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why are people assholes?


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
It's understandable but you don't have to worry much about being a Troll victim. This forum is filled with decent respectful people, from mods/administrators to members.

But see that's the thing there's a difference between Trolls & obnoxious jerks.
Trolls contribute nothing but trouble with intentions to spark conflict & random BS.
Obnoxious jerks actually contribute to the forum by replying to topics or creating threads but is known to attack & insult the intelligence of others with opinions that differ from their own. And strongly believing their opinion is right/fact & everyone else's is wrong.

Only immature 13yr olds would enjoy that.
This is nothing but some frat boys dream.
People who play that aren't worth my time.

They aren't Trolls, they're just obnoxious jerks.
You can only ignore or prove their opinions wrong.

Some of my friends in Facebook trolled me whenever I make a topic in my interests 3 years ago. Then, they said some off-topic things. Also, they tend to tag me in things I do not like (ex. tagging me in a video share post of that arrogant douchebag swagger homosexual Justin Bieber in his MV of his first song 'Baby' and said that I have to admit I like him; how can I do that when I don't? I think they're just forcing me to like him). I was rather hurt and was enraged by their words and fell right into their trap, giving in to my own rage; the more I get mad, the more they troll me. I decided to add them in my block list, but since they are my real-life friends, I decided to re-add them, thus forgiving them provided they would never troll me again. I made a rant about it in one of my FB notes and said, at the end of it, 'Troll me again, and I will put the mighty block hammer on you!' :mad:

But there was a time I gave one of them a taste of their own medicine. I finally got my revenge! :devil:
However, I don't want to end up a troll. I have retained my good heart.

That is why I am a troll victim... I made myself a vow towards myself that I would never be victimized by trolls ever again. Don't get on to my bad side... EVER!

As for the obnoxious jerks, they're no trolls, alright. Yes, they strongly believe they are right all the time and everyone else is wrong. Isn't that some sort of superiority complex? Good thing I am not that kind of person. I'm too good-hearted to think my opinion is the only thing that is right and others' are wrong as I am open to others' opinions. If I see something I don't like, I don't do rants, unless I get really riled up. Obnoxious jerks make me turn away from my favorites, the first strike of it already happened to me here.
Another example of such is one drowning in negligence... I rather left the guy to drown in his own tears rather than letting him listen to reason... It already happened to me...

As I said before, as much as I hated people who follow others' opinions blindly, I hated people who get all caught up in their own self-beliefs!

An opinion is never right or wrong; it's just an opinion. It's up to me whether I can say to myself it doesn't matter to me or disprove/counter it provided I have the right evidence to back my counterarguments up...


Enma Katana no Kami
Then why don't they just leave us the hell alone? :/

because avoidance isn't enough to get rid of that uncomfortable feeling a lot of people get when they notice someone different from them. i have never had that feeling so i can't really describe the thought process behind it but i have seen enough to know that a lot of people feel the need to consider people different from them as enemies. its not specific to any group, most people will respond that way to any group if they don't understand them enough to consider the difference unimportant.


As for the obnoxious jerks, they're no trolls, alright. Yes, they strongly believe they are right all the time and everyone else is wrong. Isn't that some sort of superiority complex? Good thing I am not that kind of person. I'm too good-hearted to think my opinion is the only thing that is right and others' are wrong as I am open to others' opinions.

I like you. Will you be my fwend? :cool:

I thought I'd branch out on this topic a little bit instead of making a new thread.
Why do people LIKE assholes?
I mean I personally haven't come across one online that didn't have their own little fanbase. They're like the flock of sheep who follow and copy everything Mr. Arse does. Why is that? Are these people just suck ups? Are they trying to protect themselves by being on the wrong team? What is so admirable about being an a-hole? This is what I don't understand.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
I like you. Will you be my fwend? :cool:

I thought I'd branch out on this topic a little bit instead of making a new thread.
Why do people LIKE assholes?
I mean I personally haven't come across one online that didn't have their own little fanbase. They're like the flock of sheep who follow and copy everything Mr. Arse does. Why is that? Are these people just suck ups? Are they trying to protect themselves by being on the wrong team? What is so admirable about being an a-hole? This is what I don't understand.
Sure, I'll go follow you right away. :D

That is what I'm trying to get at here. I too cannot comprehend why such people are admirable! It makes little sense... :\


Because they're gutless cowards blindly following the alpha fool they see as cool because they all share the same beliefs that everyone is wrong & they're always right.
So he/she will belong to a group of obnoxious jerks & that's worse because even when you have valid points or actual facts, the group of obnoxious jerks drowns it out with stupidity.
Then it's just time to call it quits. Prove your maturity walk away & not think twice about them.

