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whats so special??

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Meh, I understand your feelings Biohazard, tbh I strongly dislike Kingdom Hearts, I can't even explain it, when I played the game, I found so many flaws in the plot, the gameplay, everything about it screamed bad design choices to me, and I could never get into it, it just never appealed to me in such a way that turned me into a rabid fanboy, like it seems to have done with many people.

Then again, when that much hype surrounds a game, it makes me more apprehensive and doubtful than excited, people I've talked to about it tell me that KH revolutionised a genre, spurting off about how it's such an iconic game, and giving me no real reasoning, or reasoning that I already find myself to be untrue, and when I tell them to go play a real RPG, god...The amount of butthurt is astounding.

In short, to me, KH is mediocre, nothing special, run of the mill, a game that has many RPG elements, all of which have been done better by other games, so Bio, you're not alone, I know exactly how you feel.

The Da3dra

Master Of War
originally I was going to comment on what I thought about everyone elses comments then I decided it far more easy just to type my own thoughts.



You guys sitting here going, "This game is childish." are seriously wasting your time. They establish the game is childish by having the main character be a kid and surrounded by disney characters. It's like bashing Barney or the Tellatubbys for being childish. It's like fighting over wether or not baby food tastes anything at all like a steak dinner, WHICH IT DOES NOT!!!

Seriously if I were you guys I would be embarrassed I was even fighting over this.

Now if you were to compare this game I don't know the Monster House video game or Pac-Man: World Rally. You would go, "for a CHILDRENS game this is actually pretty mature for the targeted age bracket."

Is this game childish? Yes it is.
But was it intended for children? Yes it was.

Is the storyline a little lack-luster? Yes it is.
But was the story line built so that a child could understand it? Yes.

Do most of the original KH characters look like girls? Yes.
Are there other games that are quite popular featuring characters that also look like girls? Yes.

All these "points" you guys are making aren't really points. just observations you'ld like to think are points. Once again you can't bash a game for being childish if that is what it was intended to be. Now if in Resident Evil 4 you hugged people to defeat them and they turned into a bed of flowers then you could go "Hey this game is childish and gay."

I have played more games than you can shake a stick at. ranging from "Donkey Kong Jr. Math" to "Manhunt." From s***ty 8 bit games to games that when I look at the characters I go "Hey ryan remember when we were like 8 and we said that a day would come where the in game graphics would look exactly like cinema graphics? Well check this out."

If you guys are getting to the age where you buy or rent a CHILDRENS game and your saying that it's "too childish," or you are hurting your fingures while playing, then you are probably too old for video games in general. Take up needle point or join the army. Maybe they will be more realistic, more adult, and less of a strain on your poor hands.

I'm done with this thread.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I thought the same way Biohazard Master.

But then I realized the game was designed to be played while high on either Mushrooms or Acid.
Go buy some of the above and watch the sparks fly. Literally.


Luce & Ombra
I don't know about mushrooms but acid certainly does the trick..

Unemployment + KH2 = Good ol' fashioned fun.


Gosh Napoleon...
The Da3dra;153256 said:
originally I was going to comment on what I thought about everyone elses comments then I decided it far more easy just to type my own thoughts.



Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I don't really care about anyone's opinion.I like Kingdom Hearts,Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix,Kingdom Hearts II,Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+,and Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories.It's a perfect blend of worlds and characters of Final Fantasy and Disney.I love the graphics,artworks,soundtracks,voice acting and storyline.Tetsuya Nomura did a great job for making the artworks the series.So call me a kid or a children if you want,it's not like anyone can change my mind about Kingdom Hearts series.Either you love it,or hate it.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
Mostly, the reason I play Kingdom Hearts (as well as pretty much every other game I own) is that I find it fun. A game can have the best storyline in the world to me, but if it's no fun to play, I'll most likely give it a pass.

