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why are people assholes?


"Ancient mystical history of old DMC.org: The rise of the troll", a book coming to stores soon :D

Nah dude, not even, he ought to be ashamed of carrying that title.

I may have been a member here but i most likely wasn't as active here as i am not.
I do remember reading some old old posts in a thread longtime locked where some idiotic member was harassing Angel & saying she has a superiority complex, accusing her of being on a power trip.
lol I'm like thinking UHM SHE's THE SMURFIN ADIM! She has the power of Zeus & can bend your account with a thought, she's being very tolerant towards you lol.
And what i read the idiot had a few accounts closed & keep coming back to harass the admin.
That's a combined obnoxious jerk & trol.......a stupid obnoxious troll.

Well what would expect when you go from some anime pretty boy badass to some obnoxious dude looking like his on crack.

That was a fake troll. I don't want to put down any names (I'm guessing the majority of long-time members will have a fair idea who they are) but the member you mentioned was a wanna-be troll compared to the real deal. Kinda shocking as I didn't expect it to come from them, having been members of the forum for a long time. I used to think the longer you've been part of the forum, the more mature you'd get, but apparently some people just become more juvenile instead :/

''Maybe if almost every DMC fans' first reaction wasn't on the looks *cough*and the hair*cough* in the first place''
See, that's the kind of stuff I can get ****ed off about, because it's been explained many times over that it's not about his hair or the rest of his looks.

I'd like to point out that my first reaction to his appearance was somewhat neutral considering the first glimpse we got of him was before NT even put down the final version of him. I was going about the forum beating my drum about how much I looooooooove Dante and listing the endless facts that NT did say he was going to resemble old Dante more, etc etc.
While my friends were bombarding me with "have you seen the trailer? Did you see the new Dante? Have YOU SEEN WHAT THEY'VE DONE!?!" like it was an absolute catastrophe, I was clicking the replay button over and over and over and over and fangirling my head off because DANTE WAS IN CHAINS.....oooh yeh babeh. I didn't tell them they were wrong for hating it right off the bat, people are allowed their opinions. For me, I wanted to have the final product in hand and get that experience personally before I bothered to say yay or nay to the game.

So here's the thing. I love Dante, love the personality and funny wit that's actually funny and not just lame and cheesy. NT did a good job with his character. But I can honestly now say that I absolutely hate Dante's looks. I mean, if I recall correctly, I'm pretty sure I said I'd be good with the design change IF they make him like super hot.
Yeah. :ermm:
<---- that thing over there ain't hot. I still don't know what he's trying to do with his face. Sadly he looks even worse with the white hair which is weird because that dude over there ---->
is his replica, yet he somehow pulls off being light haired better than Dante does.
It's effin blasphemy.
In the words of Agnus: HOW CAN THIS BE?!?!

So, in short, I much more prefer Dante's appearance from DMC, but I get such a kick out of DmC Dante's personality. Both have their pros and cons, and we can only hope that NT and Capcom take the pros of both and work with it to give us something better next time. In which case, I salute whoever buys it because I'm not buying. I'll settle with watching the cutscenes on YT.

I haven't said this before but it's on my mind all the time.
I'm disgusted by what they've done to Vergil.
No, I'm absolutely mortified.
Vergil's appearance:
1 / 0
Vergil's character
-1xbillion / infinity+


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
See the thing is everyone got so consumed with their own opinions during the entire Reboot vs original squabble that a large majority became so obnoxious that anyone trying to explain why this why that that any explanation got ignored & lost in the shuffle.

Even though The Reboot sold poorly it succeeded in making alot of gamers obnoxious jerks across the web.
It succeeded so well in doing that that many gamers today still get offended when it's criticised.

The Reboot being a good or a bad game doesn't matter because it made many an embarrassment to gaming.
Not because they wouldn't buy it cause it had the DevilMayCry name & many felt they should've just for that reason.......certain gaming journalists.
And not because they did buy it.
Just simply because they were all obnoxious jerks who couldn't discuss it reasonably.

Yes, exactly. I am a DMC fan in the middle ground, or rather a sacred sanctuary where a handful of fans can enjoy both DMC and DmC simultaneously. But I'm not alone in this... There are others like me. It may be hard to walk the middle ground, but this is the path I have forged. And I am walking this path alone; I don't mind anyone walking this road with me... I see both strength and weakness in every DMC game (even the mangas, the novels, and the anime), thus in the different 'Dante's too.