Or get a super-awesome mod to slam the ban-hammer on their arse ^_^


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
For something like that i don't you can ban unless the individuals is obnoxious daily & contributes nothing but grief.
Even though they are being obnoxious jerks i don't think they are breaking the rules till they reach that point.
They aren't flaming or Trolling, & it's still just opinion they are just are immature when it comes to debating or discussing topics & that generally leads to heated arguments, name calling, disrespect, warnings, threads getting locked as well as members putting those individuals on the ignore list.

I think when the obnoxious jerks are too stupid, immature, stubborn, & beyond reason to learn to respect others on forums & repeatedly insult, cause heated arguments by forcing their opinions in belief it's fact with no proof, then i think it's time to cut them loose & ban them.

That is a rather sad thing. Once you drown in your own self-opinions, one takes them as truth and others' as lies... Isn't this being shallow-minded as well?


Is not rat, is hamster
I like counter-trolling sometimes. Like when I come across a militant feminist or some crazy religious nutter. I know I shouldn't wind them up but hey, I'm immature and I know it. Plus some people are just so deluded it wouldn't matter what you said, they would still believe themselves to be right.

It's a bit like poking an animal with a stick from a safe distance - you get all the fun of riling them up without any real risk to yourself.


Well-known Member
I like counter-trolling sometimes. Like when I come across a militant feminist or some crazy religious nutter. I know I shouldn't wind them up but hey, I'm immature and I know it. Plus some people are just so deluded it wouldn't matter what you said, they would still believe themselves to be right.

It's a bit like poking an animal with a stick from a safe distance - you get all the fun of riling them up without any real risk to yourself.
Yes, trolling trolls can be very entertaining. :shifty:

Although, I don't troll militant feminists because the times I dared to go against the popular opinion an entire army of militant feminists came crashing down on my head. And then later when I said I didn't feel comfortable sharing my opinion, they couldn't understand why and told me there was no reason to feel that way. Annnnd the cycle continues.

Moral of the story: don't talk to militant feminists. Don't troll. Don't discuss. Don't talk to them. Don't even look at them.





For something like that i don't you can ban unless the individuals is obnoxious daily & contributes nothing but grief.
Even though they are being obnoxious jerks i don't think they are breaking the rules till they reach that point.
They aren't flaming or Trolling, & it's still just opinion they are just are immature when it comes to debating or discussing topics & that generally leads to heated arguments, name calling, disrespect, warnings, threads getting locked as well as members putting those individuals on the ignore list.

I think when the obnoxious jerks are too stupid, immature, stubborn, & beyond reason to learn to respect others on forums & repeatedly insult, cause heated arguments by forcing their opinions in belief it's fact with no proof, then i think it's time to cut them loose & ban them.

This happened before. Weren't you here? Epic troll was epic troll, so trolling that he trolled the mods and still got away with trolling until we the victims petitioned his trolling existence and Angelo Credo gave him the boot. We didn't have the ignore function back then. Well, I mean, we didn't have the ignore button at our disposal, and he was hardly someone you could ignore considering he was constantly all up in somebody's face.
*is why Angelo Credo is my fave mod ;)


Single life for life
This happened before. Weren't you here? Epic troll was epic troll, so trolling that he trolled the mods and still got away with trolling until we the victims petitioned his trolling existence and Angelo Credo gave him the boot. We didn't have the ignore function back then. Well, I mean, we didn't have the ignore button at our disposal, and he was hardly someone you could ignore considering he was constantly all up in somebody's face.
*is why Angelo Credo is my fave mod ;)

"Ancient mystical history of old DMC.org: The rise of the troll", a book coming to stores soon :D


Well-known Member
This happened before. Weren't you here? Epic troll was epic troll, so trolling that he trolled the mods and still got away with trolling until we the victims petitioned his trolling existence and Angelo Credo gave him the boot. We didn't have the ignore function back then. Well, I mean, we didn't have the ignore button at our disposal, and he was hardly someone you could ignore considering he was constantly all up in somebody's face.
*is why Angelo Credo is my fave mod ;)
Oooh that could be so many people. *thinks about who it is* :shifty: I've narrowed it down to two.

Mind sending me a PM saying who it is? I'm curious. :shifty:


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Yes as far as i've seen narrow-minded people won't see any other points of view but their own.

Like some NOT ALL people who enjoyed ManOfSteel or Avengers, Batman the dark knight & so-on.
Now there are people who believe those movies were the holy grail of movies & the directors can do absolutely no wrong & those that disagree are nothing more than whiners & nobody cares about they're explanation as to why.

