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What's the point of discussing...


Elite Hunter
... at the end of the day?

Just sharing our opinions? Okay, but what for?

Trying to make the others to change their mind? That's nearly impossible. Due to selective distortion, we tend to interpret information in such a way that it enforces and validates our preexisting views. The process the human brain goes through to change our mind is extremely complex and still starts from trying to prove ourselves right. Very rarely the process comes to completion and our opinion changes.
So at the end of the discussion, 9,9 times out of 10 our opinion will be the same as when it started.

You may ask me "What's the point of discussing this then?". Well, I don't know.

Eh, random thought. Guess my mind is messed up right now.


Elite Hunter
Up until a certain point, my opinion was that the DMC community was largely made of unmotivated, lazy useless ****es. Then Director Bison came along, and proved that wrong.

Opinion: Changed.

Then you fit in that 0,1 times outta 10.

Anyway, I'm not talking about direct experiences. Of course those are gonna change your mind when they're in contrast with what you previously thought, duh.

I'm talking about discussions. I'm talking about what people tell you. The information that you acquire "passively", by just talking or reading.

You changed your mind because you actually got to know Bison. But what if you were just told by someone else who knows him that the fan base contains someone decent like him? Would you have believed it? Or would you have accused the guy of making that up to defend the fan base, thus enforcing your negative opinion on it?

Also, look at the vast majority of discussions here. How many times have people actually changed their minds about a topic regarding Devil May Cry, even when good arguments were presented? Yeah.
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Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
That's nonsense. Up until a certain point, my opinion was that the DMC community was largely made of unmotivated, lazy useless ****es. Then Director Bison came along, and proved that wrong.

Opinion: Changed.
wait really

how bout that


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Opinions can change quite often once they're exposed to others. I've actually detracted and even departed some old opinions I once viewed as good or bad, as a result of actively discussing it with other people. I've changed my opinion on certain movies, comics, and games just because of people challenging them, or providing points I haven't even considered about them. And because of that, I've grown to appreciate certain things, and completely sway from others. To hold one fixed, un-moving, neverending opinion on EVERYTHING you enjoy/partake in is....well, delusional and fanboyish.

But I haven't changed my mind on any political views or on social issues, because I literally have no input to give on either one.
Seriously, whenever someone asks me what "group or principle I align myself with in today's society", I just shrug and say "Marvel", and go back to my nerdy first-world problems.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Hold on a second. You're not implying that the only means to engage in conversation is to try to persuade someone else to share your opinion or to just give an opinion. I've had many random pointless discussions as well as serious ones. The main point behind discussing something should really be to enjoy the company of someone and appreciate what they have to say, as much as you'd expect them to care for what you have to say. There doesn't have to be a specific reason for why you've started to converse with someone.


the devil is not as black as he painted
a discussion in real life is different with what the word is supposed to meant, it is only applicable when it's between people sharing same view.. fact is when it comes to different people it's actually a debate --i'm sticking with my opinion until you surrender and agrees with me.. but even so, my arguing with members here quite a number of times ended with a slight understanding, i get what they meant and vice versa..

anyway, whatever it leads to, the point is we love to speak our minds.. that's a good thing, and i love reading..

oh, and i'm wondering, can we have a special thread where we can be ourselves? i mean if a 'discussion' goes wrong maybe instead of "hey take it outside" we say "hey, take it to this thread".. seriously i love reading


the devil is not as black as he painted
Ha, that's true, just look at the two of us. Remember our first encounter?

lol yea, we might not change our minds, but we learn to understand, and most of the times, getting informed.. come to think of it, isn't this also a point of discussion? don't need to push our minds, or meeting a mutual opinion, just by being understanding to eachother is a good end to it..


Earthbound Immortal
I'm not interested in changing people's opinions. I just like shooting the breeze with y'all.

I have fun when I'm talking about the things I like, listening to what others have to say and yes, even when I'm butting heads with other members.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I guess we like knowing how other people think, whether they agree or disagree with us because only being with yourself gets boring.

often talking to others allows you to understand how you feel about something or why you think a certain way. So often the person that is changed isn't the other people in the conversation.

I have a friend at work who asks me about certain practices/concepts in Islam out of curiosity so by answering her I have to figure out how i feel about it or how best to explain it.

The feeling is nice that we talked and learned about each other so its like what @VampireWicked was getting at.

Often change isnt really the point.
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Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
i enjoy learning another persons perspective

for example crap romances books like twilight

i would just sit and think how could anyone like something so bad
but after having and hearing discussions i learned there popular because it's a self insert fantasy
Bella has no personalty because the reader is supposed to insert them self in her role

and then the reader is having a fantasy about a hot immortal vampire and a hunky werewolf who are both in love with her even tho there is nothing special about her what so ever

i mean it doesn't change the fact that it's crap
but i understand the mind set now
something i wouldn't have figured out without the discussions i had


Present Day. Present Time.
"What's the point of discussing this then?".
What is the point of living then?
Whether you believe it or not; "purpose" is an artificial product. Whatever we do -aside from the core survival stuff- we do it for the sake of doing it and then try to justify it, cause the illusion of purpose makes us feel better. It gives us a "meaning" which is as artificial as the purpose it was born from.

In the end only one thing matters. Do you enjoy/value what you've been doing -in this case discussing? If yes, good for you! If no, then just don't. Everyone has a different perspective after all.
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