But that is also where I am getting at, VW. I like to discuss both DMC and DmC with a level head and discuss their pros and cons; I really do. But with this kind of misbehavior and with those asshats unable to discuss them reasonably, these.became reasons for me to turn away from this franchise... That is also why I play a different yet better HnS game than the DMC series, and that is the Ninja Gaiden series.

As for sales, what made me not care for game sales is the overratedness of an FPS that is called Call of Duty... I find the Black Ops series better than the Modern Warfare series, though, because it is connected to the classic CoD (WW2 era), hence why the old veteran Viktor Reznov appeared in some of Alex Mason's glimpses of him after their first and final encounter in a certain campaign of BO1.


Supporter 2014
This happened before. Weren't you here? Epic troll was epic troll, so trolling that he trolled the mods and still got away with trolling until we the victims petitioned his trolling existence and Angelo Credo gave him the boot. We didn't have the ignore function back then. Well, I mean, we didn't have the ignore button at our disposal, and he was hardly someone you could ignore considering he was constantly all up in somebody's face.
*is why Angelo Credo is my fave mod ;)
Oooh that could be so many people. *thinks about who it is* :shifty: I've narrowed it down to two.

Mind sending me a PM saying who it is? I'm curious. :shifty:
Send me a PM too, please.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
When people do that then the obnoxious jerks win.
And obnoxious jerks don't deserve to win, they deserve to fade into oblivion.
If you truly like something then no review, no loud mouth critics, no gaming journalists, & no obnoxious jerks should stop you from enjoying it.
If anyone can't discuss something reasonably then say the hell with them & move on.

Don't time & effort on them, you have better things to do.
You're right. I do enjoy this franchise as a whole; I do have a neutral yet fair view of it though. I never gave a damn about others' reviews on DmC anyway. I never gave a damn about the gaming journalists, the loud mouth critics, and obnoxious jerks as well, even the infamous PR made by Capcom's own Alex Jones and NT's own Tameem Antonaides (I never cared for game companies anyway). I read them and their views, but I decided to ignore them and I let myself decide if it's good or not. That is how a good and fair review of a game is made. As a saying goes: "Don't knock it 'til you tried it!"

Thank you for giving me a good reason to stay here for the franchise. I'll go play DMC3 in the HD Collection with Dante using his DMC1 attire (refer to what I've said in the thread about which Dante is 'real'); I have yet to finish DMD mode and unlock Heaven & Hell mode! :D


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
I like counter-trolling sometimes. Like when I come across a militant feminist or some crazy religious nutter. I know I shouldn't wind them up but hey, I'm immature and I know it. Plus some people are just so deluded it wouldn't matter what you said, they would still believe themselves to be right.

It's a bit like poking an animal with a stick from a safe distance - you get all the fun of riling them up without any real risk to yourself.

I did counter-trolling once, and I'd say my troll friend got a taste of his own medicine.

However, keep that up, and you end up being a troll yourself... >.<


Smile it confuses people
See the thing is everyone got so consumed with their own opinions during the entire Reboot vs original squabble that a large majority became so obnoxious that anyone trying to explain why this why that that any explanation got ignored & lost in the shuffle.
Even though The Reboot sold poorly it succeeded in making alot of gamers obnoxious jerks across the web.
It succeeded so well in doing that that many gamers today still get offended when it's criticised.
The Reboot being a good or a bad game doesn't matter because it made many an embarrassment to gaming.
Not because they wouldn't buy it cause it had the DevilMayCry name & many felt they should've just for that reason.......certain gaming journalists.
And not because they did buy it.
Just simply because they were all obnoxious jerks who couldn't discuss it reasonably.
We all tried to be dicks and pussies, that we all became a couple of assholes in the process.

That should be the slogan to this fandom :lol: and any others out there in the same state at that.