As for the game's tone, sometimes I want something a little more light-hearted. If I'm in the mood for ass-kicking, I pop in DMC or God of War. If I'm in the mood for something a little lighter (or cracked out), it's KH or Katamari Damacy for me. :)

Then again, my DS also needs to stop owning my soul for me to actually play any of those games, it seems.


|Photoshop Guru|
Kingdomhearts..I can see there's a lot of replies, but here goes:

It's fun. :wub: Plain and simple. Hacking and slashing away at enemies. I like all the aspects of it. Ship building, fighting, Magic, Story line, Characters. I've always been a sucker for Disney movies anyway. Not to mention Nightmare before Christmas, and being able to play through all those worlds is kind of fun with Characters like Jack Skellington, Or Captain Jack Sparrow (KH2). Not to mention the appearances of MANY Final Fantasy characters. It is kind of little kidish, but it's still really cool. :D :geek:


Don't trust people
as i think... i haven't played it and never will. i saw some videos about it and they make disney the highlight and many times i feel that they insult FF characters. like making seifer a kid who likes to beat someone with a bubble like bat... that game is awful. lucky not any awesome characters like Kefka was in there... they would destroy every good thing about him...

just my opinion


Kingdom Hearts is a damn good series so far. You people need stop acting like the FF characters were complete crap in the games, because they weren't(well all the characters except Cloud and Sephiroth were actually doing something unlike the other FF characters, but lets get real no one gives a crap about the other characters doing anything. Its all about the main villan and hero breaking it down.) and I doubt Square Enix would have teamed up with Disney if they wanted there characters to depicted in such a way.

Stop bashing the game, because it has great story, great action and good gameplay. You can say what you want, but all of you who keep saying negative things are just being blinded because you don't like Disney. Some of you need to grow the f#$@ up!

But to each his own...


Don't trust people
not nice... you know that was my opinion... what the hell we live in a free world if you don't like our opinions just say yours and tell in a nice way why you think so or you shut up. easy choices huh? i know you like your game but you shouldn't offend people because of that... did i say everyone who plays kingdom hearts are F*CKING ID*OTS?


Flawless Assassin
Well don't get it wrong, in my opinion KH has a good story... but maybe because there's Disney characters on it
so it makes it like childish game.
umm to be honest MC i like Disney a lot i used to like it when i was a kid and i still like it now, my point is that what they did in kh showed a bad image of both disney and ff characters which i dont like at all


Unloved Someone
Keaton;153176 said:
People are welcome to voice their own opinions reguarding any matter, but it is wise to refrain from trolling and flaming however noble your intentions are.

Keep this discussion Civil please, I enjoy KH, and would much like to see a discussion about its highlights and faults thrive ^_^


You are correct both Bio and Dark Prince, its plot was simple. However this is also its crowning defeat when it tries to appeal to the hardcore RPG Fans. While it is simple is allows for an anjoyable gaming experience without tripping over the plot, it also allows audiences of all ages to get along with game.

BUT, it also leaves fans of more indepth RPG's wanting more, because of KH's 'flat' storyline STS, a hardcore player is left waiting for a story defining twist.

The KH story is a pro and a con, it just depends if you can accept it for what it is, which can be tough if you're used to a game that steals away week after week because of a thrilling, gripping twisting story ^_^

I agree entirely, but also keep in mind that it was geared at children as well. The way somebody grasps the concept depends entirely on taste and agegroup. I first played it back when I was 9 which is a big part of why I liked it so much. I was just as simpleminded :lol:


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
^Simple minded?


The only saving grace of the kingdom hearts games was the very epic showdowns with Sephiroth.
Till this day that is the only reason I play my copies.
hmmm yeah the showdowns with sephiroth were awesome and the graphics were awesome as well square did a good job on this, and also the opening song of KH2 is really superb , but all that doesnt compensate the way they show the characters like when they made Squall into a Leon, and made a kid Seifer, and a kid Sylphie, and what they did with Yuna Rikku and Paine isnt even to speak of they simply insulted their appearances in FF10
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