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Which video game character do you relate to most?

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
First off, sorry if this topic already existed. I just wanted to make a more positive thread, because I've seen a lot of unwarranted hate towards both DmC and the DMCs (especially 3 and 4) recently. And yes, any offensive responses will be reported. I thought this might be a nice subject. It would be interesting to see how many people relate to what type of video game character.

The one I relate to most is probably Squall from Final Fantasy VIII. He is pretty aloof, and tries to protect himself from rejection or abandonment by keeping everyone at a distance. He likely feels responsible for people leaving him, because he feels that he must've done something wrong. In the scene with him dancing with Rinoa, he felt bad about stepping on her toes, and felt like Rinoa was judging him. But when she showed she had patience and understanding, he started dancing really well. He doesn't seem to like dancing, though. He really needed the right person to do it with, and he never danced again afterward. He appeared to disguise his worry of doing something wrong - and his reluctance to participate - as pride. IIRC, the Griever pendant symbolizes this. Over the course of the game, it starts to symbolize Squall's pride of who he is, and who and what he attracts (such as Rinoa).

Back then, I felt sort of the same way. I had trouble finding people who liked me and understood me, and I still have that, really. I find it tough to find something I have in common with other people. Because of that, I can't keep conversations going. I also don't usually feel the need to keep them going. I know (roughly) what people are like the moment I see them. I can tell what they are like from their faces, all their body language, and some of the things they say. I feel like I get judged constantly, which I probably am. People are judgmental, after all. That is especially true nowadays, since everything appears to move at a fast pace and nobody has patience or time for anything, because our lives have sped up due to advancements in technology and several other fields. I've gotten judged in the past; bullied in middle school for having numerous talents, such as drawing, writing essays, and specializing in languages (English, French, German, and my native Dutch). Prior to that, in elementary school, I was bullied for being the silent type, and... probably because of being good at English and Dutch. Again. I think some people (like the bullies) were just sad, not angry. My parents had gotten divorced, which was a blow, but I soon got a pretty stable personality, and a sense of calm about me, I guess. I figure those bullies might've lacked that.
FF VIII's dancing scene reminded me of how I don't get along well with most people, and I just leave them alone so that they leave me alone. I'm still happy about that arrangement. The most significant part of that scene, though, is how Squall needed the right person. I don't even mean that romantically, but generally. I only have one real friend, and that's because we suit each other. I think he's a leaf off the same tree... or the same genus of tree... well, you get my point. Friendships like those transform you temporarily, almost like you've had a few drinks, but minus the toxicity. I'm not ashamed of my personality, nor of my possible *very mild* Asperger syndrome. It's just a part of me, and people understand. Hell, it's 2014, so they should. I'm fairly content.

Anyway, that was my little story - what's yours? You don't have to share personal information, of course. Is there any video game character you can relate to, or even feel similar to? It can even be a character who you simply feel a lot of empathy for.
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Well-known Member
Empathy I have a lot, so I better not start going in that direction or we'll be here till tomorrow. XD
I don't know... I don't really see myself relating to anyone, maybe sometimes adjusting my own behavior based on one of my favorite character (I have a lot of red in my closet... just saying).
Though I think I am a bit more sensitive to brothers fighting on opposite sides because of my dad and uncle. When they were kids, their parents got into money problems, so grandma had to get a job as well. My uncle, the younger of the two kids, had to be taken by a pair of childless relatives living in Serbia cause there was no one to look after him during the day. It was supposed to be temporary, but the woman that took him in manipulated everyone into making it permanent (even to this day my grandma regrets it). Thus, while my dad and his brother still saw each other from time to time, they grew up estranged.
And then war happened, my dad volunteered into the Croatian army mostly for the benefit of his family, his brother did the same on the other side. They never met on the battlefield, they never hated each other, but they were still on opposite sides wanting nothing but to protect, and that was the part that at one point strongly reminded me of Dante and Vergil.
Luckily, unlike Dante and Vergil, all's cool between dad and uncle now. He visited us twice in past couple of years, it was my first time meeting him and he is a really great guy.

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
Empathy I have a lot, so I better not start going in that direction or we'll be here till tomorrow. XD
I don't know... I don't really see myself relating to anyone, maybe sometimes adjusting my own behavior based on one of my favorite character (I have a lot of red in my closet... just saying).
Though I think I am a bit more sensitive to brothers fighting on opposite sides because of my dad and uncle. When they were kids, their parents got into money problems, so grandma had to get a job as well. My uncle, the younger of the two kids, had to be taken by a pair of childless relatives living in Serbia cause there was no one to look after him during the day. It was supposed to be temporary, but the woman that took him in manipulated everyone into making it permanent (even to this day my grandma regrets it). Thus, while my dad and his brother still saw each other from time to time, they grew up estranged.
And then war happened, my dad volunteered into the Croatian army mostly for the benefit of his family, his brother did the same on the other side. They never met on the battlefield, they never hated each other, but they were still on opposite sides wanting nothing but to protect, and that was the part that at one point strongly reminded me of Dante and Vergil.
Luckily, unlike Dante and Vergil, all's cool between dad and uncle now. He visited us twice in past couple of years, it was my first time meeting him and he is a really great guy.
Wow, that's sad. And war... well, call me a hippie, but I think war should cease to exist in the (preferably near) future. I mean, what if they had met on the battlefield? That's a terrible thought.
Glad to hear it all worked out pretty well in the end, though :)

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
Anyone else? Is there a character you identify with, or feel much empathy for? There's got to be someone.
I suppose I feel a lot of empathy for Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid series, too... though that has nothing to do with me feeling similar to him, it just has to do with how well the story is told, how the cut-scenes were shot, and basically just liking his character.