When people do that then the obnoxious jerks win.
And obnoxious jerks don't deserve to win, they deserve to fade into oblivion.
If you truly like something then no review, no loud mouth critics, no gaming journalists, & no obnoxious jerks should stop you from enjoying it.
If anyone can't discuss something reasonably then say the hell with them & move on.
Don't time & effort on them, you have better things to do.
Ditto ditto!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
After that embarrassment & all those who participated in not seeing beyond hair color can never talk about how obnoxious jerks C.O.D fanboys/fangirls are because many DevilMayCry were just as bad.
Any who say it DevilMayCry gamers weren't that bad can take into account that this is DevilMayCry forum based on DevilMayCry itself & many DevilMayCry gamers didn't want to touch those DevilMayCry reboot threads.
Many gamers got so sick of the obnoxious jerks in that section here that they avoided it altogether.
Did anyone think that was all the DevilMayCry gamers here that participated ?
Many just avoided it.
That's shameful.

That's how it got for me. TBH, It wasn't worth the time posting in the DmC section of the forum just for someone to go 'ape-sh*t' over your opinion... (whether you wer 'for' or 'against' the reboot.)

Mind you, a certain percent of those fans weren't as bad as those 'fans' who sent death-threats to Tameem and NT.

I haven't said this before but it's on my mind all the time.
I'm disgusted by what they've done to Vergil.
No, I'm absolutely mortified.
Vergil's appearance:
1 / 0
Vergil's character
-1xbillion / infinity+

Thing is, I've now got a custom Vergil model (and he's still based on the new Vergil, with a dab of old Vergil), so you probably still won't 'be keen' on him :p
Both Nero and DmC Dante are hated anyway, yet there are people who like them. They are similar in some aspects though...

I hardly doubt on DmC replacing DMC; that is rather a hasty conclusion. Prince of Persia went to a reboot then went back to Sands of Time era. Sands of Time may be a reboot to the classic PoP, but it was a great PoP action/platformer. Take that game franchise as an example.

Wanna know something? DMC3 and DMC4 are also hated by DMC1 purists. They went as far as sending Reuben Langdon tons of hate mail. Even up 'til now, they do that.

In actuality, like me, there are those who like both DMC AND DmC all at the same time. Loopy here is another.

But you know what I think of this? All these are nothing but questioning those who are different. It's like being different is questionable and being the same as the others is the only thing that makes you awesome... Therefore, it's like individuality is a questionable thing.

I know it was too early to reboot (agreeing with Jak), but DMC4 is the reason why that happened. There are others that got enraged on both Nero and even DMC4 Dante. Had it not been rushed (i.e. Had Capcom gave the DMC dev team more time), we wouldn't have got DmC in existence...

Plentiful of reasons why I want to turn away from Devil May Cry! Because of this, every time I look at my game shelf which has DMC HD Collection, DMC4, and DmC, I got so afraid of playing them again despite me remaining a DMC fan. I never even bothered to touch any of them. That's why I got another awesome HackNSlash game, which is the Ninja Gaiden games (I bought and played Ninja Gaiden Sigma and NGS2; on to Hard/Mentor mode!) and I am planning to get Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge soon.

I said that DMC3 is my fav (which is true), but there was this YT asshat who never read that part and automatically considered me "dickriding Capcom". But in actuality, I never cared for Capcom... I hardly do. Hell, I don't care about gaming companies in general...

Oh,your arguments are good.
I also thought Nero and NTDante are similar in some aspects,especially in how they react,what makes them different is the universes they're in.But some are being ridiculous as to say that one looks like a Final Fantasy character,and the other one as a drug addict which is stupid.
How about you stop making people guilty for liking the characters they like.

I understand one's hate for the games but to go as far as to send the voice actor..mail hate? I mean,he's just a voice actor,he's doing his job,he was told how to make Dante sound like and he did it because that's his job and he enjoys it.
Well,it shouldn't have been any mail hate at all.

Me too. To be honest the first time I saw that trailer I was disappointed and angry and I swore to not pay any attention to it but with time I actually started to like it ( I'm still one of those persons who take it as a different game,because as whole it is somehow) Sometimes I go a little to far when defending some things.

I agree, I was waiting for another DMC to make things right once again and then a reboot.I was like: wait,is DMC over or..?
I'm still clueless as why it happened precisely and why so soon and if it means an end to the DMC franchise..but I hope none of these things prove right.
I still want more games,but I'd like for both.

