom might want to use bits from DmC for doing potential DMC5. Capcom did state that they wanted to learn how to do stories and that kind of style in exchange for teaching NT about making combat.

If this is true then, my mind is set, I will get it, possibly the Son of Sparda Edition. I just don't want to see the series die. I want them to put the time and dedication in it to make a DMC 5. My mind has been fogged up because I wasn't sure if things will continue in the future for the original. I will support by buying the game but my heart and soul belong to the original.


Well-known Member
If this is true then, my mind is set, I will get it, possibly the Son of Sparda Edition. I just don't want to see the series die. I want them to put the time and dedication in it to make a DMC 5. My mind has been fogged up because I wasn't sure if things will continue in the future for the original. I will support by buying the game but my heart and soul belong to the original.

You shouldn't buy the game if you don't want it. There are other ways for you to support the original series.


Well-known Member
I honestly don't think I would be happy for a DMC5 because of two reasons, DMC4 was stale and people don't even understand why the reboot is made in the first place. I said the other reason in another thread but I would say this again here too.

Maybe because most of the old fans are becoming TOO old for playing games and doing more important things than gaming. Aren't most of them like, 20 or over? Anyways, back to what I'm saying, if DmC sells well, there will never be a DMC5 because the company would think of that. Unless you go to a gaming design school, you would at least try to understand. Even myself I had to cut a bit of gaming cuz I have more important things like school and work. (I don't plan to be a game designer BTW)

Perhaps this article would get you to understand my second opinion, http://www.destructoid.com/blazblue-exists-because-guilty-gear-fans-are-too-old--196660.phtml


Praise the Sun!
I want a DMC5 and for it not to be rushed like 2 and 4 were. And if following the trend DMC5 should be amazing because all the odd games in the series are always fantastic! I can just imagine Dante traveling through hell maybe meeting Vergil and all the while Nero comes in and tries going after Dante. :w00t:


Well-known Member
DMC 4 did NOT sell as well as it should have considering how big of an IP it is for Capcom. If it wasn't multiplatform it would have been considered quite the bomb.

Get your facts right. DMC 4 and other recent games of capcom have shown increased sales figures.

Devil May Cry 4 "achieved record sales for Capcom in recent years," selling more than 2 million copies worldwide.


4 was still a crap game that was very lazy.

Jus your opinion. Stick it up your................

Capcom trying their hand to appeal to more than the typical DMC crowd is a smart move on their part.

Disagree. Wat are they goin to accomplish by turning on the fans that helped establish DMC as franchise it is now? It was definitely not aimed at casual gamers. The only reason i could think of is to get DMC to appeal to casual gamers.

When 4 came out it really just was submitted to the anime fanbase and that's arguably what makes up a portion of it.

Well, DMC 3 too had the anime appeal. But was critically acclaimed for gameplay. DMC 4 introduced new gameplay with nero. But fans could not accept dante being replaced as protagonist. Do you even know the amount of gameplay videos uploaded in youtube of DMC 4. Its almost as equal to DMC 3.

As a veteran fan of the series I'm not even just settling because I was losing interest in DMC myself and I see where DmC makes the tribute to the original games.

Veteran fan?

Vergil hate thread

Seriously, If you can't understand significance of vergil from a japanese creator, Don't call yourself a veteran. Again, Its jus your opinions which are not true as of DMC franchise.

I can play DmC, have fun, and say yep it's a Devil May Cry alright. Resident Evil 6 was a betrayal.

If you think DmC is true to franchise and RE 6 was not, Please remove the word "Blasphemy" from your vocabulary.And its not an opinion.RE 6 did not create fan riot but DmC did. Don't get me wrong and label me as a "DmC hater" but i am jus pointing out that DmC instilled a fan riot(a very big one).

You need to understand something. It cost MONEY to make games.

Yeah.....Capcom can only earn that money by customer satisfaction.Which most of fans don't seem to be satisfied with DmC except for the new fans.

I'd hate to see all the effort put into this just be dismissed by a bunch of stubborn fans who don't seem appreciate anything.

Like your "unbiased" opinion on RE 6 and vergil.............Pfffffffffffft.


Devil hunter in training
Too old for playing games? Hah! Never! XD
No way. If all games were for kids, we wouldn't have age ratings.
Besides, I have mates in their much older than me in their 30s who still play when they have free time.

As far as DmC is concerned, is it supposed to be aimed at us DMC fans who are older? Is that why they did the 'realistic and gritty' style approach? Either that, or it is to attract the new generation of games who maybe never played DMC. I was never sure what target audience they wanted to reach with DmC.


Well-known Member
One game isn't going to make me stop playing games. ^^

It may not stop you but it might stop other people and myself. Think of the reason why this reboot was made in the first place, they could've made a DMC5 instead of this. I think what Capcom thinking is "Should we take a risk of trying something new or not make another DMC game ever again?".


Well-known Member
It may not stop you but it might stop other people and myself. Think of the reason why this reboot was made in the first place, they could've made a DMC5 instead of this. I think what Capcom thinking is "Should we take a risk of trying something new or not make another DMC game ever again?".

If ONE game is enough to make a gamer stop gaming, they need to re-evaluate their situation. Say you're a cheese-lover. You love cheese. But then someone makes a cheese you don't like... would that make you stop loving cheese entirely? Hell no! However, if it does... then you're either overreacting or you never really loved cheese to begin with.

Replace the word "cheese" with "games".
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