What have you bought recently?

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My latest purchase of any importance must be the Tarot Cards I got from a shop a few weeks ago. The art on them are rather awesome and it's been a long time since I used tarot cards, so it's nice to have some to use again.

The set is called Cruel Thing and the artist is called Luciano Vecchio. The cards are based on a comic with adult content, so be warned! You can see them here: www.cruelthing.com
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Super Paper Mario Wii, Golden Axe Beast Rider, Some cat toys for the 'Squiff', a santa windmill, a huge brown envelope and some other stuff including xmas cards.
A multipack bag of Hula Hoops and some gas for the meter. British Gas is just fleecing me right now... :(
Christmas shopping:
-Christmas cards for my family
-PSN giftcard for my brother
-Bottle of wine for my Mum and lager for my Dad

Thats it so far, getting more stuff next week
A few items of clothing (I need more thicker jumpers but all the nice ones I want seem too be paper thin :/ ), phone credit and some other small stuff. I got a smartphone a few months ago since my old phone was slowly dying on me and even though it's all nice and pretty an' all it's costing me a bomb in credit with what it charges (turned off the auto sync because I'm charged a £1 a day and yet I find I'm still getting charged for things I dont even know. @_@)
Two new jumpers in the sale and a plain cream top - even Steve has more clothes than me so I thought it was about time I got something new to wear. That and it's so fudging cold right now I can't sit in short-sleeved tops with a blanket anymore.
^ I need more of those but in the end I just thought sod it, the heating's going on and it's gonna stay a nice steamy 24 degrees in here or my fingers don't even work properly, and if they don't work, no work gets done...