Like people who disliked the DevilMayCry reboot were all label off by obnoxious jerks as immature gamers who had a problem with hair color.
As many times as it was explained all the obnoxious jerks hear was hair color.
Pure narrow-mindness.
Maybe if almost every DMC fans' first reaction wasn't on the looks *cough*and the hair*cough* in the first place, then that kind of shallow-mindedness wouldn't have happened...

Also, there are people who label others on whoever gets the DMC reboot is considered a 'non-DMC fan' automatically; I got labeled by such over YouTube. Then there's this DeviantArt user who tends to call those who like it as 'sheep' without providing other reasons to back it up in the comment section of every art WITH NT/DmC Dante in it, especially supporting it. I think he might be a trolling fanboy as what another DA user said to him. So, instead of taking a fight with him, I decided to add him in my block list.

I guess I can say it's the same on either side of this fanbase. So on the safe side, I made my own personal DMC faves in which I'm glad I'm on the middle ground even if it's hard, for there will always be a light at the end of the dark tunnel and I am very individualistic.

Now that I've mentioned YT here, I hear lots of comments there these days suck. Maybe if everyone listened to the message conveyed in this video, none of this crap would've been averted:

Now, you don't see me go hating on things I don't like... I am not the type to do so...

This goes for this fanbase as well...


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Also, there are people who label others on whoever gets the DMC reboot is considered a 'non-DMC fan' automatically; I got labeled by such over YouTube. Then there's this DeviantArt user who tends to call those who like it as 'sheep' without providing other reasons to back it up in the comment section of every art WITH NT/DmC Dante in it, especially supporting it. I think he might be a trolling fanboy as what another DA user said to him. So, instead of taking a fight with him, I decided to add him in my block list.

It happens on the DmC Facebook page too...

There's a DA user who said if someone says they like the new DmC anywhere on his page, they'll be put on his ignore list...
What also bugs me about DA is there is a 'troll' on there, except the Admins won't ban him.

Reminds me of this stamp:


Solid Ocelot
Oh, God. Here comes the DMC vs DmC stuff again.

People can be assholes, but sometimes, I can really understand that. Other times, I can't. Like when I post a thread talking about Nero's origins, and some random guy comes along and goes: ''You're a moron. Nobody knows where Nero came from, and your speculation isn't helping anyone. This is pure worthless fanfic'' and bla bla bla. That was the whole point of the thread; to come up with explanations where Nero came from. To find the most feasible one. But hey, I guess not everyone's smart enough to understand that.

''Maybe if almost every DMC fans' first reaction wasn't on the looks *cough*and the hair*cough* in the first place''
See, that's the kind of stuff I can get ****ed off about, because it's been explained many times over that it's not about his hair or the rest of his looks. It's been proved that many DMC fans actually like what new Dante looks like, so that entire line is pure nonsense, and being a user of this forum, you should know that by now. All kinds of DMC and DmC fans come together here. I'd say that line is just another way to try to deprecate those who don't like DmC. I don't think I've heard anyone complain about new Dante's looks, aside from the most outspoken Youtube users.
And like you said, it's okay to dislike things. I would add that it's also okay to share your views on why that is. Whether you're considered a dick about it, well, it's usually the people who defend DmC at all costs who get to decide that person is a dick. I'll admit, though, that a lot of people can be assholes about it.

''Also, there are people who label others on whoever gets the DMC reboot is considered a 'non-DMC fan' automatically.'

True, that's bullshit, and I think the one who wrote that knows that very well. Although, I can understand his position, since if you like DmC and support that series by buying it, the original DMC series will cease to exist. Sure, DMC1 to DMC4 still exist, but I mean that there would be no chance for DMC5 to be produced. To be honest, I think DmC should never have been made. You either stick to a series or you let it die - you don't resurrect it and turn it into a mediocre, 'DJ Slobber techno remix' version of itself. At least, not after the series has already gotten four installments, which spawned a whole DMC fanbase. Once that fanbase is there, you can't go: ''Tough luck, DMC is dead, but we've got a really nice other version nobody asked for''. It's just asshat behavior, and I don't think they even asked the fans what they wanted DmC to be like. If they wanted to create a totally different kind of Devil May Cry, they should have at least acknowledged it's a spin-off.

