Why I didn't buy the game

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I can see from where OP is coming from. I remember a few weeks before DmC would release, I went to my local GameStop for my monthly bargain hunt in the PS2/PS3 section. After I found Primal and Chaos Legion cheap, I went to purchase them and the employee asked if I was interested in pre-ordering DmC.
I just in a polite manner said that while I love the DMC serie, I don't like the direction DmC is going in. Some guy overhears this and right away insults me for being close minded and saying "DmC is going to be the best DMC ever but it will have a hard time because of people like you."

I just told him the reasons why I'm not interested in DmC and don't mind if people like it. And ofcourse he resorts to "It's the hair right? You don't like it because he don't have white hair right!"

I decided that it was pointless, told him to **** off and then left the store.

I know there is reasonable fans of DmC but guys like that doesn't help the fanbase at all.
Jesus, it was the exact opposite for me.
Not only were people looking at me strange, but the clerk actually asked me, "Are you sure you want to purchase this?" and proceeded to recommend the HD Collection.

Sorry that it happened to you though, it really does give the people who like DmC a bad name.
We aren't all like that.
I swear, I'm one of the few who got a good experiance picking my copy up. Clerk was all "glad someone is actually giving it a chance. YOu wann'a pick up teh guide as well?" and I got four bucks off teh guide book
I just told him the reasons why I'm not interested in DmC and don't mind if people like it. And ofcourse he resorts to "It's the hair right? You don't like it because he don't have white hair right!"

Don't get me wrong, I understand your points but believe it or not, there are still people out there who can't get over Dante's look. You are actually are one of the minority who dislike the game for different reasons. I remember around October when I was asking if the game is leading the pre-order section and they told me it didn't cuz Dante's different. Made my skin crawl. But hey, it did soar to the top between mid-December and January.

Anyways, to the TC, I'm glad you were being true to yourself, unlike some of the trolls who just want to get the game to "exploit dumb stuff".
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i think a lot of people just flock onto this and defend it blindly because they view the game as a victim they must protect.. like you can't read a single review that doesn't mock the old fans; which is dumb because it really does nothing but fuel the fire

its not an unplayable mess, but its definitely more like a 60-70 game than a 90-100 game
i probably wouldn't have even noticed it if it were some new franchise instead
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Jesus, it was the exact opposite for me.
Not only were people looking at me strange, but the clerk actually asked me, "Are you sure you want to purchase this?" and proceeded to recommend the HD Collection.

Sorry that it happened to you though, it really does give the people who like DmC a bad name.
We aren't all like that.
Same thing happened to my friend. Also I don't remember if I've mentioned this before but when at Gamestop some fanboy actually verbally attacked me because I was buying DmC and my hair just looks similar to Dante's. The guy was kicked out of the store and my friend held me back from punching him. It was very unprovoked because none of us even acknowledged this guy. I'd say for the most part the fanatical fans all upset about the reboot are the worst side of the coin here. With people who gave DmC a shot I see them just being like "whatever" when someone jumps their sh!t. Just look on the Devil May Cry facebook page and I swear every single time someone praises DmC or just says they enjoyed it here come the purist to literally repeat the same exact bs over and over again. Saying how everything about the reboot sucks and just b!tching. Some try to say, "hey it's just an opinion" but that isn't gonna fly if you literally just bash the game, get your stupid 2 cents in, and try to act like you just want to plug your ears when someone spikes up a defense.

I'm sorry but the Devil May Cry fanbase has now built up its rep to be one of the worst gaming fandoms out there no matter how they dice it. A general glance at this complaining that's been going on for 2 years will not make anyone think otherwise. The petition to Obama didn't help either and it wasn't even funny enough to be a joke, it was sad. If gamers truly want their hobby to be acknowledged as if they are a body then that doesn't help the case to prove not all gamers are just a bunch of losers now does it? Couldn't believe that crap man. And it's a goddamn shame because DmC is not bad at all. They might be a little more justified if they game they hate so much actually you know, sucked. Thing is, it doesn't. It's actually good.
I'm finding it very difficult to care about other people's intentions for or against DmC.

Like, honestly, no offence or anything, but I just don't care why people feel the need to come on a platform and verbally justify their feelings. You don't like the game? That's fine. You do like the game? That's fine. You don't have to answer to me or anyone else, so why feel the need to announce it?

I can sorta understand wanting to defend that opinion, though. There are extremists on both sides that try to make everything black and white when the world is anything but. It's possible to just not be interested in something, although die hard fans will try to create some law about having to be interested in every little piece in order to call yourself a fan, or if you don't want the game then you're boycotting it and the series as a whole. Same goes for the other side, where detractors succinctly claim that if you like DmC you're a corporate shill or blind sheep that loves anything with a specific title regardless of its quality. It's annoying to think that the loud minorities on either side somehow get to make all those statements while the rest of the higher-minded folk, with our logical thoughts and feelings, are drowned out by "You just don't like the hair" and "You have no taste."