Well-known Member
Anyone else? Is there a character you identify with, or feel much empathy for? There's got to be someone.
I suppose I feel a lot of empathy for Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid series, too... though that has nothing to do with me feeling similar to him, it just has to do with how well the story is told, how the cut-scenes were shot, and basically just liking his character.
Hate to rain on your parade, but Big Boss was pretty much an asshole in the beginning of the series, planning nuclear strike and forcing orphans to be soldiers in his army.
Though when one looks at the fact that he was a lost child that found his purpose in following The Boss and was then forced to kill the object of his admiration, living under huge pressure from the other delusional person after that, I guess he really couldn't turn out nice.
In a way, Solid Snake turned out to be his old, heroic side that set things right.
I have to admit, I do sometimes kinda like him, he's really cute with his firm belief in Santa Claus.:D

Pale Rider

Wickedly good
As a highly selective gamer, I have a very limited arsenal of character to even talk about.

Ratonhnhaké:ton (yes, I googled the spelling): AC 3 protagonist.
Though I did find AC3 a little boring, but this guy had me hit in the feels. His whole village while he was playing outside, all of his efforts went in vain and his mother died in front of him, discovered his father ordered the attack on village that led to his mother's death, the closest person he had as his 'father' died, and he had to kill his own Father. So much tragedy for a single poor tribe guy who just wanted to live in nature's care.

Spencer: Bionic Commando
This guy gets after being locked for 5(?) years gets his Bionic arm back and asked to be a scout for the government after the bombing by a group of terrorist. He halfheartedly agrees on one condition that he was to be told of his wife's whereabouts. Skip to end, he comes to know that his wife was the 'catalyst' for his bionic arm.

These are the two characters on top of my head that I empathize with. I'll be back if I remember more.


For Sanguinius!
Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2: This games is probable my second favorite Resident Evil game. First being Resident Evil 4. The reason I can relate to Claire so much is unlike Jill Valentine and her brother Chris Redfield, Claire had no special training and was just a regular person who was tossed into a very messed up situation of life and death. With the help of the rookie cop, Leon S. Kennedy, she manages to escape this hellish nightmare only to be tossed into another on her quest to find her missing brother.

Jade from Beyond Good and Evil: This is one of my all time favorite games if not the most favorite game. Beyond Good and Evil is a little gem with great story, gameplay and of course great characters. My favorite being Jade. Unlike most lead heroines in video games she was not overly sexulized , Jade was not. In fact she is a freelance action photographer who ran orphanage whit the help of her guardian and best friend Pey'j. She also joins IRIS Network to exposes the lies the government has been spreading a the war and the DomZ. As well as trying to save the kids that where taken in the orphanage.

So there you have it two kick @$$ ladies I can relate to. (^_-)≡★

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
Hate to rain on your parade, but Big Boss was pretty much an asshole in the beginning of the series, planning nuclear strike and forcing orphans to be soldiers in his army.
Though when one looks at the fact that he was a lost child that found his purpose in following The Boss and was then forced to kill the object of his admiration, living under huge pressure from the other delusional person after that, I guess he really couldn't turn out nice.
In a way, Solid Snake turned out to be his old, heroic side that set things right.
I have to admit, I do sometimes kinda like him, he's really cute with his firm belief in Santa Claus.:D
Yeah, exactly. I kind of meant Big Boss as he was in MGS3, and maybe MGS5 too, though I don't know quite how that game will play out. His motivations and feelings and pretty understandable.
I loved how he was completely oblivious to many things, even to his own romantic innuendo of ''I need you'' in MGS3.
''I need you - - need you to fly the plane'' XD

In a way, he was almost like a some kind of awkward puppy, only... toting a gun XD


Same as it ever was
I don't know about fully relating to the character, but NT Dante responds to things the same way I do.

Thing coming at you really fast? "OH ****"

Enemy is a Succubus? Tell them to "suck on this."

Puns and swearing.


Well-known Member
My vote goes to Captain Commando (Capcom's original mascot); Him saving the entire galaxy from rampant crime has taught me to remain optimistic in the face of great adversity.


Well-known Member
Good thread! Hard question. ._. There aren't many game characters I can relate to. Hmm.....*thinks*

I'll go with Kaiden from Mass Effect. He always wants to do the right thing and take a moral high ground. He has a strong moral code that can make him pretty stubborn. Also, he totally wants to get with Shepard. :wink:

Wait a minute. I romanced Kaiden. But I can relate to Kaiden..........um. :cautious:

Also, Hope from Final Fantasy XIII because he's a weak, useless mommy's boy who attaches himself to Lightning because he sees how awesome she is. And no matter how badly she treats him, he stays with her because he's a masoch- uh knows how.....awesome....she is. Yup. :thumbsup:

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
Good thread! Hard question. ._. There aren't many game characters I can relate to. Hmm.....*thinks*

I'll go with Kaiden from Mass Effect. He always wants to do the right thing and take a moral high ground. He has a strong moral code that can make him pretty stubborn. Also, he totally wants to get with Shepard. :wink:

Wait a minute. I romanced Kaiden. But I can relate to Kaiden..........um. :cautious:
Yeah, I remember thinking Kaidan was a pretty logical, decent person. Most people seem to find him either boring or annoying, but I really liked him. He generally put more thought into everything - pretty analytical. Maybe that somehow contributed to the Sentinel becoming my favorite class, aside from its slick skills, of course.
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