The reboot was uncalled for,There were many openings left in the original series in terms of story(which wasn't that good I admit,but still.)Heya, what have I missed?^_^
Ummm, anyway. As far as this topic is concerned, I liked the old DMC, I grew up with it. DMC2 was hit and miss for me, I liked 1 and I really liked 3; 4 looked really good graphically, and the combat brought something new with Nero, but it felt like a letdown compared to what had come before thanks to Dante feeling like he was an added extra, the really awful story and the backtracking for Dante like he didn't matter.
I think if DMC4 had been better, then I wouldn't have wanted a reboot. Or maybe if Capcom could have salvaged things with DMC5 to just get all the plot holes fixed up that would have been fine.But Cpacom made the call to reboot, and I'm oay with that. I liked the reboot, I appreciated what they had tried to do, but there is room to improve. ^_^
in terms of gameplay however which actually matters,every game was a stepping point for DMC,so why did we just go 4 games backwards? shouldn't they elaborate on the previous games?
I mean I know it's supposed to be a re-imagining or something but it's so poorly executed it's extremely disappointing when you're expecting a Devil May Cry game.