Dante Redgrave was right when he said there's two sides to every coin, but there's also an edge, and that's where the extremists lie - their behavior makes their position nearly indiscernible, and they're all just spouting vitriolic bullshit one way or another. Luckily, no one ever expects the edge in a choice between Heads or Tails, as its totally uncommon to the point that it takes a certain amount of dedication to land on the edge.
I get where you are coming from man but I don't think it's worth your time to explain yourself here. If you don't like it then you don't like it it's cool. You don't have to justify it especially to people bitching at you over something so pointless.
So what's up with hating people for not buying this? .-.

If that were true & things were as black & white as that I would be the most hated guy here as ive not bought ANY of them. :|


We might have a Devil May Cry banner at the top of the forum, have a Devil May Cry domain & concentrate on the series. However we are a gaming forum, designed for gamers & for the discussion of games not JUST the Devil May Cry series. So there should be no hate between people for their opinions & preferences as the bottom line is we are all here for the same base reason, gaming.
I don't know about the rest of the people here but some of you must have exciting lives to get verbally attacked over buying a video game at Gamestop. And I have half a reason to think some people here may be making up these stories (or over exaggerating them). Even worse is this whole martyrdom syndrome over a VIDEO GAME. Yah we get it some people are vocal on both sides of the table but do you really need to chronicle every strike against you for hating/loving/not buying this game?
Repeating a lie over and over again doesn't magically turns it into truth, bro.

I really believe most people have legit reasons for not liking the game but that doesn't make it a lie. When I was being harassed at gamestop (the guys were asked to leave) they literally said that dmc Dante looked like and emo fag (who the hell says things like that anymore?) and that I was an idiot for buying the game. You might have legit reasons for not liking the game but not everyone does.
Seems there are some people more obsessed with other people's feelings about Dante and the game than they are about the game itself. That's probably unhealthy.
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I really believe most people have legit reasons for not liking the game but that doesn't make it a lie. When I was being harassed at gamestop (the guys were asked to leave) they literally said that dmc Dante looked like and emo fag (who the hell says things like that anymore?) and that I was an idiot for buying the game. You might have legit reasons for not liking the game but not everyone does.

Sorry to hear about harassment, that's some prime social retardation right there.

If most people have legit reasons for not liking DmC, how is his claim that such people are actually a minority not a lie? It's no better than constantly bringing up that joke petition that was signed by a huge angry crowd of around 8 people.
Seems there are some people more obsessed with other people's feelings about Dante and the game than they are about the game itself. That's probably unhealthy.
Was that directed at me? I don't know, I just think fag is a pretty nasty thing to say about anyone or anything.

I really hate that slur and I don't find that to be a legit reason... sorry :/
Sorry to hear about harassment, that's some prime social retardation right there.

If most people have legit reasons for not liking DmC, how is his claim that such people are actually a minority not a lie? It's no better than constantly bringing up that joke petition that was signed by a huge angry crowd of around 8 people.

eh I didn't even see minority. I missed that part. That's my bad.
Was that directed at me? I don't know, I just think fag is a pretty nasty thing to say about anyone or anything.

I really hate that slur and I don't find that to be a legit reason... sorry :/
I think it was directed at the valiant white knights that lose their **** every time someone says a bad word about DmC.
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Was that directed at me? I don't know, I just think fag is a pretty nasty thing to say about anyone or anything.

I really hate that slur and I don't find that to be a legit reason... sorry :/

Hating on something over the internet has been the thing to do since... well, forever. So it came as no surprise that the new DmC would gain alot of hate from people all over the world, wether they had legit reasons or just jumped on the bandwagon. Either way, who cares? Everyone has an opinion about everything, but in the end it is your own opinion that matters. If you don't like the game for one reason or another, then that is your opinion and respect to that. But there are many people who go out of their way to tell others how much they hate it to the point where it just gets embarassing for themselves. No respect to those people.

It can be turned around too and be said that there are people who go out of their way to defend the game, because they like it and can't take it when someone says something negative about it. That's embarassing too, especially for other supporters (like me).
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I think it was directed at the valiant white knights that lose their **** every time someone says a bad word about DmC.

I have an older brother who's made fun of me about everything for years!!! He's given me some pretty thick skin. I would probably be wasting my life away if I worried about what people actually thought of the things I like lol. I think it's healthy and funny when people poke fun at each other as long as it doesn't turn into a heated battle.
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