Which Vergil you'd like to see: villain or hero? [SPOILERS]

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Which Vergil would you prefer the most?

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a modest Evil Genius
Feb 14, 2013
During all the previous games Vergil always was a pure villain. And I always hated this opposition between him and Dante.
In DmC, Ninja Theory finally did what I was dreaming about for all this time: they made twins stay by the same side, fighting with some other really bad guy. Now, Vergil is much smarter and kinder than before. And now I can truly believe in his motivation and causes of his actions.
... and that's why the ending of DmC is much more frustrating than even being unable to hope that Vergil could become a good guy some day.
And Ninja Theory completely kills this hope by giving us "Vergil's downfall" DLC, where our blue twin finally becomes the villain. It's like: "He's pure evil now. Period."

For the entire playtime of the "Vergil's downfall" DLC I was hoping that at some point he'll calm down, come back to Dante, just talk to him, and they will overcome their controversy. They're twin brothers, after all!
And then they colud continue to work together to make the world better.
But nope, none of this happen.

I've got only the last hope left: the twins still can make peace in the DmC 2 if it will be released. And if Ninja Theory will want to do it.
I thought, if there're enough players to ask them to do so, then maybe some day we'll see how Vergil fanally turns into the light side. So now I'm wondering, how many people are sharing my point of view. How many DmC players also want to see Vergil as hero, not as villain?
Please vote for the option(s) you like and feel free to explain your choise in the comments below.
I expect them to go "full force" and use the corrupted Vergil as the enemy/antagonist. Vergils Downfall is pretty much himself being taken over to the point that his mind creates altered versions Dante and Kat which causes him to get more effed off[insert indoctrination theory] The only way for Vergil to go is down since everything he had(friends, work, goal) is now gone. What would Vergil be the hero or? As in, what would be be doing that gives him the hero role?

I wouldn't mind a bittersweet end in which one of them die without the misunderstanding ever being fixed. Kinda how DMC3 finished.
To be honest, I think they could've used flashbacks to his childhood rather than those..."cutscenes". Would've been better character development in my opinion.

But yeah, keep it classy and go Vergil vs Dante. :3
I expect them to go "full force" and use the corrupted Vergil as the enemy/antagonist. Vergils Downfall is pretty much himself being taken over to the point that his mind creates altered versions Dante and Kat which causes him to get more effed off[insert indoctrination theory] The only way for Vergil to go is down since everything he had(friends, work, goal) is now gone. What would Vergil be the hero or? As in, what would be be doing that gives him the hero role?

I wouldn't mind a bittersweet end in which one of them die without the misunderstanding ever being fixed. Kinda how DMC3 finished.
Again, Dante and Vergil could just have a talk to figure out each other's points of view. But no, they haven't! Despite that they had no reason to rush after Mundus is defeated.
Every rational person (who Vergil definitely is) would think carefully about what he's doing wrong if everyone turned back on him.
imho, Vergil could easily turn into the light side. Or even turn Dante into his side. He's not fighting just for power or pure evil for everyone, after all! He truly believes that the mankind needs to have someone to protect them from themselves. Someone to create the rules. Someone to protect the innocent people and to punish the guilty ones. That's the only thing that Vergil and Dante are disagree at.
I've created the poll with multiple option selection to avoid forcing people to select the only one option. As for me, I'd be happy with any option except for the first one.
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Since Vergil's Downfall completely copied Bleach's storyline with Ichigo and Hollow Ichigo, maybe DmC2 will follow the Naruto Shippuden storyline where Dante's going to keep yelling, "Come back to us!" every time he runs into Vergil just like with Naruto and Sasuke, LOL.

All jokes aside, I really did enjoy Vergil being at Dante's side along their disagreements. I think it's better and more interesting that way. Plus it's more entertaining to watch. I mean I couldn't have been the only one who laughed when Vergil said, "...and I've got a bigger d---".
I always wanted to see Vergil as an anti-hero, not good not bad, not taking any sides, figure out a new purpose for him other that "I NEAD MORE POVA" as it is getting old, and I never liked this single-minded goal written for him, he is supposed to be smart so doesn't he have enough self awareness to see he does stupid sh*t because of the very emotions he choses to suppress? Only feelings of inferiority and neglect.

Honestly I would like to see a Vergil like Riku (kingdom hearts) who was in a similar position as him, his mate Sora was a "chosen" one thingy, getting the spotlight, feeling weak and neglected he fell for darkness twice then returned blah, I don't want to make a long read, if you played the games you will understand.

Could you make an option for "Neutral/anti-hero Vergil"? I would vote for that 20 times, that role suits him the most in my opinion.
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I'm torn with this. After seeing how far Vergil has gone, a part of me wants to see if he can fall further. I like the idea that calm Vergil was just a mask to hide a disturbed and twisted guy.

But on the other hand, I miss him hanging out with Dante, being brotherly, but having disagreements.
I wanna see Vergil struggle with two sides. Good, evil - angel, demon. He named himself Nero Angelo. Maybe if there is a way to split Vergil's evil side that influenced him. It'll form the real Nero Angelo.
Seeing as Dante now assumes the role of Humanity's protector, it would make sense to have Vergil become purely antagonistic. Vergil's newly found control over the hordes of Hell would be best put to use attacking humanity, to see just how protective Dante can be.
All jokes aside, I really did enjoy Vergil being at Dante's side along their disagreements. I think it's better and more interesting that way. Plus it's more entertaining to watch. I mean I couldn't have been the only one who laughed when Vergil said, "...and I've got a bigger d---".
Absolutely agree!

