Who actually liked it?

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Can't say I liked it, but I didn't hate it like many DMC fans did. I don't know what the developers were thinking. Toning down the difficulty and changing Dante's personality. I also didn't like the story and thought Lucia's accent was annoying. But, all great video game franchises have their duds. I give it a 5.5 out of 10.
Well, as a DMC game, it's an atrocity. However as a standalone game...It's not awful? Combat is rather boring, because of slow attack speed all around, bland and generic environment and generic enemy designs, though there were a few cool looking ones, for the most part they were rather uninteresting. The story is forgettable, and felt more like a side-story rather than a true sequel. Also, there was a lot of running around large spaces doing nothing. This is immediately contrasting to the original, since it had small, enclosed areas which required you to you know, TRY. Guns are WAY too powerful, so that you can complete the while game by standing in an area where the enemies can't hit you and fire away.
Now that I think about it, it's not such a good game, is it?

P.S. Anyone that says that this is better than DmC is a FU*KING LIAR
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Don't think the game is as bad as people make it out to be; It was interesting how DMC2 offered you a choice of two scenarios (this aspect felt like a throwback to the Resident Evil series); On another note, my digital copy of DMC HD collection kept freezing up on me before beating DMC2 and I need to get a disc copy of the collection.
I don't think Dante's change in personality is as bad as people proclaim it to be; His personality in DMC2 was a modification (which means it wasn't 100% different from the original DMC) when you take into account how he is more mature but still maintains his same old attitude.
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It was okay, I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. It was a good action game, but it wasn't as good as DMC1 or DMC3 which came after. It wasn't as bad as some people make our though.
Just grabbed European copy of HD Collection. Why European? Well, there's this little code for infinite DT that for some reason is region exclusive...

And hence comes my verdict and biggest problems with the game: Crappy lock-on and movement speed. The first is unsolvable, but once you put on infinite DT with Quick Heart, the game actually plays almost like a DMC game with crappier combos. The speed of Dante actually catches up to his DMC1 levels. While the crappy lock-on still gets in the way, he feels fluid enough to control.

I always felt that DMC2 shot itself in the foot in this regard. Devil Trigger was pretty much most expanded in DMC2 between having full customization, DT combos, and super moves. Yet it is somehow also the only game in the series with no readily available Super Costume. Inf DT Dante is actually playable, arguably even a little fun.

Having now played it with infinite DT, I have to say this: Its still the worst DMC game ever made from both a story and gameplay perspective. But with just some speed changes, it easily becomes playable. If only there was some sort of turbo mode available...
@ArabPikachu: This thread is over a year old. And you bumped it despite being the last person to post here before resurrecting it. Please don't do this in future. If there are any points you wanted to make about the game, please make them in a more recently active thread or create a new one.

Thank you.
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