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What's your position about blood and gore in games?


Elite Hunter
Do you think it's bad? I think no, because when you sit down and you pick your controller, or mouse and keyboard, or whatever, you know you're just playing a videogame. So no matter how violent the game is, you're able to separate reality from fiction.
The other day I was playing 2010's Aliens vs Predators, and if you know that game, you know that it features finishing moves, with Aliens impaling people with their tail and tongue, and Predators cutting throats and ripping spines off. My dad comes in my room and says"Damn, son, how can you play games like that?"
I think that, since he's not a gamer, he has never "felt" that separation from reality and fiction I was talking about earlier, so he's stuck in prejudice. And the same applies to most people, imo.


Well-known Member
To me blood and gore aren't a bad thing. They are like the cream and cherry that people put on top of their ice-cream. I remember when i got into devil may cry. i saw the anime and i was like "OMG! THAT IS AWESOME". and then my friend told me about the games. so i bought DMC3 and started to play it and i was really excited because my friend told me that the games are as good as the anime. and when i fought the first enemies. i was like "WHAT THE ****? What is this? in the anime Dante was killing demons their bodies were made from flesh and blood. and in the game Dante is fighting sand monsters". i was really disappointed that i took the DVD out of the PS2 and threw it with all my might on the wall.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Nothing can offend me or be too much for me in gaming, a while ago I made a thread about crossing the line in gaming that included showing characters getting raped on screen instead of just implied.
So no, blood and gore does not bother me in any way, I played Clive Barkers Jericho and that game was gory in twisted ways, still didn't bother me though.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I want to feel I'm actually causing damage & see realistic (to an extent) injuries portrayed so we can connect to our actions. I don't want to feel like I'm shooting at cardboard cutouts but flesh & bone etc.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Il be honest i have a giddy and warped sense of humour so i actually find i laugh at extreme gore and think it is awesome in game but would probably cringe and feel queasy at it in real life.


Tony Redgraaaave!
Nothing can offend me or be too much for me in gaming, a while ago I made a thread about crossing the line in gaming that included showing characters getting raped on screen instead of just implied.
So no, blood and gore does not bother me in any way, I played Clive Barkers Jericho and that game was gory in twisted ways, still didn't bother me though.
Im good with pretty much anything in games but i do have limits, and rape is far past that limit. I wont even go near a game that includes rape. I think the only game i ever played that has rape was Dramatical Murder which actually had rape and blood&gore going on at once, it was in the characters minds but even that was enough to make me stop to take a breather.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I don't mind it at all, and mostly it's on the right place in games. Some games are just overusing it though. Dead Space 2 body chomping with foots, looked pretty stupid imho. No foot stomp can make body explode in bloody chunks and ragdoll mechanic makes it weird looking in overall realistic setting.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I wish more games had taken the ghoul engine idea of Soldier of Fortune series and expanded on its limb damage and realistic bullet damage.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Killing Floor 2 would be the answer to your Wish Mate :3

PC isnt finished yet but will look into it.

what does it do? engine i mean?

It was realistic (for the time) bullet and knife damage, could blow off limbs, bullet holes were created on bodies in real time depending on where bullet hit and knife slashes were real time cuts too. Shotgun blasts to gut would expose intestines, could blow off parts of peoples limbs and whole limbs etc and those knife slashes would appear depending on where you cut them. Game is 12 years old now too and not many games expanded on this type of damage.

I continued to play it for years for this reason. Just made the enemies feel much more human and that you were actually causing damage to the models rather than feeling like you were target shooting dummies.


Well-known Member
PC isnt finished yet but will look into it.
Well, the Developers from Tripwire Interactive themselves stated that when Designing the gore system of the game they really looked into Soldier of Fortune's Gore System for inspiration, so yeah, :p

Well for starters , just read like 1 or 2 previews and then look up their "Dev Diary Series Part 2: The Gore System" for Killing Floor 2 , its amazing , just by looking at the video I can appriciate the sense of Impact from the bullets fired as well as the nice impact when the Katana cuts through the Flesh of le ZEDS

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Well, the Developers from Tripwire Interactive themselves stated that when Designing the gore system of the game they really looked into Soldier of Fortune's Gore System for inspiration, so yeah, :p

Wasnt aware of that but I shall do some research on it.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Yeah but we all know that we played M rated games when we were kids XD

Tbh, when I was a kid, the only 'gory' game I played was Castlevania: The New Generation on the Genesis and, that was with most of the gore released (I don't know why, but that's what happened with the EU version). It wasn't until my teens that I played GTA or had a PS1.

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
I think it adds a nice sense of doing actual damage to your actions. Yeah, sometimes it gets overused and things become less realistic. Less gory, even, because if it looks fake, it almost doesn't register anymore.
I liked limb targeting in games like Fable II and Fallout 3 - can't have that without gore. So gore actually allows for more tactical playing sometimes.

Gore is fine, even for people under 18, I think. I mean, we all know nobody sticks to the 18+ rule. If all else fails, kids will find and watch their parents' movies. If there needs to be a cut-off point, make it 13+ or something for extreme gore. If people get traumatized somehow (doubtful since it's just fiction), it'll mainly be their own fault, and they can get over it. Hell, I was like eight when I first played games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Saw Carmageddon being played. If anything, all it did was make me less squeamish about blood and organs.
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