Could you make an option for "Neutral/anti-hero Vergil"? I would vote for that 20 times, that role suits him the most in my opinion.
Dude, you're like saying the exactly what I tried to say but wasn't able to formulate.
Sorry, but I can't add anyoption to the currently existing poll. the forum engine doesn't allow that. Actually, personally for me the argument in the comments are more impotant than votes. And I'd say that the last 2 options are close enough to what you'd like to vote for.

A badass, yet still morally black "protector" who uses evil to fight evil.
I start to really regret that I didn't add "anti-hero" option. :( I'd vote for it, too.
Well, the problem here isn't Vergil, but Dante. I think story's kind of painted itself into a character corner with how they handled the sibling relationship. Dante already aggressively rejected Vergil, to the point of nearly killing him (maybe actually killing him, depending on how you view the events of Vergil's Downfall). Even if Vergil could be reasoned with at all at this point, Dante's not going to make a lot of effort to reach out to Vergil when the guy comes roaring in all cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs with his demon followers. Kat might try, but I think there's a Sephiroth-kills-Aeris situation waiting to happen right there.

Even worse, this Vergil's been turned into the most impossible kind of villain: the crazy type. You can try to appeal to a ruthless villain (DMC3's Vergil), you can rescue a brainwashed one (DMC1's Vergil), but a psycho with deep-set issues sprouting from his own bad choices and traumatic experiences? It'll be like Thor trying to deal with Loki in the Avengers movie: All that crazy just isn't listening.

Hence, my vote. While I WANT Vergil and Dante to reach a peaceful resolution (don't think they'll ever be friends at this point), what's probably going to happen is: Stabmurder. Again.
Oh, man aeris type situation with Kat would be kinda horrible and awesome at same time, if they go the whole really epic sibling rivalry route, which lets face it they probably will.

I also think your expectation is probably 100% correct about the stabmurder scenario followed by a last death gasp of the real Vergil saying he's sorry to Dante, and their mother about everything..
Well, the problem here isn't Vergil, but Dante.
IMHO, NT put themselves into the ded end by developing Vergil's story the way it is in "Vergil's downfall".
There's still a chance they can say: "All that happened in this DLC is nothing more than just a nightmare in Vergil's subconscious while he was at the edge between life and death after Dante stabbed him right to the heart."
And then Vergil recovers, regains control of his mind and thinks: "What??? What a bullsh*t I've been dreaming of? I love my brother... and Kat... and humanity... I've made a lot of difficult decisions but I still love them so much that I spent my entire life trying to help them. I'm not going to kill any of them just to prove my point! Maybe, we could simply talk?"
... and then, in DmC 2, the first half of the game you play for Vergil fighting his way to find Dante just to talk to him. Then they reunite, maybe save Sparda and continue to fight side by side with another Eternal Evil.
... agh... dreams, sweet dreams.
And I fully agree with you. In the final battle, Dante is the crazy one. Let's imagine...
I've found my twin brother. With the great goal. A man (nephilim, actually), who was searching me for enormously long time. The one, who told me the trueth both about myself and about what's going on in the world. The one who helped me to defeat the world's greatest evil and even almost sacrificed himself in this fight (remember how he goes inside Big Mundus just to let Dante finish their mission). We successfully did our job. And now it comes out that we have slightly different methods and goals. What will I do?

Hence, my vote. While I WANT Vergil and Dante to reach a peaceful resolution (don't think they'll ever be friends at this point), what's probably going to happen is: Stabmurder. Again.
There's plenty of time till DmC 2 will be released. So I guess, we have a chance to affect further Vergil's destiny. Maybe, some open petition to NT. That's why I'm not asking you "how do you think, what's going to happen?". I'm asking "what would you like to happen?"
And I think, it's good if twins won't be friends anymore (while not being against each other, too). Some conflict is the core of the good story.
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BtW, I'd really love to play DmC spin-off with Vergil as a main character. He has a lot of background now (thanks to NT).
And if Capcom wants to turn DmC series to full-meaning drama at some point (like "FF XIII versus" we still can not wait) then Vergil is definitely their choice.
I want him to be evil trying to get power to become the next demon king. Since he is manifested by his evil half i want him to occasionaly talk to himself with the old vergil being his good half while evl vergil is the current one.
During all the previous games Vergil always was a pure villain. And I always hated this opposition between him and Dante.
In DmC, Ninja Theory finally did what I was dreaming about for all this time: they made twins stay by the same side, fighting with some other really bad guy. Now, Vergil is much smarter and kinder than before. And now I can truly believe in his motivation and causes of his actions.
... and that's why the ending of DmC is much more frustrating than even being unable to hope that Vergil could become a good guy some day.
And Ninja Theory completely kills this hope by giving us "Vergil's downfall" DLC, where our blue twin finally becomes the villain. It's like: "He's pure evil now. Period."

For the entire playtime of the "Vergil's downfall" DLC I was hoping that at some point he'll calm down, come back to Dante, just talk to him, and they will overcome their controversy. They're twin brothers, after all!
And then they colud continue to work together to make the world better.
But nope, none of this happen.

I've got only the last hope left: the twins still can make peace in the DmC 2 if it will be released. And if Ninja Theory will want to do it.
I thought, if there're enough players to ask them to do so, then maybe some day we'll see how Vergil fanally turns into the light side. So now I'm wondering, how many people are sharing my point of view. How many DmC players also want to see Vergil as hero, not as villain?
Please vote for the option(s) you like and feel free to explain your choise in the comments below.

I'd put "like" to this quote a million times if I only cuold!!!!
I totally agree with you!I share with you the same thoughts and feelings during the tow games!And like you I hope that NT will make them stay together finally!
I definetly want to see Vergil as a hero!!!!!
I'm one of the players who will ask NT to make this reality, so now we are tow :)