I remember something like that too,a forum full of hardcore Sports game fans.. -_- yeah it exists and was a mistake of mine to join it.The administrator replied with This is a discussion thread about DeadRising, not a bitch fest.
So that's another show of being an obnoxious jerk.
The conversation went something like this :-
Me: well its only 2 months for the game's release and still haven't released a gameplay video ?? it looks like people here are hyping the game way too much.
Random: Well calm down impatient little kid,why don't you buzz off ?
Me: What ? i didn't say anything (and the after a bunch of fanboy asskissing quotes which i ignored like plague a mod steps in)
Mod:When someone is someone is so moronic i enjoy it.
Me: So only being a blissful blind fanboy is what accepted here ? i love the unwarranted hostility here
Mod: Your opinion is so moronic and stupid that you deserve the hate
I quite the forums fu*k the game when the community representative is such a D-bag i don't care about the game anymore Fu*k sports games.