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Who's willing to start up another DMC RP?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Faustinasa;283012 said:
Ok :) It's just that spellcasting is easily one of the things that can make you "god-like". I just wanted to show my views on how magic could be exhausting, and how it can limit you...I don't want it to be like there's no strings attached for my magics. ^_^ It will I guess you can say...make me think of how to use them in battle w/o killing myself XD

And plus, those hour/day spells can be especially exhausting.

What do you think of my character?


Nein, not ze puppies!
Hmmm, I like him :) Definately not someone to screw around with XD Aww...I wish I could hug him! I hope he finds someone to be with too :) I wonder what he's like though...^_^


Nein, not ze puppies!
I would be too if I lived a long life such as him and went through rough waters such as that. I do have a question though...how would you kill off a character, exactly?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
And he's actually 18-19 mentally. He's distant, but a nice guy overall. And slightly moody, but that's due to his teen nature.

Just kill them, or make them incapacitated enough that they have to leave.


Nein, not ze puppies!
:O My bad and thanks! Ah teens...we know it well. I'm curious if Cain and Xevnas will get along. Ah, boh, now I just have to make sure I have spells written down somewhere for future reference:p I can't wait for it to start :)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
They most likely will. Xevnas is one to keep his friends closer than his enemies, that's for sure.

Dante and Xevnas, however, will probably not really work well together.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Trish is the closest thing he will accept. Um...since I deal in spells, should I list them as well?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Yes, that's true.

Also, you'll notice (if you RP with me often after this) I use a lot of anthropomorphic characters. That means animals with human traits, like wolfmen and lizardmen.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Nothing wrong with that, I like anthromorphic characters. They add a whole new flavour to the mix ;)


Nein, not ze puppies!
Storm Silves;283037 said:
Wow. You're actually the first one to say that, believe it or not.

o_O How dare people say they aren't cool! Shame on them:p Anyways, I have to head off for the night, I will talk to you tomorrow. ^_^


Follow me to Apex
Name: Oblivion
age : ???
Species: shadow Demon
Personal item: none
Weapon : spear with the ability to stretch out with his shadow and a bladed shield
appearance: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:...bums/r54/Shadows-Of-Metal/734377441_l.jpg&t=1
personality: Has an almost endless blood lust, he trusts no one, and would start a war just as an excuse to kill.
Bio: He once fought alongside some of the highest generals in the demon world he excelled to the highest extent fearing that they would be over thrown those generals trapt Oblivion in the demon shadow world his sorrow turned to Rage and his mind was corrupted by the shadow demons he is his heart was eradicated and his soul destroyed

What do ya think?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Good character, great villain. He was locked up for a reason, and I like his appearance. Very deceptive, makes him seem not as powerful as he is, but deception is perfect.

Is this the first time you've ever done something like this?
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