I still got hope,and I don't care about haters anymore,as long as they have nothing constructive to say besides shallow insults and or 'arguments' as they reffer to. Not that I'd be so silly as to be influenced by their pitiful opinions and stop liking something I liked from the beginning.
Besides,as long as nice and smart people exist in a fandom there is still hope because such people keep the balance and calm atmosphere when things go wrong.

I also don't care about gaming companies,especially if they treat their gamers and/or their games like sh*t,I only thank them if they make a good game for me to play and are serious about what they do,by seriousity I mean if they treat their fans alright,if they're thankful for the people who bought their products and make more good stuff.That's what I call a good gaming company.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Oh,your arguments are good.
I also thought Nero and NTDante are similar in some aspects,especially in how they react,what makes them different is the universes they're in.But some are being ridiculous as to say that one looks like a Final Fantasy character,and the other one as a drug addict which is stupid.
How about you stop making people guilty for liking the characters they like.

I understand one's hate for the games but to go as far as to send the voice actor..mail hate? I mean,he's just a voice actor,he's doing his job,he was told how to make Dante sound like and he did it because that's his job and he enjoys it.
Well,it shouldn't have been any mail hate at all.

Me too. To be honest the first time I saw that trailer I was disappointed and angry and I swore to not pay any attention to it but with time I actually started to like it ( I'm still one of those persons who take it as a different game,because as whole it is somehow) Sometimes I go a little to far when defending some things.

I agree, I was waiting for another DMC to make things right once again and then a reboot.I was like: wait,is DMC over or..?
I'm still clueless as why it happened precisely and why so soon and if it means an end to the DMC franchise..but I hope none of these things prove right.
I still want more games,but I'd like for both.

I still got hope,and I don't care about haters anymore,as long as they have nothing constructive to say besides shallow insults and or 'arguments' as they reffer to. Not that I'd be so silly as to be influenced by their pitiful opinions and stop liking something I liked from the beginning.
Besides,as long as nice and smart people exist in a fandom there is still hope because such people keep the balance and calm atmosphere when things go wrong.

I also don't care about gaming companies,especially if they treat their gamers and/or their games like sh*t,I only thank them if they make a good game for me to play and are serious about what they do,by seriousity I mean if they treat their fans alright,if they're thankful for the people who bought their products and make more good stuff.That's what I call a good gaming company.

I think the people are getting way too obsessed over a video game character; but I can see passion in that if used the right way. I never meant to make anybody feel guilty or anything...

Those people must be used to Drew Coombs too much. I don't think Reuben deserved that much hatred; poor guy. I like the guy, I really do (in fact he's my most fav VA of all time, and he's also a stuntman). If he can do the voice of DMC1 Dante, then I'm ready for a PS4 DMC remastery collection. Maybe they could stop hating the guy?

The reason why I like both DMC and DmC is because I have felt the franchise as a whole had its fair share of pros and cons in every form of media it offered (most especially the games). I felt pros and cons in every game, thus I felt pros and cons in every 'Dante'... I may be a little defensive too whenever someone bashes my fav things, DMC and DmC included.

Jak was right. It was too early to reboot. DMC4's rushed and lazy outcome made people want to reboot it though. I was rather reluctant towards rebooting DMC at first. But then, as many gameplay features came in as well as defenses for it, I'd go with DmC coming. When DmC came out (this was my birthday gift as its release date was six days before my bday), I enjoyed playing it, but I wished it was made a whole lot better, like with DMC4 (I did enjoy its combat though).

After watching the trailer, someone in defense of NT Dante posted Hideki Kamiya's tweets, especially regarding 'Dante has changed'. I remember the parts that Kamiya said that, in his point of view, Dante has changed ever since DMC2 and that he was always different from the one he made. He is now interpreted differently; this includes the reboot Dante as well...

Yeah. It's about time I don't give two cents towards haters. But I understand fans' sentiments; I really do. I just wished they were more respectful towards others who are different... We need more fair, open-minded, understanding, unbiased, and balanced people to say their fair share of the pros and cons of things they like and otherwise; this includes DMC and DmC altogether. That's why I'm here in DMC.org, to share a fair discussion of this franchise as a whole in their pros and cons without bias...

The only time we have to care for game companies is to be thankful to them for making a great game. We shouldn't defend or attack them blindly... This is why I don't care about them anyway... If they make something great, then I would give a damn about them, but only on those times!


