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what have you learned today?


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
You can't logically reason with psychosis. Investigating why a non-existent voice is trying to scare you is akin to hunting through the Amazon for a mammoth. It's just... not going to go anywhere.
the voices in my head disagree but that's ok.

as for me, i learned that people didn't like kick-ass 2. i always thought people loved that one


Well-known Member
I have learned that i am not really good with electronics. I decided to open my macbook pro and clean the fans. and i cleaned them but i ended up breaking the piece that is soldered to the motherboard.



the horror was for love
I've learned that there is another entry on the list of sexualities - sapiosexual. And it's people that are attracted to intellect, not gender. To me they seem kinda like pansexuals with refined taste, but if it makes them feel better...

Maybe I should start classifying myself that instead of bi. :wink: Whoo-hoo, sexy, sexy intellect...eh, I'm bi with high-standards. Whatever. >_>


Today I learned that there's a 90% chance I have a bladder infection. Owie. :thumbsdown:


Well-known Member
Maybe I should start classifying myself that instead of bi. :wink: Whoo-hoo, sexy, sexy intellect...eh, I'm bi with high-standards. Whatever. >_>


Today I learned that there's a 90% chance I have a bladder infection. Owie. :thumbsdown:
I'm most likely fantasysexual, fansexual for short (yes, I just made that up). Real life people don't do much for me, but fictional hotties make my heart flutter. XD

Btw, for bladder infection you'll need nettle tea and lots of water.
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