Nero: Hello and to Whose Game is it Anyway! This is a show where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter. Our contestants tonight are Vergil from Devil May Cry 3, Big Daddy from Bioshock, Atlas also from Bioshock, and Tidus from Final Fantasy 10- Wait. WHAT?!
Tidus: Hi there.
Nero: No no no! NO WAY! Not you! SECURITY!
Lightning: What now?
Nero: Will you please get rid of Tidus?
Lightning: No way. Last time that happened I wound up playing this stupid game.
Nero: *Nero holds up car keys *
Lightning: Son of a-
Nero: Hahahaha!
*Lightning shoots Nero, grabs her car keys and leaves*
Nero: Oh darn it! Fine, Tidus, you can play.
Tidus: WAAAHHOOOOOO! *balloons fall from ceiling*
Nero: Oh shut up. Alright well let’s get started.
Atlas: Wait, we’re short one person!
Nero: Oh yeah, that’s right. We need four contestants. Let’s see, anyone interested? No. Hmmm….
Tidus: CAN’T. WAIT. ANY. MORE!!!!! *Tidus explodes*
Atlas: Oh my, God! They killed Tidus.
Nero: Whatever.
Big Daddy: RWAAAAR!
Blue Devil: CAKE!
All: What?
Blue Devil: I want cake!
Nero: Will someone get the kid out of here?
*Credo picks up Nero and drags him away*
Nero: Not me! That kid!
Blue Devil: I just want cake.
Big Daddy: RWWAAARRRR!!!!!!
Blue Devil: CAKE!
Atlas: Will someone get him cake!?
DT: Nero, you are so cool!
Nero: Oh no not you again!
Blue Devil: CAKE!!!!
Steve: What the heck’s all this?
Keaton: Can I be in it?
DT: If Blue Devil gets cake then can I have a Klondike Bar?
VB: Where’d Vergie go!
meg127: Will all oh you go away! Shoo!
Keaton: How do we get out?
Steve: I have no idea.
Dark Draken: Everyone, Everyone! They’re about to announce the winner to Dancing With the Stars!
All: *gasp and exit*
Nero: Oookkkaaayyy. Well now that that’s done with-
Blue Devil: I still didn’t get any cake.
Nero: Here! *throws cake at BD’s face*
Blue Devil: Thank you! *leaves*
Atlas: Where’d that cake come from? I want a piece.
Vergil: Me to.
Big Daddy: RWWAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
Nero: Alright fine the winner gets cake!
Vergil: How does that work? If the points don’t matter then how do you decide who wins?
Nero: Uhhh…… *runs away*
Atlas: Now what?
Vergil: Where’d VB go?