Keyser Söze
I think the people are getting way too obsessed over a video game character
XD(yes its a real movie)
Those people must be used to Drew Coombs too much. I don't think Reuben deserved that much hatred; poor guy
Why do people hate ruben ? he did an great job as DMC1 dante in the anime >
i really like his mix of DMC2's silent unenthusiastic dante and DMC 1's badass mofo voice..
His V.A in DMC4 wasn't his fault it was the stupid writers not ruben.
Jak was right. It was too early to reboot
LOL its cr@apcom we're talking about >_> they never take sensible decisions.
We need more fair, open-minded, understanding, unbiased, and balanced people to say their fair share of the pros and cons of things they like and otherwise; this includes DMC and DmC altogether
IMO all i hear from fanboys like that is this >


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
XD(yes its a real movie)Why do people hate ruben ? he did an great job as DMC1 dante in the anime >
i really like his mix of DMC2's silent unenthusiastic dante and DMC 1's badass mofo voice..
His V.A in DMC4 wasn't his fault it was the stupid writers not ruben.LOL its cr@apcom we're talking about >_> they never take sensible decisions.IMO all i hear from fanboys like that is this >
Not completely DMC1 in the anime. He wields DMC3 Rebellion instead of Alastor. To them, he was different. They only liked Dante to wield only Alastor and Ifrit...

I don't really care about Crampcom at the moment...

Precisely. Fanboys can't handle change. Change is a part of life. Nothing lasts forever, not even human beings...


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Well he's a devilhunter/mercenary so keeps changing weapons as long as he's in character it shouldn't matter.

The way DMC Anime Dante acted was more like DMC2, but is rather uncaring as he only takes jobs he's interested in. He was a little less motivated...


Keyser Söze
The way DMC Anime Dante acted was more like DMC2, but is rather uncaring as he only takes jobs he's interested in. He was a little less motivated...
Yes he was a mix of everything.. he was wearing DMC1 outfit,had DMC3 rebellion,DMC2's serious personality mixed with DMC1's dante's laid back cool dude attitude.

I am still confused as to why they decided to dress Dante like a faker in DMC 4 and make him talk like DMC3's dante.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Yes he was a mix of everything.. he was wearing DMC1 outfit,had DMC3 rebellion,DMC2's serious personality mixed with DMC1's dante's laid back cool dude attitude.

I am still confused as to why they decided to dress Dante like a faker in DMC 4 and make him talk like DMC3's dante.
And I chose DMC1 Dante over the rest of the 'Dante's that came after him. We also found out in the anime about his constant debt, especially to Lady. Believe me, I had enough with debt. All I can say to Dante is "Why the #^%$ won't you pay your own &%^@!$' debt?!"

That is a rather curious confusion. Dante's changes were consistent from DMC3 to DMC1 to the anime. But when DMC4 came out, Dante dressed like a cowboy and acted like he did in DMC3 in its early part. That made his change inconsistent... I think it's Patty that made him act like that... >.<

On topic:
I had enough with assholes, especially those labeling people...


Keyser Söze
Dante is "Why the #^%$ won't you pay your own &%^@!$' debt?!"
lol because he's a lazy person with no real job and i don't think self-appointed mercenaries do that well >_>
That is a rather curious confusion.
It was because fans loved DMC3 dante so much... and some retard in the capcom studio said that it would be a good idea to make him act out of character by making act like a child.
On topic:
I had enough with assholes, especially those labeling people...
Yeah i know them who just call you a troll because you have a different opinion then theirs and they have no brains for giving a rational response.


Single life for life
After that embarrassment & all those who participated in not seeing beyond hair color can never talk about how obnoxious jerks C.O.D fanboys/fangirls are because many DevilMayCry were just as bad.

All of this.

It makes me laugh when people point fingers at the CoD fanbase (Or any popular game fanbase really) for having the 'worst fanbase ever' when really it's just the fact a higher populated game is going to have a larger number of vocal idiots to drown out the sensible ones, just like it would with every other fanbase as they gradually gain more attention.
In my eyes all fanbases are pretty much the same in that respect. There is no 'superior fanbase', only fanbases that are on a different level of the popularity scale than others. Sometimes there will be a safe haven for more sensible fans, but that doesn't mean the fanbase is better than others.

That's just my 2 cents anyway.
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