Sometimes people like to call all criticism toward DmC 'hating on it'. It often gets used as a kind of response like ''I can't debunk your criticism, so I'll try to deprecate your views by throwing a tantrum, to get all eyes on me and off of you''. People stand behind that sort of behavior, sadly. They flock to it. Other times it really is hate without any reasonable explanation for it. In that case, I'd block that person, but not before reporting them to make sure they lose all power.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Oh, God. Here comes the DMC vs DmC stuff again.

People can be assholes, but sometimes, I can really understand that. Other times, I can't. Like when I post a thread talking about Nero's origins, and some random guy comes along and goes: ''You're a moron. Nobody knows where Nero came from, and your speculation isn't helping anyone. This is pure worthless fanfic'' and bla bla bla. That was the whole point of the thread; to come up with explanations where Nero came from. To find the most feasible one. But hey, I guess not everyone's smart enough to understand that.

''Maybe if almost every DMC fans' first reaction wasn't on the looks *cough*and the hair*cough* in the first place''
See, that's the kind of stuff I can get ****ed off about, because it's been explained many times over that it's not about his hair or the rest of his looks. It's been proved that many DMC fans actually like what new Dante looks like, so that entire line is pure nonsense, and being a user of this forum, you should know that by now. All kinds of DMC and DmC fans come together here. I'd say that line is just another way to try to deprecate those who don't like DmC. I don't think I've heard anyone complain about new Dante's looks, aside from the most outspoken Youtube users.
And like you said, it's okay to dislike things. I would add that it's also okay to share your views on why that is. Whether you're considered a **** about it, well, it's usually the people who defend DmC at all costs who get to decide that person is a ****. I'll admit, though, that a lot of people can be assholes about it.

''Also, there are people who label others on whoever gets the DMC reboot is considered a 'non-DMC fan' automatically.'

True, that's bullshit, and I think the one who wrote that knows that very well. Although, I can understand his position, since if you like DmC and support that series by buying it, the original DMC series will cease to exist. Sure, DMC1 to DMC4 still exist, but I mean that there would be no chance for DMC5 to be produced. To be honest, I think DmC should never have been made. You either stick to a series or you let it die - you don't resurrect it and turn it into a mediocre, 'DJ Slobber techno remix' version of itself. At least, not after the series has already gotten four installments, which spawned a whole DMC fanbase. Once that fanbase is there, you can't go: ''Tough luck, DMC is dead, but we've got a really nice other version nobody asked for''. It's just asshat behavior, and I don't think they even asked the fans what they wanted DmC to be like. If they wanted to create a totally different kind of Devil May Cry, they should have at least acknowledged it's a spin-off.

Sometimes people like to call all criticism toward DmC 'hating on it'. It often gets used as a kind of response like ''I can't debunk your criticism, so I'll try to deprecate your views by throwing a tantrum, to get all eyes on me and off of you''. People stand behind that sort of behavior, sadly. They flock to it. Other times it really is hate without any reasonable explanation for it. In that case, I'd block that person, but not before reporting them to make sure they lose all power.

Both Nero and DmC Dante are hated anyway, yet there are people who like them. They are similar in some aspects though...

I hardly doubt on DmC replacing DMC; that is rather a hasty conclusion. Prince of Persia went to a reboot then went back to Sands of Time era. Sands of Time may be a reboot to the classic PoP, but it was a great PoP action/platformer. Take that game franchise as an example.

Wanna know something? DMC3 and DMC4 are also hated by DMC1 purists. They went as far as sending Reuben Langdon tons of hate mail. Even up 'til now, they do that.

In actuality, like me, there are those who like both DMC AND DmC all at the same time. Loopy here is another.

But you know what I think of this? All these are nothing but questioning those who are different. It's like being different is questionable and being the same as the others is the only thing that makes you awesome... Therefore, it's like individuality is a questionable thing.

I know it was too early to reboot (agreeing with Jak), but DMC4 is the reason why that happened. There are others that got enraged on both Nero and even DMC4 Dante. Had it not been rushed (i.e. Had Capcom gave the DMC dev team more time), we wouldn't have got DmC in existence...

Plentiful of reasons why I want to turn away from Devil May Cry! Because of this, every time I look at my game shelf which has DMC HD Collection, DMC4, and DmC, I got so afraid of playing them again despite me remaining a DMC fan. I never even bothered to touch any of them. That's why I got another awesome HackNSlash game, which is the Ninja Gaiden games (I bought and played Ninja Gaiden Sigma and NGS2; on to Hard/Mentor mode!) and I am planning to get Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge soon.

I said that DMC3 is my fav (which is true), but there was this YT asshat who never read that part and automatically considered me "dickriding Capcom". But in actuality, I never cared for Capcom... I hardly do. Hell, I don't care about gaming companies in general...
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